Soul (Soul Society Supplement)
Souls are the spiritual beings that reside in the Rukongai area of Soul Society and the spirits of dead Humans in the World of the Living. While many Souls are deceased Humans from the Human World, they can be born within Soul Society as well.
While being a soul, you gain the following features:
Invisible Force. You are a soul, being now an invisible force to those around you. You are considered invisible to creatures without the Spiritual Awareness trait.
Spiritual Awareness. You have become able to see souls, now seeing the full reality of the spiritual world. You can now see creatures with the invisible force feature.
Types of Souls[edit]
There are various classifications for when a creature becomes a soul. They are all described down below.
Wandering Spirit[edit]
Wandering spirits are souls who somehow got out of their bodies, though their Chain of Fate is still intact and connected to their body. This can rarely happen by mere misfortune, or in most cases when a hollow removes a soul out of their bodies to devour them.
While you are a wandering spirit, you gain the normal features of being a soul in addition to the following:
Chain of Fate. You have a chain on your chest that connects itself to its old body. You can only go 10 times your level feets from your body before being stopped. The chain has 10 + your Wisdom modifier AC and 1 hit point. If someone destroys the chain while you are in the soul state, you become a Plus and uses the Chain of Fate trait located there instead.
Pluses are the benign ghosts in the Human World, being the spirit of a person who has died.
If a humanoid creature that is not already a soul is killed or if a creatures destroys the chain of a Wandering Spirit, they become a Plus. Once they become pluses, they gain the normal features you gain as a soul in addition to the following:
Chain of Fate. When you died, a misterious chain appeared protuding from your chest. The chain is broken, and it seems to be slowly deteriorating. Your chain lasts for 1 year, in which during this time two of things can happen:
- Hollow Attack. If you are killed by a Hollow, you are reborn after 1 minute, changing your soul type to Hollow.
- Konso Ritual. If a creature uses the Konso feature on you, you're transfered to the Soul Society plane and your soul type is changed to Pure Soul.
- Time Up. If the full year passes, you inevitably become a Hollow due to your chain fully corroding.
Pure Soul[edit]
Pure Souls are the inhabitants of Soul Society, being either born there or have been sent there after having the Konso ritual performed on them.
While being a pure soul, you gain the normal features of being a soul without the detriments of being a plus.
Modified Souls, more commonly referred to as Mod-Souls, are artificial souls designed to enhance regular Human physiology, making them capable of battling Hollows equally.
Due to being a Mod-Soul, you do not have a body of your own, being a small pill like most Gikon are and being unable to take any form of actions, move or even talk. You must choose which type of Mod-Soul you are, with all options being shown down below:
- Underpod. You were created to have great leg strength. You gain the Athlete spiritual feat, and your jump distance is tripled.
- Upperpod. You were created to have great arm strength. You gain the Grappler spiritual feat, and you count as one size larger for shoving and grappling.
- *Lighterpod*. You were created to be much faster than normal humans. You gain the Mobile spiritual feat, and you when you take the dash action your speed is added twice instead of once.
When you are consumed by a body such as a Gigai or the body of a creature that is not a Soul, they are expelled from the body as a Soul and you gain control of their body. You lose the Invisible Force trait and use the statistics and racial features of the creature while inside them, though you keep your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores, your feats and class features.
All Hollows were once Pluses which have lost their heart and become beings of pure instinct. Their primary hunting grounds are in the living world, however Hollows who wish for more strength hunt on the Hueco Mundo plane.
While being a hollow, you gain the normal features of being a soul in additional to the following:
Hollow Soul. Your chain of fate has been completely destroyed, leaving a hole on your chest or neck area and granting you a white mask to symbolize the heart you've lost. You don't need to eat, drink or sleep. In addition, your creature type is changed to Undead.
Monstrous Form. When you became a hollow, your whole body has been transformed into a grotesque abomination much distant from your previous self. Choose up to two creatures. They must be a Beast, Monstrosity or Undead, cannot have a spellcasting feature, and their CR cannot be higher than your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
You gain all of their traits and features, however you must decide on the following things:
- Speed. You must choose between having the walking speed of one of the creatures chosen or having a walking speed of 30.
- AC. You must choose between having the AC of one of the creatures chose or have the base AC of 10 + Dexterity.
- Natural Weapons. If both creatures have the same natural weapon, such as both having a claw attack, you must choose one of them to use.
Siege Monster. Hollows don't care about their surroundings, which leads to their presence alone bringing destruction. You deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Reiatsu-Empowered. Hollows are completely made out of Reiatsu, thus empowering their strikes. Your unarmed strikes are considered magical.
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