Energy Mage (5e Class)
Energy Mage[edit]
His eyes glow with a bright blue color, as the he raises its hand, forming a trail of solid blue energy, deflecting an sword attack from an ogre. The half-orc expands the aura of energy surround him, as he opens his arms with violence, pushing even the powerful giant from the nearby cliff, ending the fight with the long fall of the giant to its certain death.
With intense focus, the elven lady holds an staff covered in runes, concentrating her energy into the arcane focus. As the death knight charges towards her direction, the runes emit an intense bright light. The light of the staff fades as an ball of energy floats in front of the object, and then is hurled towards the might opponent, blasting towards his chest and lunching him on the ground.
Walking carefully through the ancient dungeon, the cripple gnome with a bag full of folded scrolls and notes about spells proceeds into a great stairway, ignoring the steps and focusing on the cracks of the wall. A red light escape to the fissures, invisible to most creatures, but not from the eyes trained to find magical auras, denouncing the presence of a magic item at his little hands grasp.
Regardless of the specialty, energy mages are similar in the way they use magic, manipulating the raw arcane power, instead of performing incantations through crafted spells. They utilize the power of the weave in its natural form, sensing its presence an manipulating the protective and destructive aspects of the magic essence of all spells.
The Essence of Magic[edit]
Energy mages seek to understand the Weave, the cosmic energy that is considered to be the source of all existing magic, and the most integral part of all existing spells. This energy is raw and chaotic, hence the need to give an specific form to this energy by the careful crafting of specific magic spells and rituals. Energy Mages, rather than seeking to contain this energy in a rigid form, they study and comprehend this energy, letting it flow through their bodies, understanding the flow of this energy. Instead of limiting it, they expand the energy, hurling explosive balls of pure magic, or moving the energy around them to create flowing barriers of light. Not relying on intermediary methods of control over this energy, they rather use their connection and understanding over it to use this energy as tool.
Curious Arcanists[edit]
Instead of learning magic fueled spells, the energy mages seek comprehension over the magic itself, about its properties and its uses. The energy mages seek to know more about the universal laws that govern their lives, and magic is one of the most fundamental forces in a D&D world. Some become energy mages after becoming unsatisfied with the canned responses from their teachers about deeper questions about the nature of magic; others are witnesses of some weird arcane phenomena, that awakened in them the thirst for understanding.
Some energy mages constantly travel to places with high magical activity, to make observations through direct experimentation,. Others cluster themselves in libraries filled with arcane tomes, trying to come up with theories and pose philosophical questions about the nature of magic. And a few just enjoy the practical benefits of using the magic in its raw form, developing their powers and putting them to hire.
A great deal of energy mages will use their powers to further societies in some manner, either by acting as arcane scientists, special forces on a war or trying to expand the uses of raw magic for the everyday life of the common folk.
There are many reasons that lead an energy mage to become an adventurer. Some seek the hidden knowledge contained in ruins of forgotten libraries and old magic towers, expecting to learn something from ancient tests. Others enjoy the opportunity of putting their knowledge about this magic energy to the test, using the battle against monsters and powerful enemy as means to determine the usefulness of this power. Either way, the adventures present themselves as new chances to satiate the curious mind of an energy mage. Gold can drive energy mages to adventure, but the opportunity of unlocking new magical secrets is more often than not a more seductive option for them.
Creating an Energy Mage[edit]
As you make your energy mage, think about what was the inciting incident that have led you to become interested in the mechanics of magic. Have you survived a dangerous arcane experience? Have grown bored or lacked discipline from the formulaic approach of wizards? Did you enjoy the power that unlocking this power give to you? Have you always been amazed by magic and wanted to learn more about it?
Think about your goal as an adventurer. Are you searching for some magical artifact or arcane textbook? Are you trying to test your skills as a magician in a practical environment? Do you want just to make a living and saw in this practice a great tool to do so? Do you just want to learn more and maybe gain new perspectives about magic?
The restless mind of a energy mage is usually as chaotic as the energy they try to understand, which makes energy mage rarely neutral in their alignments.
