5e Sorcery Classes

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Classes of the sorcery archetype generally get magic power from somewhere other than themselves, and often do not have spell points or a spell slot table.

Sorcery Variant Classes[edit]

Classes which are variants of the Sorcery archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: enchantress An agile, less of a caster and more of a fighter sorcerer that have imbuement agic coarsing through their veins, allowing them to enchant weapons they are holding in their hands.
Dark Shadow A quirk based on using a shadow emitted from your body to enhance your abilities inside and outside of combat.
Element Bender A wielder of one of the primordial forms of magic.
Empty Being
Gambler A master of cards and deception, weaving in and out of combat while slinging cards to support allies and slay foes.
Guardian Chronomancer A defender, or corrupter, of time tasked by the gods of Time and Fate to maintain the Prime Timelines
Half Ghost Wieldng a power given to you from a realm called The Ghost Zone, you now decide who gets sent to their grave
Half-Cold Half-Hot A quirk based on creating ice and fire with different sides of your body.
Keyblade Guardian half
Kineticist A wielder of elemental energies using their own bodies to fuel their power.
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
Mythical Beast The Mythical Beast is a living creature serving as a vessel for its inner Beast who builds up a bond with its host
Nen User, Variant People who learned how to use the aura inside them as a weapon.
Rune Knight You use runes etched into the environment and your armor to lay hidden traps for would be perpetrators.
Shadow Walker II A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells.
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.

Sorcery Mashup Classes[edit]

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Sorcery archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Air Bender The Air Nomads are a peaceful civilization, but don’t underestimate them.
Allomancer An allomancer consumes and burns a specific kind of metal in order to fuel various magical abilities.
Apocalypse Knight Dark knights that are choosen by dark powers. half
Avatar (Last Airbender)
Blade Singer A graceful fighter that mesmerizes foes with a mix of magic and swordplay.
Blink Mage A whimsical being with no attachment to any physical place.
Blood Sampler A spellcaster who takes blood from others and uses it in magical ways, empowering their spells with the blood of dragons. full
Bloodborne Hunter A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats.
Bloodborne Hunter Variant
Boy Kisser
Channeller A martial spellcaster that can Infuse spells into their weapons to deal massive burst damage. half
Chloromaster A soul deeply tied into the plant life around them. full
Creator Soul Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs".
Creator Soul, Variant Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs".
Dark Omen Grim knights that are fueled by dark powers. half
Dark Weapon Men and women with the ability to transform into weapons, or wield an incarnation of their power as a weapon.
Divine Knight Divine Knights are capable of utilizing Holy or Unholy magic with their sword skill abilities to wreak havoc among the battlefield.
Draconic Pugilist Those who have been blessed by Draconic powers through a variety of means other than bloodline. A warrior with skin as tough as plate mail and talons as sharp as the deadliest blade. This class requires any non-Dragonborn race.
Dragon Heir Powerful monks who were taught by dragons to use ki to become as powerful as the dragons themselves.
Dragon Kin Those who's ancestry can be traced back to the dragons, similar to sorcerers, but unlike sorcerers who use their ancestry for magic the Dragonkin use it for strength. Warriors who's skin is as hard as armor and who's teeth are as sharp as daggers. Those are not mere mooks but true dragonkin who make their ancestors proud!
Dragon Lord A battle commander that possesses a powerful bond with dragons
Earth Bender Earth Benders are tough, resilient, and will stand their ground, no matter what.
Electrification A quirk designed to shock your opponents.
Elemental Archer, Variant An elemental archer uses their prowess with magic in combination with archery half
Elemental Caster A person using pure energy from one of the Elemental Planes. full
Elemental Fighter Elemental fighters are warriors capable of channeling the power of the elemental planes to enhance their own martial abilities.
Elemental Shaman A potent half-caster who draws power from the inner planes, summoning elemental spirits into totems and dynamically converting magical energy into various primordial powers. half
Elocationer Melee glass cannon that won't stay down.
Empowered Born with a special power known as the Spark, you bring enemies to their knees and allies from their graves.
Empty Being
Energy Mage The energy mage, instead of learning spells, focus in controlling the pure magic energy that make magics possible.
Energy Mage, Variant The energy mage, instead of learning spells, focus in controlling the pure magic energy that make magics possible.
Enkindler A Dark Souls inspired class. Burn your enemies alive. three-quarters
Familiar Master A warrior who puts a more powerful form of familiar to use in battle.
Fateweaver A melee spellcaster whose study of medicine allows arcane healing abilities. full
Force Master A powerful warrior who can use the force.
Fullbringer A human tainted with undead might from birth.
Gear Wielder
God's Descendant
Godbinder A warrior who binds the power of gods to their will to help in combat, exploring, and produce amazing miracles
Half Shade A being possessed half
Hallownest Knight A class based around the Hollow Knight lore.
Harmony Singer
Hollow Knight, Variant A Knight who uses the power of the void within themselves and their master swordsmanship to combat their foes.
Hunter, 2nd Variant A mysterious hunter who has mastered their own blood to perform unnatural feats.
Keyblade Guardian half
Lifedrinker Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims.
Mage, Mana Variant Mages aim to wield magic itself in its most raw form - mana.
Magical Girl, Variant Wield the power of a magical girl to face witches.
Nano Spider, Variant If you ever wanted to be Spider-Man, well then this is the class for you.
Occultist Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. half
Phantom Thief of Hearts
Psyker A person harnessing the power of its own mind to influence the world around
Red Dragon Emperor
Shade A martial artist who draws their power from their dark inner strength and the Shadowfell.
Shaman The bridge that connects the world of the living and the world of the dead, taking the power of spirits to cast spells and gain other powers. full
Sky Heir Sky heir are warriors chosen by the stars.
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes.
Storm Reincarnation Warrior capable of using storm and lightning powers.
Supreme Healer Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full
Supreme Healer, Variant Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full
The Augmenter
Theurgist Those who use force of will to control outside powers. third
Trapped Dragon Dragons cursed to appear in humanoid form, these mighty warriors retain some of their draconic visage and use it against foes.
Umbra Masters of ancient power - the Shroud
Vampire, Hellsing Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampyre You are a night walker. One who glides through oceans of blood. Beyond human. A monster whose power radiates with a darkness. One that casts a shadow on darkness itself.
White Dragon Emperor

