Psyker (5e Class)
A man, hovering over the battlefield, arrows and bolts glancing off invisible barrier around him. An epitome of concentration, his very life depends on his focus in this moment. He raises his hands, veins on his temple bulging, and with his will a barrage of ammunitions that never reached him raises from the ground, launching in the masses charging him, killing many, injuring even more.
A woman, sitting in a bar, drinking some mild alcohol, smiles to herself. She was sent to gather information where others failed, where asking questions is a death sentence. But while being a trained spy to have a good ear to catch what is hidden between the lines. She listens to others thoughts, their everyday worries and problems that are kept to themselves. But humans have a tendency to overthink certain things, and nothing really defends before the patient listener.
An old man, sitting on the stone, right side of the road leading to his village, blind from the passing time. He feels movement at the edge of his range, orcs coming to pillage his home, kill his family. He stands up, prostates himself, growls softly over old chore he alone must do, as he alone can do it. He raises three layers of his shield, no need to overestimate the brutes, and picks pebbles from the road. Loudly informs them that no longer are they hidden, and this is theor last chance to leave. And one by one, he drives one pebble through one head, and starts wondering if this time they will even reach him.
Mind alone can carry mountains[edit]
Psyker is a person which trained its mind to the utmost limits, at long last manifesting powers unlike any seen otherwise. While mages learn to use weave to bend reality and cast spells, using their superior intelligence to memorize extensible amounts of informations on the subject, psykers use the raw strenght of their developed brain to infuence other minds and physical world at large, usually by exerting force on solid objects. The more trained in controlling its concentration, the faster thinker and stronger affected by one's feelings a psyker is, the stronger he becomes. Sometimes children are born with natural capability to psykic might, sometimes through training that abilities manifest; either way, psyker instinctively knows its abilities and limitations, and realizes that through accumulating more knowledge, increasing mental strength and experience they grow, gaining in strength as years pass. Usually, a psyker trains its abilities in a certain way to strenghten abilities they are more comfortable using, finding new applications for them and specific ways they can be utilized.
Creating a Psyker[edit]
Ask yoursef those questions before creating a psyker:
- Who were your parents? What was their influence on your power?
- How did your power manifest? Was it at birth, after a rigorous training, in the moment of remarkably strong emotions?
- What is your goal? To increase your power, train and come ever closer to perfection, or are your abilities simply a tool to other goals?
- Were you practicing on your own, or did someone else taught you?
- What did people say? Were you praised for your powers, or were you shunned for manifesting them? Or did your neighbours even knew about you?
- Quick Build
You can make a Psyker quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution and Wisdom. Second, choose the Hermit background.
Class Features
As a Psyker you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d4 per Psyker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per Psyker level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light armor
Weapons: Sling, blowgun, mace
Tools: one gaming set
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from amongst Nature, Religion, Arcana, Perception, Investigation, History,Performance
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- leather armor
- (a) a sling and 20 stones or (b) a blowgun and 20 darts
- a mace
- (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Psychic Shield | Psyker Range | Psyker Dice |
1st | +2 | Psychic Shield, Psyker Might | 5 | 30 ft. | 1d8 |
2nd | +2 | Concentrated Effort | 10 | 30 ft. | 1d8 |
3rd | +2 | Discipline | 15 | 30 ft. | 1d8 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 20 | 40 ft. | 1d8 |
5th | +3 | Psyker Unleash | 25 | 40 ft. | 2d8 |
6th | +3 | Discipline feature | 30 | 40 ft. | 2d8 |
7th | +3 | Power Increase | 35 | 40 ft. | 2d8 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 40 | 50 ft. | 2d8 |
9th | +4 | Discipline feature | 45 | 50 ft. | 2d8 |
10th | +4 | Focused Movement | 50 | 50 ft. | 2d8 |
11th | +4 | Greater Unleash | 55 | 50 ft. | 3d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 60 | 60 ft. | 3d8 |
13th | +5 | Discipline feature | 65 | 60 ft. | 3d8 |
14th | +5 | Greater Concentration | 70 | 60 ft. | 3d8 |
15th | +5 | Massive Brain | 75 | 60 ft. | 3d8 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 80 | 70 ft. | 3d8 |
17th | +6 | Discipline feature | 85 | 70 ft. | 4d8 |
18th | +6 | Well of Power | 90 | 70 ft. | 4d8 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 95 | 90 ft. | 4d8 |
20th | +6 | Multitasker | 100 | 90 ft. | 4d8 |
Psychic Shield[edit]
At 1st level you can manifest your mental strength as a lightly glimmering barrier around you. This barrier have 5 hit points, and the amount of hit points it have changes as you gain psyker levels, as shown in the Psychic Shield column of the Psyker table. The shield shares your resistances and immunities and whenever you take damage except psychic damage, the shield takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the shield to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage. You can use your reaction to put up the shield or put it down, while shield is down you take the damage as normal. While the shield is up you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when calculating your AC.
