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1-point abjuration (restoration)
Casting time:  action
Range:  touch
Components:  V, S
Duration:  instant
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your casting ability modifier. This has no effect on any construct or undead.
Brewing a Life Drink. When you cast this spell, as a material component you can use brewer's tools with which you are proficient to create water of life, which appears in a corked bottle drawn from your brewer's tools. Any creature can imbibe this drink with a Use an Object action, regaining the hit points instead of a creature you touch. The die isn't rolled until the potion is drunk. Water of life created this way loses its potency after 10 hours, becoming no different from normal water.
Upcast. You can upcast this spell by expending extra spell points when you cast it. For each extra point expended, add 1d12 to the hit points regained.