Soul (Soul Society Supplement)
Souls are the spiritual beings that reside in the Rukongai area of Soul Society and the spirits of dead Humans in the World of the Living. While many Souls are deceased Humans from the Human World, they can be born within Soul Society as well.
While being a soul, you gain the following features:
Invisible Force. You are a soul, being now an invisible force to those around you. You are considered invisible to creatures without the Spiritual Awareness trait.
Spiritual Awareness. You have become able to see souls, now seeing the full reality of the spiritual world. You can now see creatures with the invisible force feature.
Types of Souls[edit]
There are various classifications for when a creature becomes a soul. They are all described down below.
Wandering Spirit[edit]
Wandering spirits are souls who somehow got out of their bodies, though their Chain of Fate is still intact and connected to their body. This can rarely happen by mere misfortune, or in most cases when a hollow removes a soul out of their bodies to devour them.
While you are a wandering spirit, you gain the normal features of being a soul in addition to the following:
Chain of Fate. You have a chain on your chest that connects itself to its old body. You can only go 10 times your level feets from your body before being stopped. The chain has 10 + your Wisdom modifier AC and 1 hit point. If someone destroys the chain while you are in the soul state, you become a Plus and uses the Chain of Fate trait located there instead.
Pluses are the benign ghosts in the Human World, being the spirit of a person who has died.
If a humanoid creature that is not already a soul is killed or if a creatures destroys the chain of a Wandering Spirit, they become a Plus. Once they become pluses, they gain the normal features you gain as a soul in addition to the following:
Chain of Fate. When you died, a misterious chain appeared protuding from your chest. The chain is broken, and it seems to be slowly deteriorating. Your chain lasts for 1 year, in which during this time two of things can happen:
- Hollow Attack. If you are killed by a Hollow, you are reborn after 1 minute, changing your soul type to Hollow.
- Konso Ritual. If a creature uses the Konso feature on you, you're transfered to the Soul Society plane and your soul type is changed to Pure Soul.
- Time Up. If the full year passes, you inevitably become a Hollow due to your chain fully corroding.
Pure Soul[edit]
Pure Souls are the inhabitants of Soul Society, being either born there or have been sent there after having the Konso ritual performed on them.
While being a pure soul, you gain the normal features of being a soul without the detriments of being a plus.
Modified Souls, more commonly referred to as Mod-Souls, are artificial souls designed to enhance regular Human physiology, making them capable of battling Hollows equally.
Due to being a Mod-Soul, you do not have a body of your own, being a small pill like most Gikon are and being unable to take any form of actions, move or even talk. You must choose which type of Mod-Soul you are, with all options being shown down below:
- Underpod. You were created to have great leg strength. You gain the Athlete spiritual feat, and your jump distance is tripled.
- Upperpod. You were created to have great arm strength. You gain the Grappler spiritual feat, and you count as one size larger for shoving and grappling.
- *Lighterpod*. You were created to be much faster than normal humans. You gain the Mobile spiritual feat, and you when you take the dash action your speed is added twice instead of once.
When you are consumed by a body such as a Gigai or the body of a creature that is not a Soul, they are expelled from the body as a Soul and you gain control of their body. You lose the Invisible Force trait and use the statistics and racial features of the creature while inside them, though you keep your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores, your feats and class features.
All Hollows were once Pluses which have lost their heart and become beings of pure instinct. Their primary hunting grounds are in the living world, however Hollows who wish for more strength hunt on the Hueco Mundo plane.
While being a hollow, you gain the normal features of being a soul in additional to the following:
Hollow Soul. Your chain of fate has been completely destroyed, leaving a hole on your chest or neck area and granting you a white mask to symbolize the heart you've lost. You don't need to eat, drink or sleep. In addition, your creature type is changed to Undead.
Siege Monster. Hollows don't care about their surroundings, which leads to their presence alone bringing destruction. You deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Reiatsu-Empowered. Hollows are completely made out of Reiatsu, thus empowering their strikes. Your unarmed strikes are considered magical.