The shield regains all lost hit points when you finish a long rest. If you recieve healing you can bolster your mind instead and make the shield regain hit points instead of you. If this healing comes from spending hit dice, your shield regains double the hit points.
Psyker Might[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you can use your mind to project various forces upon the material plane. You use your Intelligence modifier when determining the saving throw DC for any effect from this class that calls for one, and use Intelligence when making an attack roll using features from this class. You can use the features privided in this class only if their target or their area is inside your Psyker Range, an area around you with radius shown in Psyker Range column.
Psyker save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Psyker attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Your features use Psyker dice, which is a 1d8. The dice change as shown in Psyker Dice column of the psyker table. You can use your power to do the following:
- Force Projectile.
As an action, you can accelerate tiny object and use it as a projectile. Roll a psyker attack, and if you hit you deal one roll of your Psyker Dice + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage.
- Force Acceleration.
As a bonus action you can empower a weapon. The next attack a creature makes with this weapon deals additional damage equal to one roll of your Psyker Dice. You cannot use this feature at the same turn when you use Force Projectile.
- Telekinesis.
You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Strength modifier when you roll saving throws and skill checks, and when determining your carrying weight and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Additionally, you can use your power to manipulate small and smaller objects and move them up to 30 feet as an action on your turn.
Concentrated Effort[edit]
Your real power flows from your titanic concentration. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to enter a Concentrated Effort. You choose one of the efforts presented below and start concentrating on it, as if you were concentrating on a spell. You can enter Concentrated Effort a number of times equal to twice your proficiency modifier, and you regain expended uses when you finish long rest. On your turn, you can change chosen effort to another one, expending one use of this feature.
- Third Eye
For the next one hour you can use your Intelligence instead of your Wisdom when determining your passive perception and when rolling for Perception.
- Maximized Range
For the next minute your Psyker Range doubles.
- Maximized Power
For the next minute your Psyker Range decreases to 15 feet, and saving throws made against your Psyker save DC are made at disadvantage.
- Force Grappling
Choose a creature. For the next minute, at the beginning of each of the creature's turns it must make a Strength saving throw against your psyker save DC. If the creature fails, it is grappled by you until the beginning of it's next turn.
At 3rd level, you chose a discipline. Choose between Empath, Psionic or Powerhouse, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, 13th and 17th level.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Psyker Unleash[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can use your action to unleash a Psyker ability from the ones presented below. You can unleash a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Shockwave
You emit a wall of power around you. Each creature of your choice within 20 feet of you must make Strength saving throw against your Psyker save DC or take thunder damage equal to two rolls of your Psyker dice, be pushed 10 feet away and fall prone. On a successful save creature takes only half the damage and is not pushed back or fall prone.
- Hail of Projectiles
You gather a large number of pebbles and other small objects and launch them at unsuspecting enemies. Choose a point within your Psyker Range. Each creature within 10 foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Psyker save DC or take piercing damage equal to three rolls of your Psyker dice, or half as much on a successful save.
Power Increase[edit]
Starting at 7th level, your abilities become stronger.
- Telekinesis can be used to move large and smaller objects.
