Spiritual Treasure (Soul Society Supplement)

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Spiritual Treasures[edit]



Wondrous Item (Cellphone), Common

Denreishinki are mission aids developed by the Shinigami Research and Development Institute to enable limited communication between the living world and the Soul Society.

Taking the form of a cell phone, it allows text communication between you and other Denreishinki, including those in other dimensions, whose number you have inputted into your own. It's also capable of accessing a centralized database that tracks information on Hollows including bounties, history, and potential mutations, as well as a map that displays the locations of any Base Hollows within 40 miles of yourself.


Wondrous Item, Common (requires attunement)

Also known as Hell Butterfly, A Jigokuchō is a small, black butterfly that synchronizes with a creature's Reiryoku. When a creature passes through the Senkaimon while attuned to a Jigokuchō, they instantly pass to the other side of the Dangai.

Additionally, you may send this flying butterfly to another creature you have already sensed with the Reikaku feature within the same plane as yourself, taking an amount of time up to GM's discretion and sending a short message to the receivee on its arrival.

After delivering the message, the butterfly returns to you.


Wondrous Item, Common
A Gigai is an artificial body which allows Shinigamis to remain in the Human World and interact with Humans. While you are a Soul, you can enter the Gigai as an action, now losing the benefits of the Soul feature except for spiritual awareness. The Gigai will change its appearance to match your own, however it does not copy your clothes, so you need to find clothes for it on your stay. You cannot use any features that can only be used while you are a Soul while inside the Gigai.

To leave your Gigai, you must succeed a DC 20 Strength saving throw.


Wondrous Item, Common

Gikon, also called Soul candy, are souls designed by Shinigami scientists which separate a Shinigami's spirit from a Gigai, should they be inhabiting one, or evict stubborn spirits from their corpses if necessary. Gikon are contained in toy dispensers, with the artificial souls having a personality similar to the corresponding dispenser's character.

As a free action while you are not a Soul, you may ingest a Gikon. After the ingestion, you instantly leave your physical body or Gigai.

Instead of falling unconscious, the Gikon controls the body and will obey your orders to the best of their abiliity. If the body you were in was your own (i.e. not a Gigai) any damage dealt to the body is still dealt to you instead. This has no effect if you are already a soul.

As an action, you may reenter your body if it is within your reach, causing the Gikon to be ejected as a pill.

There are 13 different Gikon personalities they can be developed as:

Chappy the Rabbit. Chappy has a cutesy personality, and is the most popular Gikon.

Yuki the Duck. Yuki is typically overconfident.

Papyrus the Dog. Papyrus is generally likable, but forgetful.

Gringo the Panda. Gringo has the personality of an old-timey gangster.

Ginnosuke the Cat. Ginnosuke has a sly personality.

Bruce the Monkey. Bruce has the personality of a coward.

Momone the Dolphin. Momone has a creepy personality.

King the Lion. King is diligent, but stupid.

Diana the Snake. Diana is kind in public, but rude in private.

Alfred the Skeleton. Alfred has a low-energy personality.

Claudia the Crow. Claudia is high-energy and gets distracted easily.

Kaneshiro the Frog. Kaneshiro experiences any emotions to the extreme.

Steiner the Zombie. Steiner is belligerent at all times, and is the least popular Gikon.


Wondrous Item, Common

A memory substitution device used on humans who have seen Shinigami or Hollows. You can use the device as an action, making a bird's head pop out from the top of the device and produce a puff of smoke. One Human of your choice within 5 feet of you falls unconscious if their reiatsu level is not higher than 1.

Once the Human wakes up, they'll have new memories as to what happened to them, completely forgetting anything related to the spiritual world. For example, a Human might think their destroyed house was caused by a truck hitting it while they slept. The new memories are completely ramdom, depending only on the imagination of said Human.

Quincy Cross[edit]

Wondrous Item (pendant), Uncommon (requires attunement)

A cross shaped like the Quincy symbol, it serves as a catalyst for the formation of Quincy weapons such as the Heilig Bogen. A creature attuned to this feature, they gain the Reishi Manipulation feature.

