Feats (Soul Society Supplement)
The following feats are available for characters with levels in the Hollow, Shinigami, Quincy and Fullbringer classes.
Background Feats[edit]
Prerequisite: Must have the Hollow Class, cannot possess the Born Lord Background Feat.
Your potential for greatness has always been present. Even as a primitive beast, allies and foes knew that you were destined for greatness. Upon reaching 17th level, you gain the Vasto Lorde Feature that is shown below: After being one of the few hollows able to fill the void in your heart, you’ve come to be the highest stage of Menos Grande; a Vasto Lorde. You lose the benefits gained from the Adjuchas feature. In place of the benefits lost, you gain the following features:
Prerequisite: Must be a Quincy with the Echt Quincy subrace.
Unlike others whose schrifts has been bestowed upon by the Child of Soul King, you were instead born with yours, being blessed on birth. At 1st level, you may choose a Schrift of your choice, discussed between you and your DM.
Prerequisite: Must have the Hollow class, cannot have the Blessed with Lordship feat.
Your very birth as a Hollow is something Exceptional. Abnormal. Perhaps even destined. You gain the Vasto Lorde Feature that is shown below.
Prerequisite: Must be a Quincy with the Echt Quincy subrace, must not have the Soul King’s Host spiritual feat. You were not born as an ordinary being; you are the child of the most powerful creature among the three worlds, the Soul King. This grants you the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must be a Quincy with the Echt Quincy subrace. You are an extremely rare type of Quincy, being able to share your power with others instead of gathering reishi. You do not gain the Reishi Manipulation feature at 1st level. Any Quincy (you can’t benefit from this yourself) within 30 feet of you gains the following benefits:
A creature can’t gain these benefits from multiple sources, if two Emitter Quincy are benefitting a creature, they only benefit from the one who has the higher reiatsu level.
Prerequisites: 16 or higher Intelligence score, cannot be a Hollow that isn’t a variation of Arrancar. You’re one of a kind, being considered a genius among geniuses. Your Intelligence score increases by 6, while your maximum increases to 24. Also, you gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws. A genius is different depending on their origin and powers. Once you reach 5th level, you receive one of the following specializations depending on your spiritual class:
Prerequisites: Must not be a Echt Quincy. Due to unique circumstances, your soul has traces of all 4 existing powers in the world, turning it into a hybrid soul. This made you resemble even the almighty Soul King, granting you incredible potential. You must choose up to three of the races shown down below, gaining benefits depending on your choice(s). Hollows can't pick the Quincy option and vice versa.
While you are born with these powers inside of you, they are currently dormant and need to be awakened. For every option awakened, your reiatsu level is increased by +1.
You are under the bloodlusted condition against the creature who has reduced you at 0 hit points. The transformation ends when you fall unconscious, your mask is destroyed or your kill the creature that has reduced you to 0 hit points. You can activate this transformation once per long rest.
Your reserves were always massive since your birth, be it from your parents, raw talent or simply luck. Your reiryoku is increased by 10 per level you have in a Spiritual Class. Additionally, you count as 2 levels higher for the purposes of calculating your Reiatsu level.
Prerequisites: Must be a Fullbringer.
You're like most Fullbringers, who always had such power from birth. You start out with your Fullbring being at 1000 spiritual attachment, gaining the benefits of complete fullbring and not being able to evolve it further.
Prerequisites: Cannot be a Hollow. To say you were born blessed is an understatement, you came to be with a blessing so great others may kill you to obtain it. Your reiryoku maximum increases by 20. Hollows have advantage on checks made to track or find you, with their reikaku range being doubled for the purposes of finding your presence. You have one or more parts of the Soul King inside of you, with the part granting you special properties. You may create Soul King body parts alongside your GM with custom rules and powers.
If you or the body part which hosts the soul king's part is devoured by a hollow via the Soul Devourer feature, you lose this spiritual feat as a whole. The Hollow which devoured you gains the benefits of this spiritual feat and the body part you possessed. However, they cannot raise their reiatsu level above their proficiency bonus and cannot get more than 200 reiryoku via this method.