- You gain resistance to psychic damage.
Focused Movement[edit]
Starting at 10th level, you gain a new option for your Concentrated Effort feature. For the next minute you can give yourself flying speed or swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and choosing this option does not expend the use of the Concentrated Effort feature, but you still cannot concentrate on two different efforts at the same time.
Greater Unleash[edit]
Starting at 11th level, you gain the greater ability at manifesting your powers. You can use your Psyker Unleash feature with those options:
- Fling
You can target a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus and try to wrestle them with your psykic might. Each target must make a Strength saving throw against your psyker save DC. If creature fail this saving throw, you can move it to any point within 120 feet of you and deal one roll of your Psyker dice.
- Reserves
You can use your action to make your Psychic Shield recover hit points equal to one roll of your Psyker dice + your Intelligence modifier, provided it have no hit points left.
Greater Concentration[edit]
Starting at 14th level you gain the ability to choose new efforts for your Concentrated Effort feature:
- Wall of Force
A glimmering wall of force springs into existence at a point you choose. The wall appears in any orientation you choose, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting on a solid surface. You can form it into a hemispherical dome or a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet, or you can shape a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with another panel and all of them must be within your Psyker Range. In any form, the wall is 1/4 inch thick. It lasts for the duration. The wall cannot go through the space of hostile creature when it appears.
For the next 10 minutes wall blocks all incoming projectiles and ranged attacks, and hostile creatures with Strength score equal to or lower than your Intelligence score cannot pass through it. If creature's Strength score is higher than your Intelligence score it can move toward you through the wall's space, but that space is difficult terrain for that creature. You can use bonus action on your turn to reorient the wall, expending one use of your Concentrated Effort feature.
- Weight Removal
You can target a number of willing creatures up to your proficiency bonus. For the next one hour those creatures' weight and equipment changes to 1 pound, regardless of how much they weighted before, they gain 15 feet of movement and they gain the benefit of half cover.
Massive Brain[edit]
Starting at 15th level, your mind is like a fortress, ready to defend itself. You become immune to psychic damage, and if you are charmed or frightened, you can expend two of your hit dice to end all effects that cause you to be charmed or frightened.
Well of Power[edit]
Starting at 18th level, if you roll for initiative and have no uses of your Greater Concentration or your Psyker Unleash features, you regain one use. Additionally, you can use your Telekinesis feature to move gargantuan or smaller objects.
Your ability to hold your thoughts straight reach mystical levels. Starting at 20th level, you can concentrate on two effects at the same time.
You trained the ways to invade other minds, to listen when someone thinks loudly, to bolster those that need bolstering, to affect the psyche of others.
- Go Inside
Starting at 3rd level, you can choose one creature you can see within the range of your Psyker Range and determine its alignment, as long as the creature isn't hidden from divination magic by a spell or other magical effect. Additionally, you can start concentrating on the target for the next minute. While you do so, you can hear the surface thoughts of the creature — what is most on its mind in that moment. Finally, you can communicate with a creature if both of you share a language.
- Short Circuit
Starting at 6th level, as an action you can try to immobilize a creature with the weight of your mind. Your target needs to make an Intelligence saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
- Quick Defense
Starting at 9th level, when a creature that you can see takes damage, you can use your reaction to cause your Psychic Shield to absorb that damage. If this damage reduces the shield to 0 hit points, the shielded creature takes any remaining damage.
- Hive Mind
Starting at 13th level, you can designate a number of creatures (excluding yourself) up to half your proficiency bonus(rounded down). Your Psychic Shield gains additional max hit points equal to the sum of the target's Intelligence score, as long as the targets remain within your Psyker Range for the duration of the long rest.
- Awareness
Starting at 17th level, you gain blindsight within the range of your Psyker Range, and automatically detect hidden and invisible creatures, and those creatures do not gain the benefits of being unseen by you. If the creatures you chose for the Hive Mind feature are within the range of your Psyker Range, they also have this benefits.
You gathered old knowledge, and indulged into mystical arts to use your mind, rather than weave to fuel the spells you cast.