- Quick Build
You can make an Energy Mage quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the sage background.
Class Features
As a Energy Mage you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Energy Mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Energy Mage level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Arcana and choose two from History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Nature and Religion
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- any simple weapon
- an arcane focus
- (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- a dagger
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Energy Points | Features | Energy Blast |
1st | +2 | - | Arcane Defense, Energy Blast | 1d6 |
2nd | +2 | 4 | Arcane Energy | 1d6 |
3rd | +2 | 6 | Energy Mage Specialization, Energy Reflection | 1d6 |
4th | +2 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d6 |
5th | +3 | 10 | Precise Blasting | 2d6 |
6th | +3 | 12 | Energy Mage Specialization | 3d6 |
7th | +3 | 14 | Hover/Fly, Nullify Magic | 3d6 |
8th | +3 | 16 | Ability Score Improvement, Force Cage | 4d6 |
9th | +4 | 18 | Spell Sniper | 4d6 |
10th | +4 | 20 | Magic Aegis | 5d6 |
11th | +4 | 22 | Energy Mage Specialization | 5d6 |
12th | +4 | 24 | Ability Score Improvement | 6d6 |
13th | +5 | 26 | Eye for Spellcraft | 6d6 |
14th | +5 | 28 | Arcane Shield | 7d6 |
15th | +5 | 30 | Adaptable Cover | 7d6 |
16th | +5 | 32 | Ability Score Improvement | 8d6 |
17th | +6 | 34 | Energy Mage Specialization | 8d6 |
18th | +6 | 36 | Impenetrable Barrier | 9d6 |
19th | +6 | 38 | Ability Score Improvement | 9d6 |
20th | +6 | 40 | Bending the Weave | 10d6 |
Connection to the Weave[edit]
The time you’ve spent trying to understand the fabric of magic and learning to attune with it in order to control it have made you sensitive to magic. You gain expertise in all your Intelligence (Arcana) checks. In addition, when you see a creature within 60 feet using an attack or effect that deals cold, fire, force, lighting, thunder, radiant or necrotic damage, you can always tell if that effect is a spell or not.
Arcane Defense[edit]
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor you can keep a magical barrier covering your body, giving you AC equal 13 + your Intelligence modifier.
Energy Blast[edit]
At 1st level, you begin to sense and understand the power of the weave, condensing this magical energy to use for combat. You can shape weapons made of energy, coat your fists with magic or hurl blasts of arcane power when using your energy blast. To use this feature, you must be wielding a spellcasting focus. You gain the following benefits:
- You can use your action to make attacks with pure arcane energy. When you do so, you make a ranged spell attack, up to a range of 60 + 5* your proficiency bonus feet. This attack deal 2d6 force damage, but this damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as per table above.
- Before you make an attack, you can choose to spend 1 energy point to charge it, concentrating more energy into a powerful blast as a bonus action. When you overcharge an attack, it deals additional damage equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier. This charge damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level. Once charged, you are unable charge again for 1 minute. After such you may use this feature again.
- Your spell attack modifier = Your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
Arcane Energy[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, you further your understanding of this energy, accessing a new array of abilities. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of energy points. Your energy mage level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Arcane Energy Points column of the energy mage table.
When you spend a energy point, it is unavailable until you finish a long rest.
Some of your energy features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Energy save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- Arcane Light
You learn the Light cantrip, and you can cast it at will and not requiring any components.
- Energy Absorption
You can spend 1 energy point as a reaction to cast the absorb elements spell at first level without any components.You can cast this spell at a higher level by using spending 1 point per level.
You may only spend a maximum number of energy points up to your proficiency bonus using this feature.
(For example a 5th level energy mage may spend 3 energy points to cast absorb elements at 3rd level since at 5th level his proficiency bonus is 3)
- Force Armor
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 energy points to cast false life at first level without any components. You can cast this spell at a higher level by using spending 1 point per level.
You may only spend a maximum number of energy points up to your proficiency bonus using this feature.