An event in your past made your brain come to the realization that you are too strong for your own good. This incident caused you to unconsciously start to hold yourself back while fighting, only going all out once your life is in danger. Your reiatsu level is increased by a +2. Also, your Strength or Dexterity score increases by a +4, and the chosen score gets its maximum increased to 24. Whenever you roll for initiative, your reiatsu level becomes equivalent to the strongest person in combat +1, to a maximum of your base limit. For example, if you're fighting a creature with a reiatsu level of 17 while you have a base reiatsu level of 20, your reiatsu level is reduced to 18. At the beginning of each of your turns, your reiatsu level is increased by half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), up to your base maximum.
Depending on your spiritual class, your powers are also affected by your Strength Suppression until you've went through the event that allows you to regain your strength. This also affects you if you gained the powers via the Hybrid Soul spiritual feat.
Prerequisites: Must be a Shinigami. Through some cruel twist of fate in your past you have come to be partially hollowfied. This allows you to call upon hollow powers for a boost in strength when you are in despair, though not without a cost. Whenever you receive a critical hit, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, your Hollow takes over and you become Berserk where your GM controls your character. On a success, the DC is increased by 2 (to a maximum of 30). The DC is reset back to 20 at the end of a long rest. While your Hollow is possessing you, you gain the following benefits:
You can remake the Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of your turns. Your Hollow Mask is ended when you fall unconscious or when you pass the Wisdom save. At the beginning of your turn while your Hollow Mask is on you must make a DC 5 Constitution save, falling unconscious with your hit points dropping to 0 and making death saves as normal on a failure. If you die you cannot be revived by any means. The DC increases by 5 each time you succeed on the saving throw, being reduced by 5 (minimum 5) for each minute since you last rolled the saving throw and completely reset at the end of a long rest.
Prerequisites: Must be a Shinigami Your affinity to your zanpakuto is so great that you practically start with its truest form yet, however you're not yet powerful enough to handle it. You gain the Shikai feature at 1st level and if you're using the affinity rule, you count as having 600 affinity with your zanpakuto for the purposes of gaining your shikai. Your shikai feature costs 0 reiryoku for the purposes of activating it. This will only apply up till 7th level, where it will cost as normal. At 7th level, you then gain the Spirit Materialization feature and if you manage to beat your zanpakuto spirit, you then gain the Bankai feature. However, your power has yet to mature enough to withstand the full strength of your Bankai. Work with your DM to figure out the incomplete version of your Bankai and a timer for the amount of time it takes to reach its complete version. If you disable your incomplete bankai, you cannot use the feature for 1 minute. Complete Bankai. When your Bankai reaches its complete version, it severely damages your body if you do not have the necessary precautions or ways to avoid it. At the beginning of your turns while your complete Bankai is active, you take Xd12 necrotic damage (X is your wisdom modifier added five times) that bypasses resistances, immunities, reductions, thresholds and temporary hit points. Your DM may decide when you've reached the necessary power to be able to handle your complete Bankai, now gaining the normal Bankai feature and complete Bankai.
Prerequisites: Must be a Fullbringer. You have been granted Fullbringer powers from an exterior source, such as the Hogyōku. This made your raw power much greater than those of an ordinary Fullbringer, however it also made you become unable to learn how to manipulate the souls of objects. You can't pick Object Manipulations with the Object Manipulation feature, only being able to choose evolutions. However, you can choose one of your evolutions to have its benefits doubled (for the Durability Evolution, instead of doubling the Hit Points gained, they are multiplied by 1,5). You cannot change the evolution once its chosen.
