Grandcaster, Variant (5e Class)

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Grand Caster[edit]

Very few have existed, very few were known. A Grand Caster is a gifted magic user, chosen by the magical weave itself to be one of the only types of magic casters that can harness and cast all types and forms of magic. Due to their immense power, They are often depicted as god-kin, but some believe they are magic users from hell, that no creature from heaven or earth should have that type of power

Creating a Grand Caster[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Grand Caster quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score followed by Charisma or Wisdom.

For the purpose of items or affects that involve a specific class, this class counts for all spell caster classes.

Class Features

As a Grand Caster you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d4 per Grand Caster level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per Grand Caster level after 1st


Weapons: simple
Tools: A set of tools of your choice and Cartographer tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
Skills: None(see subclasses bellow, they have the skill proficiencies)


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two simple melee weapons or (b) one simple melee weapon and Light Crossbow or (c) one martial weapon (Mainly if you intend to choose the Master of Righteousness subclass)
  • (a) Fine Clothing or (b) Scholars Clothing
  • A set of tools of your choice
  • (a) diplomat's pack or (b) dungeoneer's pack or (c) explorer's pack
  • Spellbook

Table: The Grand Caster

Level Proficiency
Cantrips Known Features —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 3 Cantrips, Spellcasting, Spellbook, Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher, Spell Slots 2
2nd +2 3 Observant, Arcane Mastery, Casters Talisman 3
3rd +2 4 Smart Versatility Magical sickness 4 2
4th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
5th +3 5 4 3 2
6th +3 5 Arcane Mastery, Familiar of Magic 4 3 3
7th +3 6 4 3 3 1
8th +3 6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2
9th +4 7 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 7 Arcane Mastery 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 8 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 8 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 9 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 9 Arcane Mastery 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 10 Refining the Basics 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 10 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 11 Counter Casting 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 11 Collector Feature, Arcane Mastery 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 12 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 12 Ultimate Caster Feature 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1


As a Grand Caster you have access to all Cantrips but can only know up to what your level dictates. Intelligence is your spell-casting modifier.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier


At 1st level, you immediately gain the spellcasting ability of all types of classes, because of this you can learn spells from all spell list. You also ignore the spells material requirements.


At 1st level, you have a spellbook containing six 1st-level spells of your choice from any class. Your spellbook is the repository of the all the spells you know, except your cantrips, which are fixed in your mind.

Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher[edit]

Each time you put a level in Grandcaster, you can add two spells of your choice to your spellbook. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the Grandcaster table. On your adventures, you might find other spells that you can add to your spellbook, in order to do so you must have either seen it or read it in another book. The time it takes to copy a spell to your spellbook is based on the level it is, 30minutes per spell level however this can be done over a short or long rest based on the level of spell.

Spell Slots[edit]

The Grandcaster table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st through 9th level. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell witch bolt, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Magical Aura[edit]

At 1st level, your magic is so powerful, sometimes it leaks into an aura around you. For every spell you have, you gain an aura of 5 feet. This is purely for esthetic but the DM may have creatures who are not used to such magical prowess to feel sick or other effects.

Casters Talisman[edit]

At 2nd level, you choose a Caster talisman. Your Caster talisman counts as an arcane focus for the purpose of casting spells. A talisman is a highly personal item that the Caster has imbued with a part of their soul, acting as a channel to the ambient magical energies of the universe.

If the talisman is destroyed then you can take a long rest and use 100gp of gems to recreate it

Your choice of talisman also gives you a special ability associated with it, based on its type as listed below. This choice cannot be changed.

  • Amulet Your talisman is a magical amulet with a design unique and iconic to you. While you wear it you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. (Examples: A lucky coin, a shiny button that replaces a button on anything you wear, a scarab beetle necklace, a silver belt buckle, a four leaf clover that never wilts, a bone pentacle.)
  • Athame: Your talisman is an ornate or rustic magical weapon. Typically this weapon takes the form of a weapon of your choice htat you are proficient with. It deals 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen when you select this class feature. Attacks with your athame use your spell attack bonus on attack rolls and add your Intelligence modifier on damage rolls. Over the course of a long rest, you can choose to desummon your athame and resummon it as a different type of melee weapon.(Examples: A black glass dagger, a silver longsword, a stone handaxe, a bone spear, a gleaming glove that produces a deadly blade, a barbed scourge.)
  • Headpiece: Your talisman is a hat, pendant, barette, hairband, headband or head piece of some sort with a design unique to yourself, generally with a jewel or bone centerpiece. While you wear it you gain proficiency in any 2 skills, chosen when you select this class feature. (Examples: A pointed, conical hat. A gem that hangs from a chain on the center of the forehead. A butterfly barette. A beautiful sapphire pin.)
  • Ring: Your talisman is a ring of power with a unique design. It could be chased metal, fine wire with a jewel or bone setting, a thick band, a wedding ring, a cage ring, a claw ring or any other finger adornment. While you wear your ring you can speak, read, and understand the following languages: Celestial, Abyssal, Sylvan, and Draconic.

