Shinigami (Soul Society Supplement)
Shinigamis are guardians of the souls who are going through the circle of transmigration. Having been called Balancers in ancient times, they purify Hollows who do evil in the World of the Living and ensure the safe crossing of souls — the Pluses who have lost their way after death — by giving them a soul burial.
Soul Protectors[edit]
When Souls with exceptional spiritual energy train their bodies, they reach the level of Shinigami. The most talented of them become affiliated with various organizations like the Gotei 13 and the Onmitsukidō. The majority of potential Shinigami are born among the residents of the Seireitei, but in some rare cases are born in the Rukongai.
Shinigami receive salaries, like workers in the Human World and also earn bounties for defeating Hollows. Retirement from further military duties can occur, though this is rare.
Pure Souls[edit]
Shinigamis are pure souls born in the Soul Society or souls that passed on that trained to utilize shinigami powers, with some rare exceptions being the Substitute Shinigamis. You can only utilize features from this class while you are a Soul.
Creating a Shinigami[edit]
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The captains of the Gotei 13, [1] |
- Quick Build
You can make a Shinigami quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength or Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Wisdom. Second, choose the Gotei 13 Worker background.
Class Features
As a Shinigami you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Shinigami level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Shinigami level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution or Wisdom
Skills: Choose any two.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- 1 Zanpakuto
- 1 set of Shihakusho (commoner's clothes)
- 1 Gigai + 20 Soul Candy
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Reiryoku | Features | Zanpakuto | Trainings Known |
1st | +2 | 5 | Reiryoku, Zanpakuto, Unarmored Defense | 1d6 | - |
2nd | +2 | 10 | Reiatsu, Fighting Style, Zankensoki | 1d6 | 2 |
3rd | +2 | 15 | Reiraku | 1d6 | 3 |
4th | +2 | 20 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d6 | 4 |
5th | +3 | 25 | Extra Attack | 1d8 | 5 |
6th | +3 | 30 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | 7 |
7th | +3 | 35 | Shikai, Resistant | 1d8 | 8 |
8th | +3 | 40 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | 10 |
9th | +4 | 45 | Air Walk | 1d10 | 12 |
10th | +4 | 50 | New Zankensoki Training | 1d10 | 14 |
11th | +4 | 55 | Spirit Materialization, Bankai, Extra Attack(2) | 1d10 | 16 |
12th | +4 | 60 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 18 |
13th | +5 | 65 | Senkaimon | 1d12 | 20 |
14th | +5 | 70 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d12 | 23 |
15th | +5 | 75 | Mastered Art | 2d6 | 25 |
16th | +5 | 80 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d6 | 28 |
17th | +6 | 85 | Extra Attack(3) | 2d8 | 31 |
18th | +6 | 90 | Mastered Zanpakuto | 2d8 | 34 |
19th | +6 | 95 | Ability Score Improvement | 2d10 | 37 |
20th | +6 | 100 | Ningen-kai no Gādian | 2d10 | 40 |
Starting at 1st level, you are able to directly utilize the power of your soul. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of Reiryoku points. You have a number of Reiryoku points equal to 5 times your level.
When you spend a Reiryoku point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest. At the end of a short or long rest, all expended Reiryoku points return to you.
Some of your Reiryoku features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects, or you to make a Reiryoku attack. Wisdom is your ability modifier for these features. The saving throw DC and spell attack bonus are calculated as follows:
Reiryoku save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier.
Reiryoku attack modifier: your proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier.
Also at 1st level, you have successfully completed your Shinigami training, having become worthy of receiving your own Zanpakuto!
Your Zanpakuto deals 1d6 of it's damage type and counts as a magical weapon.
This damage increases as you gain levels in the Shinigami class, as shown in the Zanpakuto table. Even if your zanpakuto breaks, it will become fully restored at the end of a long rest.
You must choose one of the following types of Zanpakuto to be your own:
- Tanto
A Zanpakuto which is effective in its own ways. It has the light and finesse properties. On a hit, your Zanpakuto deals piercing damage.
- Katana
A Zanpakuto which appears a traditional single edge sword from Japan, it is the most often kind of Zanpkauto amongst the Shinigamis. Once selecting this Zanpakuto, it has the light and one of the following two properties; finesse or versatile (This choice cannot be changed later). On a hit, your Zanpakuto deals slashing damage (the slashing damage increases by one tier if you had chosen the versatile property and was wielding it with two hands).
- Nodachi
A Zanpakuto that is a large sword often as tall or larger as its wielder. Once selecting this Zanpakuto, you have two options; it can only have the two-handed and heavy properties or it can have the two-handed, heavy, and reach properties. On a hit, your Zanpakuto deals slashing damage (this damage is increased by one tier if you didn't choose the reach property).
- Daisho
A Zanpakuto rather rare as it resembles two separate blades often wielded together; however these swords are connected through some sort of rope, chain or similar link. Once selecting this Zanpakuto, you can have two medium swords or one longsword and one shortsword. The medium swords have the light and finesse properties and deal your Zanpakuto die tier slashing damage, the longsword has the light and versatile properties and deals one die tier higher than your Zanpakuto die tier and the shortsword has the light and finesse properties and deals one die tier lower than your Zanpakuto die tier.
- Soul Purification
Your zanpakuto is not only a weapon, but also a tool of salvation. Whenever you reduce a Hollow to 0 hit points, you purify it's soul, sending their original soul to Soul Society if they were a good soul in life, or to Hell if they were a bad soul in life. Crimes they commit as a hollow are ignored in this judgment.
- Konso. Your zanpakuto can be used to purify pluses. As a free action, you can touch a plus with your zanpakuto hilt to purify their soul, sending them straight to Soul Society.
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Also at 1st level, your Shinigami training made you have quick enough reflexes to the point where you don't need armor. Your AC while unarmored is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
At 2nd level, Reiatsu is the physical force that a creature's Reiryoku creates when released.
This feature, as well as other features, reference a creature’s reiatsu level, their level for the purposes of reiatsu, or increase those numbers. For the purposes of this feature, a creature with this feature has a level equal to their level + any boosts to their reiatsu level, or their level for the purposes of reiatsu. A creature without this feature has a reiatsu level maximum of 1, unless it is a monster and the dm says otherwise (powerful monsters may have a spiritual pressure even without this feature if it makes sense).
- Reikaku
You become aware of the reiatsu levels of any creatures within 5 times your proficiency bonus times your class level feets of you, however you only know superficial information. Once you feel a creature, you don't know its exact location, only that it's within range. The GM will tell you their reiatsu level difference:
- Non-threat (-10 or more)
- Immensely Weaker (-7-9)
- Far Lesser (-4-6)
- Lesser (-1-3)
- Equal (+0)
- Greater (+1-3)
- Far Greater (+4-6)
- Immense (+7-9)
- Unbeatable (+10 or more)
If a creature has a reiatsu level of 35 or higher, they have reached a “higher dimension”, and can’t be sensed via reikaku by creatures with a reiatsu level of 34 or lower. This similarly applies for every 5 levels above 35, each 5 levels representing another increase in dimensionality.
- Spiritual Power
Sometimes the reiatsu a creature constantly exerts is so great that their opponents cannot even harm them. For every level you are above a creature, you gain a bonus against their saving throws by 1, and when you reach a 3 level difference you start reducing all damage per level above times your proficiency bonus. If a creature's damage is reduced to 0 by this feature, they take the damage instead. If you are at least 10 levels above a creature, you automatically pass their saving throws and their attacks deal no damage to you.
You gain a bonus to attack rolls against creatures with a lower level than you, equal to the difference in levels.
When a creature with a lower level than you makes a saving throw or ability check against your Reiryoku dc, they suffer a penalty to the saving throw equal to the difference in levels.
When a creature with a lower level than you makes an attack roll against you, it has a penalty equal to the difference in levels.
When you make a contested ability check using a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or the Perception skill, against a creature with a lower reiatsu level than you, you gain a bonus equal to the difference in levels. (If the check is made against multiple creatures, each creature instead has a penalty equal to the difference in levels, if their level is lower than yours). This includes ability checks against their Reiryoku DC.
- Powerful Presence
A creature with high levels of reiatsu can make another creature even faint just from looking at them. Whenever you use your spiritual pressure feature, you may also make a Charisma (Intimidation) check with a bonus of +1 for every level you are above the creature.
- Spiritual Pressure
If one or more creatures reiatsu level is half your own (rounded up) or lower, you may force them to attempt a Strength saving throw at the beginning of each of your turns. On a failure, they are knocked prone and their movement speed drops to 0 until the beginning of your next turn, and they take force damage based on the level difference. For example, if you have a reiatsu level of 10 and fight a creature with a reiatsu level of 1 , they will receive 9 force damage.
The amount of damage you cause with your spiritual pressure depends on how well refined your reiryoku is. Depending on your Wisdom modifier, your force damage will turn into a number of dies equal to the difference instead of your level. See the table bellow for reference:
Spiritual Pressure | Damage Dice |
If you have a +1 in Wisdom | d4 |
If you have a +2 in Wisdom | d6 |
If you have a +3 in Wisdom | d8 |
If you have a +4 in Wisdom | d10 |
If you have a +5 in Wisdom | d12 |
At 2nd level, while the academy's training helped, you've kept training for the purpose of increasing your arsenal. You gain 2 of the following trainings:
Zanjutsu Training. While not very commonly used by Shinigamis as they tend to rely more on their zanpakto's abilities, the zanjutsu art helps in combat by turning even sealed zanpakuto wielders dangerous. You gain one Zanjutsu art of your choice that you meet the requirements of.
Kido Training. While you may or may not focus on the arts of Kido, it's always useful to have a spell at your disposal. You gain one Kido Spell of your choice that you currently meet the requirements of.
Hakuda Training. Sometimes your zanpakuto is not available, or you don't have the time to draw it, so having an alternate option of fighting is nice. You gain one Hakuda technique of your choice that you currently meet the requirements of. Your unarmed strike is considered a d4 for the purpose of said Hakuda unless it's already higher.
Hoho Training. All Shinigamis need at least some degree of Hoho training to keep up in battle. You gain one Hoho technique of your choice that you currently meet the requirements of.
Additionally, you can also give up one of those trainings on a level and gain a Spiritual Expertise that you meet the requirements of your choice.
You gain more trainings as you level in the Shinigami class, as shown in the Trainings Known column.
Fighting Style[edit]
At 2nd level, you have learned a specific method of fighting to help you out on your battles.
- Aprimorated Unarmored Defense
You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while not wearing any kind of armor or shield.
- Blind Warrior
You have blindsight with a range in feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. In that range, you can see invisible targets and anything that isn't behind total cover or hidden from you.
- Classical Swordplay
While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls and AC so long as you are not using Heavy Armour or a Shield.
- Dual Wielding
When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make the single bonus attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your Attack action, instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon that has the Versatile or Two-handed property, you deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Heavyweight Fighting
You can use your weight, and the weight of your weapon, to land devastating blows. While you are wielding a heavy melee weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to Shove.
- Lightfoot Fighter
You're very quick on your feet, being very refined with your weapons. While wielding a light melee weapon, you gain a +10 to your walking speed and do not take opportunity attacks from the last creature you attacked on your turn as long as it was made with a light weapon.
- Protector
When a creature you can see hits you, or a target within 5 feet, with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the target's Armor Class against that attack. You must be wielding a shield or a melee weapon.
- Versatile Fighting
Once per turn you can both attack with a versatile weapon you are wielding and grapple or shove a creature as if you replaced an attack. Such grapple or shove has a +2 to its check.
- Hand to Hand Combat
Your martial arts practice gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes. While you are unarmed and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes. Also, you can roll your zanpakuto damage die in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike.
Additionally, when you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Finally, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistaces and immunities.
At 3rd level, as a Shinigami, you had to become much more spiritually aware than other types of spiritual beings to better search for your targets. As an action for 2 reiryoku, you start concentrating and feeling the reiryoku of every living being around you. If you don't lose concentration until the beginning of your next turn, a lot of ropes will appear indicating the locations of souls within 50 times your Shinigami level feets of you. The ropes are separated in two types:
White Reiraku. A white rope represents nearby humans or a pluses.
Red Reiraku. A red rope represents nearby Shinigamis.
After the ropes appear, you will know who they belong to if you know the soul. The ropes last until the end of your turn, in which you can spend a free action to grab one of them, granting you the knowledge of the location of said soul. You cannot locate hollows this way.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
You may also ignore this to take a Spiritual Feat.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 5th level, you can now attack twice instead of once when you take the attack action. At 11th level, you can attack three times instead of twice when you take the attack action. At 17th level, you can attack four times instead of three when you take the attack action.
At 7th level, after countless battles with your zanpakuto, it has finally spoken with you, and revealed it's name. Every zanpakuto is different by nature, with two Shinigamis with the exact same zanpakutos being a extremely rare occasion. When you unlock your Shikai, you must choose one of the options available at Zanpakuto Types.
As a bonus action for 5 Reiryoku while wielding your zanpakuto, you may call out it's name with a command word to release it, entering in it's Shikai state for 1 minute. When your zanpakuto enters the shikai state, it's form generally changes to something described in it's zanpakuto type.
At 7th level, your strength as a Shinigami has allowed you to resist certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:
Brawn - Strength
Evasion - Dexterity
Endurance - Constitution
Intuition - Wisdom
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. When you reach your 20th level, you may choose another saving throw to benefit from this.
Air Walk[edit]
At 9th level, you have learned how to treat air as if it was solid ground. As a free action as long as you have at least 1 reiryoku, you may gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. You must spend 1 Reiryoku at the end of your turns to keep flying, and you may stop your flight at will. This doesn't count as hovering, as you're simply standing on the air.
Spirit Materialization[edit]
At 11th level, you have finally reached bankai level, being able to materialize your spirit into the world to fight it. Once per day, you can spend an action to make a DC 30 Arcana check using Wisdom instead of Intelligence to try to materialize your zanpakuto. This DC is reduced by your Shinigami level. On a failure, nothing happens and you must wait until the next day to try again. On a success however, you summon your zanpakuto spirit in 30 feet in front of you, challenging it for battle.
Your zanpakuto spirit has the exact same sheet as you, however they are level 15 in the Shinigami class. If your level is already higher than this, they are the same level as you. The combat must be made by you and your spirit only, with any outside interference caused by another creature automatically making the zanpakuto spirit dissapear. The combat ends once one of you is reduced to 0 hit points, where the one with more than 0 hit points wins. If you lose, you are reduced to 0 hit points but is considered stable, and cannot challenge your spirit again until 1d4 days have passed. However, if you win your zanpakuto spirit will recognize your strenght, granting you access to your Bankai feature.
At 11th level, your zanpakuto has reached it's evolved state, granting you access to your bankai. As an action or bonus action if your Shikai is active for 10 reiryoku, you may enter your Bankai state for 1 minute. While on your Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain a +2 to your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores, including their maximums.
- Your Reiatsu feature's range doubles and deals twice as much damage.
- You count as one level higher for your Reiatsu feature.
While on Bankai, you lose all benefits from the Shikai state unless specified.
In addition, you can now use your Shikai as a free action.
At 13th level, you have learned how to open a dimensional gate that leads back to soul society. As an action for 10 Reiryoku while holding your Zanpakuto, you stab the air and twist the blade, making paper door open between dimensions in front of you, sending you to Soul Society. If you or other creatures do not move more than 5 feet away from the point, you are transported to any location you can visualize in Soul Society or a random location on the plane, or to the last place you used Senkaimon, at the end of your next turn.
If you are already within Soul Society, this portal can send you and any other creatures to any location you can visualize in the human world or a random location on the plane.
Mastered Art[edit]
At 15th level, you have mastered the craft of one of your Shinigami arsenals, perfecting it. You must choose one of the following arts to master:
- Zanjutsu Mastery
You now add your zanpakuto modifier a additional time on damage rolls.
- Hakuda Mastery
Your unarmed strikes now deal force damage, and deal additional force damage equal to your Reiatsu die.
- Kido Mastery
Your Kido spells cost are reduced by your proficiency bonus.
- Hoho Mastery
Your movement speed now doubles when using shunpo, or triples in case you have the faster shunpo hoho technique.
Once chosen, you cannot change your mastered art.
Mastered Zanpakuto[edit]
At 18th level, you have completely mastered your zanpakuto, even being able to call your zanpakuto without it's release command.
- Shikai
You have mastered your Shikai, even being able to summon it without speaking it's command word.
- You can now use Shikai at will.
- Your Shikai's duration is increased to 2 minutes.
- Bankai
You have mastered your bankai, reaching a point where using your bankai is something easy.
- You may use bankai as a bonus action or free action if you are already on shikai.
- Your Bankai's duration is increased to 2 minutes.
- You count as two levels higher for your Reiatsu feature.
Ningen-kai no Gādian[edit]
Finally at 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of a Shinigami, being a true protector of the living realm. Your reiryoku maximum increases by 20, you gain three Spiritual Feats of your choice that cannot be body feats or background feats and that you meet the requirements of.
Zanjutsu Arts[edit]
Some Zanjutsu arts requires your target to make a saving throw of some sorts, the DC is calculated the following way:
Zanjutsu Art DC: 8 + Your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
- Stamina Point
Stamina comes from your body, with the more you have the more you'll last in battle. You have an amount of stamina points equal to your twice your proficiency bonus times your Constitution modifier (which for this calculation is a minimum of 1, and a maximum of 5). A stamina point is expended when you use it. You recover all expended stamina points when you finish a short or long rest.
Novice Zanjutsu[edit]
Apprentice Zanjutsu[edit]
Expert Zanjutsu[edit]
Master Zanjutsu[edit]
Hakuda Technique[edit]
Some Hakuda Techniques requires your target to make a saving throw of some sorts, the DC is calculated the following way:
Hakuda Art DC: 8 + Your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
- Stamina Point
Stamina comes from your body, with the more you have the more you'll last in battle. You have an amount of stamina points equal to your twice your proficiency bonus times your Constitution modifier (which for this calculation is a minimum of 1, and a maximum of 5). A stamina point is expended when you use it. You recover all expended stamina points when you finish a short or long rest.
Novice Hakuda[edit]
Apprentice Hakuda[edit]
Expert Hakuda[edit]
Master Hakuda[edit]
Kido Spells[edit]
1st Level Kido[edit]
2nd Level Kido[edit]
3rd Level Kido[edit]
4th Level Kido[edit]
5th Level Kido[edit]
6th Level Kido[edit]
7th Level Kido[edit]
8th Level Kido[edit]
9th Level Kido[edit]
Forbidden Kido[edit]
Hoho Techniques[edit]
Novice Hoho[edit]
Expert Hoho[edit]
Spiritual Expertises[edit]
General Expertises[edit]
- Speed Training
You've trained up your speed to enhance your Shinigami reflexes. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.
You can take this Spiritual Expertise twice, and the number of times you can take it again increases by 2 at 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th levels.
- Spirit Training
Prerequisites: 5th level
You've trained up your Reiryoku, increasing your reserves. Your Reiryoku maximum is increased by 5.
You can take this Spiritual Expertise twice, and the number of times you can take it increases by 2 at 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th levels.
- Spoken-After Incantation
Prerequisites: 5th level
You have learned that even after you’ve already cast a Kido its chant can still empower it. On your turn if a Kido you cast with an ongoing duration is still up you may use your action to speak its chant, spending half the reiryoku the spell would normally cost (rounded down). Doing so resets its duration and refills any hit points the Kido had.
- Incantation Abandonment
Prerequisites: 5th level
Your skill allows you to cast some Kido spells without even speaking the incantation. When you cast a 5th level or lower Kido spell you may reduce its action cost by 1. (Ex. Full Turn Action -> Action -> Bonus Action -> Free Action) When you cast a Kido spell in this way you may not cast another Kido spell on the same turn and any damage or healing from the Kido is reduced to 1/3rd (rounded down). Kido spells of 3rd level or lower do not suffer the damage and healing penalty when cast this way. At 14th level this increases to Kido spells of 7th level and 5th level, and to Kido spells of 9th and 7th level at 20th level.
- Twofold Incantation
Prerequisites: 11th level
You’ve reached such a level of Kido mastery that you can fuse the chants of two Kido spells to perform both at once. As a full turn action while in combat you begin chanting a combination of two Kido spells you know, spending resources as if you cast both Kido. Until the beginning of your next turn you are considered to be concentrating on a spell. On your next turn if your concentration has not been broken you gain an additional action. On that turn both your actions must be used to cast the two spells you choose, and each one can only be cast once that turn. If either of these spells force a creature to make a saving throw it is made at disadvantage, and if either of these spells make an attack roll it is made with advantage.
- Kaidō
Prerequisites: Must know at least two Kido Spells.
Kaido is a Kido Spell created a long time ago, made for the purposes of healing others. While many master all Kido spells, almost no Shinigami outside Squad 4 aims to master Kaidō.
As a Lengthy action while within 5 feet of a creature, you can spend 5 reiryoku to restore their body. They regain XdY + your Wisdom modifier + your reiatsu level hit points (with X being your Wisdom modifier, and Y being the creature's reiatsu die tier). A creature that regains hit points this way, also regains an amount of reiryoku equal to ⅙ of the amount healed (rounded to the nearest 5). You do not regain any reiryoku if you heal yourself.
You cannot make creatures regain limb hit points unless you have a reiatsu level of 25 or higher.
When using Kaido, you can spend 5 additional reiryoku to add your Wisdom modifier one additional time in the healing.
Whenever you gain another Zankensoki feature, you can pick this spiritual expertise once more. For every pick of this Spiritual Expertise, you can spend additional 5 reiryoku on Kaido to add your Wisdom modifier one additional time in the healing.
You can pick this spiritual expertise again at 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th levels.
- Quicker Healing
Prerequisites: 5th level, Kaido
You've managed to acquire a quicker healing method, however since you perform it so fast you can't pour all of your reiryoku into it. You can use Kaido as an action. If you use it this way, you cannot spend more than 5 times half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in additional reiryoku.
You can pick this Spiritual Expertise again at 11th level, now being able to use it as a bonus action. Finally, you can pick it once more at 17th level to use it as a reaction to a creature within 5 feet of you taking damage.
- Spiritual Salvation
Prerequisites: 17th level, Kaido
You became an expert at restoring spiritual pressure. Whenever you use Kaido, creatures now regain reiryoku equal to ¼ of the amount healed (rounded to the nearest 5).