Incomplete Sorcery Classes[edit]

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Sorcery archetype or which are mashups inspired by the Sorcery archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Agent of Shadow
Arden Reaver full
Balance Breaker A balance must be struck, a balance must be kept, lest you become what you are not. half
BioChromatic Mage A mage who uses Breath and color to give life to inanimate objects.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Dark Weapon (Solo) Men and women with the ability to transform into weapons, or wield an incarnation of their power as a weapon.
Fabric Blade Brutal fighters trained in a unique weapon
Five-leaf Clover Grimoire A magicless knight who can erase any magic.
Grey Jedi
Grimm Kin A Character From Hollow Knight
Grimoire User A grimoire user is an unique type of mage, which uses a book to better canalize it's spells.
Hollower Variant
Majorelle Scholars of monsterkind who wield a variety of learned powers.
Moon Knight
Multivern A martial glass cannon that draws power from another plane.
Mutant As a Mutant you gain the following class features
Of the Cos half
Para-Elementalist Para-elementalists manipulate both the para-elements they are gifted with and the two elements from which they are derived. full
Power Broker full
Psion, Discipline Variant Powerful adventurers who dominate the battlefield with their mental abilities
Sauceror This class is based on the class of the same name in the game Kingdom of Loathing Full
Soul Crafter p third
System Operator A class based on changing properties with commands.
Tarot Master
The Hollow Hunter
The Inscribed, Epithet Variant Every Inscribed has a word attached to their soul.
Uchiha Skilled martial half casters matched only by their visual prowess half
Vampire, Hellsing, Variant Use the souls of your enemies to gain great power.
Vampire, Seraph 2nd Variant Be a cool vampire with many options!
Warper half
Winds of Life A healer imbued with the wind full
World of Edevan Summoner A mage who summons creatures with staffs, and wields a whip.
User:ZarHakkar/Draconic Descendant Those who's ancestry can be traced back directly to the dragons, similar to sorcerers, but unlike sorcerers who use their ancestry for magic the Draconic Descendant uses it for strength. Warriors who's skin is as hard as armor and who's teeth are as sharp as daggers.
User:ZarHakkar/Terra Knight

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