5e Magical Mounts and Vehicles

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Mounts and Vehicles

Magic Mount / Vehicle Rarity
Angel's Wing
Arcane Colossi legendary
Coconut Horse uncommon
Core Fighter Very Rare
Desert Bike
Ear Coracle rare
Extradimensional Vessel Legendary
Extreme Gear very rare
Flying Bucket Common
Flying Nimbus very rare
Flying Ship uncommon
Gadabout common
KrigUlv Uncommon
Landboat Uncommon
Maca Warforge Very Rare
Magic Rock uncommon
Mobile Battle Wagon legendary
Multiplanar Airship
Polyippos legendary
Spellsyphon Legendary
T.A.R.D.I.S. Legendary
TARDIS Legendary
The Eden
Valkyrie Drive
Vehiculum Magia rare

Incomplete Mounts and Vehicles

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