Prerequisites: Must have the Shinigami class or must have the Hollow class (you only gain the benefits of this feat once you become an Arrancar), must have a 16 or higher on your Intelligence or Wisdom score. You were born a prodigy in one of the arts of the Zankensoki discipline, exceeding other shinigami in said area. You gain one of the following features:
Body Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. You have undergone extreme physical training, giving you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Strength or more. You have become unnaturally strong to the point that your muscles are akin to armour, allowing you to block attacks and parry them rather than only evading them. You gain gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Dexterity score. You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have at least 15 Constitution or more Your body's immune system has naturally been superior to your peers or exposure to dangerous foreign elements has dramatically improved it. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Must have 14 Constitution or more. You have proven yourself to be very durable, making taking you down a very hard task. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You must have 18 Constitution or more, Strong Body Your endurance is from out of this world, no matter what you're not going down in the battlefield. You will gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength, Dexterity or Constitution scores, must not have Resilient Mind feat. Choose one physical ability score. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have proficiency in a skill that uses Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: At least 7th level. You can choose one additional saving throw to gain the benefits of the Resistant feature. You may take this feat multiple times. |
Mind Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Charisma score. Skilled at mimicry and dramatics, you gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Wisdom score, 4th level. You are always on the lookout for danger. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Intelligence or Wisdom score. Time and effort spent mastering the culinary arts has paid off. You gain the following benefits:
The challenges and struggles you've faced throughout your life have led you to delight in inflicting pain and anguish upon others. You gain a number of cruelty dice equal to your proficiency bonus. Your cruelty dice are d6s. These dice increases to a d8 at 5th level, to a d10 at 10th level, and to a d12 at 17th level. You can roll only one cruelty die per turn, and a cruelty die is spent when you roll it. You can roll a cruelty die under any of the following circumstances, with the indicated result:
You regain all spent cruelty dice when you finish a short or long rest.
You've always been a good support for others, helping them while in times of need. This has made you become quicker at helping. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 13 or higher Charisma score, 4th level. You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature gains temporary hit points equal to your reiatsu level added twice + your Charisma modifier. A creature can't gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Intelligence or Wisdom score. Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma scores, must not have the Resilient Body feat. Choose a mental ability score. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have proficiency in a skill that uses Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits:
Weapon Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. By focusing on a fighting style that focuses on charging head on, you gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength score. You are practiced in the art of crushing your enemies, granting you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Dexterity score. When you are wielding a melee weapon with which you are proficient and another creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score, proficiency with a martial weapon. Your martial training has helped you develop a particular style of fighting. As a result, you learn one Fighting Style option of your choice from a Spiritual class. If you already have a style, the one you choose must be different. Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace this feat's fighting style with another one from the Spiritual class that you don't have.
Prerequisites: 4th level, 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. When you push someone, its the best moment to make a follow up. Whenever you push someone via your Shoving or other features, you can spend a bonus action to move up to the creature (taking from your next turn's movement) and make a melee weapon attack roll against them if they are within range. On a hit, it adds your modifier twice to the damage roll.
Prerequisites: 13 or higher Strength score. You've developed the skills necessary to hold your own in close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength score. You've learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits:
You have a quick hand and keen eye when employing firearms, granting you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Dexterity score. You have achieved a penetrating precision in combat, granting you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. You have trained a lot with long reach weapons. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Strength or Dexterity score, 4th level. You have mastered techniques to take advantage of every drop in any enemy's guard, gaining the following benefits.
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Dexterity score. You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. You've learned where to cut to have the greatest results, granting you the following benefits:
Accustomed to the rough-and-tumble fighting using whatever weapons happen to be at hand, you gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 12 or higher Strength or Dexterity score. You have practiced extensively with a variety of weapons, gaining the following benefits: |
Reiryoku Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have at least one of the following: Faster Sonido, Faster Shunpo, Faster Hirenkyaku, Faster Bringer Light. Being used to the high speed movement that comes with enhancing yourself with reiatsu, you've managed to achieve speed that overwhelms all that oppose you. When you use your action to dash, you can move through hostile creatures’s spaces if you use Sonido, Shunpo, Hirenkyaku or Bringer Light (whichever meets the prerequisites of this feat). If you move through a creatures space in this way, you can immediately make two unarmed strikes or one attack with a melee weapon against that creature.
