Umbra (5e Class)
“ | Barely even considered material, those assassins strike when you least expect it. | ” |
Masters of the Shroud[edit]
Umbra are members of an ancient clan - the Shroud. Each member during their initiation is infused with energy of the Shroud - an amalgamation of energy from fallen members of the order, Shadowfell and blood of dead god from ethereal plane. If a recruit survives the infusion, they are rigorously trained in the art of controlling the Shroud, energy that they took in - be it in usage during the battle or out of it. All of Umbra share the same goal - perfecting the Shroud and at the end of their life - adding their lifeforce to the Shroud. Shroud is at the same time - clan, power, plane and their way of life.
Creating Umbra[edit]
- Quick Build
You can make an Umbra quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the criminal background. Third, choose Perception and Acrobatics for your skills.
Class Features
As a Umbra you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Umbra level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Umbra level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Poisoner's kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Perception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, History, Deception, Investigation
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) two martial melee weapons or (b) one martial ranged weapon with 20 pieces of ammunition
- Leather armor
- (a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's pack
- Poisoner's kit
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4x10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Shadow Dice |
1st | +2 | Dark Might | d6 |
2nd | +2 | Uneasy On Eyes, Dual Master | d6 |
3rd | +2 | Order | d6 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | d6 |
5th | +3 | Dual Master Improvement(1) | 2d4 |
6th | +3 | Pass Through Shroud, Pitch Of Knowledge | 2d4 |
7th | +3 | Order Feature | 2d4 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d4 |
9th | +4 | Evasion | 2d6 |
10th | +4 | Order Feature | 2d6 |
11th | +4 | Dual Master Improvement(2) | 2d6 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d6 |
13th | +5 | Shroud Displacement | 2d8 |
14th | +5 | Dark Snatch | 2d8 |
15th | +5 | Order Feature | 2d8 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d8 |
17th | +6 | Body Of Shroud | 2d10 |
18th | +6 | Order Feature | 2d10 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d10 |
20th | +6 | Master Of The Domain | 2d10 |
Dark Might[edit]
Beginning at 1st level you can tap into the Shroud energy that can aid you in various means be it during battle or tapping into knowledge passed in power of the Shroud. You gain number of Shadow Dice equal to twice your proficiency modifier. The size of the Shadow Dice is listed in the Shadow Dice table. Some features may require saving throw for which formula is listed below.
Shadow Dice save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
You can use Shadow Dice for:
- Strike Empower - if you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Shadow Dice to add its roll to total damage.
- Forbidden Knowledge - if you fail a skill check or contest in which you are proficient, you can expend one Shadow Dice to add its roll to this skill check.
You regain all expended uses of Shadow Dice on long rest.
Uneasy On Eyes[edit]
Starting at 2nd level Shroud energy tries to obscure you from all sight. You gain proficiency in Stealth. If you already have proficiency you gain expertise instead.
Dual Master[edit]
Beginning at 2nd level, the knowledge of favoured fighting technique dawns on you. While fighting with weapons in both hands you gain certain benefits:
- You can draw or stow a one-handed weapon as part of making an attack.
- You can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- You can attack in bonus action, even if you didn't attack in main action. Attack in bonus actions doesn't need to be made with offhand weapon.
- If you attack in bonus action using this feature, you cannot use dodge action.
- If you already used dodge action, you cannot attack in bonus action using this feature during that turn.
Starting at 3rd level you choose Order your Umbra represents. Choose between Order of Shadows, Order of Decay or Order of Control all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd and again at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level.
Dual Master Improvement(1)[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, when you are dual wielding weapons, you can attack twice in your bonus action.
Pass Through Shroud[edit]
Starting at 6th level, as a action you can enter Shroud, disappearing into the cloud of smoke. While in Shroud, you perceive the world in colors of gray, everything seems like its made of smoke, allowing you to pass through creatures and objects and through spaces as small as 1 inch without squeezing. Additionally while you are in the Shroud you count as if you were on the other plane of existence and as such you can only be affected by other creatures in the Shroud and you can move freely in any direction as if you were in Etheral plane. You remain in Shroud until start of your next turn, appearing in closest unoccupied avaiable square. You can enter Shroud number of times equal to proficiency bonus. You regain all usages of this ability on long rest.
Pitch Of Knowledge[edit]
Beginning at 6th level, you can attempt to reach deeper into the knowledge of the Shroud. As an action you can enter a meditation like state for one hour. During that time you may ask the Shroud number of questions equal or less than your proficiency bonus. Each time you ask question expend and roll one of your Shadow Dice. On a roll higher than your proficiency bonus, the Shroud tries to answer your question, usually in form of vague pictures determined by your DM. If your roll is lower than your proficiency bonus Shroud doesn't answer. You can use this ability once per long rest.
When considering knowledge of the Shroud DM should consider how the Shroud started its age and what eras someone may made use of its members, be it through paid assasinations or other work. Shroud usually consists of knowledge of experts but some of the information may come from slain god in etheral plane.
Starting at 9th level you passively retreat into the Shroud in the time of need. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Dual Master Improvement(2)[edit]
Beginning at 11th level, when you are dual wielding weapons, you can attack three times in your bonus action.