Monstrous Form[edit]
When you became a Hollow, your whole body has suffered a great transformation, turning you into a grotesque abomination much distant from your previous self.
Initial Form[edit]
Choose one initial form of your choice:
Amphibian Form Your form is based on those beings whose cycle is divided into an aquatic and a terrestrial phase, blending both worlds. When choosing the Amphibian form, your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Choose two body traits of your choice:
Bioluminescence. Your skin is constantly glowing, emanating 30 feet dim light from yourself. This also grants you disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Regenerator. Like some amphibians, you can regenerate. You can as an action make one limb of your choice regain its maximum hit points, even if they were removed. You can only do this once, regaining its use after a long rest.
Poisonous Skin. Due to the constant coating of poison on your skin, creatures suffer from touching your skin. Once per round when hit by a melee attack roll, you can make the attacker take poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus. A creature takes this damage at the beginning of their turns while they are grappling him.
Slippery Body. With a slippery body, you gain advantage on checks to pass through an enemy's space, and creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attack rolls against you.
Swimmer. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Ancient Form In the past, most beasts that walked the earth were larger and more dangerous than they are today, and your form is based on them, whether a dinosaur or an ancient version of a beast, such as a saber-toothed cat. When you choose the Ancient form, your Strength score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increase by 1, to a maximum of 20. Choose two of the following body traits.
Durable. Your maximum hit points increase by 2 or your Constitution modifier (whichever is higher).
Immense. You can choose to be one size larger (from Medium to Large, for example), or simply count as one size larger.
Natural Weapons. You gain natural weapons, such as large tusks, sharp claws, etc. Choose between slashing or piercing damage. Whenever you deal damage with your unarmed strikes, you can choose to change the damage type to the chosen damage.
Primal Scent. Your primal origins made your scent be as great as the ancient creatures. You can detect other creatures within 30 feet by sense of smell. If downwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if upwind, it drops to 15 feet.
Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple the ranges noted above.
When you detect a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed, only that its presence is somewhere within range. Whenever you come within 5 feet of the source, you pinpoint the source’s location.
Stomper. Due to your increased strength, your strikes tend to knock people out easier. Whenever you hit a creature with a unarmed strike, you can choose to force a creature to make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, you can choose to knock them prone.
Aquatic Form Your form is generally based on that of aquatic creatures, with gills, fins, and other marine characteristics. When you choose Aquatic form, your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum 20. You have swimming speed equal to double your walking speed. Choose two of the following body traits:
Blood Frenzy. Blood makes your body hungry for flesh. You make melee weapon attacks with advantage against creatures who are Bleeding.
Ecolocation. Like some sea life, you've learned how to ecolocate. You gain 30 feet of blindsight. You do not benefit from this sight while deafened.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Eletric Body. Your body is constantly charging up eletricity. Once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, it takes additional 1d4 lightning damage.
Fangs. Your teeth grow sharp and pointy, being perfect for great bites. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you may choose to bite the creature, dealing piercing damage on a hit.
Arthropod Form Your form resembles that of an insect and other arthropods: multiple legs and a natural protection, such as an exoskeleton. When you choose the Arthropod form, your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. In addition, the exoskeleton around your body protects you from harm. Choose two of the following body traits:
Exoskeleton. The exoskeleton around your body protects you from harm. You reduce all bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage by 2.
Small Wings. You have small wings that somehow can still carry your entire body. You have flying speed equal to half your walking speed, and can hover in the air.
Multi Limbed. Your body contains many limbs that serve as arms or legs. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill (or expertise if already proficient) while these limbs aren’t broken or removed, and you can try to shove or grapple a creature as a bonus action.
Perceptive. Your antennae, compound eyes, or other detection abilities help you perceive your surroundings, granting you a +2 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks and to your Passive Perception.
Poisonous. Like some insects, you are extremely poisonous. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, the creature is forced to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, they take 1d8 additional poison damage.
