5e Wizard Classes

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Wizard classes tend to be spellcasters who focus on the study and use of magic.

Wizard Classes[edit]

Classes based on the wizard archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Arcane Elite full 8
Astromancer full 8
User:Buddha77/Space-Time Wizard The ruler of space and time, able to manipulate fate and reality with just the power of their eyes... 1d6
Card Master Empower yourself with the tarot cards, masterize the magic through the magic cards. full 6
Departed A hardy individual wizened by several lifetimes of experience that draws power from a closeness to death half 12
Divine Visionary (Mashle Magic and Muscles Supplement) 8
Inscriber full 8
Lament of Pure Ice The Lament of Pure Ice are people born from winter entities on the day where the earthly plane converges with the ice plane giving birth to a child of the frost itself 12
Medium Command armies of ghosts from the rear or from the frontlines of battle (Spirit Commander Variant). third 6
Prodigy A simpler way of playing a fullcaster. full 8
Spiritualist Blessed warrior of the spirits. full 6
Star-Touched A class that wields the tremendous power of the cosmos on the material plane. full 6
Stormborn full 8
Virus Virus-themed spellcaster full 6
Water Archon 12

Wizard Mashup Classes[edit]

Mashup classes with multiple themes, one of which is the wizard archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Aquamancer Powerful magic wielders, specializing in the element of water. full 6
Arcane Blade Arcane blades merge combat ability and elemental magic to defeat their enemies, casting spells and empowering their bodies using the power of mana. 8
Arcane Thrower A user of vast skill in throwing weapons embedded with elemental power. half 8
Arch-Mage, 2nd Variant full 4
Atronarch To consume Magic is your one desire as this wound in the weave, and you will wield steel and arcane power alike to get it. 8
Aura Magister Aura Magisters use ancient magics to control the powers of holy life and the grimness of death. full 8
Aura Magus Aura Magus use psionic magic to control life and death around them. full 8
Awakener A powerful manipulator of plants that obey their controller's every command with some semblance of intelligence. half 6
Blood Sampler A spellcaster who takes blood from others and uses it in magical ways, empowering their spells with the blood of dragons. full 8
Bocere 6
Breeder A full-caster linked with a powerful creation named Magekin. full 6
Chaos Knight A warrior capable of channeling the power of the primordial chaos in combat. 10
Chrono Knight A class Who trains in manipulating time and arcane magic to carry out this will of there council or to seek the future they see half 10
Death's Servant full 10
Death's Servant, variant full 8
Deceiver Deceivers are masters of deceptions, individuals that can bend through the mundane senses. Their charm can have even the most intelligent and wise adventurers second guess their intuitions. half 8
Deceiver, 2nd Variant 8
Deceiver, Variant 8
Detective An inquirer of mysteries and seeker of justice. 10
Elder Sage An unparalleled loremaster whose mere presence marks impending events of grave magnitude. half 4
Familiar Master A warrior who puts a more powerful form of familiar to use in battle. 10
Fatesmith A studious spellcaster who prefers the raw power of fate itself over measly spell slots. 6
Fencing Magician Fencing Magicians are wizards who have learned the art of fencing. half 8
Fistmancer full 8
Fistmancer Variant full 8
God's Descendant 10
Grandcaster, Variant Chosen magic casters with the capability to use all types of magic. full 4
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full 10
Gun Witch A class inspired by weird west style gunslingers and K6BD's Gun Witches; a spellcasting warrior that combines spells and ranged weapons into a deadly combination. half 8
Gunwitch A gunwitch improves their effectiveness with firearms by using magical runes. half 8
Hermetic Mage Hermetic Mage dont cast many powerful spells, but their versatility more than makes up for it. 6
Holy Weapon User Someone choosen to be a user of a holy weapon. 12
Kaleido Ever changing like a kaleidoscope, showing the exquisite form of many classes. full 6
Kaleido, Variant 2 Ever changing like a kaleidoscope, showing the exquisite form of many classes. full 6
Mage, Mana Variant Mages aim to wield magic itself in its most raw form - mana. 8
Mage, Variant A caster of arcane magic, used by wise scholars and chaotic enigmas alike. They are capable of prodigious potential and great change. full 6
Mageblade, Variant A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. half 8
Magebow A quick witted mage who uses a magic bow half 8
Magister A spellcaster that takes full control over the power of light and darkness half 6
Magus A master of magic and weapons, but not as proficient as your average wizard or fighter. three-quarters 8
Magus of the Weave A master of magic and weapons, but not as proficient as your average wizard or fighter. three-quarters 8
Manus Magister "Manus", meaning "Hands", and "Magister", meaning "Mage" or "Master", the Manus Magister is a certain type of wizard that has mastered a peculiar and rare technique of magic, the so-called "hand mage". half 8
Master of the Arcane Sword A warrior specialized in a way of combat that blends the use of mundane weapon techniques with arcane magic. half 10
Mystic Knight Mystic Knights are fighters who adapt magic to empower themselves and protect their allies. half 8
Necromancer, 4th Variant A spellcaster who uses the corpses of friend or foe to aid him. full 8
User:Nemo full 8
Occultist Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. half 10
Power Mage 1d6
Psion Psions are the quintessential manipulators of psionic power. full 8
Sanguimancy You are no normal caster. What other achieve by various difficult methods you reach by utilizing the essence of life itself. full 12
Specialist 6
Spirit Weaver full 6
Star Shaman full 6
Supreme Healer Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full 12
Supreme Healer, Variant Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full 6
Technical Brawler Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary! 8
Void Traveler A Rogue-esque type that has acquired the power to travel the inner planes and is fond of more... questionable arcane magic. third 8

Wizard Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Wizard classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Black Mage A agent of pure magical destruction. full 6
Empty Being 8
Hogwarts Wizard Whether, in ancient times, some humans randomly discovered they had magic, or there was some sort of ritual or potion or pact, their origins remain a mystery. full 8
Hyrule: Researcher Your magical study comes to fruition in unique forms of spellcasting. 6
Mana User Mana User's use their imagination for magic 6
Overlord Magician The ultimate Magician with Powerful spells full 8
The Defect The Defect practices ancient forms of combat, allowing the manipulation of raw magical energy in the form of Orbs. half 8
War Wizard An instrument of destiny that follows the 14 Wizard's rules. full 8

Wizard April Fools Classes[edit]

Wizard classes with a more comedic twist.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Waifu All of the best Waifus in one place! (kind of...) 8

Incomplete Wizard Classes[edit]

Wizard classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

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