- Barrier Kido
Prerequisites: Must know at least two Bakudo Kido spells.
By learning more about Bakudos as a whole, you've reached one of the most complicated Kido arts: Barrier Kido.
As an action, you can spend 2 reiryoku to create a barrier that covers everything in a radius up to your proficiency bonus + your Shinigami level times 5 for 10 minutes. Whenever the barrier would end, you can spend 2 reiryoku to keep it active for 10 additional minutes.
Creatures inside the barrier cannot be the target for attacks or saving throws. The barrier has hit points equal to your Shinigami level + your Wisdom modifier, and an AC equal to your reiryoku DC. It automatically fails saving throws, and has immunity to poison and psychic damage.
No creatures can leave or enter one of your barriers unless you allow them to, or they break in or out.
You cannot have more than your proficiency bonus in barriers active at once. If your Kido spell summons multiple barriers or merges them, they count as one.
- Sealing Kido
Prerequisites: 15th level, must know at least 10 Bakudo Kido Spells.
You've been studying Bakudos for a long time now, as your search for knowledge grew, you've begun to search for sealing Kido. As a full round action while a creature is within 30 feet of you, you can spend 5 reiryoku to seal their reiatsu. The creature is forced to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, their reiatsu level is decreased by 1 until the end of their next turn and they lose reiryoku equal to your reiatsu die. On a success, nothing happens.
Zanpakuto Types[edit]
![]() |
The Shikai state of Zabimaru, [2] |
- Howl!
At 7th level, while in its Shikai, Zabimaru transforms into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt, with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones on the back. Your zanpakuto now gains the reach property. As part of attacking with Zabimaru, you can increase it's reach up to 5 times your Wisdom modifier.
Higa Zekko. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you can disconnect the parts of Zabimaru, making all of it's pieces fly into a creature within 60 feet of you. Make a reriyoku attack roll. On a hit, the creature takes your zanpakuto damage die 1d6 times. This move may be powerful, however it is also very dangerous, as your Shikai instantly end, making you unable to summon your zanpakuto for 1 minute. At 11th level, this increases to your zanpakuto damage die 1d8 times. At 17th level, this increases to your zanpakuto damage die 1d10 times.
Kaiten Suru Kiba. As an action, you start spinning Zabimaru violently around you. You make one attack roll against every creature of your choice within a circle equal to zabimaru's range centered on yourself. Additionally, if you may choose you may turn this into a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, creatures take your zanpakuto damage die and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not prone.
- Hihio Zabimaru
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The Bankai state of Zabimaru, [3] |
At 11th level, while in Bankai Zabimaru transforms into a massive version of its Shikai form, resembling a skeleton of a snake. Zabimaru gains many more, much larger segments, resembling a mix between a snake’s vertebral column and the pick-like protrusions of his Shikai segments. It also gains a snake-like head about the size of a small car. You're also slightly transformed, gaining a fur cowl around your neck. The cowl appears to be the fur of an ape, and the ape's skull can be seen over your left shoulder, while the rest of the fur extends to cover your right arm.
Your zanpakuto's reach increases to 10 times your Wisdom modifier, and you may now use your Wisdom modifier for it's attack and damage rolls. On a hit, your zanpakuto deals piercing damage as it bites your target, forcing them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are grappled by the zanpakuto and are considered restrained while grappled this way. On a success, they are not grappled. The creature may remake the Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the grapple earlier on a success. Zabimaru cannot bite another target while it's grappling someone this way.
Improved Higa Zekko. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you can disconnect the segments of Hihio Zabimaru, making all of it's pieces fly into a creature within 60 feet of you. Make a reriyoku attack roll. On a hit, the creature takes your zanpakuto damage die 1d10 times. At 17th level, this increases to your zanpakuto damage die 1d12 times.
Hikotsu Taiho. You gather immense amounts of reiryoku and make Hihio Zabimaru fire a concentrated blast of reiatsu from it's mouth. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 100 foot line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 force damage and are knocked prone (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they can use their movement to get out of the reach of the attack, being unable to do that will make them fail even if they'd normally succeed. This reiryoku attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. You cannot attack with Hihio Zabimaru next round due to the immense strain this attack puts on the zanpakuto.
Reiatsu Ropes. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you separate Hihio Zabimaru's segments and make them surround a target within 30 feet of you. You force the target to make a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by the ropes for 1 minute. They can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns to end the effect early.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Zabimaru.
While Zabimaru is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by one.
- You can now extend your reach with Zabimaru up to 10 times your Wisdom modifier.
While Zabimaru is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by two.
- It's reach is increased by 15 times your Wisdom modifier.
- If a creature has a Strength score lower than your reiryoku dc, they roll the saving throw against being grappled with disadvantage.
- Hikotsu Taiho's damage is now your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
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The Shikai state of Benihime, [4] |
- Awaken!
At 7th level, Benihime’s shikai takes the form of a sleek, medium-sized sword. The hilt's grip, which has a gentle black-decorative wrapping, bends forward at the end, with a pommel shaped overlap three times, and a crimson tassel dangling from its base. Instead of a tsuba, there is a U-shape guard covering three inches of the blade, with a flower petal design. At the base of the guard is a red string wrapped thrice around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on the back side and a folded paper decoration on the front side. The blades' hamon is straight, coloured black with a silver edge, and is somewhat thicker than the cane-sealed state. It remains straight and slim with a somewhat short size, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of tapering to a point. Your zanpakuto gains the finesse and versatile properties, and you may direct your attacks with crimson energy. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals force damage that overcomes resistances but not immunities.
Nake, Benihime. Once per turn for 8 Reiryoku, when you attack with Benihime, you can release a concussive crimson energy blast along the arc of your swing. Your zanpakuto's range is extended by 5 times your Wisdom modifier, and on a hit, it deals Xd10 (With X being your wisdom modifier added two times) force damage. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked back 10 feet and take additional force damage equal to Xd6 (with X being your Wisdom) modifier. On a success, they are not pushed back but still take half damage. You may spend an additional amount of Reiryoku up to your proficiency bonus, adding 1d10 damage for every reiryoku spent to the initial attack.
Chikasumi no Tate. As a free action or a reaction for 2 reiryoku, you can conjure a hexagonal crimson barrier to defend against incoming attacks. The barrier lasts for 1 minute or until it takes damage equal to 5 times your Wisdom modifier added twice. It has an AC equal to your Reiryoku DC, resistance to all damage types except force, and immunity to psychic damage.
Shibari, Benihime. As a bonus action for 3 reiryoku, you can cast a tangible blood-red net of energy from your blade, which binds and restricts your target. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your reiryoku DC or become restrained. The net remains in place for 1 minute or until destroyed by Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi. The creature can make the Strength saving throw at the end of their turns to break free of the net.
Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi. As an action for 5 reiryoku, after using Shibari, Benihime, you can stab the net with your blade to create a series of orbs along the net's length. These orbs explode in sequence, causing tremendous force damage to the target. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 (with X being your wisdom modifier added twice) fire damage, and the net is destroyed. On a success, they take half damage, and the net remains.
Kamisori, Benihime. When using Nake, Benihime, you may spend an additional amount of reiryoku up to your proficiency bonus, if that amount exceeds the value of a feature, Benihime damages the target as if they didn't have it on. This works on things like damage reductions and thresholds, the amount spent must exceed the value of the threshold and reduction itself.
Additionally, whenever you miss a ranged reiryoku attack roll using Benihime, you can spend 2 Reiryoku to reroll the attack roll.
When attacking this way, the attack rolls ignore cover.
At 11th level, you can now do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per turn.
Tsuppane, Benihime. As a free action for 5 reiryoku, you can analyse a creatures muscle movement and Reishi composition, making an Insight check against their DC. On a success, you successfully analyse it and on a failure, nothing happens. As a reaction to being targeted by a Reiryoku attack for 5 Reiryoku, after successfully analysing an opponent's technique, you can cancel it at the point of contact by drawing a circle of energy with Benihime. The attack deals no damage after being negated.
Kido Amplification. Your Shikai allows for the amplification of Kido in unique ways, you gain the following amplifications.
Massive Range. As part of using a kido you can spend 8 extra reiryoku. Your kido’s range, width, and radius increase by 5 feet times your wisdom modifier + half of your proficiency bonus, rounded down. If it has a range of touch, its range instead becomes 5 feet times your Shinigami level.
Long Lasting. As part of using a kido you can spend 10 extra reiryoku. Your kido’s duration increases drastically. If the kido lasts 1 round, then it is increased by a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. If the kido lasts a number of minutes, then it is increased by your Wisdom modifier minutes. If the kido lasts an amount of hours, then it is increased by your Wisdom hours.
Careful Manipulation. As part of using a kido you can spend 5 extra reiryoku. You are able to use your kido more carefully, allowing you to avoid certain creatures. You may select any number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier to not be affected by it for its duration.
Multi-Targeting. As part of using a kido you can spend 10 extra reiryoku. You are now able to target an additional number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier. This only works on Kido that are only able to target one creature originally.
Only one Amplification may be put on a kido at a time.
- Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame
At 11th level, you've unlocked your Bankai, showcasing its terrifying beauty. When you activate your bankai, a giant woman with dark, braided hair arranged in loops on her head and mannequin-like arms who wears a revealing red robe appears behind you. You retain the sealed version of your Zanpakuto to use for combat. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame’s effects have a range of 20 times your Wisdom modifier, anything within this range can be touched by Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame. This range moves with you.
Dissection. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame’s offensive application of her ability to restructure anything she touches, allowing you to dissect your enemies. As an action for 15 reiryoku, you can force creatures of your choice within the range to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 (X is your wisdom modifier added thrice) slashing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Reconstructure. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame’s supportive application of her ability to restructure anything she's able to touch, this allows you to mimic a form of healing and buffing oneself. As a bonus action or as a reaction to taking damage for 12 reiryoku, you may restructure your body to heal yourself. You heal Xd12 hit points (X is your wisdom modifier added twice). If a condition was caused by something physical being damaged, such as being blinded by having both your eyes destroyed, it's also removed when healed through this way.
Additionally, you're able to buff your body physically. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you can restructure any part of your body to be stronger. You can only affect a single body part per action used, you can affect the following:
Arms. You gain a bonus equal to your wisdom modifier to damage dealt with your arms and unarmed strike. Additionally, once per turn when hitting a creature, you may force it to do a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they're knocked 10 times your Strength modifier feet back in a direction of your choice. On success, they're knocked back half as much. For every 10 feet they travel, they take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage if they end up colliding with something.
If the attack that hits is a Nat 20, the creature automatically fails.
Legs. You gain a bonus to your walking speed equal to your Wisdom modifier times 10. Additionally, you gain a bonus to Dexterity based skill checks and saving throws equal to your wisdom modifier. Once per turn, you may use your speed to your advantage, if a creature has a passive perception that is lower than your Reiryoku DC, you may make one attack you can do with advantage or you can force them to do one save you cause with disadvantage.
Eyes. You have advantage on perception checks related to eyesight. Additionally, you gain a bonus to your passive perception equal to half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down. Once per turn, you may use your eyes to attempt to read an opponent's move. You may make an insight check against their deception check. If you succeed against that, they make their attack roll against you with disadvantage and you make a saving throw against an ability if theirs with advantage. If they succeed, they make their attack roll against you with advantage and you make a saving throw against an ability of theirs with disadvantage.
Ears. You have advantage on perception checks related to hearing. Additionally, you gain a bonus to your passive perception equal to half your wisdom modifier, rounded down. As a bonus action for 6 reiryoku, you can enhance your already enhanced ears with reiryoku to increase their capabilities. You gain blindsight equal to 5 times your Wisdom modifier.
The bonus to your passive perception from the eyes and ears do not stack.
Overhaul. Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame’s ability also extends to the inanimate, allowing you to manipulate your surroundings to your needs. As a bonus action for 12 reiryoku, you can use Overhaul to turn the area within Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame’s range into difficult terrain for every creature within there except yourself. Alternately, you may use this ability to dispel any difficult terrain within Benihime’s area, allowing for easy travel.
If a creature leaves the range of Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame, they're no longer affected by any of its effects, meaning if they got affected by Dissection, they regain the hit points lost from it.
Additionally, if you disable Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame, you're affected by any proper damage you've healed through it, losing the same amount of hit points you lost back then. And any effect from Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame is lost. This applies to any creature affected by Benihime’s Bankai effects.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Benihime.
While Benihime is in her Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- Nake, Benihime now deals Xd10 (X being your wisdom modifier added thrice).
- Chikasumi no Tate is now 10 times your wisdom modifier instead of 5 times and has an AC of your Reiryoku DC + 5.
- Shibari, Benihime, creatures now make the Strength save to escape with disadvantage. Note, this is only to escape, not when the net is first cast.
- Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi now deals your wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Kamisori, Benihime now allows you to spend up to double your proficiency bonus for its effects.
- Tsuppane, Benihime, you may now make the insight check with advantage, as due to innately familiarizing yourself with how Benehime.
- You may apply two Amplifications to one kido.
While Benihime is in her Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Dissection now deals your Wisdom modifier added four times.
- Reconstructure now heals Xd12, where X is your wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Your arms modification now gain a bonus to damage equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Your legs modification now gain a bonus to speed equal to your wisdom modifier added twice times 10
- Your eyes modification now add yours wisdom modifier to your passive perception
- Your ears modification now adds your wisdom modifier to your passive perception.
- Reiryoku cost for overhaul is reduced to 10 reiryoku.
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The Shikai state of Zangetsu, [5] |
- Fight!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Zangetsu resembles an oversized khyber knife instead of a formal katana. It has no tsuba and no proper hilt; what you hold is a cloth-wrapped tang. The sword is about as tall as you are, and has a black blade with a silver edge. Your zanpakuto loses its old properties and gains the finesse and reach properties. Additionally, its damage die tier is increased by one.
- Getsuga Tensho. As an action for 5 reiryoku while holding Zangetsu, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 force damage and are pushed 10 feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target.
- Alternatively, you can choose to utilize a full turn action instead to instead of making a reiryoku attack roll, you'd force all creatures in a 60 foot cone to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice).
- Regardless of which version you utilize, this shikai ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Tensa Zangetsu
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The Bankai state of Zangetsu, [6] |
At 11th level, unlike most Bankai forms, which usually create some sort of massive creature or effect, Zangetsu's Bankai shrinks your sword down to a daitō with a black blade instead. The cross guard has four prongs bent out to form the shape of the manji. To activate Bankai, you must have your Shikai active and hold it by its cloth wrapped tang. Your Zanpakuto loses its old properties, gaining the finesse property.
- Ken no Senshi. Your Bankai heightens your speed and power, turning you into a true warrior. You gain the following benefits:
- Your movement speed increases by 10.
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier increases by two.
- You gain one additional reaction.
- You can make one additional attack on your attack action as long as it's made with Tensa Zangetsu.
- Kuro Getsuga Tensho. As an action for 10 reiryoku while holding Tensa Zangetsu, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 120 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are pushed 20 feet back. This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target
- Alternatively, you can choose to utilize a full turn action instead to instead of making a reiryoku attack roll, you'd force all creatures in a 120 foot cone to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice).
- Regardless of which version you utilize, this bankai ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Chāji Getsuga Tensho. You can hold off a Getsuga Tensho without firing it, increasing the strength of your attacks. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, your Tensa Zangetsu is filled with the glow of Getsuga Tensho and you start concentrating. The next attack you hit with Tensa Zangetsu, they take additional force damage equal to an action Getsuga Tensho. This lasts until you lose concentration, Bankai ends or until you hit a creature.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
At 18th level, you have completely mastered Zangetsu, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Zangetsu is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- Your Getsuga Tensho damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier added twice as an action, and thrice as a full turn action.
While Zangetsu is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die is increased by three instead of two.
- Your movement speed increases by 30 instead of 10, and you gain two additional reactions in the round instead of one.
- Your Kuro Getsuga Tensho now deals four times as much damage to objects and structures, and it's damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier added thrice as an action, and four times as a full turn action.
- Your Chāji Getsuga Tensho now adds the damage die of a full turn action Kuro Getsuga Tensho.
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The Shikai state of Shinso, [7] |
- Shoot to Kill!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Shinso is a white glowing sword that may extend with the user's will. As part of attacking with shinso, you may extend it's reach up to 20 times your Wisdom modifier until the end of your turn. When attacking with an extended Shinso, it deals force damage instead of it's normal damage type. You may spend an action to force all creatures in a line up to 20 times your Wisdom modifier to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your zanpakuto damage die. On a success, they take half as much.
Kakujitsuna Shi. Shinso does 1d10 additional damage per 10 feet travelled on the hit of the first attack roll or in the saving throw (with the maximum amount of d10's reachable being your Wisdom modifier times your proficiency bonus amount of die).
- Kamishini no Yari
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The Bankai state of Shinso, [8] |
At 11th level, while in Bankai, Shinso does not change it's appearance, however it is much more deadly. As part of attacking with Kamishini no Yari extend it's reach up to 40 times your Wisdom modifier. Also, you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures when attacking with Kamishini no Yari.
Kakujitsuna Shi. Kamishini no Yari does 1d12 additional damage per 10 feet travelled on the hit of the first attack roll or in the saving throw (with the maximum amount of d12's reachable being your Wisdom modifier times your proficiency bonus amount of die).
Korose, Kamishini no Yari. Once per turn when you hit a creature with Kamishini no Yari, you can spend 20 reiryoku to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 necrotic damage and gain the poisoned condition (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they are killed outright as they break down in celular level.
Buto. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can extend Kamishini no Yari's reach in such a extent even higher than your normal bankai state. You force all creatures in a 60 times your Wisdom modifier line to make a Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. On a failure, they take your zanpakuto damage die + additional Xd10 force damage and are knocked prone (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone.
- Buto: Renjin. As an action for 15 reiryoku, you can utilize an even deadlier version of Buto. You make a number of attacks with Kamishini no Yari as you can at the moment, the attacks have advantage. On a hit, they take Kaminishi no Yari's damage die + 10d10 force damage.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Shinso.
While Shinso is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by one step.
- You can now extend it's reach up to 30 times your Wisdom modifier.
While Shinso is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by two steps.
- You can now extend it's reach up to 50 times your Wisdom modifier.
- Korose's now adds your Wisdom modifier four times.
- Buto now adds your Wisdom modifier added thrice. Additionally, Buto and Buto: Renjin now have their range increased to 70 times your Wisdom modifier.
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The Shikai state of Hozukimaru, [9] |
- Grow!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Hozukimaru is initially considered a spear, with the pummel having a red horsehair tassel. Your zanpakuto gains the reach property and it's damage die increases by one tier.
Split Apart. As a free action, you say the command word "split apart", which turns your zanpakuto in it's true form, a three sectional staff. While in this form, your reach is increased by 10 feet.
- Ryūmon Hōzukimaru
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The Bankai state of Hozukimaru, [10] |
At 11th level, while in Bankai, Hozukimaru turns into a Chinese Monk's spade and a standard guandao. Both have a traditional horsehair tassel at the hilt, and a long, cylindrical weight for a pommel. The pommels are connected by a heavy chain to the center section, which resembles an axe blade, with a parallel handle forged into the blunt end and a dragon crest on one side of the blade. Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by 2, and it gains the reach property. Additionally, while in bankai you gain one additional attack that must be used to make an zanpakuto attack roll.
Sleepy Zanpakuto. Just like your Shikai, your Bankai also has a very unusual property. Your Bankai does not start at full power, you must awaken it through causing or receiving pain. For every 20 damage you receive from a hostile creature or cause with your zanpakuto, your reiatsu grows stronger and you gain an additional benefit. See all benefits described at the Hozukimaru Sleep table:
Hozukimaru's Sleep State | Benefits |
Sleepy (20 damage). | Your reiatsu feature's damage die increases by one. |
Half Asleep (40 damage). | You may attack with your zanpakuto as a bonus action. |
Half Awake (60 damage). | Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one. |
Awakened (80 damage). | Your zanpakuto's critical hit radius is reduced by 1. |
Fully Awakened (100 damage). | You gain one additional bonus action. |
After 100 damage, you no longer gain any benefits. You lose all benefits once Bankai is over.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
At 18th level, you have completely mastered Hozukimaru, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Hozukimaru is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- You can make one additional attack with your zanpakuto as long as all attacks you made in this turn were with Hozukimaru.
While Hozukimaru is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by four instead of two.
- You now gain two additional attacks on your attack action, that must be made with Hozukimaru.
- Any damage you receive or deal counts as twice as much for the awakening of Hozukimaru.
Ruri'iro Kujaku[edit]
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The Shikai state of Ruri'iro Kujaku, [11] |
- Split and Deviate!
At 7th level, the Shikai state of Ruri'iro Kujaku transforms your zanpakuto into a sickle-shaped blade, or falx, distinguished from the khopesh by the cutting edge being located on the inside. A hinge at top of the hilt allows it to split into four identical and evenly spaced blades. Your zanpakuto now gains the finesse and light properties.
Asa no Hana. As an action for 10 reiryoku while wielding Ruri'iro Kujaku, the blades flare up and transform into a number of glowing peacock feather-like vines. Make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius. On a hit, they are grappled and restrained by you and start to have their reiatsu drained as the vines start growing flowers with the drained spiritual energy. The creature loses reiryoku equal to your Wisdom modifier at the beginning of their turns, and may make a Strength saving throw to try and free themselves from the vines. You cannot make any hostile actions while holding a creature this way, and you count as if you were concentrating on a spell. If a creature's reiryoku pool is reduced to 0, the ability ends and they must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, they are knocked prone and incapacitated for 1 minute. On a success, they are only knocked prone. They may repeat the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their turns. After the ability ends, Ruri'iro Kujaku returns to it's sealed state. A small flower is left after absorbing a creature's reiryoku, you may eat it as a free action to regain an amount of hit points equal to the reiryoku absorved.
- Bi no Kujaku
At 11th level, the Bankai state of Ruri'iro Kujaku is called Bi no Kujaku. It has the same properties as the Shikai state, however it now has a shining blue light that covers the blades and shreds bright light in a 30-foot radius.
Kujaku no Hane. Your Bankai covers your body with a majestic blue coat, large peacock wings made out of reiatsu sprout from your back. You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you add your Wisdom modifier to all Charisma ability checks and saving throws as you become the embodiment of beauty.
