Kaenos (3.5e Template)
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Kaenos are created under an amazingly unlikely circumstance, the perfect unity between the elements within a mortal form. To do this you must go through a complex ritual requiring a Knowledge (Arcana) check (With a DC of 40) to simply of heard of.
To start this ritual you must be done during a night where all the moons are out and full and have six elder elementals of each type. Then a binder has to do a complex procedure which merges one of each type into a singular form. This results in six Unity Elemental's. The Binder must then bind all of the Unity Elementals into a singular form. This will form an Elder Unity Elemental. You must then force the Elder Unity Elemental into the future-Kaenos's body. The targets body will then erupt in pure energy, and kill the target. But the Kaenos will then instantly return in its new form, pure energy.
Creating a Kaenos[edit]
"Kaenos" is an acquired template that can be added to any dragon, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or undead creature. They have all of the base creature's statistics and special abilities except they are now of the elemental type and they gain the special abilities noted here.
Size and Type[edit]
The creature’s type changes to Elemental and they gain all of the Elemental traits. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice[edit]
Increase all current and future racial Hit Dice to d10s.
Armor Class[edit]
A Kaenos's gain a deflection bonus equal to 1/4 of their character level.
Attack & Damage[edit]
A Kaenos gains a touch attack. This touch attack deals 3d6 of damage (Except for in when in Wood Form). What type of damage you deal depends on your current form:
- Air: Electricity
- Earth: Acid
- Fire: Fire
- Positive: Positive
- Negative: Negative Damage
- Water: Cold Damage
- Wood: Poison ((DC: Half HD + Con Mod)(Initial Damage: 1d4 Strength Damage. Secondary Damage: 1d6 Strength Damage.))
Special Qualities[edit]
Kaenos retain all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described below.
Elemental Body (Su): At-will, once per minute (10 rounds) a Kaenos can convert his body into energy. He can remain in this form as long as the Kaenos desires and will not revert after death. Each form has different effects:
- Air: Gains a fly speed of 50ft, Deflection Bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a metal weapon or unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 electricity damage, and is immune to electricity damage.
- Earth: Gains the Earth Glide ability, gains a natual armour bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a bludgeon or unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 acid damage, and is immune to acid damage.
- Fire: Can cast Fire Arrow once every other round (Using the Kaenos's HD as Caster Level), gains a deflection bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a metal or unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 fire damage, and is immune to fire damage.
- Positive: Is incorporeal, gains a deflection bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 positive damage, and is immune to Positive damage.
- Negative: Is incorporeal, gains a deflection bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 negative damage, and is immune to Positive damage.
- Water: Gains a swim speed of 50ft, Deflection Bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by an unarmed attack the attacker is dealt 1d4 cold damage and is immune to cold, piercing, and slashing damage.
- Wood: Gains the Wood Glide ability, gains a natual armour bonus +5 (Stacks), if hit by a bludgeon or unarmed attack the attacker is affected by poison ((DC: Half HD + Con Mod)(Initial Damage: 1d2 Strength Damage. Secondary Damage: 1d3 Strength Damage.)), and is immune to poison.
No ability changes.
No skill bonus's or penalties
Challenge Rating[edit]
Same as the base creature + 4.
Unchanged from base.
By character class.
Level Adjustment[edit]
+4 LA.
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