Cephalopod Form Its form is reminiscent of animals such as octopi, squids and nautiluses: tentacles, regeneration and siphons. When choosing the Cephalopod form, your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Due to having tentacles as part of your body, consider it as if you had two additional hands, which you can use to hold items, interact with objects and other light uses. This also increases your reach by 5 feet (10 feet total). Choose two of the following body traits:
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Camouflage. Taking advantage of the ability to change color and small details of your body to camouflage yourself, you receive a +2 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, always adapting to the environment.
Grappler. When a creature is caught on your tentacles, it is very hard to get out. Creatures grappled by you are also restrained until they leave the grapple.
Immense. You can choose to be one size larger (from Medium to Large, for example), or simply count as one size larger.
Ink Cloud. Like your fellow cephalopod brothers, you can release an ink cloud, however it also works outside water. You can as an action expel a 20 foot-radius cloud of ink around yourself, making the area heavily obscured for 1 minute. A strong gust of wind or a strong current if underwater disperses the cloud. When you use Ink Cloud, you can take the dash action as a bonus action.
Flying Form Your form is shaped to dominate the air: wings sprout from your body, and ruling the sky is part of your nature. When you choose flying form, your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. Choose two body traits from the following:
Beak. You have a sharp beak that can pierce through skin. Whenever you make an attack with an unarmed strike, you may choose to attack with your beak, dealing piercing damage instead.
Dive Attack. You know how to swiftly attack from the skies. If you are flying and dive at least 30 feet and then hit an unarmed strike, you deal 2d6 additional damage.
Echolocation. Like some flying creatures, you too locate yourself via sound. You gain 30 feet of blindsight. You do not benefit from this sight while deafened.
Flyby. Trying to hit you in the sky is a very hard task when your intention is to escape. Creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attack rolls against you when you’re flying by them.
Gentle Fall. Due to knowing how the skies work, you have a better understanding on how to safely land. You reduce any falling damage by 4 times your class level.
Primate Form Your form shares similarities with primates: a robust body and stronger, more precise, and larger upper limbs. When you choose the Primate form, your Strength or Dexterity íscore is increased by 2, and your Intelligence score is increased by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your feet are hands. They can be used for the same purposes as the hands on your upper arms, including fulfilling Somatic components of spells. Using your lower hands in this way reduces your speed to 0 for the remainder of your turn, and you cannot do it if you have already used any movement. Choose two of the following body traits:
Fists. Your fists have been made for combat. You add your proficiency bonus to the damage of your unarmed strikes.
Four Feet. Your hands are feet. At any time you may be in one of two stances, quadrupedal or bipedal, which you may switch between using your movement. At the beginning of your turn or while you move, you may become quadrupedal. This grants you a +5 bonus to your walking speed until you become bipedal again, and grants you advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone. However, while in quadrupedal stance you cannot use your hands (such as for making attacks). To go back to bipedal stance, you must spend 10 feet of movement from your turn.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Strong Physique. Your strong body gives you a +1 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks, which becomes +2 when used for grappling or escaping grapples.
Tail. Your primate biology grants you a prehensile tail. Objects may be carried and manipulated with it, including fine manipulations. You cannot hold a weapon or shield using your tail. Due to the increased balance your tail grants you, you are proficient in the Acrobatics skill. If your tail is severed, you are no longer considered proficient in Acrobatics.
Quadrupedal Form Your form inherits the power of quadrupedal animals: posture and limbs made for locomotion and balance, possessing remarkable strength, agility and speed. When you choose the quadrupedal form, choose between Strength or Dexterity score. One of these scores increases by 2, while the other increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet due to the presence of four limbs. Choose two of the following body traits:
Charge. Once per round, if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line and move in a straight line before making a melee weapon attack, your attack deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Pusher. Due to your increased strength, your strikes tend to push people out easier. Whenever you hit a creature with a unarmed strike, you can choose to force a creature to make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failure, you can choose to push them 10 feet back.
Strong Lower Body. You have a strong lower body, which makes moving or knocking you out a very hard task. You have advantage on saving throws against being moved or knocked prone.