Asa no Mori. As a full turn action for 20 reiryoku while wielding Bi no Kujaku, the blades flare up and transform into a number of glowing peacock feather-like trees. Make one reiryoku attack roll against up to your proficiency bonus number of targets. On a hit, they are grappled and restrained by you and start to have their reiatsu and vitality drained as the trees start growing branches with flowers from the drained spiritual energy. The creature loses reiryoku and maximum hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the beginning of their turns, and may make a Strength saving throw to try and free themselves from the trees. You cannot make any hostile actions while holding one or more creatures this way, and you count as if you were concentrating on a spell. If a creature's reiryoku pool is reduced to 0, the ability ends and they must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, they are knocked prone and incapacitated for 1 minute. On a success, they are only knocked prone. They may repeat the Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their turns to end the condition early. After the ability ends, Bi no Kujaku returns to it's sealed state. A large flower is left after absorbing a creature's reiryoku, you or another creature may eat it as a free action to regain an amount of hit points and reiryoku equal to the reiryoku absorved.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Ruri'iro Kujaku.
You gain the following states while Ruri'iro Kujaku is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- You can now use your Asa no Hana ability as a bonus action.
You gain the following states while Ruri'iro Kujaku is in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by two tiers.
- Your Kujaku no Hane now adds your Wisdom modifier twice.
- You can now use Asa no Mori as an action.
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The Shikai state of Tsunzakigarusu, [12] |
- Flap Your Wings!
At 7th level, in it’s Shikai state Tsunzakigarusu turns into dozens of flying blades, each blade has a hole in the center and is radially symmetrical with two curved edges. You retain the original hilt, holding it in your hand. Due to your zanpakuto turning itself into dozens of blades, it loses all of its previous properties and you can now make ranged reiryoku attack rolls with your Tsunzakigarusu against creatures within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they deal your zanpakuto damage die in slashing damage. You have a number of blades equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice. They keep flying on the air, and have 1 hit point and 10 AC.
Burēdorekuriēshon. If one or more of your flying blades are destroyed, you may as a free action for 5 reiryoku sheath and unsheath your zanpakuto’s hilt to recreate the missing blades.
Kamaitachi. Your blades are so fast the naked eye cannot perceive them. You make your reiryoku attack rolls with advantage if the target’s passive perception is lower than your reiryoku DC.
- Maito īguru
At 11th level, in its Bankai state Tsunzakigarusu is called Maito Iguru. It turns into a single large shuriken, becoming a melee weapon with the throw (30/60) and heavy properties. It deals one additional damage die, and you make reiryoku attack rolls with it.
Kaettekita Karasu. Maito Iguru always comes back to you, no matter what. Whenever you attack with Maito Iguru by using the thrown property, missing or hitting the target it comes back to do another reiryoku attack roll against the same target. Once again, hitting or missing it comes back to your hand. If the first attack roll misses, the second attack roll is made with advantage.
Kamaitachi. Your blades are so fast the naked eye cannot perceive them. You make your reiryoku attack rolls with advantage if the target’s passive perception is lower than your reiryoku DC.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Tsunzakigarusu.
You gain the following benefits while Tsunzakigarusu is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- You may now use Burēdorekuriēshon at will, although only once per round.
You gain the following benefits while Tsunzakigarusu is in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by two dies instead of one.
- Attacks with advantage deal one additional damage die of damage on a hit.
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The Shikai state of Tobiume, [13] |
- Snap!
At 7th level, in it's Shikai state Tobiume's blade straightens, becomes double-edged, and produces multiple jitte-like prongs along its length at various intervals, not unlike a Seven-Branched Sword. Your zanpakuto gains the reach and finesse properties.
Tobikau hi no Nami. You can use Tobiume to generate fireballs of reiatsu. Whenever you make an attack roll with your zanpakuto, you may replace one of the attacks with a fireball, making a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within your reiatsu radius instead. On a hit, they take Xd8 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier). You may also use this feature as a reaction to a reiryoku attack roll or a reiryoku saving throw that's a line or cone, throwing the fireball at the attack and reducing it's damage by your fireball damage. If this reduces damage to 0, the reiatsu dissipates. Every time you use a fireball, you spend 5 reiryoku.
- Tobu Arashi
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Tobiume is called Tobu Arashi. It is very similar to it's Shikai state, however it grows longer and gains even more Jitte-like prongs.
Tobikau Hinoarashi. Your bankai allowed you to launch even stronger fireballs, with enough power to even destroy buildings. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 20 foot radius point of your choice within your reiatsu radius to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage. You may also use this feature as a reaction to a reiryoku attack roll or a reiryoku saving throw that's a line or cone, throwing the fireball at the attack and reducing it's damage by your fireball damage. If this reduces damage to 0, the reiatsu dissipates. Additionally, fire damage dealt by this ability overcomes resistances and immunities.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Tobiume.
You gain the following benefits while Tobiume is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- Tobikau hi no Nami now adds your Wisdom modifier twice instead of once. Additionally, fire damage caused by this ability overcomes resistances but not immunities.
You gain the following benefits while Tobiume is in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by two tiers.
- Tobikau Hinoarashi now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice instead of twice. Additionally, fire damage caused by this ability overcomes both resistances and immunities.
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The Shikai state of Wabisuke, [14] |
- Raise Your Head!
At 7th level, in it's Shikai state the blade loses its curve and straightens, and where a normal katana would end, Wabisuke's blade makes two 90 degree angles, forming three sides of a square, reminiscent of a hook and has its cutting edge on the inside of the angles. Your zanpakuto gains the reach property.
Shinpan no Dageki. Wabisuke has the cruel ability to double the weight of anything it cuts. Once per turn when you hit a target with Wabisuke, you can double their weight, and they now must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, their movement speed is reduced by 5 feet (10 feet reduced if it's flying speed), any Strength DC counts as if it was +1 higher for them, receive a -1 penalty on their Dexterity checks and saving throws, and their unarmed strikes damage die is increased by one tier. On a success, they are not affected. A target can be affected by Wabisuke a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). When a target's movement speed is reduced to 0 due to the accumulated effects, it is knocked prone. These effects last until your Shikai ends or you end it at will. However, if you activate Bankai the effects don't end even though you deactivated your Shikai, instead ending when Bankai ends.
- Saigo no Kuiaratame
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Wabisuke is called Saigo no Kuiaratame. The zanpakuto itself doesn't change, however you are covered in chains around your torso and now wear a green cloth on your lower body.
Omoni o Hakobu Mono. While on your bankai you carry all of the burdens the souls carry, changing your own mindset to be fit of such task. You become immune to charmed and frightened conditions, and gain immunity to psychic damage. In addition, you know the alignments of every creature within your reiatsu radius.
Shinpan no Hi. You can sentence others for their sins, making them bow to you. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you force a number of creatures up to your Wisdom modifier that are within your reiatsu radius to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are knocked prone and incapacitated from the weight, as well as receiving the Shikai effects. On a success, they take half as much damage and do not receive additional effects.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Wabisuke.
You gain the following benefits when Wabisuke is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- Creatures now suffer from a movement speed reduction of 10(20 if it's flying speed), any Strength DC counts as if it was +2 higher for them, receive a -2 penalty on their Dexterity checks and saving throws, and their unarmed damage die is increased by two tiers.
You gain the following benefits when Wabisuke in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Omoni o Hakubu Mono now grant you advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
- The damage of Shinpan no Hi is increased to your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Roar!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Tenken doesn't change its form, remaining as a normal katana.
Partial Mimicry. When you make an attack, a phantom limb of Tenken mimics and follows you. When you make an attack roll against a creature, you can force all creatures except a number of creature of your choice equal to your proficiency within your Reiatsu radius to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your Zanpakuto damage dice increased by one tier with the damage type changed to thunder damage. On success, they take half as much damage.
If you successfully hit a creature on the attack roll, that creature automatically fails the save. This attack deals double damage to objects and structures.
- Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō
At 11th level, you gain the ability to bring forth a giant samurai, allowing you to devastate your enemies. When you release your Bankai, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō anywhere within 20 feet of you.
Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō:Dangai Jōe. If you are a human Soul or count as a human soul, you can bring forth the immortal warrior. As a bonus action for 15 reiryoku, you can activate Dangai Jōe, causing Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō to shed its armor and reveal its demonic form underneath.
Co-ordinated attacks. When using Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō, you cannot attack the targeted creature yourself. If you try to, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō's attacks now have a chance to hit you, with it rolling to hit as normal and if it hits your AC, you take the damage.
Gigantic Physique. Due to Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō's gigantic stature, his attacks deal disastrous amount of damage. All attacks dealt by Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō deal an additional Xd8 damage (X being half your wisdom modifier, rounded down).
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Tenken.
While Tenken is in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage dice tier increases by one.
- You can now exclude an amount of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus added twice.
- Your Zanpakuto damage dice tier increases by two tiers instead of one for Tenken’s strike.
While Tenken is in its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier increases by two instead of one.
- Kokujō Tengen Myō,ō’s scaling Zanpakuto feature now adds your Shinigami level instead of half your Shinigami level.
- Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō:Dangai Jōe’s Reiryoku cost decreases to 10 reiryoku and Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō now regenerates 40 hitpoints at the beginning of your turns.
- Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō’s attacks damage dice tier increase by one tier.
- Gigantic Physique’s additional damage is now increased to Xd8 (X is your Wisdom modifier.
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The Shikai state of Senbonzakura, [15] |
- Scatter!
At 7th level, in it's Shikai state Senbonzakura turns into a thousand tiny, slender blade fragments, which fly away from the hilt, leaving only the zanpakuto's handle in your hand. Your zanpakuto now occupies a 5 foot-radius circle, and you may move it to another place within your reiatsu radius range. Whenever a creature starts their turn in the circle, you may force them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die. On a success, they take half as much damage. You may as a free action recreate your sword from the handle, now being able to use both your zanpakuto and the petals.
Hanabira no Umi. Your zanpakuto attack rolls now count as if they were reiryoku attack rolls, and their range is increased by your reiatsu radius. Additionally, because of your zanpakuto turning into millions of small petals, if the target has a passive perception lower than your reiryoku DC plus your Wisdom modifier, your attack rolls are made with advantage and their Dexterity saving throws are made with disadvantage.
- Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
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The Bankai state of Senbonzakura, [16] |
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state, you drop Senbonzakura into the ground. The sword phases into the ground, as though it were a pool of water. Energy ripples expand out, turning the surrounding area dark, and within seconds, two rows of a thousand giant blades rise up from the ground, and they soon scatter. Your zanpakuto now occupies a 10 foot-radius circle, and you may move it to another place within your reiatsu radius range. Whenever a creature starts their turn in the circle, you may force them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Hanabira no Umi. Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one and you deal twice as much damage against objects and structures, attack rolls now count as if they were reiryoku attack rolls and their range is increased by your reiatsu radius. Additionally, because of your zanpakuto turning into billions within billions of small petals, if the target has a passive perception lower than your reiryoku DC + your Wisdom modifier added twice, your attack rolls are made with advantage and their Dexterity saving throws are made with disadvantage.
Nōshuku sa Reta Hanabira no Umi. As a free action for 10 reiryoku, you can start focusing with Senbonzakura Kageyoshi and enter a state of high concentration for 1 minute. During the duration, your senbonzakura damage die increases by one, it's radius increases by 10 and you now deal thrice as much damage to objects and structures instead of twice. However, for the duration you are concentrating as if you were concentrating on a spell. Additionally, if their passive perception is 7 or more lower than your reiryoku DC increased by your Wisdom modifier, they automatically fail your Dexterity saving throws.
Senkei. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you surround yourself and all creatures within half of your reiatsu radius with millions of glowing swords made from your petals, the true form of Senbonzakura for 1 minute. No creatures including you can leave the Senkei due to the barrier, unless by the means of teleportation. While inside the Senkei, you may as a free action pick one of the glowing swords to send it to your hand. This blade counts as if it was your sealed zanpakuto, however it's damage die is increased by a number of tiers equal to half of your Wisdom modifier (rounded down), and you may use your Wisdom modifier for it's attack and damage rolls. The Senkei ends if you wish so at will, at the end of the duration, or if you receive a critical hit. The zanpakuto is destroyed after bankai or senkei ends.
- Ikka Senjinka. As an action for 20 reiryoku while your Senkei is active, you attack a single target with all of the senkei swords at once. One creature inside senkei of your choice must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 slashing damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice), on a success they take half as much damage. After the attack, Senkei will instantly end.
Gokei. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you target a point within your reiatsu radius. All creatures within 30 times your Wisdom foot-radius of that point must make a Evasive Dexterity saving throw as millions of petals swirl around them and fly into them from every possible angle, before collapsing in on themselves. On a failure, they take Xd10 (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) force damage.
Shukei: Hakuteiken. As a bonus action for 15 reiryoku while your Senkei is active, you focus all of your blades into a single potent sword for the rest of the bankai's duration. The blade appears bright white, and its aura takes the form of a bird. Pure white wings and a halo-like circle, made of concentrated spiritual energy, form on your back. For the duration, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one.
- You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- Your reiatsu radius is tripled instead of doubled.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Senbonzakura.
You gain the following benefits while Senbonzakura is on it's shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- Your zanpakuto now occupies a 10 foot-radius space.
- Hanabira no Umi now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice.
You gain the following benefits while Senbonzakura is on it's bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by two tiers instead of one.
- Your zanpakuto now occupies a 20 foot-radius space.
- Hanabira no Umi now adds your wisdom modifier added three times.
- Nōshuku sa Reta Hanabira no Umi now makes creatures with a passive perception that is at least 5 or more smaller than your reiryoku dc increased by your Wisdom modifier automatically fail your Dexterity saving throws.
- The damage die tier of your sealed zanpakuto in Senkei is now increased by a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- Ikka Senjika's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice.
- Gokei's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice.
- Shukei: Hakuteiken may now be activated at will, and your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two instead of one.
Ashisogi Jizo[edit]
- Rip!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Ashisogi Jizo transforms your blade into a deformed trident with curved, serpentine blades. The middle blade is straighter and longer than the side blades, and appears to ascend from the guard, which is shaped like a baby's head with hands clasped in prayer, all mounted on his sword's normal hilt, which has more ornate spiky protrusions on either side, which resemble golden leaves right below the guard. Your zanpakuto gains the reach and finesse property.
- Ashi hakaimono. When an opponent is stabbed by Ashisogi Jizō, it severs the brain signals controlling the neural impulses for movement in the limbs of the victim. Whenever you hit a creature with your Ashisogi Jizo, they take additional poison damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they get the poisoned and Major Envenomed conditions and one of their limbs (decided by the gm unless you attack an specific limb) loses it's movement, counting as if it was removed for all purposes but limb hit points for 1 minute. On a success, they do not receive any conditions or have their limbs affected.
- If you hit their torso and they fail the save, all of their limbs but their jaw, eyes, ears and skull are considered removed for the duration.
- They can remake the Constitution saving throws at the beginning of their turns, ending the conditions but not healing the limb on a success. Your poison damage overcomes resistances but not immunities, and if a creature is immune to the poisoned or envenomed condition they are also immune to this Shikai ability.
Ashisogi Jizō, Kyōdo Yon. As a action for 10 reiryoku, you stick your finger into one of the eyes of your zanpakuto causing it to begin leaking a dark fluid while the baby opens it's mouth to scream. You force all creatures within a 30 foot-radius that don't have your blood inside of their bodies to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they are not stunned. If they
- Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō
At 11th level, your Bankai takes the form of a giant caterpillar in a red cape, with a grotesque golden baby's head and arms, and a silver halo hovering around its head. Near the back of the halo are 4 bells, 2 on each side. To activate Bankai, you must have your Shikai active, making the baby's head on the guard open its mouth as it produces the creature. While your Bankai is active, your Zanpakuto returns to its sealed state and loses any previous benefits from Shikai.
It follows all of your verbal commands to the best of its ability. Finally, you add your Wisdom modifier to Konjiki Ashihogi Jizō's Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. Additionally, it gains an additional hit die per Shinigami level you gain after 11th level.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Ashihogi Jizo, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Ashihogi Jizo is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- Ashi Hakaimono now grants the Very Majorly Envenomed condition instead of just Majorly Envenomed.
- Ashisogi Jizō, Kyōdo Yon now gives the paralyzed condition instead of stunned.
While Ashihogi Jizo is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Its damage die Tier is increased by two, this counts for the creature's bite attack.
- Its poison damage now also ignores damage reduction or threshold.
- Poison Gas now grants the Very Majorly Envenomed condition instead of just Majorly Envenomed, which makes the die tier increase by one.
- Cry!
At 7th level, Suzumushi maintains its form as a regular katana with an orange hilt and a teardrop-shaped tsuba. The ring at the tip of the teardrop can produce a high-pitched tone that resonates across a wide area.
Cry. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you release a high-pitched sound wave that affects all creatures within a radius of 5 times your Wisdom modifier. Each creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the beginning of your next turn. If they fail by 5 or more, they are knocked unconscious for 1 minute. A creature regains consciousness if it takes any damage or if a creature within 5 feet of it spends their action to wake them up. On a success, the creature is immune to this effect for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom modifier. Additionally, this feature doesn't work on deafened creatures.
Suzumushi Nishiki: Benihikō. You can change Suzumushi into its Benihikō form. After you perform a melee attack with Suzumushi, you can use your bonus action and spend 5 reiryoku to vibrate the blade, leaving a trail of sound energy around you. This creates a rain of razor-like sound blades that fall in a 30-foot radius around you. You create an additional number of blades equal to your Wisdom modifier. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die an amount of times equal to the number of blades manifested on a failure, or half that damage on a success.
- Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi
At 11th level, in the Bankai state of Suzumushi, the blade retains its katana form but without the small ring. You raise your sword in your right hand and place your left palm against the ring on the cross guard. The ring begins to spin, releasing spiritual energy, and expands into a large circle surrounding you. It then splits into ten smaller rings that encircle you. With a slash of your sword, the rings fly outward, establishing a circular perimeter with a radius equal to your Reiatsu Radius or ten times your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. The ten rings generate a black void, forming a large black dome centered around you and anchored to the ground by the rings.
Mumyō. The dome creates a vacuum that nullifies the senses of spiritual energy, sight, sound, and smell, leaving affected creatures blind, deafened, and unable to use Reikaku to sense others. The only sense the victim retains is touch. Unlike other Zanpakutō, Suzumushi does not convert into the dome but serves as a separate extension, allowing you to wield its sealed form as a weapon while inside the dome, though you cannot use its abilities.
Hilt Weakness. Anyone, including your allies, who touches the hilt of Suzumushi is immune to the dome's effects and regains their senses. This limitation can be exploited by enemies to overcome the sensory deprivation created by Mumyō. The dome remains as long as you will it, but if you drop to 1/4 of your maximum hit points, the dome dissipates. Additionally, if the creature is 10 or more Reiatsu levels higher than you, they're immune to the bankai.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Suzumushi. While Suzumushi is in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- You can use the Cry ability as a free action.
- Creatures affected by your Cry ability have disadvantage on the saving throw against being stunned and its range is now 10 times your Wisdom modifier.
- When you use Suzumushi Nishiki: Benihikō, you manifest an amount of blades equal to double your Wisdom modifier.
You gain the following benefits while Suzumushi is in its Bankai state:
- Your zanpakutō damage die is increased by two tiers.
- The dome created by Mumyō causes all creatures within it to make every saving throw and check, except Constitution, with disadvantage.
- The radius of the dome is 20 times your Wisdom modifier.
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The Shikai state of Hyorinmaru, [17] |
- Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Hyōrinmaru makes your blade extend slightly in lenght and gives it a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain. Your zanpakuto now has the finesse and versatile properties, and you may attack your crescent-shaped blade which then it gains the reach property. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals cold damage that overcomes resistances but not immunities.
Ice Dragon's Roar. Once per turn when you attack with Hyorinmaru, you may generate a ice dragon from your reiatsu. Your Zanpakuto's reach is increased by 5 times your Wisdom modifier and on a hit it deals your zanpakuto damage die + your reiatsu die in cold damage, it also forces the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they receive the Chilled condition. On a success, they do not receive the Chilled condition. Additionally, if the creature fails by 5 or more they receive the Partially Frozen condition.
Tensō Jūrin. As a free action for 2 reiryoku, you can make the weather within your reiatsu radius to instantly change to a blizzard or thunderstorm for 1 minute. At the beginning of your turns, you may force all creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they suffer the effects of extreme cold.
Ryōjin Hyōheki. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you create a protective wall of ice by finely weaving threads of ice together. The wall appears in any orientation you choose, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting on a solid surface. You can form it into a hemispherical dome or a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet, or you can shape a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with another panel. The wall has 5 times your Wisdom added twice hit points, 10 + your Wisdom modifier AC, immunity to cold, psychic damage, and resistance to all damage, vulnerability to fire damage.
- Daiguren Hyōrinmaru
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The Bankai state of Hyorinmaru, [18] |
At 11th level, the Bankai state of Hyorinmaru doesn't change the zanpakuto, but makes ice cover your whole body. The ice continues forming up over your shoulders, with two large wings sprouting from your back and a long tail. The ice forms down your left arm and encases your hand, which ends in a claw. Your feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to your left hand, as they also end in claws.
Hyōtai. When you release your bankai, you gain the following benefits during it's duration:
- You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your Shinigami level times two. You regain a number of these temporary hit points at the beginning of your turns equal to your Wisdom modifier. They end once your bankai ends.
- Your reach increases by 5.
- You may attack with your ice tail, using your Wisdom modifier for it's attack and damage rolls. On a hit, they take cold damage equal to your zanpakuto die.
Tensō Jūrin. As a free action for 5 reiryoku, you can make the weather within your reiatsu radius to instantly change to a blizzard or thunderstorm for 1 minute. At the beginning of your turns, you may force all creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they suffer the effects of extreme cold even if they are immune to it.
Zanhyō Ningyō. Once per round when you are targetted by an attack, you may use your reaction to spend 10 reiryoku to make an exact replica of yourself. The replica shatters after being hit, with you appearing somewhere within your movement speed radius.