If a Arrancar attunes to this Cross, they become a Quincyarrancar.



Wondrous Item (tube), Uncommon

Gintō are small silver tubes approximately 2 inches long, they can store reiryoku condensed into a liquid state. At the end of a long rest, a Quincy can store a number of reiryoku into a Gintō equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1, maximum of 5).

A Gintō can has a maximum capacity of 5 reiryoku, and can only be used in Invention Spells if it is full.

Gokkon Tekko[edit]

Wondrous Item, Uncommon
The Gokon Tekkō is a device used by Shinigamis to forcibly remove souls from bodies. The Gokon Tekko is a small skull symbol that can be placed in any object that isn't a weapon or ammunition.

Whenever you touch a creature with a physical body or Gigai with this device, they are ejected from their body and become a soul.


Hollow Bait[edit]

Wondrous Item (tablet), Rare

Hollow Bait consists of small, round, white tablets only slightly larger than an adult fingernail with writing or symbols circling the flat edge. As a free action, a creature can crush and disperse into the air, with its scent attracting Hollows from Hueco Mundo to the area of the Human World in which it was used.

For a number of hours equal to the proficiency bonus of the creator of the bait, Hollows of up to CR 4 will be attracted to a 40 miles radius centered on the point where the Hollow Bait was broken.

Very Rare[edit]


Wondrous Item, Rare

The Hojiku-Zai is a regenerative serum that can regrow limbs upon injection. A creature may inject a dose of Hojiku-Zai into themselves as a bonus action, or inject it into another willing creature as an action. The injected creature causes one of their Limb's hit points to go back to their maximum, even if they were removed.

Seele Schneider[edit]

Wondrous Item, Rare

The Seele Schneider is a thin, silver-colored weapon which, when activated, sports a glowing blue blade. When Reiryoku is channeled through a Seele Schneider, Reishi is channeled into the shape of a blade that rotates like a chainsaw. This movement not only improves the weapon's cutting power, but oscillates Reishi it touches, causing immediate separation.

While wielding a Selee Schneider, you can spend 2 reiryoku as a bonus action, causing it to become a Simple Melee Weapon with the Finesse and Light properties for 1 minute or until you stop wielding it. On a hit, the Selee Schneider deals 1d12 radiant damage. Also, this weapon deals twice as much damage to objects and structures made out of Kishi, such as Hueco Mundo’s trees or Soul Society’s structures.

Reishi Empowerment. Attacks against creatures with overwhelming reiatsu tend to be more effective with your Seele Schneider. Whenever you attack a creature with your Seele Schneider against a creature with a reiatsu bonus active, such as the Ressureción, Bankai, Vollständig, Fullbring features, they deal one additional damage die on a hit per reiatsu level they gain from the transformation.

Arrow Sword. As a reaction when you make a ranged attack with a ranged weapon, you can fire the Seele Schneider as ammunition, even if the attack doesn’t need ammunition. The attack’s damage type is changed to radiant, and deals additional damage equal to the Seele Schneider damage die, with any bonuses from Reishi Empowerment also working on this attack.

When used in this way, the Seele Schneider can be recovered like any other piece of ammunition, and you may round up when determining how many Seele Schneiders you recover.

Shinigami Badge[edit]

Wondrous Item (Amulet), Very Rare
If a Substitute Shinigami appears, Soul Society gives that Shinigami a special badge which they use to monitor and restrict the Substitute. A creature with a physical body can use the badge as a free action, becoming a Pure Soul.

The creature's physical body is considered paralyzed while they are outside their body.

They can end this state at will while within 5 feet of their physical body.



