Character Creation (Soul Society Supplement)

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In the Bleach world, there are multiple types of spiritual paths one can take. From soul destroying humans to soul devouring monsters.

Spiritual Classes[edit]

In the Bleach world there is a multiversal energy called Reiryoku, it's inside of every creature that exists, however only those who are spiritually aware can utilize it. However, creatures that are made of reishi like the soul reapers or the hollows are naturally adapt with this type of energy. When creating your character, you must choose one of the following classes:


Shinigami are spiritual beings that defend the souls of the innocent and help on the passing of lost souls. They are very versatile in nature, learning from the schools of Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kido and Hoho.


Hollows are spiritual entities driven by an insatiable hunger for souls, which they consume to increase their strength. Known for their immense raw power, they are both highly destructive and remarkably resilient.


Quincy are special humans that use spiritual powers to destroy souls, focusing on the complete destruction of hollows instead of purification. They aren't very resistant, however they have various gadgets to help them out in battle, even being more powerful than Soul Reapers if they train.


Fullbringers are humans that have awakened spiritual powers due to a hollow attack, with their powers having relation to an object. They are very resistant, with their powers varying, since their object generally dictates that.


While bleach has many different types of monsters and creatures, in the end they were all humans at some point in time. You only have two options when creating a character; the Human race and the Quincy race.

Soul Start. When creating your character, you can choose to start out as a Pure Soul if you are a Shinigami or as a Hollow if you are a Hollow. You cannot choose this option if your Spiritual Class is Quincy or Fullbringer.

Mod Soul. Unlike Soul Start, starting this way actually puts you inside a body. You gain the benefits of Mod-Soul, and may choose any class to start as.


Bleach is very diverse in backgrounds, with almost anything fitting into it's story. In addition to all traditional backgrounds, you may choose any homebrew backgrounds tied to the time period your campaign is set in.

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