Aisushīrudo. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack, you can spend 5 reiryoku to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier but reducing your movement speed to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
Ryūsenka. Once per turn as part of hitting an attack roll with your zanpakuto, you can spend 10 reiryoku to generate a massive layer of ice and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take additional Xd10 cold damage and are Partially Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Partially Frozen. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
Sennen Hyōrō. As a full turn action for 20 reiryoku, you create many ice pillars that encircle you and a creature within your sight range. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw with advantage due to the ice pillars being slow. On a failure, they take Xd12 cold damage and will be Fully Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Fully Frozen. If you were hidden while performing this attack, the creature won't have advantage on the saving throw.
Hyōten Hyakkasō. As a full turn action for 15 reiryoku, you create a huge hole opens up in the clouds, a large amount of snow falls down onto a point within 100 times your Wisdom modifier feets of you. All creatures within a 100-foot tall cylinder must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 cold damage and are Fully Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier). On a success, they are not Fully Frozen.
Guncho Tsurara. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 100 feet of you. On a hit, the creature takes Xd12 cold damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier). This attack roll cannot be stopped by an effect that stops cold damage.
Hyōryū Senbi. As an action for 5 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 10 times your Wisdom modifier cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 cold damage and are Partially Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Partially Frozen. If they fail by a 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Hyorinmaru.
While Hyorinmaru is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- If the creature fails the ice dragon saving throw, they are Partially Frozen. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
While Hyorinmaru is it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- You may use Tenso Jurin at will.
- Aisushirudo now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice to your AC.
- Ryusenka's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Sennen Hyoro's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added four times.
- Hyoten Hyakkaso's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Guncho Tsurara's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Hyoryu Senbi's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice.
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The Shikai state of Nejibana, [19] |
- Surge, Water and Heaven!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state Nejibana turns into a cross between a trident, a Japanese spear, and a ji with a crystalline appearance. The end of Nejibana turns into a drill shape. Your zanpakuto gains the heavy and reach properties and their damage die tier increases by one.
Shio no Tsuyo-sa. Nejibana is constantly generating water while you wield it. Whenever you hit a creature with Nejibana, they take additional cold damage equal to your reiatsu die. Additionally, once per turn when you hit a creature with Nejibana you can force them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pushed 5 feet back due to the strength of the water. On a success they aren't pushed.
Shio no Fukkatsu. The tides always come back. Whenever a creature leaves your reach, you may spend 5 reiryoku to create a surge of water behind them, forcing them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pulled 5 feet towards you and you may make one attack with Nejibana with advantage. On a success, they aren't pulled.
Umi no Kami e no Omenaje. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you start to spin Nejibana above you in a circular motion, adopting a unique fighting stance that covers both offence and defense. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a +1 to your AC and attack rolls, and your critical threshold with Nejibana is reduced by one. Additionally, you deal one additional damage dice on a critical, and deal twice as much damage to limbs on a hit.
- Nejibana ga Saita
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Nejibana is called Nejibana ga Saita. You beat Nejibana's end into the ground, piercing it and making a massive storm of water fill the area. Your zanpakuto has the same properties as before but now has it's damage die increased by two tiers.
Umi no Ryōiki. Your Bankai creates a domain of sea in which only you can rule. All areas within your reiatsu radius will be filled with water from the point you activated your Bankai, with the water being 2 feet tall. All creatures of your choice that try to move out of the water must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they're pulled back by the strong tides and can't leave. On a success, they can leave the water succefully. While inside the water domain, creatures of your choice have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and count as if they were on difficult terrain. This sea domain lasts until your bankai ends.
Umi no ō. You are invincible inside your domain, as the sea is your home. While inside the Umi no Ryōiki's area, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC and attack rolls, and your critical threshold with Nejibana ga Saita is reduced by two. Additionally, you deal two additional damage dies on a critical, and deal thrice as much damage to limbs on a hit.
Mizu no Jūnin. The waves always lead you to where you need to go. While inside Umi no Ryōki, you can spend 1 reiryoku as part of your movement to teleport instead of move, doubling the distance you can move that round. The first attack roll you make after using this ability is made with advantage. This movement does not generate opportunity attacks.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Nejibana.
You gain the following benefits once Nejibana is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- Umi no Kami e no Omenaje now gives you a +2 bonus to your Ac and attack rolls, and your critical threshold is reduced by two. Additionally, you deal two additional damage dies when you score a critical with Nejibana, and deal thrice as much damage to limbs.
You gain the following benefits once Nejibana is in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by three instead of two.
- Umi no Ryōiki's sea can only end if you are knocked unconscious or end it at will.
- Umi no ō now gives you a +3 bonus to your Ac and attack rolls, and your critical threshold is reduced by two. Additionally, you deal three additional damage dies when you score a critical with Nejibana, and deal four times as much damage to limbs.
- Mizu no Jūnin now costs 0 reiryoku.
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The Shikai state of Minazuki, [20] |
- Restore!
At 7th level, in it's Shikai state Minazuki turns into a giant, green, one-eyed manta ray-like creature that can be used for transportation, with the ability to fly and sprout a pair of legs to land upon. You add your Wisdom modifier to Minazuki's Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. Additionally, it gains an additional hit die per Shinigami level you gain after 7th level.
- Minazuki
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The Bankai state of Minazuki, [21] |
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Minazuki covers it's blade with a thick blood-like substance. At the same, the blood-like substance also covers the ground and the air in a area within your reiatsu radius. The covered area becomes difficult terrain to all creatures but you, your blade then shortens into a shortened version of itself, increasing it's damage die tier by one.
Chi no Ha. Your blade is sheated in blood. Your zanpakuto's damage is changed to acid damage. Additionally, any acid damage you cause with Minazuki overcomes resistances and immunities and reduces the maximum hit points of the creature. These hit points are regained on a long rest or if you are knocked unconscious. Reducing a creature to 0 hit points with this acid damage kills them outiright, melting their whole body.
Chi no Kirikizu. While wielding your zanpakuto in place of an attack when you take the attack action, you can spend 1 Reiryoku and use your zanpakuto to release slash of blood at a creature within 5 times your Wisdom modifier feet of you. Make a Ranged Reiryoku attack, using your zanpakuto’s attack bonus. On a hit, a creature takes Xd12 acid damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier). Additionally, you may also use this technique in a defensive way. As an reaction to being targetted by a ranged attack, cone or line saving throw, you can spend 10 reiryoku to reduce the attack's total damage by Xd12(with X being double your Wisdom modifier).
Chimamire no Chiyu. As a bonus action for up to 2 times your proficiency bonus in reiryoku, you use Minazuki's blood to heal yourself. You regain a number of hit points equal to a number of your reiatsu die per 2 reiryoku spent.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Minazuki.
While Minazuki is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- You now add your Wisdom modifier twice for Minazuki's scores.
- Minazuki now heals twice as many hit points.
While Minazuki is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier increases by two instead of one.
- Every creature hit by your acid damage counts as if they have vulnerability to it.
- Chi no Kirikizu die is now a d8, however it's damage die now adds twice your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, the reduction now adds your Wisdom modifier three times.
- You can now spend up to 4 times your proficiency bonus when using Chimamire no Chiyu.
Ryujin Jakka[edit]
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The Shikai state of Ryujin Jakka, [22] |
- Reduce All Creation to Ash!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Ryujin Jakka simply engulfs your zanpakuto in flames, causing an extremely intense heat to emanate from you. Once you release your Shikai, all creatures within your reiatsu radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take your current reiatsu damage die as if you were a number of levels higher than them equal to your proficiency bonus. On a success, they take half as much damage. Also, your zanpakuto emanates immense heat and flames. Every non-magical object within your reiatsu radius that's not being worn or hold is engulfed in flames, and every creature within that same radius must make a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of the turns they start within that area against extreme heat, although with your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive one level of exhaustion. On a success, nothing happens. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals additional fire damage equal to it's damage die, and all fire damage caused by Ryujin Jakka overcomes resistances but not immunities, and overcomes immunity to extreme heat.
Jōkaku Enjō. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a point within 100 feet of you. All creatures within a radius up to your reiatsu radius in that point will be engulfed in flames and be trapped in that area for 1 minute. No forms of movement, teleportation or similar features can move them from it. However, features that can erase fire may break the cage.
Taimatsu. As an action for 5 or more reiryoku, you engulf a area within 30 feet of you in flames. All creatures of your choice in a 15 foot-tall cylinder must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier. On a success, they take half as much damage. You can spend additional reiryoku on this reiatsu attack up to your proficiency bonus times 5, with every 5 reiryoku spent adding a d10 to the total damage.
Ennetsu Jigoku. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a point within 10 feet of you to create a dozen of flame pillars. All creatures within a 100 feet circle of that area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 fire damage and receive one level of exhaustion (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage and do not receive a level of exhaustion. You may also spend 10 additional reiryoku to make the reiatsu attack not happen instantly, making it set up. You may make the attack happen as a free action, however it cannot be more than 24 hours after you set up.
- Zanka no Tachi
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The Bankai state of Ryujin Jakka, [23] |
At 11th level, the Bankai form of Ryujin Jakka turns your zanpakuto into an ancient and worn-out blade, severely scorched by fire.
Zanka no Tachi, Higashi: Kyokujitsujin. This technique is activated the moment you activate your bankai, focusing all of your previous flames into your sword. Your zanpakuto now deals additional fire damage equal to your reiatsu damage die added a number of times equal to half of your Shinigami level (rounded down), and all fire damage caused by Zanka no Tachi overcomes resistances and immunities, and overcomes immunity to extreme heat.
Zanka no Tachi, Nishi: Zanjitsu Gokui. When you activate Bankai, an immense amount of heat emanates from you, although no flames are visible. Every object within your reiatsu radius that's not being worn or hold is engulfed in flames, and any effect that deals cold damage or otherwise utilizes cold automatically fails, as well as any water within range also evaporates. Additionally, every creature within that same radius including you must make a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of the turns they start within that area against extreme heat, although with your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they receive damage equal to your zanpakuto die and two levels of exhaustion. On a success, they receive half as much damage and take one level of exhaustion unless they have Endurance, which makes them receive no exhaustion.
Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you cleave Zanka no Tachi on the ground and create a fissure on the ground, turning the area within your reiatsu radius into difficult terrain for every creature but you. A number of skeletons of the creatures you have reduced to 0 hit points with Ryujin Jakka up to your Shinigami level appear from the ground. The creatures have their Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores are reduced to 1, their hit point maximum is reduced to 1/8th of their maximum and they lose all of their features and can only use unarmed strikes. They follow all of your orders and act on your turn. Whenever they get within sight range of another creature, their appearance goes back to the same they were before. They dissapear after you end Bankai or if they are reduced to 0 hit points.
Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin. As an action for 15 reiryoku, you launch an enormous wave of fire in front of you that incinerates anything it touches. All creatures in a 30 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice). On a success, they take half as much damage. If a creature fails this saving throw, even if they had evasion they take the entire damage. If the damage of this reiatsu attack reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they are completely incinerated. This attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Ryujin Jakka.
While Ryujin Jakka is on it's shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- Taimatsu now counts as if you have spent double the reiryoku amount, however it's still up to the maximum. Additionally, Ennetsu Jigoku is now your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
While Ryujin Jakka is on it's bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Zanka no Tachi, Higashi: Kyokujitsujin now deals additional fire damage equal to your reiatsu die added a number of times equal to your Shinigami level.
- The exhaustion levels for Zanka no Tachi, Nishi: Zanjitsu Gokui cannot be avoided with endurance.
- Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin now summons skeletons with 1/4th of their maximum hit points.
- Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin's damage is now your Wisdom modifier added four times.
Sōgyo no Kotowari[edit]
- All Ye Waves, Become My Shield. All Ye Thunder, Become My Blade!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, your Zanpakuto transforms into two blades. As the blades peel apart, a large red rope-like chain at the base of the hilt lengthens, and silver metal square charms attached to the chain begin to fall, until all five present themselves. The blade is now somewhat thinner than the sealed Zanpakutō, and the tsuba now extends a little bit up the blade. About halfway along the length of your Zanpakutō, a second blade juts out from the inside of the main blade and extends back towards the hilt, running parallel to the main blade. The cutting edge of the second blade faces inward instead of outward.
Your Zanpakuto loses its old properties, and it gains the Finesse and Light properties.
- Gyaku Ryūten. Sōgyo no Kotowari has the ability to absorb an opponent's energy attack through the left sword and direct it through the connecting rope, where the five charms on the rope increase the attack's speed and pressure. As a reaction to a creature making forcing you to make a cone, or line saving throw, or targetting you with a reiryoku attack roll, you can spend 5 reiryoku to make a Wisdom saving throw against their reiryoku DC. On a failure, nothing happens and you lose the reiryoku. On a success, you absorb the attack and reverse its original course by firing it from your right blade against the original target, meaning the target must now make the saving throw or be the target of the attack roll (with you using your scores and DC instead of the creature's). However, due to this attack being much faster you add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to the attack roll or reiryoku DC.
- You automatically succeed the save if you are 10 reiatsu levels above the creature, and automatically fail the save if you are 10 reiatsu levels below the creature.
- Sōgyo no Shinjitsu
At 11th level, in its Bankai state your Zanpakuto transforms into massive, ethereal koi fish, one black and one white, each swimming in a spiraling current of spiritual energy that surrounds you. The red rope that once connected your Zanpakuto now forms a glowing ring around you. To activate Bankai, you must be with your Shikai active and point your blades upwards, making them transform into the fishes.
- Gyaku Ryūten. You can use your Shikai ability while in Bankai, with your fish now reversing it.
- In'yō no Hansha. Sōgyo no Shinjintsu takes your main Shikai ability to the next level by not only absorbing attacks but also applying "truth inversion" to them, splitting their properties into their polar opposites. When you absorb an ability via Gyaku Ryūten, you can spend 10 additional reiryoku to invert its truth. The damage type of the ability transforms depending on its original type:
Healing Table Original Damage Type New Damage Type Acid (Dissolves and corrodes) Thunder (Disperses rather than corrode) Bludgeoning (Crushes everything with no precision) Piercing (Pierces one thing with precision) Cold (Lowers the temperature) Fire (Raises the temperature) Fire (Raises the temperature) Cold (Lowers the temperature) Force (Bypasses physical barriers) Slashing (Cuts only the physical barrier) Psychic (Damages the mind, leaving mental scars) Radiant (Purifies the body) Bludeoning (Crushes everythig with no precision) Radiant (Heals the body) Lightning (Damages the body, leaving physical scars) Radiant (Purifies/Heals the body) Necrotic/Poison (Corrupts/Deteriorates the body) Slashing (Cuts only the physical barrier) (Bypasses physical barrier) Acid (Dissolves and corrodes rather than disperse)
- Additionally, the effects the ability would cause are reversed as well. While this is mostly for GM's descrition, abilities that deal bludgeoning damage and cause the creature to be knocked prone could now cause the Bleeding condition since they deal piercing damage now.
- Mugen no Nakare. When you activate Bankai, you must choose one creature within your reiatsu radius to become aligned with. Once you've chosen said creature, you and them are now connected through the endless flow of fate. The creature adds their proficiency bonus to their reiryoku attack rolls and DC.
- However, you now have advantage on the Wisdom saving throw to absorb their abilities and they have disadvantage on saves against their own abilities when used by you, and you have advantage with attack rolls using their abilities if they are the target.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Sōgyo no Kotowari, drawing out the maximum potential out of your Zanpakuto.
You gain the following benefits while Sōgyo no Kotowari is in its Shikai state:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- Gyaku Ryūten now adds your full proficiency bonus to the attack roll and DC of the absorbed ability.
You gain the following benefits while Sōgyo no Kotowari is in its Bankai state:
- In'yō no Hansha now costs 5 reiryoku instead of 10.
- Mugen no Nakare now makes the creature only add half their proficiency bonus (rounded up) to their reiryoku attack rolls and DC.
Katen Kyōkotsu[edit]
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The Shikai state of Katen Kyōkotsu, [24] |
Two Spirits. Your Zanpakuto is very unique among the others, it has two spirits instead of just one, Katen being the sprit of your Bankai and Kyōkotsu being the sprit of you Shikai. Additionally you gain the Dual Wielding sword style.
Children's games. The power of Katen Kyōkotsu is to "make children's games real. The Zanpakutō makes the rules, and anyone who steps into your Reiatsu range is forced to play by those rules including yourself, you can work with your DM about any children's game you would like. An opponent may try to use the games to their advantage, in order to do that, they must make an Insight check against your Reiryoku DC with disadvantage if they don't know the game. They roll without disadvantage if they know the game.
- When the Flower Wind Rages, the Flower God Roars, When the Wind of Heaven Rages, the God of the Underworld Sneers
At 7th level, while in its Shikai form, Katen Kyokotsu transforms into a pair of huge, black, heavily curved Chinese scimitars with silver edges. Your zanpakuto now gains the light and finesse properties and the reach is increased by 5 feet.
Bushōgoma. You spin with both blades facing in opposite directions, generating powerful wind blades that coalesce into a swirling tornado. As an action for 5 Reyrioku, make a ranged Reiryoku attack against a target within 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes damage equal to your Xd8 slashing damage, where X is your Wisdom modifier added twice.
You can also use Bushōgoma with a reaction against a ranged attack, if a creature has higher than or equal reiatsu level to you, you reduce the damage by the damage dealt by Bushōgoma. If the creature has a reiatsu level that's lower than yours, you negate the attack entirely.
You can also use Bushōgoma with a reaction against a ranged attack, if a creature has higher than or equal reiatsu level to you, you reduce the damage by the damage dealt by Bushōgoma. If the creature has a reiatsu level that's lower than yours, you negate the attack entirely.
Takaoni. As a Free action for 5 reiryoku you can start the game of Takaoni. This game works on who's at the highest and who is at the lowest of each other's positions. If you're at least 10 feet higher than your opponents, you gain the following:
- You gain advantage on any saving throws it forces you to make
- a bonus on your attack rolls, checks, and saving throws equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down), and your AC increases by +2.
If the creature is flying higher than you, it gains these buffs and you lose them. If both of you are at equal ground, you don't gain any of the buffs, at the beginning of the creature's turn, whoever is lower takes Xd8 necrotic damage (with X being the higher creature's wisdom modifier).
Kageoni. As an action for 8 Reiryoku, you can play the game Kageoni. You and your opponent are locked in a deadly game of shadows, where the winner is determined by who can step on or manipulate the other’s shadow. As an action, you can control shadows within 60 feet, targeting a creature with a shadow. You can either make a melee or ranged Reiryoku attack on their shadow or teleport directly behind them, appearing within 5 feet of them. If their passive Perception is lower than your Reiryoku save DC or attack roll, the attack automatically hits. If it is the first time the opponent experiences Kageoni, the attack is treated as a critical hit. Your opponent gains the same abilities, allowing them to attack your shadow or teleport behind you, provided they can see it. Your shadow has the same AC as you, and if their attack roll or save DC is higher than your passive Perception, their attack automatically hits, with their first hit also being treated as a critical.
Both you and your opponent can hide in shadows large enough to conceal your bodies as a bonus action. While hidden in a shadow, neither of you can be targeted unless the creature's passive Perception equals or exceeds the other’s Reiryoku save DC. You can also create a pocket dimension inside a creature’s shadow, either as part of an attack or teleportation, where you or an ally can hide. Any creature within this dimension is undetectable unless an opponent’s passive Perception equals or surpasses your Reiryoku save DC. Creatures within the pocket dimension can freely exit from any shadow of any size, reappearing within 60 feet of the original target’s shadow. Additionally, you're able to create shadow clones with your reiryoku to help you fight. As a free action for an amount of reiryoku up to your charisma modifier added twice, you may create one clone for every 2 reiryoku spent. These clones cannot use any of your other features except Kageoni and have your released Zanpakuto as a weapon. They have 1 hit point, have half as much reiryoku as you and have an AC equal to your Reiryoku DC. These clones act on your turn.
The game ends when one participant is reduced to 0 hit points or critically fails to defend their shadow, allowing the victor to step on their shadow and claim victory, failing to defend and having an opponent stop on the shadow results in the loser taking Xd12 Necrotic Damage. (X is the winner's wisdom modifier added twice)
Irooni. As a free action for 10 reiryoku, You and your opponent are locked in a game where your attacks can only target a chosen color on the body. As a free action, you call out a color visible on your opponent's body. For the duration of the effect, you must only target that color. If you strike an area of your opponent that does not have the called color, the damage dice is reduced by their Wisdom modifier added five times and the damage is reduced by a similar amount (to a minimum of 1.). However, if you strike an area of your opponent's body that matches the chosen color, the damage is enhanced depending on how big the color is. This mechanic applies to your opponent as well: if they strike an area of your body with the same color, the same damage is enhanced depending on how big the color is.
For example, if your opponent has only a small portion of their body in black, and you are wearing a completely black outfit, any hit you make on that black area will deal maximized damage, plus Xd12 slashing damage. Conversely, if your opponent hits a black part of your body, and you are wearing all black, you will receive maximized damage plus Yd12 damage. The more of that color you or your opponent are wearing, the greater the risk and reward.
Attacks using this ability must be melee strikes; ranged or area attacks automatically deal no damage. The same rule applies to your opponent. At the start of each creature's turn, they may change the chosen color as a free action.
To figure out how much damage one deals to the opponent, refer to the table below:
Color Size | Colour Enhanced Attack Roll |
Tiny | You minus your proficiency bonus added twice to attack rolls against the color and the same applies for your opponent. |
Small | You minus your proficiency bonus to attack rolls against the color and the same applies for your opponent. |
Medium | Normal attack roll bonus and the same applies for your opponent. |
Large | You add your proficiency bonus to attack roll against the color and the same applies for your opponent. |
Covers Whole Body | You add your proficiency bonus added twice to attack roll and the same applies for your opponent. |
Size Effect | Damage Impact |
Tiny | You increase your damage dice by your proficiency bonus and the same applies for your opponent. |
Small | You increase your damage dice by your proficiency bonus added twice and the same applies for your opponent. |
Medium | Your damage is maximized, and you add extra damage dice equal to Xd12, where X is your Wisdom modifier added twice and the same applies for your opponent. |
Large | Your damage is maximized, and you add extra damage dice equal to Xd12, where X is your Wisdom modifier added three times and the same applies for your opponent. |
Covers Whole Body | Your damage is maximized, and you add extra damage dice equal to Xd12, where X is your Wisdom modifier added four times and the same applies for your opponent. |
Daruma-san ga Koronda. As a bonus action for 5 reyrioku you can initiate a game of Daruma-san ga Koronda by marking a number of creatures within 100 feet, up to a maximum equal to your Wisdom modifier. All participating creatures must choose a number from 1 to X, where X is the number of creatures in the game. Roll 1dX; the creature that matches the number rolled becomes "it."
