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The following spells can be cast from the Spirit source (or the "Spirit spell list"). Spirit—or spiritual—spells draw their power from literal spirits, such as ancestral spirits or divine spirits.


Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Detect Life action instant 60 feet S Determine if a creature in range that you can see is alive, dead, undead, or deathless.
Detect Magic action instant touch S You determine whether an object or creature you touch is under the effect of magic.
Figment action 1 minute 30 feet S Create an illusory image of an object within 30 feet that persists for a minute.
Glow action permanent 120 feet S An object in range that you can see begins to glow white or another color of your choice, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet.
Memo action permanent touch S You leave a psychic message in an object, which is transmitted to any creature that comes in contact with the object.
Message action instant 120 feet V, S You point towards a creature and whisper a telepathic message that only the the target can hear.
Pepper bonus action instant 60 feet S Any creature in contact with an object or patch of ground you designate is compelled to loudly sneeze.
Spectral Sound action 1 minute 60 feet S Create an imaginary sound originating from a point within 60 feet.


Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Beamos action instant 20 feet V Your eyes shoot beams out to a range of 20 feet. The damage is higher if you haven't moved since the start of your last turn.
Echo action instant 120 feet V You project the sound of your voice to a point in range that you can see, optionally dealing thunder damage in a small area.
Jolt Cadaver action instant 60 feet V, S You compel a dead or undead creature in range to perform a sudden, jerking motion. 
Radiant Ray action 1 round 60 feet V, S You sling a mote of glowing energy. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 radiant damage, and an attack roll against it gains advantage.
Siphon action instant touch S A creature you try to touch is drained of life, and another creature you touch is instilled with life.
Spook action 1 round 60 feet S

1-Point Spells

Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Agriculture Apparition action instant 30 feet V, S, M gardener's tools with which you are proficient Call down spirits to instantly perform skillful agricultural labor upon a 30-foot square of land.
Blast Bolt action Instant 120 feet S You hurl a concentration of magical energy. A ranged spell attack deals 2d10 damage to a creature or object within 120 feet.
Blast Bomb action Instant 60 feet S From a point within 60 feet, a magical explosion deals 2d6 damage to all creatures in a small radius. A save halves the damage taken.
Celestial Breastplate action 10 hours self V, S You conjure a breastplate that provides you with an AC of 13 + your casting ability modifier, to a maximum of 16. It grants extra protection against fiends and undead.
Detect Undead action 10 minutes self (60-foot cone) V, S Detect the presence and location of any undead creature within a 60-foot cone originating from you
Drowse action 1 minute touch S Your touch can knock a creature unconscious if its hit points are low enough.
Far Step action instant 30 feet V You teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet that you can see.
Infernal Scales action 10 hours self V, S You conjure a breastplate that provides you with an AC of 16. It grants extra protection against celestials, elementals, and fey.
Life action instant touch V, S A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your casting ability modifier.
Lullaby action 10 minutes self (15-foot radius) V Your bed-time story or lullaby can lull a creature into a deep sleep over the course of several minutes.
Notification action Permanent touch V, S, M see description An instrument, spell, or trap delivers a mental alert to a creature you touch when triggered.
Render Memory action 10 minutes touch V, S
Sanctuary bonus action 1 minute 30 feet V, S Any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must pass a Wisdom saving throw or choose a new target.
Shroud action 10 hours 60 feet V, S A creature in range that you can see perceives light as one step darker while this spell persists.
Spiritual Strength bonus action 10 minutes self S Choose one ability score from Str, Dex, and Con. For the duration, use your casting ability in place of the chosen ability for ability checks and unarmed strikes.
Tabletop Figment action 1 hour touch V, S On a flat surface you touch, you create the illusion of a schematic, drawing, map, or game set and up to 100 simple tokens.
Timely Wick action Up to 24 hours touch S, M a candle or lantern A candle or lantern you touch burns for a precise amount of time you specify, and can emit a chime when time is up.
Warding Spirit bonus action 10 minutes 30 feet V, S A guardian spirit grants a creature half cover against all attacks and effects for the duration.

2-Point Spells

Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Daily Cast minute permanent touch V, S, M a statuette or doll at least one inch in height A doll casts a trick or cantrip on your behalf at the same time every day.
Spirit Wave action instant self (15' cone or 30' line) V, S Spirits rush out from you in a 15-foot cone or 30-foot line, dealing necrotic damage and carrying creatures away from you.
Water Walk action 1 hour 30 feet V, S A willing creature in range you designate gains the ability to move across any liquid surface—such as water or even lava—as if it were harmless solid ground.

3-Point Spells

Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Poltergeist 1 minute self (10‑foot lradius) V, S For the duration, you are followed by a chaotic swirling wind and unseen force.

4-Point Spells

Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Dispell action instant 100 feet V, S End spell effects on the target. If you Ready this spell and cast it as a reaction, you can potentially negate a spell from being cast entirely.
Sentinel's Watch 1 minute 10 hours 30 feet Your eyes take on a supernatural glow as you keep a vigilant watch over a 30-foot-radius for up to 10 hours.

5-Point Spells

Name Time Duration Range Comp. Material Summary
Dimension Dash action instant 500 feet V Instantly teleport yourself and up to 5 willing creatures a distance of up to 500 feet.
Resurrection hour instant touch V, S, M a diamond worth at least 800 gp This legendary rite takes a great toll, but has a chance to bring a creature back to life if it passed away recently.