Fanmade Zanpakutos (Soul Society Supplement)

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Fanmade Zanpakutos[edit]

This is where all the non-official Zanpakutos will be listed, so you may put any kind of Zanpakutos here. Most of these are not made by the original creator of the class, so don't expect for them to be constantly monitored or reviwed for balance.

Zanpakuto Creation Guide[edit]

This guide will aid you in creating a Zanpakuto that's fit for the supplement.


When creating your Zanpakuto, think about what is it based on. Is it based on an element? An animal perhaps? An object? A concept? The possibilities with Zanpakuto abilities are seemingly endless, as shown with the Bleach series.

Knowing what you want for your Zanpakuto makes the process easier, as you now have solid ground to make it.

Optional: Alternative Sealed State

Some rare Zanpakuto are shown to have different forms in their sealed state, already affecting them as a whole. A Zanpakuto with this type of feature must have a mechanical reason that fits with the Zanpakuto's kit, so it is not reccomended for begginers.

Zanpakuto Release

When creating the first feature of your Zanpakuto, remember that it's name will always be it's release word. For example, if your release word is "Howl!", the name of the 7th level feature would be Howl.

The fluff of your Shikai should describe what changes occur with its release, with it varying from Zanpakuto to Zanpakuto. Additionally, the properties of your Zanpakuto generally change in Shikai.


While on its Shikai state, your Zanpakuto gains new abilities you can perform spending reiryoku. You must have a minimum of 1 ability in your Shikai state.

Reiryoku Cost. The reiryoku cost of your Shikai abilities should range between 2-10. You can use the cost table below as an example for putting up prices, but remember that it won't always be reliable.

Cost Table
Ability Power Cost
Weak 2 reiryoku
Average 5 reiryoku
Good 8 reiryoku
Powerful 10 reiryoku

Dice Amount. When calculating the damage or healing of your Shikai abilities, you always use XdY (with X being the character's Wisdom modifier added any number of times, and Y being the die tier of the skill). It is reccomended to not make Shikais that add your Wisdom modifier four times or more to the damage dice calculation, and that if it can reach adding your modifier thrice, it should be at a higher cost (such as increasing its action cost to action>lenghty action).

You should also avoid adding flat values for damage, as that is reserved for Hollows due to their high damage function. This is not a problem with healing however.

Range. When a Shikai ability has no range in mind, the best option is to make its range the wielder's reiatsu radius.


Bankai is the second stage of a Shinigami's Zanpakuto, being a direct evolution of its Shikai state. You must describe what happens with your Zanpakuto and how does the wielder activates Bankai.

When writing up Bankai abilities, you should take into account that the wielder's Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores are increased by 2 (including their maximums), and their reiatsu radius is doubled.

While Bankai is a direct evolution of Shikai, always remember that it can take the form of anything as long as it still keeps the general idea of the main concept.

Reiryoku Cost. The reiryoku cost of your Bankai abilities should range between 5-40. While this is much higher than before, it is because in the show and in supplement Bankais are an immense power boost. You can use the cost table below as an example for putting up prices, but remember that it won't always be reliable.

Cost Table
Ability Power Cost
Weak 5 reiryoku
Average 10 reiryoku
Good 15 reiryoku
Powerful 20 reiryoku
Extremely Powerful 30 reiryoku
Mythically Powerful 40 reiryoku

Dice Amount. Your Bankai abilities damage is higher than Shikai, as such it can reach up to the quintuple of your Wisdom modifier in dice, be it via cost increase or not.

Range. When a Shikai ability has no range in mind, the best option is to make its range the wielder's reiatsu radius.

Mastered Zanpakuto

The Mastered Zanpakuto feature is simply a general buff to the Zanpakuto. You must describe what increases happen with your Shikai and Bankai, and their abilities.

No matter what these upgrades are, the Zanpakuto damage die tier will always increase by one in Shikai and by two in Bankai. This only changes if your Zanpakuto already increases the same amount of tiers, then it increases by one additional tier.

Example: My Shikai increases my Zanpakuto damage die by one tier, so at Mastered Zanpakuto it would increase it by two. Also, my Bankai increases by two tiers, so that means that in Mastered Zanpakuto it would become three tiers.

Original Zanpakutos[edit]

Offensive Zanpakutos[edit]



At 7th level, Shīsaidomosu’s Shikai makes the sword take the form of a long whip made of a vine with thorns. Your Zanpakuto now has a reach of 25ft, has the finesse and slow properties and every third hit of it against the same creature will cause the bleeding condition, critical hits will cause bleeding imediately.