Once a creature is marked as "it," they must attempt to catch the other participants without seeing them move. If the marked creature uses any ranged attack, the distance and trajectory of their movement will be marked by a trail of Reiatsu. The other creatures can run or reposition themselves toward the marked creature but must avoid being seen while moving.
If the marked creature attempts to see a moving opponent clearly, they can spend a reaction to make this attempt. The moving creature must then make an Acrobatics or Athletics check against the marked creature's DC. On a success, the moving creature stops moving and is not seen by the "it" creature. If the moving creature fails the check, it suffers Xd12 necrotic damage, where X is the Wisdom modifier added three times. The moving creature must still expend any movement used, regardless of whether they stop moving before being caught.
The creature marked as "it" can teleport behind any other participant as a reaction, utilizing the trail of Reiatsu as a pathway. If they successfully teleport, they gain advantage on their attack roll against that creature.
The game continues until one of the creatures is successfully hit while marked as "it," or until all opponents are eliminated.
Kageokuri. As an action for 8 reyrioku, you can choose to stand still and hide in the shadows. All creatures within the game, including your opponents, can also use this ability. Each creature must make a Perception check at the start of their turns. If they fail this check, they perceive a convincing mirage of you, believing it to be real. Each time a creature attacks your mirage, you can use your reaction to strike from the creature's shadow, gaining advantage on the attack roll. A successful hit is considered a critical hit.
If you are 5 Reiatsu levels higher than the opponent, they make their Perception check with disadvantage. Conversely, if the opponent is 5 Reiatsu levels higher, you make the Perception check with disadvantage.
At the start of your turns, you can spend 2 Reiryoku to maintain your position in the shadows and launch another attack from the creature's shadow, continuing to utilize the illusion to your advantage. The effectiveness of the mirage is influenced by the opponent's Reikaku; a higher Reikaku makes the mirage appear more realistic, further disorienting your foes.
The opponents can utilize the same mechanics to create their own mirages, leading to a dynamic game of deception and strategy between you and your foes.
- Katen Kyōkotsu: Karamatsu Shinjū
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The Bankai state of Katen Kyōkotsu, [25] |
At level 11, you stab the blades of your Shikai into the ground. The entire ground begins to grow black roots as the spirit of your Bankai: Katen appears behind you.
This Bankai is divided into Acts, you can only use the next act after you have performed the previous one, following in ascending order (act 1, act 2, act 3 and act 4)
Indiscriminate Bankai Everyone in a radius of your Reiatsu Range times 10 feets is affected by the Bankai, first experiencing varying degrees of melancholy and despair, the entire area is engulfed in darkness, everyone needs to do a Wisdom saving throw with disadvantage if they have at least one Reiatsu level below yours. On a failure however, they are frightened until the end of the Bankai and receive the following detriments:
- They hesitate to do anything because of the depressing environment of Bankai. Their ability checks, saving throws, attack rolls, Zanjutsu Save DC, Hakuda save DC, and reyrioku Save DCs are reduced by your half of your wisdom modifier (rounded for down) to a maximum of -3
- They cannot concentrate
- They have disadvantage on your saving throws.
- They can remake the wisdom saving throw at the end of their turns
You choose at least one creature to be part of your deadly theatre, they must participate whether they want to or not, and cannot leave the combat until all 4 acts of Bankai are done.
Act 1: Ichidanme: Tameraikizu no Wakachiai. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you can now reverse all wounds and damage the creature that causes you. Whenever a creature deals damage to you, they take the same amount of damage wherever they hit you. If the damage were to sever a limb from your body, the creature's limb is severed the same way. This damage can't reduce the creature to 0 hit points. Additionally, this applies to you as well, any damage you cause to a creature will cause you to take the same amount of damage you dealt. If you sever a limb, you lose the same limb the way you severed it.
This act lasts for your proficiency bonus amount of rounds.
Act 2: Nidanme: Zanki no Shitone. At the end of the Act 1, as a reaction for 10 reiryoku or as a bonus action while Act 1 is still running, the creature receives a number of holes in their bodies equal to your proficiency bonus. The creature must then make a Constitution saving throw, on a failure, they are now bleeding. For the purposes of the bleeding condition, they count as if they've taken 2 damage per hole on them. The damage is totaled up for the bleeding condition. On a success, nothing happens. This causes the act to end.
The DC to end the bleeding condition is equal to your Reiryoku DC. If it is stopped, the act ends.
This act lasts for your proficiency bonus amount of rounds.
Act 3: Sandanme: Dangyo no Fuchi. At the end of the second act as a reaction for 10 reiryoku or as a bonus action while Act 2 is active, you and the chosen creature begin to sink into a bottomless sea, impossible to escape by any means. As you fall, you both lose 20 reiryoku at the start of your turns.
This Act lasts an amount of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Act 4: Shime no Dan: Itokiribasami Chizome no Nodobue. As a reaction to Act 3 ending or as a bonus action while Act 3 is still active. You sheath your swords and tie a string several times around your opponent's neck and then pull, the target must make a Constitution saving throw: on a failure it takes Xd12 necrotic damage (where X is your Wisdom modifier added three times). On a success, the creature takes half the damage. If a creature fails by 5 or more, this feature ignores Endurance.
If the creature reaches 0 hit points, it is killed outright, with its head exploding, and the Bankai ends
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Katen Kyokotsu.
While Katen Kyokotsu is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage dice is increased by one tier.
- Bushōgoma's damage increases to Xd10 (X is now your wisdom modifier added thrice).
- The bonuses from Takaoni is now your full Wisdom modifier. The same applies fo the creature.
- The Xd12s in Irooni is now your wisdom modifier added three times. The same applies for the creature.
- If you land any attack while using Kageoni, it will be counted as a critical hit. The same applies for the creature. Additionally, you may now spend up to your wisdom modifier added thrice.
- You can change the "games" at the end of each creature's turn (including yourself)
While Katen Kyokotsu is it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- In Act 1, the target creature takes twice as much damage as they did to you.
- In Act 2, for purposes of the bleeding condition, they now count as if they took 4 damage for every hole there is.
- In Act 3: The creature loses an additional number of reiryoku equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- In Act 4, X increases to your Wisdom modifier added four times.
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The Shikai state of Suzumebachi, [26] |
- Sting all Enemies to Death!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Suzumebachi takes the form of a black and gold gauntlet, with a small chain linking it to a stinger-like blade on your middle finger. The "stinger" is about twice as long as the normal length of your fingers. Your Zanpakuto loses its old properties and gains the Glove, light, and finesse properties. It's damage die increases by one tier and it now does piercing damage on hit. Since your zanpakuto is now a gauntlet on your hands, any bonuses that would affect unarmed strikes can also affect it.
- Nigeki Kessatsu. Suzumebachi has a very precise assassination ability, being able to kill an enemy in simply two hits. Whenever you damage a creature's Limb with Suzumebachi, you can spend 5 reiryoku to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are "stinged", being marked by a butterfly-shaped stamp on said limb and are Majorly Envenomed for X minutes (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 10). On a success, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours.
- If you hit the same limb that's "stinged" with Suzumebachi again, they take Xd12 additional necrotic damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice).
- The Nigeki Kesatsu ends when it's duration is over or if you end it at will.
- A creature may have a number of "sting" marks equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- Kauntāpoizun. You can use the deadly venom Suzumebachi secretes as an counter poison. If you attack yourself with Suzumebachi while being poisoned or any level of envenomed you lose said conditions.
- Jakuhō Raikōben
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The Bankai state of Suzumebachi, [27] |
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Suzumebachi is called Jakuhō Raikōben. Your zanpakuto turns into a gold armor missile launcher base that encases your right arm, and comes all the way above your shoulder to form a face shield that covers the right side of your face. The entire Bankai is made up of a large pointed gold cylinder with black markings. To activate Bankai, you can be with or without your Shikai active.
Your zanpakuto becomes a martial ranged weapon, with the ammunition range (60|600) loading, heavy, two-handed properties.
- Hakai no misairu. Your Bankai grants you a powerful missile, which you may fire once without consequences. As a full turn action for 20 reiryoku, you may attack with Jakuhō Raikōben, firing a missile within it's range. Make a reiryoku attack roll against the target. All creatures within X foot-radius (with X being your reiatsu radius) of this point must make a evasive Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 fire damage + Xd12 thunder damage (with both X's being your Wisdom modifier added twice).
- Due to the absurd recoil caused by your missile, all creatures that were beyond that point but were still within X foot-radius (with X being your reiatsu radius multiplied by 1.5) must also make the Dexterity saving throw, however only for the thunder damage. If they fail they are pushed until they are out of the reach of the explosion, taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage per object or structure they may have collided with on the path.
- This attack deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- After firing the missile, you cannot fire it again until 72 hours have fully passed. If you try to fire it again before this period, you must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw after doing so. On a failure, you receive one level of exhaustion. On a success, you don't receive any levels of exhaustion.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Suzumebachi, being able to draw the maximum potential out of your Zanpakuto.
You gain the following benefits once Suzumebachi is in its Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier increases by two instead of one.
- You now deal necrotic damage when you apply the envenomed condition. Your damage increases to your Wisdom modifier added four times.
You gain the following benefits once Suzumebachi is in its Bankai state:
- Your range with your zanpakuto is increased to (80/800).
- Your missile's damages are now your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Your Constitution saving throw to fire your missile again has its DC decreased to 20 instead of 25.
- Growl!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Haineko’s blade turns into ash, its form dissipating into countless tiny particles. You can control these particles at will, causing them to take various shapes or attack in any direction.
Your zanpakuto now occupies a 5 foot-radius circle, and you may move it to another place within your reiatsu radius range without the need of an action once per turn. Whenever a creature enters or starts their turn in the circle, you may force them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die. On a success, they take half as much damage.
You may also choose to cause the ash to form a protective shield with no action required, granting you and any creatures within your reach temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom score until the start of your next turn.
- Ashen Embrace. Your zanpakuto attack rolls now count as if they were reiryoku attack rolls, and their range is increased to be your reiatsu radius instead.
- Neko Rinbu. You can spend 5 reiryoku as an action to condense Haineko into a spinning vortex, a deadly tornado that envelops a 10-foot-radius area centered on one point within your reiatsu radius. All creatures within this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die added twice. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- This vortex lasts for 1 minute and can be moved once per turn as a bonus action. While this is active, you cannot attack normally with Haineko.
- Gōketsu Neko
At 11th level, your Bankai takes the form of two massive columns of ash that rise from the earth. To activate Bankai, your Zanpakuto must be in its sealed state, and you must slam it into the ground. You may now turn the ash into larger, sharper particles, and its reach increases.
Your zanpakuto now occupies a 10-foot-radius circle, and you may move it to another place within your reiatsu radius range without the need of an action at any given moment. Whenever a creature ends their turn in the cloud of ash, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die plus an additional damage die. On a success, they take half as much damage.
You may also choose to cause the ash to form a protective shield with no action required, granting you and any creatures within your reach temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom score times 1,5 until the start of your next turn.
- True Ashen Embrace. Your zanpakuto damage die increases by one, and you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures. Your zanpakuto attack rolls now count as if they were reiryoku attack rolls, and their range is increased to be your reiatsu radius instead.
- Neko Rinbu. You can spend 10 reiryoku as an action to condense Haineko into a spinning vortex, a deadly tornado that envelops a 20-foot-radius area centered on one point within your reiatsu radius. All creatures within this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die added thrice. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- This vortex lasts for 1 minute and can be moved once per turn as a bonus action. While this is active, you cannot attack normally with Haineko. You may end this Bankai Ability at will, no action required.
- Haiiro no Ōbārōdo. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you may release a massive surge of ash that coats all creatures except you in a 30-foot-radius centered on yourself. Every creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to quadruple your zanpakuto damage die and are knocked back to the edge of the radius, also being forced to make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are knocked back 10 feet.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Haineko, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
You gain the following benefits while Haineko is on its shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- The cloud of ash now occupies a 10-foot-radius area, and you may move it up to twice per turn.
- Neko Rinbu now causes a 15-foot-radius tornado, and its damage has been increased to your Zanpakuto damage die added thrice.
You gain the following benefits while Haineko is in its bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- The ash cloud now occupies a 15-foot-radius area.
- Neko Rinbu now causes a 30-foot-radius tornado, and its damage has been increased to quadruple your Zanpakuto damage die.
- Ashen Overload now affects creatures in a 40-foot-radius and deals quintuple your zanpakuto damage die.
Kyoka Suigetsu[edit]
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The Shikai state of Kyoka Suigetsu, [28] |
- Shatter!
At 7th level, the Shikai state of Kyoka Suigetsu turns the zanpakuto into a normal katana with the finesse and light properties, with the only decoration being its tsuba, which is a hexagon. When you release your zanpakuto, every creature that saw the shikai release must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, their senses are now completely under your control for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice. On a success, their senses are not affected, and they have immunity to Kyoka Suigetsu's effect for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom modifier.
While one or more creatures are under the Kyoka Suigetsu's effect, you can use your bonus action or part of activating Kyoka Suigetsu to activate your shikai ability. You make terrain in an area up to your reiatsu radius times your Wisdom modifier look, sound, smell, and even feel like some other sort of terrain. The terrain’s general shape remains the same, however. Open fields or a road could be made to resemble a swamp, hill, crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a grassy meadow, a precipice like a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth road. Similarly, you can alter the appearance of structures or add them where none are present. You may also disguise, conceal, or add creatures. The illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and olfactory elements, so it can turn clear ground into difficult terrain (or vice versa) or otherwise impede movement through the area.
Any creature that interacts with anything created by Kyoka Suigetsu instantly thinks that it's completely real, and while they think the effects are real, the effects cannot interact with them in the real world.
Even after a creature realizes it's an illusion or you deactivate your shikai, the illusion doesn't stop until you choose to end it at will or the duration ends.
If the creature cannot believe the illusion is real for one reason or another (an ally attacking them for no reason, for example), they can start remaking the Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of their turns.
Additionally, a creature's strength may increase or decrease the duration of Kyoka Suigetsu's effects.
Below. A creature's inferiority to you makes the illusions last for more time.
- If the creature is 1 level below, the illusion lasts for 2 additional rounds.
- If the creature is 2 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 4 additional rounds.
- If the creature is 3 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 6 additional rounds.
- If the creature is 4 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 8 additional rounds.
- If the creature is 5 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 1 additional minute.
- If the creature is 6 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 2 additional minutes.
- If the creature is 7 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 4 additional minutes.
- If the creature is 8 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 8 additional minutes.
- If the creature is 9 levels below you, the illusion lasts for 20 additional minutes.
- If the creature is 10 levels below you or can be damaged by your Reiatsu feature, the illusion may last until you end it at will.
Above. A creature's superiority to you makes the illusions last for less time.
- If the creature is 1 level above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 1 round.
- If the creature is 2 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 2 rounds.
- If the creature is 3 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 3 rounds.
- If the creature is 4 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 4 rounds.
- If the creature is 5 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 5 rounds.
- If the creature is 6 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 6 rounds.
- If the creature is 7 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 7 rounds.
- If the creature is 8 levels above you, the illusion's duration is reduced by 8 rounds.
- If the creature is 9 levels above you or more, the illusion's duration is reduced by 9 rounds.
- Mugen Kyoka Suigetsu
At 11th level, the Bankai state of Kyoka Suigetsu doesn't change from the shikai; however, the blade starts shining a bright white light. When you release your bankai, you can choose one creature within your reiatsu radius times your Wisdom modifier that's currently affected by your shikai to force to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are under a complete illusion that's also semi-real for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier added four times. On a success, they are blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
Once a creature is under the effects of your Bankai, all creatures under your Shikai's effects are now out of the illusion.
A creature under the effects of Mugen Kyoka Suigetsu can be affected in the same way that it is affected in their shikai. The difference between the shikai is that anything that you generate will actually harm and affect creatures in the real world. The creature affected, for all intents and purposes other than damage and conditions (other than the restrained condition), interacts with the illusion as though it were real; their attacks don’t pass through an illusory wall, their attacks can hit an illusory person, they can walk on and interact with an illusory structure, etc. However, while the creatures can interact with the illusions, they cannot kill them or benefit from it. Additionally, any damage caused by your illusions is turned into a Xd6, where X is your Wisdom modifier added twice. The illusions may only deal damage once per round.
If nobody is under your bankai effect, you can reapply your shikai effect to one person.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Kyoka Suigetsu.
You gain the following benefits while Kyoka Suigetsu is in its Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one tier.
- The duration of your shikai effect is now your Wisdom modifier added four times.
You gain the following benefits while Kyoka Suigetsu is in its Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two tiers.
- The duration of your bankai's effects is now your Wisdom modifier added four times.
- The damage of your illusions is now your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
Sode no Shirayuki[edit]
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The Shikai state of Sode no Shirayuki, [29] |
- Temperature Stability
Sode no Shirayuki does not spread coldness from its blade; its actual ability is to bring your body temperature to a level below freezing. As a result, anything you touch freezes, with the sword itself merely increasing your reach. And thus, depending on the temperature your body is, your abilities get stronger or weaker. When referring to X, this is the damage your shikai and your Bankai ability deals.
You may decrease the temperature at will (no action required) for 2 reiryoku per stage, with the highest temperature being 0 and the lowest being 10.
Temperature | Temperature Phenomena | Description |
0 | The body is at normal heat, preventing access to Shikai abilities due to the lack of coldness required to activate them. | The body is at its natural warmth. No coldness present, and the power required for Shikai is dormant. |
1 | Shikai damage is Xd8 (X is half your Wisdom modifier rounded down) | A mild chill starts coursing through the body, not enough to drastically affect abilities, but enough to begin accessing Shikai. |
2 | X is equal to your full Wisdom modifier | The body is noticeably cooler now, activating a greater flow of reiryoku. The Shikai abilities grow stronger with the lowering temperature. |
3 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier + half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down | The cold has set in more deeply, and Reiryoku density with increased intensity. The user's focus sharpens as their abilities further enhance. |
4 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added two times | The body feels a persistent chill. Frost starts to form around the user, visibly showing their growing power as the Shikai abilities gain significant force. |
5 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added two times + half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down | A deep cold has taken over the body, bordering on freezing. The Shikai’s power surges, crackling with icy power, further amplifying its effects. |
6 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added three times | The body is now extremely cold, near freezing, and Shikai abilities reach a formidable level. The air around the user feels heavy and frigid, and their presence exudes an aura of frost. |
7 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added three times + half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down | Ice begins to coat the skin, and the temperature is dangerously low. The user's abilities are amplified to a fearsome level, but the cold weighs heavily on their physical form. |
8 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added four times | The cold is overwhelming, as the body nears a frozen state. Ice forms around the user, and their movements become sharp and calculated. The power of their Shikai reaches incredible heights. |
9 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added four times + half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down. | The user stands at the brink of Absolute Zero. Every breath crystallizes in the air, and their abilities push the limits of what the body can endure. The Shikai is at its most potent, but maintaining this state is perilous. |
10 | X is equal to your Wisdom modifier added five times (Cannot remain at 10 for more than the turn you've reached it, if you do, you take Xd12 (X is the Wisdom modifier at the stage you're in) Cold damage reducing maximum Hitpoints). | Absolute Zero, the coldest possible state. The user’s body is on the verge of freezing solid. Maintaining this level of power for too long risks severe harm or death, but the Shikai is at its absolute peak. |
Your body is able to maintain a state of coldness to however long you like when you're not in absolute zero, however the real problem begins when you increase the temperature of your body, you must do it slowly or there will be consequences.
Each stage of temperature has a specific time required to decrease. It takes X rounds to drop by one stage passively, where X is the number of times your Wisdom modifier of the stage you initially were in is added. For example, if you are at stage 10, it will take 5 rounds for the temperature to decrease to stage 9 and another 5 rounds for it to drop to stage 8 and so on.
At the beginning of your turns, you lose an amount of reiryoku equal to double the stage you're currently in. (Ex. You're in stage 9, so at the beginning of your turns, you lose 18 reiryoku)
You can reduce the time it takes to decrease the temperature by up to your Wisdom modifier, with a minimum reduction of 1 round. If your Wisdom modifier is +5, you can decrease the time to a minimum of 1 round. However, for each round you decrease in this manner, you take damage equal to Half Xd8 (where X is the Wisdom modifier of the stage you are currently in) at the beginning of your turns until your temperature returns to 0.
- Dance!
At 7th level, while in its Shikai form, your Zanpakuto its a Katana totally white, rectangular tsuba with a vaguely white-like pattern on the long sides and a curved line on the short sides, inward-curving corners with curved slits above and below the blade, and a series of raised, engraved curved lines on both sides of the blade. It has a white hilt. It gains a with the finesse and versatile properties. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals cold damage.
Some no mai, Tsukishiro As an action for 10 reiryoku, you make a wind slash that opens a cylinder 30 feet high and 10 feet in radius centered on you, all creatures in that radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or take Xd8 cold damage and make a Constitution saving throw, on a failure they receive the extremely cold condition and are Partially Frozen. If a creature is reduced to 0, they are killed outright as the ice shatters with their body.
Tsugi no mai, Hakuren As an action for 15 Reiryoku. Shouting the name of the dance, you pierce the ground once, creating a large circle of ice, before piercing the ground in front of you four times in a semicircle. As ice particles begin to flow upward from the holes you have made in the ground, you assume a battle stance. Building on the tip of the Sode no Shirayuki, the ice particles are released as a large and powerful avalanche of cold air. Everyone in a 10 times your Wisdom modifier foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take Xd10 damage and the Partially Frozen condition.
Some no mai, Shirafune. As a bonus action for 10 Reiryoku, you can call out the name of the dance, allowing you to gather moisture from the air to the tip of Sode no Shirayuki, creating a blade of ice. You can increase the blade's length by 5 feet for 1 Reiryoku per increment, up to a maximum length of 15 feet. This increase lasts until the end of your turn.