(For example a 5th level energy mage may spend 3 energy points to cast false life at 3rd level since at 5th level his proficiency bonus is 3)
Energy Mage Specialization[edit]
When you reach 3rd level, you choose a specialization that defines your magical abilities and your control over the weave. You can choose between the Forcemaster, the Elementalist, the Magician or the Energy Blade. Your specialization grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Energy Deflection/Reflection[edit]
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or reflect an energy attack when you are hit by a ranged spell attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier + your energy mage level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can reflect the attack by spending 1 energy point to make a ranged spell attack as part of the same reaction at a target within range. You deal the same damage the attack would've caused on you on a hit, and the maximum range is equal to your blasting range.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Precise Blasting[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can now add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of your energy blasts.
At 7th level you learned how to elevate yourself through the power of the raw magic that you emit. You can hover 5ft of the ground at will causing you to be immune to the proned condition and difficult terrain to not affect you.
Additionally, you can spend 6 energy points to gain a flying speed of 20ft for 10 minutes. When you fly in this way it counts as concentration.
Nullify Magic[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to try to end one spell active on yourself, as if you have cast dispel magic at its lowest level at will.
Force Cage[edit]
Starting at 8th level, you can control the energy of your blasts, enveloping your opponent with it before it dissipates in the air. Once per turn a hit of your energy blast, you can spend 1 energy point to manipulate that energy in order to restrain the creature. The target is restrained, and can use its action to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a success it ends this condition.
Spell Sniper[edit]
At 9th level, you gain the ability to curve your energy attacks, ignoring half cover and three-quarters cover. Additionally, you can add your proficience bonus to your ranged spell attack damage rolls.
Magic Aegis[edit]
At 10th level, the constant contact with magic have made your body strong against its effects. You gain advantage on saving throws to resist magical effects.
Additionally at 11th level you can spend 8 energy points and cast globe of invulnerability at its lowest level without any components.
Eye for Spellcraft[edit]
Starting at 13th level, you can see the thin lines of energy that form the fabric of magic surrounding the world. You are always under the effects of detect magic.
Arcane Shield[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier to all your saving throws.
Adaptable Cover[edit]
At 15th level, the barrier of magic surround you filters the air, making possible for you to breathe normally even in the presence of poisonous gasses or under water. In addition, you become immune to the effects of extreme weather.
Impenetrable Barrier[edit]
Beginning at 18th level, you become a master of creating solid energy. You gain access to the following spells:
- You can use your action to spend 7 energy points to cast wall of force spell, without needing any components.
- You can use your action to spend 10 energy points to cast forcecage spell, without needing any components.
- You can use your action to spend 13 energy points to cast antimagic field spell, without needing any components.
- You can use your action to spend 16 energy points to cast the invulnerability spell, without needing any components.
Once you cast either spell once, you can't cast them again until you finish a long rest.
Bending the Weave[edit]
At 20th level, you have mastered the art of the weave and the way how it works, until you can see the weave itself. Being able to see the different connections of magical effects. You can bend and change the weave to alter the position and direction a spell would do to you.
Whenever you are target by a spell or magical effect that allows for you to roll saving throw and you succeeded on the saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend 8 energy points to cause the spell or effect to instead target that same creature who casted the spell or magical ability or a different creature of your choice within range of your energy blast feature. The save dc that is used is your save dc.
Energy Mage Specializations[edit]
There are many ways of controlling the raw magical energy. The specializations bellow represent some of those ways, and can be summed as follows:
- Forcemaster. Uses the energy in its pure form, hurling balls of energy and lifting force fields.
- Elementalist. Control elements using the weave, unleashing powerful elemental attacks.
- Magician. Understands the similarities between arcane, natural and divine magic, being able to access any of them.
- Energy Blade. A melee combatant specialized in infusing its attacks with energy.
Energy mages specialized on the Pure Energy Specialization are masters on controlling magic in its purest form in combat, being seeing as the natural progression of the Energy Mage studies.