Tireless. Due to your four legged nature, your body has naturally more endurance to handle your speed. You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion, and you take twice as much time to gain levels of exhaustion from long periods of travelling.
Natural Weapons. You gain natural weapons, such as large tusks, sharp claws, etc. Choose between slashing or piercing damage. Whenever you deal damage with your unarmed strikes, you can choose to change the damage type to the chosen damage.
Serpentine Form Your form resembles that of a serpent: slender and slithering, with a gait that allows you to access more restricted spaces. When you choose the serpentine form, your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. You have swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and creatures grappled by you are also restrained. Choose two of the following body traits:
Ambusher. You are a great ambusher, always lurking in the shadows. In the first round of combat, you have advantage on attack rolls of any creatures you've surprised.
Constrict. Once you get a hit in, it is much easier to corner your prey. As part of hitting an unarmed strike, you can make a grapple check.
Fangs. Your teeth grow sharp and pointy, being perfect for great bites. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you may choose to bite the creature, dealing piercing damage instead on a hit.
Slender Body. Your slender, serpentine body grants you a +2 bonus to grapple or escape a grapple, and you are able to shrink and pass through spaces that only a creature of one smaller size category than you would be able to.
Venomous. Like most serpents, you are extremely venomous. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, the creature is forced to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, they take 1d8 additional poison damage.
Advanced Form[edit]
As you advance into the next stage of Hollow evolution, your form also advances. You must choose one of the Advanced Forms listed below that you meet the prerequisites of. Any mutations gained by your form do not count towards the maximum number of mutations you can currently pocess.
Amphibian Form - Anuran Prerequisites: Amphibian Form, must have the Swimmer or Slippery Body traits. You develop on the forms of frogs and toads, with great mobility, advanced jumps and a moist body. You may use Dexterity in place of any Strength check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) for any Strength (Athletics) in regards to Jumping. In addition, the distance you can travel by jumping is doubled. Finally, your skin is covered by a moist layer, giving you a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects that deal fire damage.
Amphibian Form - Urodeles Prerequisites: Amphibian Form, must have the Regenerator trait. Your form is similar to that of a salamander, with its ability to regenerate and a certain affinity with fire. You can use your regenerator trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier. In addition, you gain the High-Speed Regeneration mutation if you didn't already had it.
Ancient Form - Glacial Prerequisites: Ancient Form, must have the Durable or Immense traits. You've based your form on the large creatures of the ice age, with their thick fur and power that freed them from being prey. Your hit point maximum is increased by your proficiency bonus. In addition, you gain the Enormous Stature mutation.
Ancient Form - Jurassic Prerequisites: Ancient Form, must have the Natural Weapons and Scent traits. Your form develops in the likeness of dinosaurs and Jurassic creatures. When you attack with your Natural Weapons, their critical hit radius is reduced to 19-20. In addition, you can now pinpoint the exact location of creatures when their scent is within 15 feet of you.
Aquatic Form - Fish Prerequisites: Aquatic Form. By focusing on fish for your mutation, you accentuate constant and refined mobility. Whenever you take an action of any kind, you can move up to 10 feet without spending from your movement. In addition, you gain the Supersonic mutation, with this counting towards the number of times you can pick said mutation.
Aquatic Form - Cetacean Prerequisites: Aquatic Form, must have the Ecolocation trait. You've based yourself on whales and dolphins for your form, with you being able to locate yourself via sound in a much larger scale. Your blindsight radius is increased to 60 feet. In addition, you may choose between gaining the Enormous Stature or Supersonic (with this counting towards the number of times you can pick this mutation) mutations.
Arthropod Form - Chelicerate Prerequisites: Arthropod Form, must have the Poisonous trait. Basing yourself on the form of spiders and scorpions, you develop poison and venom. Creatures now automatically take the additional poison damage on a hit, no save required. In addition, poison damage caused by you overcomes resistances and turns immunity into resistance.