When a Caster dies, their talisman is destroyed in a spectacular display of magical power. It cracks, streams of light pouring from it until it shatters and explodes in a cloud of glittering dust, elemental energy, shrapnel and arcane force. One piece of it always remains: the blackened crystal from a gorgeous necklace, the broken hilt of a cruel knife.


At 2nd level, you gain proficiency and advantage on perception and investigation checks.

Arcane Mastery[edit]

At 2nd level, you choose an Arcane Mastery from the list of available Masteries, you may choose to focus in one of the many types of magic available to you, or be a wild card and not master any specific, but be amazing at them all. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Smart Versatility[edit]

At 3rd level, you add your Intelligence modifier to your hit points per level.

Magical sickness[edit]

At 3rd level, your magic is so powerful, that even you cant handle it if you use too much. Whenever you cast spells with a total level higher than half your level, roll a d20, if you get a 15 or lower you gain spell sickness: every time you cast a spell you lose triple the health equal to the spell level, at the end of every turn you make a DC18Constitution save, if you succeed you are cured from spell sickness and can not get it until your next long rest (or your races equivalent to one)

If you get 16 or higher you are affected with magic burnout: you lose half your health, lose all your spell slots and every action you make has double disadvantage.

This is to make sure when you are casting magic not to go over board with your near limitless power.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Arcane Mastery[edit]

At 6th level, you gain the feature stated by your subclass below.

Familiar of Magic[edit]

When you start, you have an animal that is your familiar to act as an extension of yourself to nature and spirits. You may choose from any beast that is size Large or smaller and has a CR of 2 or lower to be your familiar. Add your proficiency bonus to your familiar's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals the hit point number in its stat block, or four times your witch level, whichever is higher. Like any creature, it can spend Hit Dice during a short rest to regain hit points (shares your level, only in regard to how many Hit Dice it will have).

Your familiar obeys your commands to the best of its abilities. It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn't take an action unless you command it to. On your turn, you can verbally command your familiar to where you want it to go. You can use a bonus action to verbally command it to take the attack, dash, disengage, dodge or help action.

Your familiar has a magical bond to you, and the two of you are able to sense one another's location within 50 feet of one another. Beyond that limit, your familiar will actively look for you. If you are incapacitated, your familiar will try to protect you from harm.

If your familiar dies, you can obtain a new familiar by spending 8 hours performing a ritual to get one. The new familiar must meet the size and CR requirements.

The CR increases (4cr at 14th level and 6cr at 18th level)

As an action, you are able to see the world through the eyes of your familiar, and learn everything they see. You can only see what they do. You do not hear what your familiar hears, or smell what they smell, or feel what they feel.

Starting at 14th level, your familiar becomes more powerful. Each of your familiar's ability scores increases by 2.

Starting at 18th level, your bond with your familiar is completely profound. You and your familiar understand everything that you say to one another as clearly as if you were speaking the same language. In addition, when you use an action to see the world through the eyes of your familiar, you experience everything that they sense. You see, hear, feel, smell and taste everything that they do. You stop experiencing the world through them when your sight returns to your own body.

Arcane Mastery[edit]

At 10th level, you gain the feature stated by your subclass below.

Arcane Mastery[edit]

At 14th level, you gain the feature stated by your subclass below.

Refining the Basics[edit]

Starting 15th level, your cantrips deal an additional 1d10 damage if they deal damage.

This damage increases by an additional 1d10 damage at level 18.

Counter Casting[edit]

At 17th level, you have been in so many dangerous situations you only thought now, that you can protect yourself with a spell. Whenever you are attacked, you may use your reaction to cast a spell at the attack, if its a spell your attacking you must make a ranged attack roll against their spell save DC, if its an attacker, you make a ranged attack roll against their AC.


At 18th level, you have immense skill at finding rare things. When searching if you find a magical item make a investigation check against a DC the DM creates if you pass you find a extra magic item. The DM then rolls a percentile die to determine the rarity of the item using the following chart.

1= artifact, 2= legendary, 3-5= very rare, 6-9= rare, 10-14= uncommon, 15-20= common.

Arcane Mastery[edit]

At 18th level, you gain the feature stated by your subclass below.