Shroud Displacement[edit]
Starting at 13th level, as an action you can enter Shroud Displacement. In doing so, your body partially turns to black smoke, granting you benefits listed below:
- Attacks against you have disadvantage.
Shroud Displacement ends if you take any damage.
Dark Snatch[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, you can attempt to kidnap one creature with you during your Pass Through Shroud Feature. When you use an action to Pass Through Shroud, choose one creature up to 30ft from you. This creature must succeed on Charisma saving throw using your Shroud Dice DC or be pulled to Shroud with you. The creature can fail this save on purpouse. If creature fails this save you and the creature are locked in 15ft radius sphere inside the Shroud. This sphere doesn't move with you and you choose where its center is, so that both you and the creature will fit initially. If any creature attempts to leave the sphere through walls of darkness, it must repeat the saving throw. On a failed save it recieves the necrotic damage equal to your Shadow Dice, on succesfull save the creature takes half damage. In both cases creature cannot move through the border. The creature that got pulled with you into the Shroud leaves it at the start of your next turn.
Body Of Shroud[edit]
Starting at 17th level, your body becomes one with the Shroud. You stop aging, you don't require any food, drink or sleep. Additionally, you don't need to expend Shadow Dice to ask the Shroud, using your Pitch Of Knowledge feature, the Shroud always answers.
Master Of The Domain[edit]
Beginning at the 20th level you learned how to master the Shroud. As an action you may create a 20ft radius sphere of Shroud that engulfs all creatures. Sphere is centered on you and grants you for one minute benefits listed below:
- During your turn, you may choose one condition from blinded or defeaned. All enemy creatures in radius have this condition applied to them.
- All enemy creatures that try to pass through the border of the sphere, must succeed on Charisma saving throw using your Shroud Dice DC. On failed save they take necrotic damage equal to your Shadow Dice and their speed becomes 0 until the end of its turn. On succesfull save, the creature passes through the border, recieving half the damage.
- As an action you may exit the Shroud and enter the plane you were previously on. At the start of your next turn you appear back in the Shroud.
- Sphere moves with you as a center. If any creature touches the border in this way, it doesn't need to make a save, it is automatically in plane it was before.
You can use this feature number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses after the long rest.
Order of Shadows[edit]
Trained in usage of raw power of the Shroud, those assassins use shadows to tap into the Shroud. Lurking in shades, they strike without mercy.
- Dark Deception
Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in Deception skill check. If you already have proficiency you gain expertise instead.
- Dark Incarnate
Starting at 3rd level you learned how to use darkness to your advantage. You may see through non magical and magical darkness out to a range of 60ft as if it were bright light. If you already have darkvision extend its reach by 30ft. Additonaly while you are in dim light or darkness, you gain additional 10ft of movement and you can mimic the appearance and the voice of a medium creature you have seen and heard. If any other creature sees or hears you, while you are mimicking other creature, make a Deception check contested by the creatures Insight check. If you succeed the contest they mistake your voice for the creature you had mimicked, on a failure they notice that you are attempting to mimick.
- Shadow Infestation
Beginning at 7th level while you are in the Shroud you gain benefits of dim light from Dark Incarnate Feature. Additonally, while in Shroud, you can end your movement on another creature space if you expend one Shadow Dice. If you do so, the creature must succeed on Charisma saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. If it fails, instead of appearing on material plane, you infest this creature's shadow. While doing so, you are treated as if you were invisible and you automaticlly move with the creature. You can remain in the shadow up to one hour. If you want to leave the creature's shadow you can appear on one adjacent unoccupied space. If you do so, you gain advantage on all attacks during this turn against the creature that shadow belonged to. If the creature succeeds on initial saving throw, you appear normally in unoccupied adjacent space. The creature that shadow you try to occupy can fail the save on purpouse.
- Army Of One
Starting at 10th level, as an action you begin smoking and your body becomes that of a shadow. Choose proficiency bonus number of unoccupied spaces within 30ft of you. In the places chosen by you now appear magical shadows of you. Copies you create last for one minute and while they last:
- When you attack on your turn, that attack can originate from your space or the shadow's space. You make this choice for each attack.
- As an action you can swap places with one of the shadows.
- When you use your movement, you can instead move one of the shadows.
- As a reaction to being hit, you can swap places with one of your shadows making it disappear. You take only half the damage you would take from that attack.
- Creatures can move through the shadows, if they do or they move more than 5ft away from the shadow, they provoke oportunity attack that you can make from the shadow's position.
- When you speak you can make sound originate from one of you shadows instead of you.
Shadows disappear after one minute, if they move more than 30ft from you or if they get hit by a attack. Shadows have the same AC as you. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Storm Of Blades
Beginning at 15th level, when you hit a creature, you may expend two Shadow Dice to blink up to 15ft to space near another creature. If you do so, you leave behind a shadow made of black smoke that strikes and deals the weapon plus Shadow Dice damage to that creature. At the end of your turn each shadow attacks the creature you previously attacked, using your attack roll and your weapon damage roll and then it disappears. While making attacks using this feature, you cannot use Dark Might feature for attacks.