Arthropod Form - Hymenoptera Prerequisites: Arthropod Form, must have the Perceptive trait. By altering your form, you've aproached more closely to insects such as wasps, bees and ants. You can release pheromones as an action, making a Wisdom (Perception) check. All creatures within a 15 foot radius of you that are currently hiding must make a Dexterity (Stealth) check against your roll, or have their location revealed. In addition, your bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks and to your Passive Perception is increased to a +4.
Arthropod Form - Crustacean Prerequisites: Arthropod Form, must have the Exoskeleton trait. By developing a chitinous exoskeleton and claws, you become as powerful and resilient as a crab or lobster. Your reduction against bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage is increased to your proficiency bonus. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus to Constitution checks and saving throws.
Cephalopod Form - Coleoids Prerequisites: Chephalopod Form, must not have the Immense trait. Basing your form on octopusi and squids, you develop a soft and malleable body, being able to squish and hide well. You can take the Hide action to enter and hide inside objects that are up to one size smaller than you, with you receiving the benefit of three quarters cover while inside them. Moving or taking any kind of action makes you exit the object instantly. In addition, you have advantage on checks made to escape grapples.
Cephalopod Form - Nautiloid Prerequisites: Cephalopod Form, must have the Grappler trait. Creating increasingly muscular tentacles and a shell worthy of being considered an armor, your form takes inspiration from the nautilus. You receive a +2 to Strength (Athletics) checks related to grappling. In addition, creatures grappled by you take 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of their turns.
Flying Form - Bird Prerequisites: Flying Form, must have the Flyby trait. Following the path of birds in general, you take advantage of your form development to become a great observer while in the skies. While you are flying, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to find creatures or objects located below you. In addition, you don't generate opportunity attacks when flying through a creature's space.
Flying Form - Chiroptera Prerequisites: Flying Form, must have the Ecolocation trait. Your form is based on bats and other closely related beings, being able to attach yourself to places, locating yourself via sound and more. You can, as a Free Action, attach yourself to an elevated location of your choice, as long as it has space equal to the one you occupy (depending on your size) and, when flying from this point, your Flying Speed is multiplied by 1,5. In addition, your blindsight range is increased to 60 feet.
Primate Form - Haplorines Prerequisites: Primate Form, must have the Powerful Build or Strong Physique trait. Your form makes you resemble larger, more robust and stronger primates, making it easier to intimidate others. You receive a +2 in Charisma (Intimidation) checks, being able to use Strength instead of Charisma if you wish. In addition, you may choose between gaining the Enormous Stature or Living Weapon mutations.
Primate Form - Strepsirrhines Prerequisites: Primate Form, must have the Tail trait. During your evolution you approach smaller but agile primates, using your tail for mobility. You can hang from places using your tail, thus keeping your hands free. While hanging, you can use the Jump action from the point where you are hanging, which has its distance doubled. In addition, you can now hold weapons with your tail, however their damage die is reduced by one tier when making attacks this way.
Quadrupedal Form - Ambusher Prerequisites: Quadrupedal Form, must have the Natural Weapon trait. Instead of chasing, your new form encourages you to wait and ambush your prey, hiding and then striking. When you take the Hide action, you can choose to burrow: while burrowed, creatures take a -2 penalty on Wisdom (Perception) checks to search for you. If a creature ends its turn within your attack range while you are burrowed, you can use your reaction to make an attack with your Natural Weapon against it. In addition, you gain proficiency with the Stealth skill, or expertise if already proficient.