Ultimate Caster[edit]

At 20th level, your magical prowess towers above all and even peaks into the heavens.

Once per day, you may cast one of your spells at 10th level for the cost of a 9th level spell slot, additional 9th level spell slots will be require to cast a spell at 11th or 12th level.

Arcane Mastery Subclasses[edit]

While you have the power of all types of magic, you can choose to either focus in one type of magic and be a master at it, or be amazing at all types of magic.

Master of Artifice[edit]

While you love magic, you just find technological advancement and creation so amazing you decide to focus on it, and you learn that your magic can create these beautiful creations you have seen. You gain proficiencies in martial weapons (and fire arms) gain proficiencies with Arcana, History, Insight and heavy armor. So long your spell book is within reading distance you are capable of using any feature gained within this subclass without the use of tools. You also gain the Infuse Item feature, as well as 2 infusions, gaining 2 additional infusions every 4 levels.

Artifice over all[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an artificer spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an artificer spell, increase that DC by 2.

Creative Mind[edit]

At 6th level, your interest in how things function becomes more fluidic with your mind, showing your love for creation. You are capable of building just about anything just by thinking of it, however it will take time, and materials. You also gain the Spell Storing Item feature.

Discuss with the DM what you want to build and how it would function, though if it's a creature it should not be anything more than half your level in CR (Example: at level 6 your max CR rating for your creature creation is 3). You can only control creatures equal to your proficiency bonus.


At 6th level, you choose what it means for a weapon to be a weapon, as such you are capable of weaponizing anything you want from a sword hilt to a stick, of course discuss with your DM what it is, what it requires and what it does.


At 10th level, you can fix just about anything as if it was brand new. For every rank of rarity of the item you're trying to fix, it will cost that many spell slots (common 1, uncommon 2, rare 3, very rare 4, legendary 5, artifact 6).


At 14th level, you believe that your flesh is worthless, and that you can improve your body by making yourself into a living weapon. You are capable of making mechanical grafts to your body.

I suggest talking to your DM about what your grafts do and how they affect you, but they must also have a negative effect because you are changing a part of your body this with (example: you replace your left eye for a mechanical one, it grants true sight but you have disadvantage in perception and it requires time to recharge power via spell slots).

You can only modify body parts based on your intelligence mod.

Magical crafter[edit]

At 18th level, you understand everything about magical items, especially how to make them and how to clone them. When you have a magical item, over a short rest or the cost of spell slots based on the Fix-it-yourself formula for its rarity, you can properly clone it, this is however a form of concentration, so if it breaks you have to restart and your spell slots are still consumed. You also gain Magic Item Adept, Savant and Master.

Master of Song[edit]

While learning about magic, you heard a person singing a song that healed a person's broken leg, letting him walk once more, you then realize that music can be magical. You gain proficiencies in Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion and the use of light armopr. You gain proficiency in one instrument of your choice, you may cast spells with this instrument. You also gain the bardic inspiration feature.

Magic within the Music[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an bard spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an bard spell, increase that DC by 2.

Musical empowerment[edit]

At 6th level, add your charisma mod to your spell casting mod and spell DC.


At 10th level, you find out that every song has its own genre, as such you go into these “stances” that manipulate how you play music. At the start of combat before initiative you select one of the following genres, and can only change them at the cost of your action:

•Jazz If the spell your casting has more than one dice rolled, you can choose to multiply the amount of targets that spell casts, but you split apart that many dice rolled (example, a spell with 3d8 can target 3 targets with 1d8 for each target, if there is an even amount of targets, you can chose to have 2d8 on one and 1d8 on another).

•Blues If the spell you are casting has additional effects, the effects last an additional 1 turn + 1 more per spell slot used to modify the spell, you can use up to a max of 3 spell additional spell slots to extend the duration to 4 additional turns.

•Classical If the spell you cast does no damage, add xd4 damage +spell mod to everyone affected by the spell, where X is the level of the spell.

•Funk If the spell you cast causes damage, you can choose the spit the type of damage your spell does based on the number of dice the spell has, you can also use additional spell slots to increase the damage types, 1 per additional damage type (for example a spell with 2d10 can do fire and lightning damage as 1d10 fire and 1d10 lightning)

•Rock If the spell you are casting deals damage, once every two turns you can make it so it ignores all resistances, immunities and absorptions but does not turn it into a vulnerability.

Ear Piercing Soundwaves[edit]

At 14th level, you realize that even when you mess up your song, it can still hurt people, which for you in this case is a good thing, whenever you fail a non damaging bard spell, you can roll xd10, where X is your charisma mod, to deal thunder damage to everyone around you. You can only do this once every 5 turns unless you pay 3 spell slots.