- Explosive Energy
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd level, your blasts of energy are more powerful and explosive. Whenever you hit a creature with your Energy Blast, the creature must succeed on a strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from the point of impact.
At 10th level this becomes 20ft and at 19th level this becomes 30ft.
- Energy Belt
Starting at 6th level, you can control the energy of your blasts, enveloping your opponent with it before it dissipates in the air. On a hit of your energy blast, you can spend 2 energy point to manipulate that energy in order to restrain the creature. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or is considered grappled by you until the end of your next turn.
On each of your turns, you can spend 1 additional energy point to keep the target grappled. The target can make a strength saving throw at the end of its turn to end the grapple. This feature counts as concentration and you must remain within the range of your energy blast feature to keep concentration.
At 13th level it instead changes from becoming grappled to becoming restrained.
- Enemy Overcharge
At 11th level, you can spend 6 energy points to charge a creature infusing it with arcane energy overcharging them and causing them to be immobilized. As an action, make a range attack roll with your energy blast against a creature within range, on a hit you deal the blasts normal damage and it must succeed on a constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn.
- Erase
At 17th level, you have manipulated and practice manipulating the weave that you have managed to learn a fraction of one of the most powerful magic from the weave, Silver Fire. You can send a wave of pure destructive energy similar to that of the disintegrate spell. As an action you can spend 12 energy points Each creature within a 60ft cone originating from you must make a dexterity saving throw or receive 20d6 +40 force damage. If a creature is reduced to 0 by this attack they are reduced to ashes completely. Once you use this feature you receive half your energy blast in psychic damage and you are unable to do so again until you finish a long rest.
Elementalists learn to use the magic energy indirectly, as a means to control the elements that compound the planes. They hurl blasts of fire, shards of ice and even the concentrated energy of the sunlight towards their enemies.
- Elemental Blasts
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you can use the magic energy as a magnet for the elements, condensing them into a ball of elemental energy, released into strikes.
Chose two of the following damage type options: acid, cold, fire, lighting or thunder. Whenever you use your Energy Blast, you can choose to deal damage using one of your known damage types.
You have access to more options as you gain levels on this class, gaining one more damage type at 6th, 11th and 17th levels.
- Elemental Orbs
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rrd level, you can manifest orbs to hover around certain areas on the battle field. As a bonus action you may spend 2 energy points to summon an orb within 60ft of you of one of the elemental types that were chosen and issue a command to the orb. These commands are as included:
- Stationary - You can cause the orb to stay within a point of your choice. You may use your bonus action and detonate the orb allowing creatures within 5ft to make a dexterity saving throw or receive 2d6 damage. The damage depends on the element orb you summoned.
- Orbit - You can cause the orb to orbit around a creature of your choice within range. Whenever that creature starts its turn, it must make a dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 lightning damage.
The orb lasts for a minute and you may only have a number of orbs out up to your proficiency bonus. If you try to summon another the previous orb is destroyed.
- Elemental Effects
At 6th level, each of the elemental features grants yourself new features. Whenever you deal certain damage types to creatures, you may spend 2 additional points and cause one of these effects to take place:
- Acid - The creature must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save is blinded for a minute.
- Cold - The creature must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save they are hindered by the ice for 1 minute. A creature hindered by ice has its movement speed reduced to 0. The creature or another creature within 5ft of it may use its action and break away the ice.
- Fire - The creature must make a dexterity saving throw or receive 2d4 fire damage and will continuously receive 2d4 fire damage on the start of its turn until it uses an action to out the fire. This lasts for a minute.
- Lightning - The creature must make a dexterity saving throw or is unable to take reactions until the end of your next turn.
- Thunder - The creature must make a constitution saving throw or be pushed 10ft away, knocked prone and is deafened for a minute.
- Elemental Summons
At 11th level, you can use your action to spend 6 energy points and cast the conjure elemental spell.
You can increase the level of the spell by spending an additional 3 energy points.
- Elemental Aura
At 17th level, you may use your bonus action to spend 12 energy points and summon a field of elemental energy around you. Whenever a creature makes a melee attack against you, they receive 3d8 damage of an element of your choice from your set of elements.