Budō no Yokusei. As an action for 8 reiryoku, you may target one of your opponent’s limbs, you receive no penalties for targeting arms and legs and the penalties on all others is reduced by one, however you cannot target the skull, ears, eyes and jaw. If you hit, your whip wraps around the limb, dealing 2 rolls of your zanpakuto damage and the must make a strength saving throw to be able to use that limb every time they wish to. While you have a limb caught, you may use your bonus action to cause the whip to spin ferociously, shredding the limb, the creature must make a constitution saving throw, taking Xd10 damage and making the limb be considered as wounded on failure(with X being your dexterity modifier), on a success they take half damage and their limb is considered “half wounded”, meaning that if they succeed again it will become fully wounded, this repeats for each state of the limb (wounded>broken>lost). The creature can make a strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns to rid themselves of the whip. While your whip is wrapped around a creature, you may not use your zanpakuto to attack.

Doku no Toge. As a bonus action for 5 reiryoku, you may cause the thorns on your whip to secrete poison, making you attacks deal and extra die of poison damage, additionally, whenever you inflict the bleeding condition with your zanpakuto while this is active, you force the creature to make a constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned and envenomed on a failure.

Koke no Hanmo. As an action for 10 reiryoku, you cause your whip to become covered in moss. Whenever you hit a creature, you may spend 1 reiryoku to infect them with the moss, making them make a constitution saving throw, giving them 1 moss counter on a failure and ½ moss counter on a success, if you reach 2 moss counters, roll 1d4(1: left arm; 2: left leg; 3: right arm; 4: right leg), making the limb become covered by moss, this makes it count as wounded, if you reach 4, it is further consumed by moss, making it count as broken, and if you reach 6, it fully transforms into moss, making it count as lost, critical hits automatically apply a moss counter without you having to use reiryoku. If you target a limb, that limb will be the one affected. All moss counters disappear on a short rest or at the user’s will, but if a limb was fully turned into moss, it is completely lost. A creature may attempt to get rid of a moss counter by making a survival check against your reiryoku save DC, removing 1 moss counter on a success and 2 if they roll a natural 20, however they must still pass the save to do so.

Shin'nyū koke no tani

At 11th level, you have achieved your bankai. While in bankai, your zanpakuto is now permanently covered in moss, your body also becomes infected by the moss, with it appearing similar to fur on your body, it covers your hands, forearms, feet, ankles, shoulders, back and neck.

While in bankai, the reach of your zanpakuto becomes your sight range(or 500ft in case you are blind) as it extends to the user’s will, additionally, it is constantly under the effects of Doku no Toge and Koke no Hanmo.

Gurīnrūru. This takes effect as soon as your bankai is activated. When you activate your bankai, you may create a “rule”, this rule must be a specific action that creatures must avoid or do every turn, the rule may not be a general fundamental task creatures must take(such as blinking, breathing or generally moving), having to be a specific course of action, such as “creatures may not lower their elevation”, “creatures may not speak phrases longer than 7 syllables” or “creatures may not take more than 9 steps in the same direction”, this rule affects every creature in the fight(including allies) or within 1 mile outside of combat, except yourself, creatures within 10ft of you will immediately know of the rule, but creatures further away will not be aware of it, if they watch a creature breaking the rule, they may make a wisdom saving throw to try and figure it out, a creature that knows the rule may tell it to everyone within 30 feet with no consequences. If a creature breaks the rule, one of their arms or legs is immediately transformed completely into moss, counting as a lost limb, as soon as either both arms, both legs or one arm and one leg are turned into moss, all other limbs may now be transformed, rolling 1d6 to know which one, the skull will always be the last one transformed. If a creature transforms completely into moss, they are now an object, being essentially dead, but since they are a statue of moss, they cannot be brought back to life. If the user dies, all creatures who were transformed into moss return to normal, however, if their body was damaged while in moss form, they will sustain that damage.

Improved Doku no Toge. As a bonus action for 15 reiryoku, you cause the poison secreted by the thorns to become more abundant and deadly, you now add your wisdom modifier in your zanpakuto damage dice in poison damage instead of just one extra die, this damage overcomes resistances but not immunities.

Sōnharikēn As a reaction to an attack or a AOE saving throw, you may spend 10 reiryoku to spin your zanpakuto around your body, granting yourself a bonus to your AC or saving throw equal to your dexterity modifier, if it was a melee attack, you deal your zanpakuto damage to the attacker if this causes it to miss.

Mastered Zanpakuto

At 18th level, you have mastered Shīsaidomosu

While Shīsaidomosu is it’s shikai state, it gains the following benefits:

  • Your zanpakuto damage tier increases by 1
  • The reach is now 50ft
  • Budo no Yokusei’s damage becomes 4 rolls of your zanpakuto, d12s instead of d10s and all saves are made at disadvantage
  • Doku no Toge now adds 2 extra die and ignores resistances
  • Koke no Hanmo now costs 0 reiryoku to apply a moss counter and the number of counters necessary for each step is halved

While Shīsaidomosu is in it’s bankai state, it gains the following benefits:

  • Your zanpakuto damage tier increases by 2
  • You may now make 2 rules for Gurīnrūru, they cannot contradict each other
  • Improved Doku no Toge now costs 10 reiryoku and adds double your wisdom modifier as poison damage, it also ignores immunities
  • Sōnharikēn now adds twice your dexterity modifier to AC and AoE saves, the damage dealt to physical attackers becomes double your zanpakuto damage and you gain one additional reaction to use it.