Bardic Empowerment[edit]

At 18th level you finally master your instrumental skills and learn to cast spells with ease.

•Your genre spell empowerments cost a quarter of the normal cost rounding up.

•Your Buff and Debuff Spells last double their normal duration.

•When you cast spells with your instrument, you may add an additional 2d8 thunder damage to the target when it hits.

Master of the Blessed[edit]

Your deep connection to religion has become one of your primary focuses in life, doing your very best to both help the innocent, and show people the way of your god. You gain proficiencies in Religion, History, Nature, Persuasion, 1 martial weapon of your choice, medium and heavy armor. Your buffing spells (not healing spells) you cast heal xd4, where X is your half proficiency bonus rounded down. You can also cast spells with a holy symbol. You also gain two Cleric Channel Divinities.

Religious teachings[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an Cleric spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an Cleric spell, increase that DC by 2.


At 6th level, your connection to your religion and your god becomes stronger. Whenever you are given the chance to, you can attempt to pacify an enemy, discuss with the DM about the DC but it should be determined based on how much they should trust you.

The teachings of your god[edit]

At 10th level, you become a voice for your god, and want to help show people the way of said god. Your healing effects and radiant damage increase by one dice amount and upgrade to the next dice level. You also gain the Divine Intervention feature.

Also you are capable of teaching people a one use protection from good and evil spells.

Equalist of god[edit]

At 14th level, your god shows you that you have only been looking at him as a good god, but not a just and equal god, you may spread the word of god, but you also show them god's wrath when needed. You melee weapon attacks now deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage.

One with god[edit]

At 18th level your connection with god is so dedicated and grand, he has decided to give you blessings. Choose 3 blessings, talk to your dm about this.

Master of Nature[edit]

Remembering that you were saved by the animals of nature, you decide to learn and master the way of nature. You gain proficiencies with animal handling, nature and survival, light armor. You can also talk to animals as if you knew a commune with animals always active, and you can ask nature around you verbally or telepathically to assist you in something you need done. You also gain the Wild Shape feature.

Nature Blessing[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an Druid spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an Druid spell, increase that DC by 2.

Nature's Call[edit]

At 6th level You gain the power to shapeshift into any creature with a CR half of your level + Proficiency bonus.

Connection to nature[edit]

At 10th level If there are any plants or creatures around you that aren't controlled by someone or something else, you may cast druid spells from said plants and creatures as if your spell casting item was the creature or plant.

Natures protection[edit]

At 14th level, Whenever you cast a druid spell that doesn't deal damage or negative aliments, you and whoever you target gets 2d12 temporary hit points.

Nature's Wrath[edit]

At 18th level, all your druid spells gain 6 more dice to their rolls (a 2d4 spell becomes a 8d4 spell).

Master of Righteousness[edit]

Your connection to your god, and making sure people follow the law is your top priority. You gain proficiencies in martial weapons, shields, medium and heavy armor, religion, intimidation and persuasion. Whenever you use a weapon attack or a spell attack, you may roll for intimidation to make them scared enough to want to stop fighting you, they must roll a wisdom saving throw against your intimidation check. You also gain any two Paladin Channel Divinities.


At 2n level, punishing those who are evil and law breakers is something you know is necessary. You gain these spells:

Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite and Wrathful smite.

At 6th level you gain Branding Smite and Binding Smite

At 10th level you gain Staggering Smite and Banishing Smite. You also gain the Divine Smite feature.


At 6th level, you know how to order the people around you, almost taking a leader's role but also a commander's role, as such whenever someone does something you tell them to do, they gain 2 points of inspiration while doing said action and if they fail, they may try again only once per turn.


At 10th level you realize that fighting for justice is the right thing to do. When you are fighting an evil creature, you gain +2 to hit and damage against them, however if you are fighting a good creature, you gain -2 to hit and damage against them.

Protecting the People[edit]

At 14th level, whenever you use a spell that buffs allies, they heal xd6 where X is the level of spell you casted. They also regain 2 spell slots of their choice. You also gain aura of protection and aura of courage.


At 18th level you understand that some evil people are not a lost cause, and you want to try and help them. When you bring a creature to 0 health but not kill them, you may give them a second chance to redeem themselves, but if they choose not to, they will die.

They are given a mark on their body, if they do anything evil within the rest of their life, they will die unless the caster of the mark is dead, then the mark goes away.