Quadrupedal Form - Hunter With sharp instincts and an excellent sense of smell for tracking, your form development leads you to be similar to great hunters. You gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Investigation checks to search for and track other creatures, and you can apply this bonus to Stealth checks to silently follow the creature you are searching for. In addition, at the beginning of battle you can choose one creaure within sight range to become your "prey". You deal 1d8 additional damage against your prey in your first attack against them on your turn. You may choose another prey as a bonus action after the current one dies, or if the battle ends. Quadrupedal Form - Large Size Prerequisites: Quadrupedal Form, must have the Strong Lower Body trait. Basing yourself on large quadrupedal creatures, you take advantage of your larger size to be able to carry other creatures with you. You can be used as a mount: A creature that is at least one size category smaller than you can, as an action, mount your back. The mounted creature moves with you and remains there until it uses a Free Action to dismount you or you become unconscious or prone. In addition, you gain the Enormous Stature mutation. Serpentine Form - Angulliform Prerequisites: Serpentine Form, must have the Fangs trait. Using eels and moray eels as inspiration, your new form develops multiple rows of teeth, achieving a powerful bite. Whenever you hit a creature with your fangs, their speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. On a critical hit, it is reduced by 20 feet instead. In addition, you can stretch yourself to reach your targets, making your reach with Fangs increase by 5 feet (10 feet total).
Serpentine Form - Serpent Prerequisites: Serpentine Form, must have the Slender Body trait. By approaching snakes, you create a form that has a forked tongue, a slender body, scales that can be changed. After performing a physical Saving Throw (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) or being the target of an attack, you can, knowing the result, use your Reaction to peel away, increasing the saving throw result or your AC by +3 until the end of the current turn. In addition, your bonus for grappling or escaping grapples becomes a +4.
Evolved Form[edit]
You've reached the final stage of evolution for a Hollow, or perhaps you were born like this. Either way, your form has reached its absolute pinnacle, turning you into a humanoid hollow of supreme power.
You must choose one of the forms listed below. You lose any mutations gained from previous forms that can't be accessed to as a Vasto Lorde.
True Anuran Form Prerequisites: Amphibian Form - Anuran. Your form has become similar to a humanoid frog or toad, with your jumping distance reaching new heights. Your jumping distance is now tripled instead of doubled. In addition, you gain the Supersonic mutation, with this counting towards the number of times you can pick said mutation. In case you already had all picks of Supersonic, you may instead receive one pick from Hypersonic.
True Urodeles Form Prerequisites: Amphibian Form - Urodeles. Your form has become similar to a humanoid salamander or axolotl, your regenerator now reaching its maximum potential. You can now regrow limbs as a bonus action with Regenerator. In addition, you gain the Enhanced Regeneration mutation if you didn't already had it.
True Glacial Form Prerequisites: Ancient Form - Glacial. Your form has become similar to a humanoid creature from the ice age, your durability has reached another level. Your hit point maximum is now increased by your level, instead of by your proficiency bonus. In addition, while not wearing armor or wielding a shield you receive a +1 bonus to AC.
True Jurassic Form Prerequisites: Ancient Form - Jurassic. Your form has become similar to humanoid dinassour or jurassic creature, with your lethality and scent becoming stronger than ever before. Your Natural Weapons now score a critical hit on a 18-20. In addition, you can now pinpoint the exact location of creatures when their scent is within 30 feet of you.
True Fish Form Prerequisites: Aquatic Form - Fish. Your form has become similar to a humanoid fish, with your mobility being enhanced even further. You can now move up to 30 feet whenever you take any action without spending from your movement. In addition, you gain the Supersonic mutation, with this counting towards the number of times you can pick said mutation. In case you already had all picks of Supersonic, you may instead receive one pick from Hypersonic.
True Cetacean Form Prerequisites: Aquatic Form - Cetacean. Your form has become similar to a humanoid whale or dolphin, with your ecolocation being unable to be stopped. You become immune to the deafened condition. In addition, you gain the Supersonic mutation, with this counting towards the number of times you can pick said mutation. In case you already had all picks of Supersonic, you may instead receive one pick from Hypersonic.
True Chelicerate Form Prerequisites: Arthropod Form - Chelicerate. Your form has become similar to a humanoid spider or scorpion, with the poison you can secrete becoming absolute. If you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, they are forced to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, they become poisoned for 1 minute. They may repeat the save at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success. In addition, poison damage caused by you now overcomes resistances and immunities.