Support Zanpakutos[edit]

Zanpakutos Inspired on Other Content[edit]

Offensive Zanpakutos[edit]

Support Zanpakutos[edit]



At 7th level, the Shikai state of Ouroboros turns the Zanpakuto into a normal katana with the finesse and light properties. It has a very detailed tsuba, which is a snake devouring its own tail. When a creature would be affected by an ability caused by this Zanpakuto, may see the tsuba begin to slowly start turning, the mouth chasing the tail in circles.

Just the Beginning. As a reaction for 5 Reiryoku when a condition would end on a creature within your Reiatsu radius, you may force the targeted creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On failure, the effect begins again as if it had started a number of rounds ago equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up). This cannot extend a status longer than it would've lasted originally. Regardless of the condition, the creature may choose to make Wisdom saving throws instead of the condition's saving throw. A creature cannot willingly fail a saving through caused by this ability.

While a creature is under an effect which you have successfully rewound, you may use your bonus action to attempt to extend the effect for 2 Reiryoku. You must make a Wisdom saving throw against the creature's Reiryoku DC. On failure, the effect ends immediately. On success, the duration is extended by half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down). A condition cannot be extended this way more than once.

Winding Road. Your Zanpakuto allows you to resist the end, pulling you back to a time you designate as your "beginning". As an action for 8 Reiryoku, you can target one creature in your Reiatsu range. As a reaction on a following turn, you may return the chosen creature to the beginning of this loop. Their hit points, temporary hit points, items, and conditions return to that which they had when you used this action. Items return to their position before you begin your loop. You may use this reaction before a number of turns pass equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Effects such as damage or conditions caused by creatures with 10 or more Reiatsu levels above your own are not reverted when you would use Winding Road on yourself.

Trap. Your Zanpakuto and its loop will often repeat effects until they're in your favor. As a reaction for 10 Reiryoku when a creature would succeed or fail on an attack roll or saving throw, you force the creature into a loop. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On failure, they must reroll their attack or saving throw with disadvantage. On success, they must reroll their attack or saving throw with advantage.

Spiral, Ouroboros

At 11th level, you learn the truth of your Zanpakuto. Your ability is not that of a loop, but instead that of a spiral. Your Zanpakuto becomes a Daisho, one longsword (the end) and one short sword (the beginning). You gain an additional reaction which you may activate for 5 Reiryoku once per turn.

If a creature suffering from your abilities would be killed, you may decide that they are instead trapped in a loop which exists outside of your current reality. The details of this loop are up to you. However, a loop typically consists of a nonsensical reimagining and spiraling of their life, placing them in moments from their past up to their death. It is possible to escape this loop by choosing to release the creature, in which case, they will be returned to the spot where they had died, and will be stabilized.

New Beginnings. The time which you're allowed to rewind Just the Beginning increases to your full Wisdom modifier, and this may extend the duration of the condition. Conditions no longer end when you would fail the saving throw to extend the duration, and the duration is extended by half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up) on success.

Immortalized. Your Winding Road now allows you to pick sections of your loop which you favor. You may instead choose to keep or remove any aspect of yourself when using Winding Road, such as items or conditions. You may activate Winding Road for 15 Reiryoku, allowing you to keep this point in time saved for a number of rounds up to your Wisdom modifier. For every additional 5 spent, you may extend this time by another half of your Wisdom modifier to a maximum number of rounds equal to your Proficiency bonus X your Wisdom Modifier.

Not a Loop. When using Trap, you may instead spend 15 Reiryoku. When they fail their saving throw, they subtract your Wisdom modifier from their new roll. When they succeed their saving throw, they may add their Wisdom modifier to their new roll. Additionally, you may spend 20 Reiryoku as a reaction to instead allow the target to immediately use their action a second time. If they would make an attack or use an ability, they may immediately repeat their action with their target remaining the same. They roll as if they had the same bonuses they did previously. You may target yourself with this feature.

Mastered Zanpakuto

You have mastered Ouroboros.

You gain the following benefits while Ouroboros is in its Shikai state:

  • Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by one tier.
  • The duration of your Shikai effect is now your Wisdom modifier added four times.

You gain the following benefits while Ouroboros is in its Bankai state:

  • Your Zanpakuto damage die tier is increased by two tiers.
  • The duration of your Bankai's effects is now your Wisdom modifier added four times.
  • Winding Road no longer has a maximum.
  • You may decide if a creature targeted by your abilities has advantage or disadvantage on your saving throws for 5 Reiryoku.

Zanpakutos Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Offensive Zanpakutos[edit]

Support Zanpakutos[edit]

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