Prerequisites: Must have at least one feature that makes creatures other than yourself regain hit points. You became a great healer, being able to heal even the strongest wounds. Whenever you make a creature regain hit points from a feature that spent reiryoku, you can try to end one condition currently affecting them. Make an Intelligence (Medicine) check against the DC of the creature who caused the condition (or 15 if there was no causer), removing the condition on a success, but healing half as much if you fail. You can use this feat a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
Prerequisites: 4th level, 14 or higher Wisdom score. Your reikaku is very much above average, being able to track others almost perfectly. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 8th level, Spiritual Tracker. You've evolved your tracking abilities to a level that goes much further than most. Whenever you detect a creature via reikaku, you can use a bonus action to start concentrating and focusing on said creature. After 1 minute passes, you gather information about the creature. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice:
Hollow Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Being a Hollow, being 8th level or higher in the Hollow class.
Either by your own actions, the forcefulness of anothers, your Hollow Mask has been rippped, turning you into an arrancar. All arrancars have some form of mask remaining. You will lose all hollow racial features gained from evolutions, and mutations, and your size is reduced to medium. However, you'll gain one of the following benefits depending on which state of evolution you were in before your mask was ripped:
Additionally, all Arrancars have proficiency in simple and martial weapons.
Prerequisites: Quick Cero mutation, 15 or higher Wisdom score. You have refined your Ceros to the highest level, able to fire them from any part of your body without assuming a fighting pose. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Resurrección, 19th level or higher.
Through intense training you’ve learned to not just reclaim your stashed away power as with Resurrección, but to draw out entirely new power that comes from your original species. As a bonus action for 15 reiryoku, or no action required for 5 reiryoku while in Resurrección, you can enter Segunda Etapa for one minute or until you dismiss it at will (no action required). While in Segunda Etapa, you gain the following benefits alongside the benefits for Resurrección:
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Shinigami Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma score, must be able to cast spells, 4th level. You have learned techniques to enhance your attacks with certain kinds of Kido spells, gaining the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Intelligence or Wisdom score, 4th level. You have practiced casting Kido spells in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have the Zankensoki feature, 16th level. You trained to master more of the Zankensoki, becoming a complete master. You gain the benefits of the Mastered Art feature. If you already chose a mastered art, you must choose another when you pick this feat. |
Quincy Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be 12th level or higher, must have the Reishi Absorption feature. You've mastered one of the holy ways of the Quincy, or perhaps you simply searched for more into what you lacked. You gain the benefits of the Heiliger Henker feature. If you already had said feature, you must choose a different mastery to master.
Prerequisites: 14 or higher Constitution score, must have the Gemischt Quincy subrace. Your mixed blood has made you resistant to the Hollow reiatsu that is usually poisonous to Quincy. You lose the Hollow Aversion racial trait, and you have advantage on saving throws against the Äuschwalen spell. If you have the Genius spiritual feat, you automatically succeed against the Äuschwalen spell.
Prerequisites: 12th level, must have the Reishi Manipulation feature and 16 or higher Wisdom score. You've gained such an expertise with firing Heilig Pfeils that you may do it even without a Heilig Bogen. When you take the attack action, as long as you are carrying a Quincy Cross on your person you can replace any number of attacks by a Heilig Pfeil. You spend half as much Reishi to fire those Heilig Pfeils, however their damage die tier is reduced by one. You cannot fire Heilig Pfeils larger than a Medium sized Heilig Bogen.
Prerequisites: 4th level, must have the Reishi Manipulation feature and 16 or higher Intelligence or Wisdom score. By growing your knowledge with reishi manipulation, you've learned how to imbue reishi into items like a Künstler des Lichts Quincy. During a long rest, you may imbue a number of objects with Reishi equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). The objects that can be imbued are: Leather, Liquid (any kind) and Steel. These raw materials can be used to make Quincy Inventions. If a Künstler des Lichts Quincy gains this feat, the amount they can make during a long rest is increased by half their proficiency bonus (rounded down) instead. |
Fullbringer Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: 8th level, must have the Object Control object manipulation. You are an expert at object manipulation, having more refined techniques to utilize. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: 4th level, must be a Fullbringer. You've became an adept at martial arts, learning about their refined techniques. You gain two Martial Techniques of your choice.
Prerequisites: 4th level, must be a Fullbringer. By learned the history and techniques of weapons, you've became a real artist. You gain two Weapon Arts of your choice that you meet the requirements of. |
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