If the blade breaks, you can use a bonus action and spend 2 Reiryoku to repair it.
When you make a melee attack with the blade, you can choose to deal an additional Xd6 cold damage on a hit. Additionally, if you pierce a target with the blade, any creature or object within a 5-foot radius of the point of impact must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take Xd6 cold damage and are Partially Frozen.
Ice-Rope Connection As a bonus action for 5 Reyrioku, if your Zanpakuto is less then 30 feet away from you, you can connect with your Shikai and uses it abilites
- Hakka no Togame
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The Bankai state of Sode no Shirayuki, [30] |
At level 11, your Bankai changes both your physical look and the clothing you are wearing dramatically. You wear a white, ankle-length kimono with lined patterns. The robe has an attached ornate collar, edges, and shoulder design made of transparent ice with long, wide sleeves. There are long, flowing ribbons tied at her back that form numerous large loops. You have a small ice flower formation at the center of her chest, and a half crown of ice which extends around the back of your head. Your hair and irises become white, and your blade -which still resembles its Shikai form- is now composed of transparent ice. All your Zanpakuto damage overcomes resistances and makes everyone within its Reiatsu radius suffer from the Extreme Cold and chilled condition. When you activate your Bankai, you're automatically in Stage 10.
Time Limit In addition to being a powerful Bankai, it is extremely dangerous, you can only keep your Bankai active for a number of rounds equal to half your Constitution modifier (rounded down) or at the start of your turns, you will take Xd6 cold damage and will be in the Chilled condition, until you deactivate your Bankai.
Dai yon no mai, Shirobashira As a action for 30 Reyrioku a pillar of cold mist rises up into the air from where you are. Raising your blade towards your opponent, You releases a massive wave of freezing cold (similar to Tsugi no mai, Hakuren) that freezes anything on your Reiatsu radius to absolute zero, non-magical objects will be instantly frozen, and everyone on your reiatsu raius must make a Constitution saving throw or receive Xd10 of cold damage and will be Partially Frozen, if they fail by 5 or more, they will be Fully Frozen.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Sode no Shirayuki.
While Sode no Shirayuki is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- You no longer suffer the negative effects of Temperature Stability however absolute zero is still dangerous, now at the end of your second turns, you take the damage of stage 10.
- At the beginning of your turns, you lose an amount of reiryoku equal to the stage you're currently in, instead of double.
- If the creature fails by 5 or more on any saving throw, they gain the Fully Frozen condition.
While Sode no Shirayuki is it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Your Dai yon no mai, Shirobashira now adds your Wisdom modifier an additional time.
- You can keep your Bankai State active a number of rounds equal to your fully Constitution modifier and you can do a Constitution saving throw to not suffer from the detriments.
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The Shikai state of Sakanade, [31] |
- Collapse!
At 7th level, the Shikai state of Sakanade turns your zanpakuto's pommel into a large ring, the first few inches of the blade are covered by an extension of the cross-guard. Sakanade's blade is straight and slim, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of being tapered to a point. Your zanpakuto gains the reach property.
Sakasama no Sekai. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you release a pink mist within a 5 times your Wisdom modifier radius (minimum of 1), forcing every creature of your choice to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are now affected by the "inverted world" for 1 minute. On a success, they are now immune to this feature in it's complete state. While under the effects of the inverted world, the creature's sense of direction, eysight, and injury locations are also reversed. They have disadvantage on all saving throws and checks but ones that use Constitution, and they receive a penalty to all rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. They can remake the Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the inverted world and becoming immune to that version of the technique for 24 hours. If they're immune to a version of your Sakasama no Sekai, you may remove one of the scores affected by the feature to overcome the immunity.
- Sakashima Yokoshima Happōfusagari
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The Bankai state of Sakanade, [32] |
At 11th level, in the Bankai state of Sakanede, it's blade is nearly identical to its Shikai, but the tip of the blade is replaced with a sharp ring which matches the one on the base of its hilt. A large golden flower construct manifests around yourself, with its petals fully enveloping him inside to shield you for the duration of the Bankai, granting you full cover. A pink mist then diffuses from atop the flower, covering your reiatsu radius. All creatures but you within that radius must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, their senses of ally and foe are inverted, making them become bloodlusted against creatures friendly to them and charmed to creatures hostile to them. On a success, their senses are not inverted. They can remake the Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending their inverted senses earlier on a success. At the beginning of your next turn, the flower goes down and you may now move freely. You may reactivate the flower for 10 reiryoku, covering yourself again.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Sakanade. While Sakanade is out, you gain the following benefits:
You gain the following benefits while Sakanade is in it's Shikai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- You can now use Sakama no Sekai as a free action, and creatures now have a penalty equal to your Wisdom modifier added twice.
You gain the following benefits while Sakanade is in it's Bankai state:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Creatures now make the Wisdom saving throw with disadvantage.
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The Shikai state of Engetsu, [33] |
- Burn!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Engetsu does not alter the sword's physical form; however, it cloaks the blade in flames. Your Zanpakutō's damage die increases by one tier, and it deals fire damage instead of its normal damage type.
- Getsuga Tensho. As an action for 5 reiryoku while holding Engetsu, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 10 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 fire damage and are pushed 10 feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target.X
- Alternatively, you can choose to utilize a full turn action instead to instead of making a reiryoku attack roll, you'd force all creatures in a 10 foot cone to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 1,5) and receive 1st Degree Burns. If they fail by 5 or more, they instead receive 2nd Degree Burns.
- Regardless of which version you utilize, this shikai ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Buraddifaia. While you are below half your maximum hit points or while Bleeding, you can spend 10 reiryoku as an action to make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, the creature takes Xd10 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice).
- Additionally, this attack deals twice as much damage to limbs (outside of the Skull, Jaw, Neck or Torso).
- Jigoku Engetsu
At 11th level, your Bankai grants you a bright red flaming kimono, with the tips of its sleeves being shrouded in flames. Your sword remains the same, but instead of being shrouded in flames like your Shikai, it starts shining a bright red. To activate Bankai, you must be above half your maximum hit points. Your Zanpakuto damage die increases by two tiers, and deals fire damage instead of its normal damage type.
- Hi no Manto. Your kimono protects you from exterior harm, in exchange of slowly burning you. For the duration of your Bankai, you reduce all damage by 5 times your proficiency bonus. In the case its cold or fire damage, the damage reduction is doubled.
- Additionally, as a reaction to a creature hitting you, you may make an attack roll with Jigoku Engetsu against them as long as they are within reach. On a hit, they take additional fire damage equal to the amount of damage reduced added twice.
- At the beginning of your turns, you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take fire damage equal to 10 times your proficiency bonus. On a success, you take half as much damage. If you fail by 5 or more, you gain one level of exhaustion to a maximum of 5. This ignores Endurance and cannot be reduced by any source.
- Tsuki no Honō. A mere hit from your sword could melt anything. Damage dealt by Jigoku Engetsu or its abilities ignores resistances or immunities. Also, objects and structures take twice as much damage from your Engetsu attacks and features.
- Additionally, when you hit a creature with Jigoku Engetsu, the creature is forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they receive 2nd Degree Burns. On a success, they receive only 1st Degree Burns. If they fail by 5 or more, they receive 3rd Degree Burns instead.
- Getsuga Tensho. As an action for 5 reiryoku while holding Engetsu, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 20 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 fire damage and are pushed 10 feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier times 1.5). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target.
- Alternatively, you can choose to utilize a full turn action instead to instead of making a reiryoku attack roll, you'd force all creatures in a 20 foot cone to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and receive 2nd Degree Burns. If they fail by 5 or more, they instead receive 3rd Degree Burns.
- Regardless of which version you utilize, this bankai ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
At 18th level, you have completely mastered Engetsu, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Engetsu is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- Your Getsuga Tensho damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier times 1.5 as an action, and twice as a full turn action.
- Buraddifaia's damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier added thrice, and it now deals maximum damage to limbs.
While Engetsu is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die is increased by three instead of two.
- Hi no Manto does not ignore Endurance anymore.
- Creatures with a reiatsu level lower than your own are now considered vulnerable to the fire damage caused by Jigoku Engetsu.
- Your Getsuga Tensho now deals four times as much damage to objects and structures, and it's damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier added twice as an action, and it is added thrice when used as a full turn action.
- Blow it Away!
At 7th level, when you activate the Shikai state of Tachikaze, it transforms into a combat knife with a bronze guard, light purple hilt-wrapping in the center, and a small ring on the blunt side of the guard. Air currents swirl around you, and Tachikaze’s true power is unleashed, allowing you to create devastating wind explosions with your attacks. Your Zanpakuto gains the reach property.
Air Blades. As an action, you can spend 5 reiryoku to release a volley of wind blades by slashing at the air. Each creature in a 30-foot line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to two rolls of your Zanpakuto’s damage dice. The blades then explode, dealing Xd6 (X is your wisdom modifier) force damage to all creatures in a 5-foot radius from the line of the attack. On a success, they take half slashing damage and no force damage.
Bakudantsuki. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you charge Tachikaze with explosive energy. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using Tachikaze, the target takes damage equal to your Zanpakuto’s damage roll. The target must also make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take additional Xd12 force damage (X is your Wisdom modifier added twice) and must make a Strength save, being pushed back 10 times your Strength modifier feet back. Additionally, all creatures within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take Xd12 (X is your wisdom modifier) force damage, or half on a success. On a success, the target takes half the force damage and is not knocked back.
- Tekken Tachikaze!
At 11th level, you unlock the Bankai form of Tachikaze, transforming it into Tekken Tachikaze. Upon activation, an explosion of wind erupts around you, dispersing to reveal large knuckle blades in each hand, with segmented purple bands wrapping around your arms like armor. You can change the knuckle blades into brass knuckles or spiked gauntlets at will.
Explosive Fists. When you make an unarmed strike while wielding Tekken Tachikaze, your attack gains the reach property and deals additional force damage equal to your Zanpakuto damage die. On a hit, the explosive force continues to assault the target as long as your fist remains in contact, dealing Xd10 (X is your wisdom modifier) force damage at the beginning of your turn for each round your fist remains in contact with the target, up to a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can spend 5 reiryoku to increase this damage by an additional die each turn.
Endless Assault. After you land a hit with Explosive Fists, you can spend 10 reiryoku to maintain contact and unleash a barrage of explosive strikes. You make an additional unarmed strike each round as a free action, dealing additional force damage equal to Explosive Fists. Each additional strike releases a shockwave in a 5-foot radius around the target, dealing Xd8 (X is your Wisdom modifier) force damage to all creatures within range. The assault continues until you lose contact or stop using this ability.
Knuckle Variations. When you switch Tekken Tachikaze to brass knuckles or spiked gauntlets, your attacks are enhanced depending on the form:
- Brass Knuckles. Your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d8 bludgeoning damage, and you can spend 5 reiryoku to add double your Wisdom modifier to the force damage dealt by Explosive Fists.
- Spiked Gauntlets. Your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 piercing damage, and critical hits deal triple the damage instead of double. Additionally, the target is reduced to half its movement speed.
Fist of Annihilation. As an action for 20 reiryoku, you deliver a devastating blow with Tekken Tachikaze. Choose a target within your reach and make a melee reiryoku attack roll. On a hit, the target takes your Zanpakuto damage die rolled twice plus Xd12 (X is your wisdom modifier added four times) force damage and is knocked back 20 feet. All creatures within a 15-foot radius of the impact must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd6 (X being your wisdom modifier added twice) force damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Tachikaze. While in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die increases by one tier.
- The damage dealt by Air Blades increases to your Zanpakuto’s damage dice rolled three times, and the force damage from the blades’ explosion increases to Xd8 (where X is your Wisdom modifier).
- The additional force damage from Bakudantsuki increases to Xd12 (where X is your Wisdom modifier added thrice) and the pushback distance increases to 15 times your Strength modifier.
While in its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die increases by two tiers instead of one.
- The force damage dealt during the ongoing effect of Explosive Fists increases to Xd12 (where X is your Wisdom modifier added thrice), and the maximum number of rounds you can maintain contact increases to your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Each additional strike made during Endless Assault now releases a shockwave that deals Xd10 (where X is your Wisdom modifier) force damage to all creatures within range.
- The additional damage for Brass Knuckles and Spiked Gauntlets is enhanced. Brass Knuckles now add double your Wisdom modifier to the force damage dealt by Explosive Fists, while Spiked Gauntlets deal an extra 1d8 piercing damage and cause targets’s movement speed to be reduced to 0 after a critical hit instead of half the movement.
- The force damage dealt by Fist of Annihilation increases to your Zanpakuto damage die added thrice plus Xd12 (where X is your Wisdom modifier added five times), and the area of effect for the radius damage increases to a 20-foot radius.
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The Shikai state of Kazeshini, [34] |
- Reap
At 7th level, your zanpakuto takes the form of two Kusarigama-like weapons, each with two scythe blades, with one inverted, giving it the resemblance of a pinwheel. The blades are connected to a spiked rod tethered together by a long chain, which can extend to great lengths. Your Zanpakuto gains the reach property and deals one additional damage dice. You may extend the reach of your zanpakuto by spending reiryoku up to your proficiency bonus, increasing its reach by 5ft for every reiryoku spent.
Immortal Chain. Your zanpakuto’s true essence, the chains represent life. Whenever you take damage, the chains immediately begin to restore your body. At the beginning of each of your turns if you're below the current amount of hit points you had before releasing Shikai, you lose an amount of reiryoku up to your Wisdom modifier multiplied by your proficiency bonus. For every point of reiryoku lost in this way, you regain 1d8 hit points, up to the amount of hit points you had before you released shikai. While your Shikai is active, the immortal nature of your Zanpakuto prevents you from being reduced below 1 hit point, as long as you have reiryoku remaining.
If any limbs are cut off, they are also restored if the hit points recovered are enough to recover the limb, as chains instantly link the arm back to the body. If the limb is destroyed, the chains form a whole new limb.
Kubikake. You're able to use a maneuver with your zanpakuto to damage your enemies. You may target a creature within 60ft of you provided your zanpakuto can reach them. You can spend 2 reiryoku to make a grapple check with advantage. On a success, they are grappled and restrained and on a failure, they are not affected by the conditions.
If they are affected by the conditions, you may then spend 2 reiryoku as a bonus action to make a strength save with advantage against the creature's reiryoku DC. On a failure, you are unable to pull them. On a success, you're able to pull them an amount of feet in the air up to your strength modifier times 10 and slam them into the ground up to a maximum of 100ft.
The target takes 1d10 damage for every 10ft they were dragged, losing the grappled and restrained conditions but ending up prone.
- Fushi no Kōjō
At 11th level, when you release your Bankai, the chains of Kazeshini form a noose around your neck that connects to a large black orb of entangled chains floating above you. These chains cannot be permanently destroyed, as they will simply regenerate. You keep the released state of your zanpakuto to use as a weapon, with it dealing two additional damage dice.
Immortal Chains. The aspect of life from the chains now extends to any creatures of your choice. Upon releasing your bankai or as a free action, you may choose an amount of creatures up to your wisdom modifier in your reiatsu radius to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure however, the chains from the large or extend and form a noose around their neck.
Whenever either you or the bound opponent takes damage, the injury is instantly healed. Both you and the opponent lose a combined amount of reiryoku equal to twice your wisdom modifier multiplied by your proficiency bonus for each instance of damage healed. For every reiryoku lost, you or the bound opponent regain 1d12 amount of hit points up to the amount of hit points you or the opponent had before they were affected by the bankai.
Kubikake. You're able to use a maneuver with your zanpakuto to damage your enemies. You may target a creature within 60ft of you provided your zanpakuto can reach them. You can spend 2 reiryoku to make a grapple check with advantage. On a success, they are grappled and restrained and on a failure, they are not affected by the conditions.
If they are affected by the conditions, you may then spend 2 reiryoku as a bonus action to make a strength save with advantage against the creature's reiryoku DC. On a failure, you are unable to pull them. On a success, you're able to pull them an amount of feet in the air up to your strength modifier times 10 and slam them into the ground up to a maximum of 150ft.
The target takes 1d12 damage for every 5ft they were dragged, losing the grappled and restrained conditions but ending up prone.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Kazeshini.
While Kazeshini is in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- You lose an amount of reiryoku up to your wisdom modifier added twice times your proficiency bonus.
- When you roll for how many hit points you've regained, you automatically regain the maximum number you can roll for the dice.
While Kazeshini is its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- You and the opponent both lose an amount of reiryoku equal to your wisdom modifier added thrice times your proficiency bonus.
- When you or the opponent roll to see how many hit points you regained, you automatically regain the maximum number you can roll for the dice.
- Play!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Kinshara takes the form of a gold whip, tipped off with a flower from its namesake, while the hilt stays the same. Your Zanpakuto loses its old properties and instead gains the light and finesse properties. When taking the attack action with Kinshara, you can increase its reach by 10 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).
- Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Jūichiban - Izayoi Bara. Once per round as part of hitting an attack roll with Kinshara, you can spend 5 reiryoku to create a massive explosion from its head. All creatures in a 30 foot circle centered on the target hit must make a Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 thunder damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and become deafened until end of their next turn.
- Kinshara Butōdan
At 11th level, on its Bankai state, the golden rope of Kinshara expands to form a large pair of hands that float above yourself, one holding a large conducting baton, while you retain a small baton in your own hand. In addition, Kinshara's rope furls up to form into over a dozen tall, doll-like figures arranged in two rows in front of you, which bear petal-like protrusions instead of faces and are missing the center sections of their torso from the groin to the chest. To activate Bankai, your Zanpakuto must be in its Shikai state. Your Zanpakuto turns into a simple baton, losing all of its properties as a weapon.
- Myūjikaruiryūjon. The power of Kinshara Butōdan is to use music to cast illusions that capture the target's heart. While the illusions are mere "trickery", as long as the target hears the music and their heart is deceived, the illusions remain ineluctable and are powerful enough to cause physical damage, as if they were real.
- The various techniques of this Bankai Ability are referred to as different Programs (演目, Enmoku) and accompanied by the "Dancers" performing their dance.
- At the beginning of your turns while Bankai is active, you can spend 10 reiryoku to force a creature that's not deafened within your reiatsu radius to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they start Hallucinating and can be affected by your programs for the duration of your Bankai. They stop Hallucinating once your Bankai ends or they receive the defeaned condition.
- You know the two following programs, and may end it at will:
- Sea Drift. You have the dancers of your Bankai surround your target and swirl around them, creating an illusionary whirlpool of surging water which envelops his target. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you can force one creature affected by your Kinshara Butodan hallucinations to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 cold damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and start suffocating. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not suffocating.
- Prometheus. The dancers of your Bankai generate illusionary fire in their hands before blasting their target with the flames. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you can force one creature affected by your hallucinations to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes Xd10 fire damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice) and receive 1st Degree Burns. On a success, they take half as much damage and receive no burns. If they fail by 5 or more, they receive 2nd Degree Burns instead.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Kinshara, drawing out the maximum potential of your Zanpakuto.
You gain the following benefits while Kinshara is in its Shikai state:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier increases by one.
- Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Jūichiban - Izayoi Bara now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice instead of twice.
You gain the following benefits while Kinshara is in its Bankai state:
- Myūjikaruiryūjon has its cost reduced to 5 reiryoku.
- Sea Drift now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice instead of twice.
- Prometheus now adds your Wisdom modifier four times instead of twice, and now gives 2nd degree burns on a failure, and 3rd degree burns if they fail by 5 or more.
Sanpo Kenjū[edit]
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The Shikai state of Sanpo Kenjū, and the two creatures which accompany it. [35] |
- Manifest!
At 7th level, while in its Shikai, Sanpo Kenjū manifests two creatures that fight alongside you: Lumpy, the smaller, yellow fur-covered creature, and Boney, the larger, bone-like creature. These creatures mimic your sword attacks, adding extra layers to your strikes and ensuring that your attacks are nearly impossible to dodge. When you take the attack action, the following sequence happens.
- Lumpy. The smaller creature strikes first, preceding your attack with a quick slash of its cleaver. This attack forces the target to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Reiryoku DC. On a failure, they take your zanpakuto damage dice in slashing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
- You. After Lumpy’s attack, you follow up with your own strike, making a weapon attack as normal. If your attack hits, you deal your regular zanpakuto damage.
- Boney. After your attack, Boney strikes with a follow-up blow using its bone blade. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your zanpakuto damage die on a failure, or half damage on a success.
The combined effort of Lumpy, your own strike, and Boney ensures that even if one attack misses, the others are still likely to hit.
Bone Fissure. When you successfully land all three attacks (Lumpy, your own strike, and Boney), you create a deep fissure in the ground where the attack lands. All creatures within 10 feet of the impact must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto’s damage die added twice and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
- Sanpo Kenjū: Shinpan no Waku
At 11th level, while in Bankai, Sanpo Kenjū transforms into a much larger and more fearsome form. Lumpy and Boney grow in size and strength, becoming fierce beasts that nearly match your power. Their appearance becomes more intimidating, with Boney’s bone structure becoming more jagged, and Lumpy’s fur turning into sharp, jagged spikes.
On a hit, your zanpakuto deals additional slashing damage equal to your wisdom modifier as Lumpy and Boney attack in unison, forcing the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are grappled by the zanpakuto and are considered restrained. The creature may remake the saving throw at the start of their turn, breaking free on a success. While restrained, Lumpy and Boney can make additional strikes against the target.
Improved Bone Fissure. When you land all three attacks from Lumpy, yourself, and Boney, you create a massive fissure that extends outward. All creatures within 20 feet of the impact must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto’s damage die added thrice and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Unyielding Three-Step Charge. As a bonus action, you command Lumpy and Boney to charge a creature within 60 feet of you. The creatures move toward the target and make simultaneous strikes with their weapons. You make a reiryoku attack roll with advantage. On a hit, the target is knocked back 15 feet and takes slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto's damage die. This attack bypasses resistance to slashing danage. But not immunity.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Sanpo Kenjū.
While in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto’s damage die is increased by one tier.
- The creatures Lumpy and Boney gain a +2 bonus to their attack rolls.
- When you activate Bone Fissure, it deals double the damage and increases the range to 20 feet.
While in its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto's damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Unyielding Three-Step Charge gains the ability to affect all creatures in a 10-foot radius, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw against being knocked prone and taking slashing damage equal to your zanpakuto damage die.