- Spellcasting
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the wizard spell list.
- Cantrips - You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn another wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
- Spell Slots - The Psionic Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell charm person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast charm person using either slot.
- Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher - You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice. The Spells Known column of the Psionic Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
- Spellcasting Ability - Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
- Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Psyker Level | Cantrips | Spells Known | 1st-level | 2nd-level | 3rd-level | 4th-level |
3rd | 2 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |
4th | 2 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - |
5th | 2 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - |
6th | 2 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - |
7th | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | - | - |
8th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | - | - |
9th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | - | - |
10th | 3 | 7 | 4 | 3 | - | - |
11th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | - | - |
12th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | - | - |
13th | 3 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - |
14th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - |
15th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - |
16th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - |
17th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - |
18th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - |
19th | 3 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
20th | 3 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
- Psionic Magic
Also starting at 3rd level, you use power of your mind to fuel your spells. Thanks to that, your magic is disjoined from the weave, granting you the following features:
- Spells you cast from this class cannot be dispelled or counterspelled. You can dispel and counterspell others' spells as normal.
- You cannot use spell scrolls, unless another feature grants you that ability.
- Spells you cast from this class work even in the areas devoid of magic, like in Antimagic Field spell, and do not react to areas of wild magic, like those found in feywild.
- Empower
Starting from 6th level, you can use your mental ability to strenghten your spells. You can upcast a spell in a new way: use normal spell slot needed for the spell and additionally expend the uses of your Concentrated Effort feature. Each use increases upcasting of the spell by 1 level of spell slot, up to maximum equal to your proficiency bonus. You can also use your spell slots to empower your Psyker abilities. You can expend a spellslot when you are using a feature of this class, and if that feature rolls psyker dice, you can increase the total by 1d8 for each level of spellslot spent.
- Transfer of Might
Starting at 9th level, if you are attuned to a magic item that increases your Spell save DC or your Spell attack modifier, it also increases your Psyker save DC and your Psyker attack modifier respectively and vice versa.
- Mimicry
At 13th level, you gain the ability to copy the spell cast by another spellcaster. If you can see a spellcaster casting a spell(it doesn't need to be a wizard spell), you can use your reaction to mimic the way magic flows through it. After that, you can cast this spell if you have spellslot of appropriate level. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Mind Casting
Starting at 17th level, when you cast a spell dealing psychic damage, your target have disadvantage on the saving throw against it. Additionally, if you cast a spell that requires concentration, your concentration on this spell cannot be broken as long as you are alive.
You trained your mind and spirit to absurd lengths. Where others sought new abilities, creative ways to use their power, you increased your might. When they wanted to walk around the wall, you punched through it.
- Raw Power
You are simply stronger than other psykers. Starting at 3rd level, your Psyker dice increases by 1d8.
- Greater Potential
You unlock reserves of power that you always were aware were hidden somewhere. Starting at 6th level, you can use any of your options of Psyker Unleash once without spending its uses. You regain the ability to do so after finishing a long rest.
- Iron Body
Your training was so effective that your power fortifies your body. Starting at 9th level, you are proficient in Constitution saving throws.
- Supreme Defense
You learned to always shield yourself with your shield. Starting at 13th level, you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when calculating your AC even if your shield is depleted. Additionally, you are immune to all negative conditions and effects as long as your Psychic Shield is up and have hit points remaining.
- Psionic Malestrom
Your powers are without equal. Starting at 17th level, you can use your bonus action to envelop area 30 feet around the point you choose within your psychic range for one minute, and start concentrating on it.. Each creature of your choice in that area must make a Strength saving throw against your psyker save DC or take bludgeoning damage equal to your Psyker dice. Additionally, each creature inside this area have disadvantage on saving throws against your Psyker abilities. When you use this feature more than once before finishing a long rest, you gain one level of exhaustion for each use. Only by finishing a long rest can you remove a level of exhaustion gained in this way.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Psyker class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Intelligence
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Psyker class, you gain the following proficiencies: one skill of the ones listed in this class' choice
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