Weapon (Katana, Legendary (Requires Attunement)

All Zanpakuto begin as an Asauchi, a nameless sword forged by Oetsu Nimaiya using the souls of fallen Shinigami that acts as both a catalyst and vessel for the wielder's Zanpakuto Spirit. As the user grows in power and experience, so too does their Zanpakuto Spirit, though often in different directions. With high levels of growth, a Zanpakuto eventually develops a name, and enough resonance with its user, these names can be called upon to awaken a truer form of their Zanpakuto's power.

At the end of every dawn, you gain 1 attunenent level with the Asauchi. Once you've reached 100 attunement level with it, the Asauchi transforms into a Zanpakuto, making you gain the Zanpakuto feature. Additionally, you count as a Shinigami of the same level as your class level for the purposes of the Zanpakuto feature.

Hollows cannot attune to this item.

Leiden Hant[edit]

Wondrous Item (Glove), Legendary (requires attunement)

The Leiden Hant is a white glove which extends up the forearm, stopping two inches from the elbow. The variation made by the Wandeirech is black and extends only to the wrist.

A Quincy must endure intense training to finally attune to the Glove. First, a Quincy must make a Intelligence (Arcana) against their reiryoku DC when they try to summon their Heilig Bogen. On a failure, they take force damage equal to their reiatsu level. On a success, they can create a Heilig Bogen and can now go on to the next phase of the training.

The Quincy must spend 7 days firing as many Heilig Pfeils as they can, all of that while enduring the hardships of wearing the glove. Whenever they make an attack roll with a Heilig Pfeil, they must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take half as much damage as their Heilig Pfeil causes, even if it misses. On a success, they fire the arrow normally. If they fail by 5 or more, they gain one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed until the training is complete. Also, during those 7 days their Reishi absorption now gains half as much (rounded down).

Once the 7 days have passed, they must have fired at least 50 Heilig Pfeils without failing the saving throw. If the requirements are met, they become attuned to the glove. While wearing the glove, the Quincy gains the following benefits:

  • The amount of Reishi they need to use their features is reduced by their Wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 1).
  • They add their Quincy level to the Reishi absorption calculation.
  • Their Wisdom score increases by 2, to a maximum of 22.


Artifact (Medallion), Legendary (requires attunement).

A Medallion is a device possessed by select members of the Wandenreich military that allows one to medalize a Shinigami's Bankai, thereby stealing it and allowing it to be used as their own. To attune with this item, you must have the Reishi Manipulation feature.

As an reaction when a Shinigami activates their Bankai, you can activate the Medallion to force them to make an Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you steal their Bankai, making them unable to use their Bankai anymore.

You can only have one Bankai stolen at once. While you have a stolen bankai, you can activate it. However, you do not gain the benefits of Mastered Zanpakuto. Finally, you can’t use the Vollständig feature while you have a stolen Bankai.

Poisoned Bankai. You cannot steal Bankais from creatures that have the Visored or Hybrid Soul with the Hollow option spiritual feats, or that had their bankai Hollowfied by exterior sources.



Wondrous Item (Orb), artifact (requires attunement)

The Hōgyoku is a powerful artifact that is impossible to destroy; its power allows the holder to fulfill their deepest desire.

The Soul's Desire. While you possess the Hōgyoku, you can use the Wish spell once per long rest without any downsides. This wish will manifest in a way that you are capable of fulfilling it. For example, if you wish for a creature to die (as long as it is not part of the Soul King or having a part of the Soul King), the Hōgyoku will evolve you to the point where you can kill that creature. If you wish for great power, the Hōgyoku will elevate you to the pinnacle of your strength.

Hōgyoku Fusion. Upon merging with the Hōgyoku, you now gain 100 hit points at start of your turns up to your maximum because the Hõgyoku is always trying to protect you. Also, you stop aging and can no longer die of old age.

Immense Reiatsu By merging with the Hōgyoku, the creature gains the benefits of the background feat: Soul King’s Host, but with the following buffs:

  • Your maximum Reiryoku increases by 80.
  • Your Reiatsu level increases by 6.
  • Your maximum Wisdom score increases to 26 if it isn't already higher.
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