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The Shikai state of Nozarashi, [36] |
- Drink!
At 7th level, in it's Shikai state Nozarashi takes on the form of a great axe/war cleaver hybrid with a long, cloth-wrapped handle. The top of the blade has a brass cover with a green tassel attached to the backside. Your Zanpakuto loses its old properties and gains the reach, versatile and heavy properties. Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one, and its reach is increased by 5 feet (15 feet total).
- Senshi no Tsuyo-sa. While Nozarashi has no special abilities, it has immense power that can cut anything with ease. Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up, minimum of +1). Additionally, whenever you score a critical hit with Nozarashi you add an amount of dice to its damage roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. Finally, Nozarashi deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Hakai-tekina Nozarashi
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The Bankai state of Nozarashi, [37] |
At 11th level, in it's Bankai state Nozarashi takes a similar shape to its Shikai state, though it becomes slightly smaller and distorted. Your skin turns red, and you gain multiple black markings across your face and horns on your forehead. To activate Bankai, you must be wielding Nozarashi on its Shikai state. You keep the benefits of Shikai while under Bankai.
- Akai Akuma. An ancient and powerful fury takes over your body, granting you enough power to even cut giants if you so wish. You are under the following while Bankai is active:
- You are under the berserk condition. If you lose the condition, Bankai ends.
- Your Strength score increases by your proficiency bonus, to a maximum of 28.
- You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- You add half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down) to attack rolls made with Nozarashi.
- You score a critical hit with Nozarashi on a 19-20.
- If you attack with Nozarashi more than a number of times equal to half your Constitution modifier (rounded up, minimum of +1) in a single turn, you are forced to make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 20 or your reiryoku DC (whichever is higher) due to releasing too much power. On a failure, you lose Xd10 (with X being your Wisdom modifier added four times) maximum hit points. On a success, you lose half as much.
- This ignores Endurance.
- If your hit points are reduced to 0 via Bankai, you are killed outright. Any maximum hit points lost in Bankai are regained after Bankai is deactivated.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Nozarashi, drawing the maximum potential out of your Zanpakuto.
While Nozarashi is in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is now increased by two tiers instead of one.
- Senshi no Tsuyo-sa now increases your Zanpakuto's damage die tiers by your full Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
- Nozarashi now deals four times as much damage to objects and structures.
While Nozarashi is in its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- While in Bankai, the Zanpakuto damage die tier increase is increased to three instead of two.
- Your Strength score can now go up to 30 via your proficiency bonus increase.
- Your advantage on Strength checks and saving throws now rolls three dice instead of two, picking the higher result.
- You now add your full Wisdom modifier to attack rolls made with Nozarashi during Bankai.
- You now score criticals with Nozarashi on a 18-20.
- You lose half as much maximum hit points from going over the limit of attacks in Bankai.
- Polearm
While in its sealed state, your Zanpakuto takes the form of a polearm: a small, single-edged blade head being attached to a long wooden pole. Instead of having its normal properties, your Zanpakuto instead has the finesse property, dealing piercing damage on a hit.
- Flash from Illuminating Heavens!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state Kinpika doesn't change in appearance, however its blade begins to emit a bright glow. Your Zanpakuto damage die tier increases by one tier. Also, Kinpika radiates bright light in 5 feet and dim light in 10 feet.
- Kami no Hikari. You can blind others with Kinpika by utilizing its shining light. Once per turn when you hit a creature with Kinpika, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC or become blinded until the end of their next turn. If the attack was a critical, they instead stay blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
- Mabayui Hikari. By focusing your reiatsu into increasing Kinpika's light, you can blind all close to yourself. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you can force all creatures (but yourself) within a 15 foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become blinded and incapacitated until the end of their next turn. On a success, they only receive a -2 to Wisdom (Perception) checks involving sight and to attack rolls that require vision until the end of their next turn.
- If a creature has Endurance they receive no detriments on a success.
- Ōgonmaku Kinpika
At 11th level, in its Bankai state, Kinpika grows in size by a lot, increasing its lenght. The bright light that once only surrounded its blade now surrounds the whole Zanpakuto, its light properties growing to new heights. Your Zanpakuto now gains the Reach property, and its damage die is increased by two tiers. Also, it shines bright light in 30 feet and dim light in 60 feet.
- Kami no Hikari. Your blinding light is enhanced by tenfold while in Bankai. You can still use Kami no Hikari while you're in the Bankai state, however your reiryoku DC is increased by half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down) for this ability.
- Eien no Kagayaki. Ōgonmaku Kinpika shall never stop shining brightly, no matter what. Creatures that enter or start their turns within 30 feet of you, must make a Constitution saving throw, with creatures within 5 feet of you making the save with disadvantage. On a failure, they become blinded until the end of their next turn and take Xd10 radiant damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not blinded.
- If a creature fails by 5 or more, they are also incapacitated until the beginning of their next turn.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Kinpika, drawing out the maximum potential out of your Zanpakuto.
You gain the following benefits while Kinpika is in its Shikai state:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- You can use Kami no Hikari twice per turn.
- The radius of Mabayui Hikari is increased to 30 feet.
You gain the following benefits while Kinpika is in its Bankai state:
- Its Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by three instead of two.
- Kami no Hikari now adds your full Wisdom modifier to your reiryoku DC.
- Mabayui Hikari now adds your Wisdom modifier twice when dealing the radiant damage.
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The Shikai state of Shigarami, [38] |
- Weaver's Soul
Your Zanpakuto has chosen you because of your great artistic prowess. You gain proficiency with Weaver's Tools.
- Sew!
At 7th level, your Shikai takes the form of a small sewing needle. It gains the finesse and light properties, and counts as a set of Weaver's Tools.
- Nuu Hari, Nuu. Shigarami can create and manipulate all sorts of fabric woven by the red thread of reishi that extends infinitely from its eye. You can create things specified at the Wooven Creations table down below by spending an specified action and a specified amount of reiryoku.
- You can undo any of your creations at will, no action required.
Wooven Creations Table Creation/Reiryoku Cost Description Non-magical Object(2 reiryoku). You can create an object as a bonus action. The cost is increased by 2 per rarity above common the object is. Also, you may spend an action to create a number of objects equal to your proficiency bonus at once, spending 2 reiryoku per object. You cannot create objects with a size above small. Thread Soldiers(5 reiryoku). You can create a number of thread soldiers within 10 feet of you up to your proficiency bonus as a Lengthy Action, spending 5 reiryoku for each. They use the same statblock as you, however their hit point maximum is equal to twice your Shinigami level + your Wisdom modifier, they cannot use any features that use reiryoku or the Extra Attack feature, and can only attack with a longsword which deals your Zanpakuto damage die on a hit. These soldiers follow your orders to the best of their ability, and are friendly to you and your allies. You can only have a number of them up to your proficiency bonus at once.
Concealing Tapestries(10 reiryoku). You can weave two large tapestries that occupy a space defined by you that cannot be larger, wider or taller than your reiatsu radius. Any creatures behind the tapestries are considered invisible (with Truesight not being able to see through this invisibility), and cannot be sensed with Reikaku or detected in any way shape or form. Thread Dummy(10 reiryoku). As a reaction to being hit by an attack roll, you can create a dummy of yourself that takes the damage for you. The damage is reduced by your Shinigami level, and you can move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. You still provoke opportunity attacks if your Dexterity score is lower than the attacker's passive perception.
- Sureddo no Henkō. You can sew anything together, even things that weren't supposed to be together to begin with. Down below is a list of the things you can sew together with your Shikai, with each one of them taking a certain reiryoku and action cost.
Sewing Table Creation/Reiryoku Cost Description Sew Object to Object(2 reiryoku). As an action while two objects are within your reach, you can sew them together with a reishi string. Any attempts of moving said object also moves the other, and the weight of both objects stack with eachother. For every size one of the objects is above small, it costs 2 additional reiryoku to sew both together. Additionally, sewing two objects that are small or larger takes a lengthy action instead of an action.
Sew Creature to Creature(5 reiryoku). As a lengthy action while two or more creatures are within your reach, you can force both to make a Dexterity (Acrobratics) check against your reiryoku DC. If both fail, they are now stuck to eachother. Both receive the restrained condition, however their movement speed is not reduced to 0 and instead halved. For the duration of this condition, they are under the following: - Whenever one moves, the other moves as well. If unwilling to move, the creature moving must make a Strength check against the other creature's Strength check or be unable to move.
- Whenever one is targetted by an attack roll or saving throw, the other is also targetted.
They can make a Strength (An ability score was not entered for this template!) check at the beginning of their turns as an action, ending the condition if both succeed. In the case one succeeds and another fails, the DC is reduced by -2 (to a maximum of 15).
Sew to Surface(5 reiryoku). As a bonus action, you can sew a creature or object to a floor or wall nearby. If it is a creature, the same must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained to the surface. They can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
- Hōsei no Henkō. When you sew anything with your Shikai, you can modify it with your reiatsu. The modifications you can make are located down below at the Modifications Table.
Sewing Table Modification/Reiryoku Cost Description Property(2 reiryoku). When creating a weapon, you can add or remove any properties the weapon has without altering its appearance. Hardened(5 reiryoku). When creating an object or structure, you can grant it a damage threshold equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. Connection(10 reiryoku). When sewing an object to another object/creature, you can make it instantly connect to fix any broken parts of the creature or object. In the case its an object, it regains its maximum hit points in hit points.
In the case its a creature, it regains the full hit points of a Limb of your choice, even if it was removed.
- Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji
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The Bankai state of Shigarami, [39] |
At 11th level, your Bankai changes the whole area around you. To activate Bankai, you must be wielding your Zanpakuto, sealed or not. Upon the Bankai's activation, the area around your reiatsu radius (centered on yourself) is engulfed by darkness while a torii-like structure rises from the ground. Emitting iridescent light, the gate expands to form a massive, golden loom and produces endless swathes of red tanmono (narrow-loomed bolts of cloth): one rolls out like a carpet over other, smaller cloths connecting to multiple tapestry looms on the sides (with yet more red cloth enveloping the scene akin to a barrier), and more distinctively patterned bolts of cloth hang down from above.
Your Zanpakuto retains the form of the Shikai state, however its damage die is increased by one tier.
- Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji. This Bankai ability allows you to manipulate the space enclosed by your Bankai with your clothwork—literally weaving and sealing victims' fates within. Her weavings are uniquely patterned to embody different powers designed to counter the characteristics of your opponents.
- You gain a number of additional actions equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). These actions can only be used to utilize your Bankai abilities originated by this ability.
- While inside these abilities, a creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of their turns, being able to end the ability early on a success. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by one of these abilities, they are killed outright and become a tanmono based on the area of their death and themselves.
- Hitokase Tokaba: Banra no Me. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a purple cloth with an intricate pattern, including rhombus and eye-like designs, trapping one creature within your Bankai radius for the Bankai's duration into a room that occupies a 30 foot square room that's 60 feet tall. The tapestry grows actual eyes while forming eight mirrors that reflect the image of yourself.
- The creature is Hallucinating, thinking you are actually there in the mirrors. The Mirrors have no hit points, however they can still be hit, with an AC of 10.
- On a hit, the creature takes twice as much damage as they would have dealt, ignoring resistances, immunities, threshold or reduction. They don't realize the damage was dealt by them, however.
- Futakase Tokaba: Hagane no Yoroi. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a golden cloth patterned with repeating rows of barbed scales trapping one creature within your Bankai radius for the Bankai's duration into a room that occupies a 30 foot square room that's 60 feet tall. You can use this tapestry like an iron maiden, wrapping the victim with spiked sheets cut in your image.
- The creature becomes restrained by spikes piercing their feet on the ground, and is then forced to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 piercing damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added five times). On a success, they take half as much damage.
- Mitsukase Tokaba: Kokusa no Harawata. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a rippling black cloth covered in gray, spiral fractals trapping one creature within your Bankai radius for the Bankai's duration into a room that occupies a 60 foot square room that's 60 feet tall. This cloth can transform into an abyss of whirling black sand that swallows targets whole.
- The creature becomes restrained by the sand, with them being dragged to the depts.
- Creatures restrained by the sand can use its action to make a Strength check against your reiryoku DC. On a success, it gets its head out of the sand and can breathe and they must make Strength saves at the beginning of their turns, making them sink again on a failure. On a failure, it sinks further into the sand and has disadvantage on subsequent Strength checks made to escape it, until it escapes.
- While a creature is inside the sand, they are suffocating (even if they normally wouldn't be able to) until their head is out the sand.
- Yotsukase Tokaba: Itetsuku Shitone. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a blue cloth patterned with interlinked snowflakes trapping one creature within your Bankai radius for the Bankai's duration into a room that occupies a 60 foot square room that's 60 feet tall. Senjumaru can use the cloth to invoke an arctic environment, binding and freezing targets solid.
- All creatures inside must make a Constitution saving throw at their beginning of their turns. On a failure, they take Xd10 cold damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added five times) and are Frozen for the duration of your Bankai. On a success, they take half as much damage and are Half Frozen.
- Itsukase Tokaba: Yakenohara. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a procession of red cloths picturing black trees aflame. Framing a hallway, they emit fire capable of reducing targets to ash.
- Mutsukase Tokaba: Yamiyo no Hoshiyo. As an action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to weave a dark-blue cloth emblazoned with the Wandenreich emblem, surrounded by a pattern resembling siphoned-off energy particles. This piece captures the act of Auswählen and can mimic its effects by draining targets of their energy.
- All creatures must make a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their turns. On a failure, they take Xd10 radiant damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added five times) and receive two levels of exhaustion. On a success, they take half as much damage and receive one level of exhaustion. If they have Endurance, they receive no levels of exhaustion.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Hisagomaru, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Shigarami is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- The action cost of your Shikai abilities are reduced by one (as part of hitting an attack with Shigarami<free action<bonus action<action<lengthy action<full turn action).
While Shigarami is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die Tier is increased by two instead of one.
- Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji now grants you additional actions equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Your Bankai abilities have their damage increased to add your Wisdom modifier six times instead of five.
- Monk Who Calls the Real Name
Your zanpakuto holds absolute power over true names, a power so great it holds significance even while sealed. Your zanpakuto in the sealed state becomes a giant brush with the reach and versatile properties. When you hit a creature with this brush you do not deal damage, instead dividing the name of the part of them you hit. The creature has disadvantage on any attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws made with the limb you hit for one minute, if you hit the body of the creature, you instead cut their name in half causing them to have disadvantage on any attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws. When they have their entire name cut in half, they make a wisdom save at the end of their turns to end the effects early.
Ink Manipulation. As an action for 10 reiryoku you write a word with your zanpakuto’s ink to produce an affect based on the word written, for example writing “Conceal” to completely hide an area from detection unless a creature trying to detect it passes a Wisdom save or writing “Seal” to create a boundary that cannot be passed unless a creature trying to pass it succeeds on a Strength save.
Name Identification. Your power over names gives you perfect knowledge of them. You know the true name of all things, including but not limited to the names of all zanpakuto from the moment they are created. You retain this even while in shikai or bankai.
Name Curse. As one with absolute power over names your own name bears great significance, protected by a curse. When a creature speaks your name within 120 feet of you, you may deem them unworthy, causing them to lose the ability to speak for 1 minute. This may be used even while in shikai or bankai.
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The Shikai state of Ichimonji, [40] |
- Blacken!
At 7th level, upon release, the brush transforms into a form of a somewhat short glaive, with the top portion taking the form of a short, single edged blade reminiscent of a tip of a chokutō, attached to the long brush handle. Additionally, a large halo of black ink appears in the air behind you. In shikai your zanpakuto no longer inflicts disadvantage and instead deals damage as normal. When you attack with your shikai the target and creatures in a 15 foot cone behind them must make a Dexterity saving throw, becoming covered in ink for 1 minute on a failure. The original target of the attack automatically fails the save if the attack hits them. A creature covered in ink this way receives a penalty to their attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your Wisdom modifier. If the ink lands on an object or structure, that object or structure loses any abilities it has as it loses its name, this ink cannot be washed off by non-magical effects. If another object is used to wipe off the ink, both objects now lose their names and effects.
Additionally even if this shikai is stolen or copied in some way the original owner is completely immune to all of its effects and it will be returned to them at the start of their turn.
Futen Taisatsuryo. As a full turn action for 30 reiryoku you create a cup of black ink to sip from before chanting an incantation to summon a gargantuan mausoleum of ink in a point of your choosing within 60 feet of you. The mausoleum lasts for 1 minute, or until you dispel it at will (no action required). Every creature of your choice that enters a 100 foot radius around the mausoleum or starts their turn within that range must make a Constitution saving throw, taking Xd12 (X equals your Wisdom modifier times your proficiency bonus) force damage on a failure or half as much on a success as all the darkness in their body, even flesh and bones and blood, is forcibly torn out. This damage ignores evasion style features, damage reductions, damage thresholds, resistances, immunities, and a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies instantly and cannot be revived by any means, destroyed too completely to save.
- Shirafude Ichimonji
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The Bankai state of Ichimonji, [41] |
As you activate your Bankai your zanpakuto’s blade reverts to a brush yet again, now emitting a white energy, some of which forming a circle around you. As an action for 40 reiryoku you may write a creature’s name (such as “Frog”) on a creature covered in your shikai’s ink. They make a Wisdom saving throw and on a failure the creature cannot use any of their class features or racial features. They gain the traits of the creature, and must use that creature’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution instead of their own. For 20 reiryoku, you may change the name of an object covered in your shikai’s ink to another, causing them to gain the effects of the named object. This effect lasts until the end of your bankai.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
At 18th level, you have completely mastered Ichimonji, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Ichimonji is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- The cone increases to 30 feet.
- The penalty is now your full Wisdom modifier.
- Futen Taisatsuryo’s damage increases by 10d12.
While Ichimonji is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- The target must now also use the creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma instead of their own.
- The cost is reduced to 20 reiryoku and 10 reiryoku respectively.
True Zangetsu[edit]
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The Shikai state of True Zangetsu, [42] |
- Ultimate Hybrid
Your zanpakuto’s nature is a result of your soul being a conglomerate of many races, a truth which has finally revealed itself to you. You gain the Hybrid Soul feat and must choose the Hollow and Quincy options. Additionally this zanpakuto’s shikai and bankai cannot be stolen in any way.
Your Visored mask counts as if you have already defeated your Inner Hollow, and you don't need to make a Wisdom save once you are rolling death saves.
- Horn of Salvation. The blades you wield are a physical manifestation of the many powers united within you, the larger blade a mixture of your hollow and shinigami powers while the smaller is your quincy powers. Normally these powers balance each other out, but you may choose to intentionally bring out your hollow powers more than the others, merging with it.
- When you would don your Hollow Mask you instead enter your Horn of Salvation mode for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier. Your body gains many distinctly hollow features and your larger blade turns white. For the duration, you gain the benefits of being fully hollowfied (as described in the Hollow Powers section of the Hybrid Soul feat) in addition to the following:
- Your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom increase by an additional +4 while their maximums increase by an additional +2.
- You gain the Vasto Lorde Cero Mutation, alongside any mutations needed for it.
- When you use your Black Getsuga Tensho Shikai ability, you may choose to merge it with a cero to produce a far deadlier attack. To do so you expend additional reiryoku (and hit points for Gran Rey Cero) equal to the cero’s cost as part of using the Black Getsuga Tensho, adding the cero’s damage dice (NOT including the flat damage) to the Black Getsuga Tensho.
- You can enter this form for a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. You cannot use this form while Fullbring, Ressureción or Vollständig are active, and cannot activate them while this form is active.
- Improved Horn of Salvation. While in Bankai, your Horn of Salvation form is increased beyond its normal limits, growing even stronger. Your full hollowfication now increases your reiatsu level by two instead of one, and your movement speed is tripled instead of doubled. Also, the additional benefits are replaced by the following:
- Your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom increase by an additional +6 while their maximums increase by an additional +4.
- You gain the Vasto Lorde Cero and Impossible Cero Mutation, alongside any mutations needed for it.
- When you use your Black Getsuga Tensho Shikai ability, you may choose to merge it with a cero to produce a far deadlier attack. To do so you expend additional reiryoku (and hit points for Gran Rey Cero) equal to the cero’s cost as part of using the Black Getsuga Tensho, adding the cero’s damage dice (NOT including the flat damage) to the Black Getsuga Tensho.
- Fight!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Zangetsu takes the form of two separate, purely black blades. One is a very large sword in the shape of a khyber knife, with the grip at the base of the blade and a handle extending back from this about roughly the width and length of your forearm. There is a thin, hollowed-out portion running along the back edge of the blade from the base to the middle of the blade. The second blade is relatively small, about the size of your arm, and is similar to the first blade, but resembles a trench knife more than a sword. Unlike its counterpart, it has an enclosed handle, with a portion acting like a hand guard.
The damage die tier of the larger blade is increased by one, and both weapons have the light property when you wield them (for other creatures, the larger sword has the heavy property).
- Getsuga Tensho. The smaller of the two blades is capable of firing off Getsuga Tensho, a powerful flying slash of condensed reiryoku, with barely any movement or effort. Once per turn when you would make an attack roll with your Zanpakuto, you can spend 5 reiryoku to replace the attack with a Getsuga Tensho. You make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 50 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 force damage and are pushed 10 feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target.
- This technique deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Kuro Getsuga Tensho. The larger of the two blades is capable of firing off much more powerful Getsuga Tenshos, black in coloration, but they are much slower. As an action for 10 reiryoku while holding the larger blade, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 120 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 force damage and are pushed 20 feet back (with X being double your Wisdom modifier added twice). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 10 foot-radius of the target.
- Alternatively, you can choose to utilize a full turn action instead to instead of making a reiryoku attack roll, you'd force all creatures in a 120 foot cone to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take Xd12 force damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice).
- Regardless of which version you utilize, this shikai ability deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Getsuga Jujisho. By firing a Getsuga Tensho from both blades in unison a cross shaped attack of immense power is produced. As a lengthy action for 20 reiryoku, you make a reiryoku attack roll. Any creature in a 100 feet long, 25 foot wide line in front of you who the attack roll would hit takes Xd12 force damage and are knocked 30 feet back (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice).