True Hymenoptera Form Prerequisites: Arthropod Form - Hymenoptera. Your form has become similar to a humanoid wasp, ant, or bee, with your pheromones growing stronger. Your pheromones have their range doubled, now detecting all creatures within 30 feet of you. In addition, you reduce the Dexterity (Stealth) check of those within the radius by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
True Crustacean Form Prerequisites: Arthropod Form - Crustacean. Your form has become similar to a humanoid crab or lobster, with your resilience increasing by a lot. Your damage reduction is increased by 4. In addition, you now have advantage on Constitution checks and saving throws.
True Coleoids Form Prerequisites: Cephalopod Form - Coleoids. Your form has become similar to a humanoid octopus or squid, being able to squeeze yourself even more into tight places. You can now enter inside objects of up to two size categories below your own. In addition, you can take the hide action as a bonus action.
True Nautiloid Form Prerequisites: Cephalopod Form - Nautiloid. Your form has become similar to a humanoid muscular squid like creature, with your strong tentacles being crushing. Your bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks related to grappling is increased by +1 (+3 total). In addition, the damage creatures take at the start of their turns while grappled by you is increased to 1d8.
True Bird Form Prerequisites: Flying Form - Bird. Your form has become similar to a humanoid bird, your wings now expanding to grant you flight beyond other Hollows. You can take the dash action as a bonus action if you are flying. In addition, ranged attack rolls receive a -2 penalty against you if you are under the effects of the dodge action while flying.
True Chiroptera Form Prerequisites: Flying Form - Chiriptera. Your form has become quite similar to a humanoid bat or closely related beings, with your senses and flying prowess increasing. When flying from an elevated location, your flying speed now doubles. In addition, you are immune to the deafened condition.
True Haplorines Form Prerequisites: Primate Form - Haplorines. Your form has become quite similar to a larger humanoid primate, with your intimidation and strength prowess reaching new heights. You gain proficiency in Intimidation, or expertise if already proficient. In addition, you gain the Lethal Weapon mutation. If you already had said mutation, you instead gain one mutation that requires Lethal Weapon of your choice, as long as you meet its prerequisites.
True Strepsirrhines Form Prerequisites: Primate Form - Strepsirrhines. Your form has become quite similar to a smaller humanoid primate, with your tail manipulation being perfected. While hanging, taking the jump action only takes a bonus action. In addition, wielding weapons with your tail does not cause the weapons to reduce their damage die tier.
True Ambusher Form Prerequisites: Quadrupedal Form - Ambusher. Your form has become quite similar to a quadrupled ambusher creature even though you are bipedal, becoming the greatest ambusher. Creatures now receive a -4 penalty when trying to search for you while burrowed. When you use your reaction to attack with a natural weapon against a creature, the attack has advantage. In addition, you add half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down) to your Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
True Hunter Form Prerequisites: Quadrupedal Form - Hunter. Your form has become quite similar to a quadrupled hunter creature even though you are bipedal, your hunting tactics have been enhanced to the max. The bonus for Perception and Investigation checks is increased to a +4, which can also apply to Stealth the same way as before. In addition, the additional damage dealt to your "prey" is increased to 1d10.
True Large Size Form Prerequisites: Quadrupedal Form - Large Size. Your form has become quite similar to a centaur or similar creatures, with your form possessing a quadrupedal lower body and a humanoid upper body. Whenever a creature mounting you is attacked, you can use your reaction to make the attack target you instead. In addition, your carrying capacity is doubled.
True Angulliform Form Prerequisites: Serpentine Form - Angulliform. Your form has become quite similar to a humanoid eel or moray eel, with your fangs increasing dramatically in power. The speed reduction is increased to 20 feet on a normal hit, and to 30 feet on a critical hit. In addition, your reach with fangs increases by another 5 feet (15 feet total).
True Serpent Form Prerequisites: Serpentine Form - Serpent. Your form has become quite similar to a humanoid snake, with your slender body becoming even fuller of tricks. The bonus to saving throws or AC when you peel away is increased to a +4. In addition, you now have advantage when rolling to escape grapples.
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