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3-point necromancy (animation)
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  self (10‑foot lradius)
Components:  V, S
Duration:  concentration, up to 1 minute
For the duration, you are followed by a chaotic swirling wind and unseen force. Dust, pebbles, and nearby unattended Tiny objects visibly orbit around your body as carried by this force. While this spell persists, you always have at least half cover against all attacks and effects made from more than 10 feet away from you.
 Additionally, whenever a creature first moves into a 10-foot radius of you during its turn, or starts its turn there, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage from the wind and swirling objects.
 If a creature fails this save by 10 or more, it is disarmed of one item it is holding (randomly selected if it has several), which is sucked into the swirling objects around you. Other creatures cannot retrieve the object while this spell persists, but your Use an Object action can retrieve it.
Upcast. You can upcast this spell by expending extra spell points when you cast it. For each extra point, add 1d6 to the damage dealt.