- This Shikai ability also damages any objects or structures in the area and deals thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Tensa Zangetsu
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The Bankai state of True Zangetsu, [43] |
At 11th level, Tensa Zangetsu takes the form of a khyber knife variation; the smaller black blade comprises the inner part of the sword and has the handle, which resembles a normal katana's with black wrapping, fixed to it, while the base of the sword is slanted and the blade continues with a section jutting out from the underside as a guard, with a chain attached to it that loops over the top and attaches right before the point of the blade. To activate Bankai, you must place the two blades of the Shikai side by side, causing a surge of energy to engulf you and the swords.
Your zanpakuto gains the versatile property.
- Ken no Senshi. Your Bankai heightens your speed and power, turning you into a true warrior. You gain the following benefits:
- Your movement speed increases by 30.
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier increases by two.
- You gain one additional reaction.
- You can make one additional attack on your attack action as long as it's made with Tensa Zangetsu.
- Golden Getsuga Tensho. As part of the attack action, you can spend 20 reiryoku to replace 4 attacks while holding Tensa Zangetsu. Make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 120 feet of you. On a hit, they take Xd12 force damage and are pushed 30 feet back (with X being quadruple your Wisdom modifier). This also targets any creatures or objects within a 30 foot-radius of the target.
- This Bankai ability deals quadruple as much damage to objects and structures.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Zangetsu, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Zangetsu is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- The larger blade's damage die tier is increased by two instead of one.
- Your Getsuga Tensho damage is increased to adding your Wisdom modifier twice instead of once.
- Your Kuro Getsuga Tensho damage is increased to your Wisdom modifier added thrice as an action, and quadruple the modifier as a full turn action.
- Your Getsuga Jujisho damage is increased to quintuple your Wisdom modifier.
While Zangetsu is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- It's damage die tier is increased by three instead of two.
- Your movement speed increases by 60 instead of 30, and you gain two additional reactions in the round instead of one.
- You can make two additional attacks on your attack action as long as both are made with Tensa Zangetsu.
- Your Golden Getsuga Tensho's damage is now sextuple your Wisdom modifier.
True Hyōrinmaru[edit]
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The Shikai state of Hyorinmaru, [44] |
- Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens!
At 7th level, the Shikai form of Hyōrinmaru makes your blade extend slightly in lenght and gives it a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain. Your zanpakuto now has the finesse and versatile properties, and you may attack your crescent-shaped blade which then it gains the reach property. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals cold damage that overcomes resistances but not immunities.
Ice Dragon's Roar. Once per turn when you attack with Hyorinmaru, you may generate a ice dragon from your reiatsu. Your Zanpakuto's reach is increased by 5 times your Wisdom modifier and on a hit it deals your zanpakuto damage die + your reiatsu die in cold damage, it also forces the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they receive the Chilled condition. On a success, they do not receive the Chilled condition. Additionally, if the creature fails by 5 or more they receive the Partially Frozen condition.
Tensō Jūrin. As a free action for 2 reiryoku, you can make the weather within your reiatsu radius to instantly change to a blizzard or thunderstorm for 1 minute. At the beginning of your turns, you may force all creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they suffer the effects of extreme cold.
Ryōjin Hyōheki. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you create a protective wall of ice by finely weaving threads of ice together. The wall appears in any orientation you choose, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting on a solid surface. You can form it into a hemispherical dome or a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet, or you can shape a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with another panel. The wall has 5 times your Wisdom added twice hit points, 10 + your Wisdom modifier AC, immunity to cold, psychic damage, and resistance to all damage, vulnerability to fire damage.
- Daiguren Hyōrinmaru
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The Bankai state of Hyorinmaru, [45] |
At 11th level, the Bankai state of Hyorinmaru doesn’t change the Zanpakuto, however it makes ice cover your shoulders, forearms, and knees. Additionally, your zanpakuto now deals cold damage that overcomes both resistances and immunities and overcome immunities to extreme cold. Additionally, any effects that prevent cold damage or cold damage effects that originate from this bankai that isn't resistance or immunity do not work as their function is frozen.
Kōri no Sōsa. You can manipulate ice at will. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you can choose one target within your reiatsu radius. It is forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 cold damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice) and are Partially Frozen. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Partially Frozen. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
You may also use this as a reaction to being hit by a melee weapon attack, or as part of hitting an attack with your Zanpakuto once per turn.
Konseputofurīzu. Whenever a creature fails a saving throw caused by one of your Bankai features, they must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they cannot use any reiatsu features for 1 minute. On a success, they become immune to this feature for 1 minute.
If a creature has failed your saving throw by 5 or more, they have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Shikai Hyōketsu. You can build up power before a freezing attack, turning it into a much more powerful ability. Whenever you use one of your Bankai features that deal damage, you may increase its action cost by 1(free action>bonus action>action>full turn action>2 rounds), making the technique deal twice as much damage.
Hyōtai. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you may gain the following benefits for 1 minute or until you dispel it at will (no action required):
- You gain flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- You gain temporary hit points equal to your Shinigami level times two. You regain a number of these temporary hit points at the beginning of your turns equal to your Wisdom modifier. They end once your bankai or the duration ends.
- Your reach increases by 5.
- You may attack with your ice tail, using your Wisdom modifier for its attack and damage rolls. On a hit, they take cold damage equal to your zanpakuto die.
Tensō Jūrin. As a free action for 5 reiryoku, you can make the weather within your reiatsu radius instantly change to a blizzard or thunderstorm for 1 minute. At the beginning of your turns, you may force all creatures within your reiatsu radius to make a Constitution saving throw against your reiryoku DC. On a failure, they suffer the effects of extreme cold even if they are immune to it.
Zanhyō Ningyō. Once per round when you are targetted by an attack, you may use your reaction to spend 10 reiryoku to make an exact replica of yourself. The replica shatters after being hit, with you appearing somewhere within your movement speed radius.
Aisushīrudo. As a reaction to being targetted by an attack, you can spend 5 reiryoku to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier but reducing your movement speed to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
Ryūsenka. Once per turn as part of hitting an attack roll with your zanpakuto, you can spend 10 reiryoku to generate a massive layer of ice and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take additional Xd10 cold damage and are Partially Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Partially Frozen. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
Sennen Hyōrō. As a full turn action for 20 reiryoku, you create many ice pillars that encircle you and a creature within your sight range. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw with advantage due to the ice pillars being slow. On a failure, they take Xd12 cold damage and will be Fully Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier added thrice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Fully Frozen. If you were hidden while performing this attack, the creature won't have advantage on the saving throw.
Hyōten Hyakkasō. As a full turn action for 15 reiryoku, you create a huge hole opens up in the clouds, a large amount of snow falls down onto a point within 100 times your Wisdom modifier feets of you. All creatures within a 100-foot tall cylinder must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 cold damage and are Fully Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they are not Fully Frozen.
Guncho Tsurara. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you make a reiryoku attack roll against a creature within 100 feet of you. On a hit, the creature takes Xd12 cold damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). This attack roll cannot be stopped by an effect that stops cold damage.
Hyōryū Senbi. As an action for 5 reiryoku, you force all creatures in a 10 times your Wisdom modifier cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd10 cold damage and are Partially Frozen (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice). On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Partially Frozen. If they fail by a 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have mastered Hyorinmaru.
While Hyorinmaru is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by one tier.
- If the creature fails the ice dragon saving throw, they are Partially Frozen. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Fully Frozen instead.
While Hyorinmaru is it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your zanpakuto damage die is increased by two tiers.
- Kōri no Sōsa now takes a free action, and adds your Wisdom modifier thrice.
- Konseputofurīzu now makes the creature unable to use reiatsu features for 1 hour if they fail the saving throw by 5 or more.
- Shikai Hyōketsu now also doubles the range.
- You may use Tenso Jurin at will.
- Aisushirudo now adds your Wisdom modifier added twice to your AC.
- Ryusenka's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Sennen Hyoro's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added four times.
- Hyoten Hyakkaso's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Guncho Tsurara's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Hyoryu Senbi's damage now adds your Wisdom modifier added thrice.
- Healing Zanpakuto
Hisagomaru, unlike a common Zanpakutō, does not inflict damage when the blade hits a target, but rather heals the wounds of anyone it touches. Whenever you hit a creature with your Zanpakuto, they regain hit points equal to the amount of damage you would have dealt, up to their maximum.
Your Zanpakuto has a gauge along the length of its blade. Whenever you make creatures regain hit points via your Zanpakuto, a red smoke is emitted, returning to your blade causing its gauge to fill up with healing points consistent with the level of the injury. You need to reach 200 healing points to fill up your gauge to the maximum. Once your meter reaches 200, you can activate your Shikai as a reaction.
The Healing Table below explains how much healing points your healing grants depending on the state of the creature.
Creature's Wounds State | Healing Points Granted |
Current hit points are lower than maximum hit points. | 10 |
Current hit points are lower than half their maximum hit points. | 20 |
Current hit points are lower than ¼ of their maximum hit points. | 40 |
Current hit points are lower than ⅙ of their maximum hit points. | 80 |
Current hit points are 0 or below. | 100 |
- Fulfill!
At 7th level, in its Shikai state, Hisagomaru takes the form of a scalpel. Your Zanpakuto gains the finesse and light properties.
- Herupā no Furasshu. After charging your meter to 200, Hisagomaru can unleash all of its healing as a wave with very destructive capabilities. When taking the attack action, you can replace one of the attacks by spending 5 reiryoku. Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against all creatures in a 60 feet long 5 foot wide line. On a hit, they take Xd10 radiant damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier).
- After using this Shikai ability, the healing points are spent, going back to 0.
- Oshaburi Hisagomaru
At 11th level, your Bankai transforms your Zanpakuto into an oversized scalpel, and grants you a white coat. To activate Bankai, you must have 200 Healing Points and pierce your Zanpakuto into your chest.
Your Zanpakuto gains the light and reach properties (it counts as heavy for any creature wielding it that isn't you).
- Kiseki no Hīrā. Your Bankai empowers your healing capabilities, making miracles of medicine possible. Whenever you make a creature regain hit points, they regain additional dice in hit points equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down).
- If there is no dice, they simply regain additional hit points equal to half your Wisdom score.
- Itami no Kyūshū. Your healing shall reach all, no matter how far. As a bonus action for 10 reiryoku, you choose a number of willing creatures within your reiatsu radius up to your Wisdom modifier. They regain hit points as if you have hit them with Oshaburi Hisagomaru, which makes you gain Healing Points as normal.
- Kyūseishu no Senkō. An improved version of your Herupā no Furasshu ability. When taking the attack action, you can replace one of the attacks by spending 5 reiryoku and 20 Healing Points. Make a ranged reiryoku attack roll against one creature within 60 feet. On a hit, they take Xd10 radiant damage (with X being your Wisdom modifier added twice).
- Mastered Zanpakuto
You have completely mastered Hisagomaru, drawing the maximum potential out of your zanpakuto.
While Hisagomaru is in it's Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- Herupā no Furasshu now adds your Wisdom modifier twice instead of once to the damage.
While Hisagomaru is in it's Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two.
- Kiseki no Hīrā now adds dice equal to your full Wisdom modifier. Also, if there is no dice you instead add your full Wisdom score.
- You gain twice as much healing points when healing with the Itami no Kyūshū ability.
- Kyūseishu no Senkō now adds your Wisdom modifier thrice instead of twice to the damage.
Formless State. Uzakuro is a unique zanpakuto, in a sense that the name Uzakuro would best describe the bankai and not the shikai as it doesn't have any. You gain the Premature Release feat however it works much differently for you. You start with both your shikai and Bankai, counting as if you had the required affinity and had beaten your zanpakuto, you also gain the complete version of your Bankai as opposed to the incomplete version. You must possess the spirit materialization feature and actually beat your zanpakuto spirit in order to use shikai.
- Form!
At 7th level, your zanpakuto does not change form due to not having a unique Shikai unlike most Zanpakuto. However it is incredibly boosted by reiatsu by infusing your energy in bankai into a singular form.
As a bonus action, you may condense your reiatsu in bankai to form a singular asauchi. Your bankai deactivates and you gain your zanpakuto, which deals your zanpakuto damage dice added twice for 1 minute. Once the minute ends, the reiatsu absolves and you return to being in bankai once more.
- Uzakuro
At 11th level, when releasing your Bankai, your zanpakuto entirely dissolves, as your inner world now becomes fused with the real world, due to this your Bankai is much different. You are permanently within your bankai.
Kūsō Yūgō, Kūsō. Your bankai allows you to fuse with and manipulate your surroundings within your reiatsu radius on every level—physical, spiritual, and mental. Your surroundings become an extension of your being, enabling you to control everything within your fused area, whether living, nonliving, organic, or inorganic. Below is the list of abilities granted by Kūsō Yūgō, with corresponding actions and Reiryoku costs.
Sensing and Manipulation. You gain unparalleled awareness and manipulation capabilities in your fused environment, allowing you to dominate both your surroundings and your enemies.
Kūsō Yūgō Abilities Table Ability/Reiryoku Cost Description Hyper Awareness. You can sense everything happening in your fused space as if it were happening within you. Any creature or object in this area cannot remain hidden from you, and any illusions or deceptions must succeed on a contested Wisdom check against your Reiryoku DC to be effective. Additionally, you gains advantage on all Perception checks made in your fused area. Environmental Control (10 Reiryoku). You can manipulate the environment in your fused area as a bonus action. You can reshape the terrain, turn walls into deadly spikes, or collapse structures at will. Any environmental damage caused deals Xd12 (X being your wisdom modifier added four times) of any damage type you choose that isn't psychic. Creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your Reiryoku DC to avoid being harmed. Seitai Yūgō (8 Reiryoku). As an action, you can forcibly merge with a creature within your fused area. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you target a vital organ or area, dealing Xd12 (X is your wisdom modifier added five times) necrotic damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, you can destroy the target’s body entirely. On a success, the creature takes half damage. However, this is a risky move as you also take the same amount of damage. Utsusu (10 Reiryoku). By merging with existing artificial constructs in your fused area, you can create and control multiple projections of yourself. As a lengthy action, you can create a number of projections equal to your proficiency bonus. They use the same stat block as you, however their hit point maximum is equal to twice your Shinigami level + your Wisdom modifier, they are able to use any of your reiryoku features, including kido. However, they share your total Reiryoku pool and any reiryoku spent by them is considered to be spent by you, and damage to them is transferred back to you.
These projections follow your orders to the best of their ability, and are friendly to you and your allies. You can only have a number of them up to your proficiency bonus at once.
Blade Manifestation (5 Reiryoku). You can manifest invisible blades from your fused surroundings. As an action, you can target a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus within your fused area. Each target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take your Zanpakuto damage dice. If they succeed, they take half damage. You may choose to use a bonus action to form a singular blade to use as your zanpakuto, with it dealing your normal Zanpakuto damage dice. Invisibility (5 Reiryoku). You can merge completely with the surrounding air, becoming invisible as a bonus action. This invisibility lasts until you attack, cast a spell, or willingly end it. While invisible, you cannot be targeted by abilities reliant on sight. Teleportation (5 Reiryoku). As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by an attack, You can instantly teleport to any point within your fused area. This ability is unaffected by barriers or obstacles, as you move seamlessly through your own fused space.
- Fusion Enhancements. You can amplify your Bankai’s capabilities through specialized techniques, allowing you to adapt to specific situations or threats.
Fusion Enhancements Table Enhancement/Reiryoku Cost Description Fused Weaponry (5 Reiryoku). You can imbue a weapon within your fused area with your Reiatsu as a free action. The weapon gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals an additional Xd12 (X is your wisdom added twice) force damage on a hit. Mental Domination (10 Reiryoku). You targets a creature within your fused area, attempting to dominate its mind as an action. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Reiryoku DC or be charmed for 1 minute. While charmed, the creature obeys your mental commands. At the beginning of their turns, a creature may repeat the saving throw once mmore, ending the effect on a success. Spiritual Disruption (10 Reiryoku). You disrupt the spiritual flow of a creature in your fused area as a bonus action. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or have its Reiryoku reduced by 20 for 1 minute. If this reduces their Reiryoku to 0, they are stunned until the effect ends. At the beginning of their turns, they may roll the saving throw to end the stun effect and the reiryoku reduction.
Stagnant Body. Your bankai has a major downside and that is while it is active, you cannot progress physically. While your Bankai is active, your strength, dexterity and constitution scores cannot increase by any means other than the Wish spell or a feature at a similar power level, not including the boost from the bankai feature.
Vulnerable Spirit. Whenever a reishi absorption feature is used within 30ft of you, you must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take Xd12 necrotic damage (X is their wisdom modifier added thrice) and on a success, you take half as much damage. You are considered vulnerable to the damage.
- Mastered Zanpakuto
While Uzakuro is in its Shikai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one.
- Your zanpakuto deals your zanpakuto damage dice added thrice.
While Uzakuro is in its Bankai state, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Zanpakuto damage dice tier is increased by two.
- The reiryoku cost of your Bankai abilities are reduced by 5 to a minimum of 1.
- The action cost of your Bankai abilities are reduced by one (as part of hitting an attack with Shigarami<free action<bonus action<action<lengthy action<full turn action).
Class Variant Rules[edit]
Fanmade Zanpakutos[edit]
While it is enjoyable to play the Zanpakutos of our favorite Shinigami, sometimes we want something more original. You can use one of the fanmade Zanpakutos created here by fans of the supplement, or create your own alongside your GM with the Zanpakuto creation guide.
Constant Shikai[edit]
Your spiritual pressure is so immense that your shikai can't be contained. This variant rule is used to emulate Ichigo Kurosaki, and is best used when playing a substitute shinigami character.
If you have the Infinite Reserves spiritual feat, your Zanpakuto will always be under the effects of Shikai.
Based on a Shinigami's zanpakuto ability, they may obtain a new technique by fighting off their zanpakuto.
During a long rest, you may concentrate yourself to enter your inner world and fight your zanpakuto. The combat takes place in your inner world, which you must decide with your GM how it looks and what kind of place is it. Your zanpakuto spirit has the exact same sheet as you, however they are level 15 in the Shinigami class and have the new technique you're trying to learn. If your level is already higher than this, they are the same level as you. The combat ends once one of you is reduced to 0 hit points, where the one with more than 0 hit points wins. If you lose, you wake up back in the real world but cannot fight your spirit again until the next long rest. If you win, you obtain the new technique.
A shinigami may only have a total number of techniques for their Shikai up to their proficiency bonus. For their Bankai however, the number is increased to their proficiency bonus + their Wisdom modifier.
While you can fight for new techniques, you may also fight to upgrade abilities from your Shikai to their Bankai version. For example, you may fight your spirit for them to upgrade your getsuga tensho ability, making it have a different effect (of your choice) when you use it on bankai.
Power Transference[edit]
While this technique is not very used by Shinigamis due to it being a crime to do so, you can to transfer your power to a willing soul. As a action while a willing soul is within your reach, you can stab them with your zanpakuto to grant them your power. After having received your powers, the soul will gain a number of levels in the Shinigami class equal to half of your Shinigami level (rounded down). You will lose an equal amount of levels in the Shinigami class, as part of your powers are stripped away from you. However, if the soul has a larger reiryoku pool than you, they will gain a number of Shinigami levels equal to all of your Shinigami level -1, turning you into a level 1 Shinigami.
To recover your Shinigami powers, you must wait inside a Gigai. For every 10 days worth of downtime you pass inside said gigai, you regain one level in the Shinigami class. You can only gain levels in the Shinigami class this way up to the level you were before using power transference.
You cannot perform Power Transference on a Hollow. Additionally, you cannot perform power transference again until you regain all of your levels in the Shinigami class.
Zanpakuto Affinity[edit]
Shinigamis have a deep bond with their zanpakutos, as they are not only their weapon but also their companions. This variant rule aims to make the zanpakutos have the feel they had in the anime, disregarding balance and such.
You don't gain the Shikai and Spirit Materialization features at their levels, instead using this system to obtain them.
- Affinity
The more a Shinigami utilizes their zanpakuto, the closer their bond grows.
Affinity Points. Affinity points are used to measure the bond you have with your zanpakuto. There are many ways to lose or gain affinity points.
Gaining Affinity. You gain affinity points whenever you do one of the following:
Benefit | Description | Affinity Acquired |
Confident Blow. | Whenever you score a critical hit with your zanpakuto. | 5 affinity points |
Victory. | Winning a combat against a creature while only wielding your zanpakuto as a weapon. If you were alone in combat, the amount gained is doubled. | 5 times the CR of the highest level creature in affinity points. |
Execution. | Reducing a creature whose level is equal or higher than your own to 0 hit points with your zanpakuto. The amount gained is doubled if the creature also had the Zanpakuto feature. | 10 times the CR of the creature. |
First Release. | Whenever you activate the Shikai feature. You can only gain affinity this way once per long rest. | 5 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) in affinity points. |
Second Release. | Whenever you activate the Bankai feature. You can only gain affinity this way once per long rest. | 10 times your Wisdom modifier in affinity points. |
- Zanpakuto Growth
Your zanpakuto benefits greatly from your bound, growing more powerful the stronger your affinity with it is. You can see the benefits you gain at your current affinity amount down bellow at the zanpakuto table:
Benefit | Description | Affinity Required |
Zanpakuto Recovery. | Whenever your zanpakuto breaks, it is now fully restored at the end of a short or long rest. | 200 |
Familiar Feeling. | Fighting with your zanpakuto makes you feel at home. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened while holding your zanpakuto. | 400 |
Shikai. | After countless battles, you have finally obtained your shikai. You gain the Shikai feature, and may use it as soon as you reach the necessary affinity. | 600 |
Peace of Mind. | While your shikai is active, you are immune to being frightened. | 800 |
Full Trust. | Your zanpakuto has absolute faith in you, nothing shall break your bond. You automatically succeed in the Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the zanpakuto you're worthy of your true bankai. | 1000 |
- Bankai
Once you reach enough affinity which is 600, you instantly gain the Spirit Materialization feature.
After defeating the spirit, you must roll a DC 25 - your proficiency bonus or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a success, you gain your Bankai. On a failure, your spirit won't trust your strength and give you a false bankai. Discuss with your GM what would be the different features of your false bankai.
Obtaining your true bankai is a difficult task that can only be done after reaching 1000 affinity with your zanpakuto and training with someone who possesses lots of knowledge about zanpakutos (GM discretion).
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