The magicians seek to learn the inner functioning of magic first, understanding its core elements before and casting spells later. They can use the pure magic energy to learn any type of spell, understanding that the divide between arcane, primal or divine is an arbitrary concept that limits the understanding of magic on a deeper level.
- Arcane Adept
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you learn magical spells. A spell requires you to spend energy points each time you use it.
Spells Known. You know the prestidigitation and the thaumaturgy cantrip and 3 spells of your choice. You learn one additional spell per level from any spell list.
Whenever you learn a new spell, you can also replace one spell that you already know with a different spell.
- At 3-4 level you have access to 1st and 2nd level spells and 2 cantrips
- At 5-8 level you have access to 3rd level spells and 3 cantrips
- At 9-13 level you have access to 4th level spells and 4 cantrips
- At 14-17 level you have access to 5th level spells and 5 cantrips
- At 18-20 level you have access to 6th level spells and 6 cantrips
Casting Spells. To cast one of these spells, you use its casting time and other rules, but you don't need to provide material components for it. You must spend energy points equal to twice the spells level.
- Powerful Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your charge to increase the damage of any spell that requires a spell attack.
- Ritualistic Arcanist
At 6th level, you can cast spells a rituals. You gain a ritual book, with three ritual spells from an level you can cast spells. You gain an additional ritual at 10th, 14th and one more at 18th. You can only cast these spells as rituals, and these spells can be from any spell list.
- Arcane Restoration
By 11th level, you can use your action to regain a number of expended energy points equal to your half your level. After using this ability, you must complete a long rest before using it again.
- Magic Frenzy
Starting at 17th level, when you use an overcharged blast, you can also cast a cantrip targeting the same creature as a bonus action, provided the cantrip has a casting time of 1 action of lower.
Energy Blade[edit]
Some energy mages use the arcane power the learned to control to infuse weapons, becoming dangerous warriors to face on the battlefield.
- Martial Training
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons, medium armor and shields. Additionally you can choose a fighting style from the fighter class.
- The Energy Blade
At 3rd level you've managed to infuse weapons with arcane energy from the weave. You can spend an hour meditating and transferring some of the energy from the weave into a weapon of your choice causing it to become your Energy blade.
You can dismiss the weapon or retrieve it with a bonus action teleporting it into a pocket dimension and back to your hand.
You can also use your intelligence for attack and damage rolls with this weapon. You can have up to two energy blades at once.
You may also use your bonus action to spend 1 energy point to charge your weapon dealing additional damage equal to your energy blast damage once per turn. You may only charge once a minute before needing to charge again.
- Extra Attack
At 6th level, you can attack twice instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn with the energy blade.
- Arcane Deflection
At 6th level, you have learned to weave your magic to fortify yourself against harm. When you are hit by an attack or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that attack or a +4 bonus to that saving throw.
When you use this feature, you can’t use your charge feature again for a minute.
Additionally your blade counts as magical for overcoming resistances.
- Infused Body
Beginning at 11th level, as a bonus action, you can spend 6 energy points to focus all your arcane energy into yourself infusing you with energy from the weave granting you better speed, Arcane energy and focus.
While in this form you gain the following benefits:
- You add your intelligence modifier to your ac
- Your movement speed Increases by 10ft.
- You can make an additional attack on your turn with the energy blade.
- Your charge feature is no longer limited to 1 use per minute and is instead once per turn.
This feature lasts for a minute. Once used you receive half your energy blast damage in psychic damage which cannot be reduced in anyway. This feature may only be used up to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up) per long rest and lasts for a minute.
- Weave Breaker
At 17th level, once per long rest you may spend 20 energy points to cast the "Slash the Weave" spell being able to cut the weave itself causing catastrophe with the use of magic within the area.
After use of this feature you receive half your level(rounded down) in psychic damage which cannot be reduced in any way and gain 1 level of exhaustion and cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the energy mage class, you must have a 13 Intelligence.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the energy mage class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons.
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