- Umbral Trespass
Starting at 18th level, when you use your Pass Through Shroud feature in dim light or darkness and end it either in dim light, darkness or in shadow of some creature, you don't expend the usage of it.
Order of Decay[edit]
As some assasins prefer direct approach, some prefer to create lingering harm. Those from Shroud learned to infuse its power in their poisons creating the deadliest concotions.
- Decaying Talent
Starting at 3rd level you learned how to infuse power of the Shroud into your poisons, granting you:
- While creating poisons, you only need half the materials and half the time.
- If you would deal poison damage, you can deal necrotic damage instead, as you passively infuse poison with otherworldy energy.
- You gain resistance to poison damage.
- Lingering Nova
Beginning at 7th level while you are in the Shroud, you can choose to start fuming toxins around you that persist in plane you were before. If you do so, expend one Shadow Dice. Until the start of your next turn, you fume a cloud of toxic smoke in a 5ft radius sphere centered on you. If you choose to move, the sphere travels with you. If any creature except you touches the sphere during your turn it must make a Constitution saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. On a failed save, roll Shadow Dice and deal that much poison damage to it. Additionally on a failed save the creature becomes poisoned for one minute and at the start of the creature's turn it takes 1d6 + your proficiency bonus poison damage. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn. If the creature passes the initial save, it only takes half the damage and isn't poisoned and doesn't take any further damage from this feature.
- Prepared Death
Starting at 10th level, you learned how to add additonal properties to your poisons. Once per long rest, when making a poison you can add one of the effects when a creature fails a saving throw, that last one minute:
- Creature's movement speed is reduced by 10ft.
- Creature's AC is lowered by 2.
- While the creature is under influence of the poison, if it takes damage that reduces its total hit points to less or equal to your dexterity modifier plus your proficiency bonus, creature dies instatly.
- Paralyzing Sting
Beginning at 15th level you learn how to alter your poisons further than anyone could. If a creature fails a saving throw against one of your poisons and the creature is immune to poisoned condition, you can choose to restrain it instead as the creature's skin starts to be covered in black veins. Additionally when you hit a creature you can expend one Shadow Dice to quickly cover your weapon with Shroud's natural poison. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. If creature fails the saving throw, it becomes paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn. On a success the creature isn't paralyzed.
- One With Poison
Starting at 18th level you learn how to cover yourself with the poisons. As an action you can drink a poison. The poison effect doesn't affect you, instead it starts covering your body in a toxic cloud. If a creature strikes you, it is treated as if the poison was applied to it, and as such it must make neccessary saving throw. This toxic cloud lasts until you are hit number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally you gain immunity to poison damage.
Order of Control[edit]
In every clan there is a place for those who protect others and actively prevent enemies from acting. In the Shroud those assasins focus on controling be it the allies or enemies.
- Forced Will
Starting at 3rd level you can either aid or interrupt others with your connection to Shroud. When you see a creature that makes either an attack roll or ability check you can try to influence it by using your reaction and expending one Shadow Dice. If you try to help the creature, it adds your roll of Shadow Dice to the attack roll, ability check or contest. If you try to interrupt it the creature must make a Charisma saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. If it fails you can deduct number rolled on Shadow Dice from the roll of the creature. On a success nothing happens.
- Shroud Shield
Beginning at 7th level you can temporarily pull your allies to the Shroud, when you see that harm falls upon them. When you see a willing creature taking damage within 60ft of you, as a reaction you can pull a it into the Shroud, making the creature disappear. The creature appears back where it stood at the start of its turn. Additionally when the creature appears you can expend one Shadow Dice. Creature regains hit points equal to to the number rolled. When you use this feature once, each next use counts as if you used Pass Through Shroud, expending its uses.
- Marked For Death
Starting at 10th level, as a action you can choose one creature next to you, forcing it to make Wisdom saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. If it fails, smoke emanates from creature's weak points, making all attacks against this creature to be made with advantage. Additonally this creature has disadvantage while making saving throws. This effect ends at the start of your next turn. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Dark Puppeteer
Starting at 15th level you can attempt to try to make one creature your puppet. As an action choose one creature within 30ft of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw using Shadow Dice DC. If it fails for 1 minute a dark strings expand from you, pinning themselves to the creature. The creature can fail the saving throw on purpouse. If it does so it can act normally on its turn. If the creature made a saving throw, during this effect, it is stunned until the start of your turn. During action on your turn and on action you use this feature, you make the creature obey your will. Choose between action, bonus action or movement. If you chose movement you can move the creature up to its speed to the place of your choosing. If you chose the action or bonus action you can make those as if you were the creature, forcing it to do it. At the end of each of your turns, the creature can repeat the saving throw ending the effect on success. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Endless Influence
Beginning at 18th level, when you force any creature to make Charisma saving throw using Shadow Dice DC you regain one Shadow Dice.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Umbra class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Umbra class, you gain the following proficiencies: simple weapons, Light armor, one skill from the class's skill list, poisoner's tools
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