Master of the Hunt[edit]

While casting magic was your specialty, you also picked up how to hunt. You gain proficiencies with Martial weapons, Bows, Light armor, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception. Whenever you hit an enemy with a ranged weapon or ranged spell attack, you may put a mark on them, causing them to take 1d12 additional damage on the next attack they are hit by. Also gain either favored foe or favored enemy, either Natural Explorer or Deft Explorer.

Hunters Capabilities[edit]

At 2nd level, hunting becomes more of a lifestyle than just a hobby. You gain these spells

Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns and Zephyr Strike.

At 6th level you gain Ambush Prey and Conjure Barrage.

At 10th level you gain Lightning Arrow as a 5th level spell and Conjure Volley.

Marksman's aim[edit]

At 6th level, you have honed your archery skills farther and your aim is far greater than before. Your ranged attacks ignore half and three quarters cover.

Archers manipulation[edit]

At 10th level, you figured out a way to magically guide your arrows to ensure they hit their target. When you make a ranged weapon attack or a ranged spell attack that involves arrows, you may spend one spell slot to roll a d6, you add the result to your hit. You also gain the Hidden in plain sight feature.

Ranger of the night[edit]

At 14th level, having to hunt at night so much actually taught you a lot about hunting at night. You gain 60ft dark vision, a blind sight of 30ft, and you can decipher the size of a creature that you hear but don't see.

Bounty Hunter[edit]

At 18th level, you can set a bounty on a character/creature that you know the name and look of. When you kill someone who had a bounty, from the spell or not, you heal 6dx+PB where X is their level/CR rating and you ignore 6 of the Bounties AC. You also gain the Feral Senses Feature

Master of Sorcery[edit]

You start to mess around with the magic you were born with and decide that your magic is amazing and you want to work on the magic you were born with. You gain proficiencies in Arcane, Insight, Perception, light armor. You gain 2 sorcery points now and 2 at level 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th. You also gain two meta magic options now and 2 at levels 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th, choose your meta magic spells from the sorcerer meta magic list.

Sorcerer’s prowess[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an Sorcerer spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an Sorcerer spell, increase that DC by 2.

Magical Manipulation[edit]

At 6th level, you feel magic flow within you and you learn how to manipulate the spells you cast. All your spells ignore half and three quarters cover, you can guide them to another location using your bonus action (or action if the spell you casted is a bonus action spell) and you can cast another spell of the same spell school of magic as your first spell using your bonus action (or action if the spell you casted is a bonus action spell).

Elemental Connection[edit]

At 10th level, the elemental powers within you grow so much they start affecting even your body. You gain resistance to the last spells damage type you had casted, and anyone attacking your body takes 1d6 damage based on your resistance from this spell.

Elemental Havoc[edit]

At 14th level, your elemental capabilities grow so much that your spells start to do a unique effect based on their elemental damage. On failed Con save against your spell DC, activate an effect based on the corresponding damage, on success it does not cause an effect to activate.

•Acid Damage causes the target's armor to melt, making them lose AC equal to your intelligence Modifier.

•Cold Damage causes targets to become restrained by ice forming on the ground and the bottom of their legs.

•Fire Damage causes targets to overheat, gaining one level of exhaustion.

•Force Damage causes the target's body to feel overwhelmed as gravity is increased just for the target. For 1d4 turns their movement is halved, they have disadvantage on all actions involving physical movement.

•Lightning damage causes the targets to be Paralyzed and is electrified, causing anything that touches them to take 1d6 Lightning damage, if another target gets electrified within 10 feet of them, it causes a chain lighting effect, dealing 1d10 Lightning damage to them and 1d6 Lightning damage to everyone in between them.

•Necrotic damage causes the target's skin to rot, permanently losing maximum hit points equal to 1/4th the damage they dealt rounded up. If they die, their body decomposes.

•Poison damage causes the targets to get really sick and are affected by the diseases listed in The spell Contagions disease list. At the end of each of the target's turns, it must make a Constitution saving throw. After failing three of these saving throws, the disease's effects last for the duration, and the creature stops making these saves. After succeeding on three of these saving throws, the creature recovers from the disease.

•Psychic damage causes the targets to get a brain aneurysm until the target successfully makes a wisdom saving throw against your spell save dc, they take 1d4 Psychic damage that increases by 1d4 at the start of their turn.

•Radiant damage causes the targets to be blinded for 1d4 turns.

•Thunder damage causes the targets to be defined for 1d4 turns and knocked prone.

Magical Overcharge[edit]

At 18th level, you learn how to overcharge your spells, but you know it's a high risk high reward option, so you know to only do it when you need it.

You can choose to overcharge any spell you have, and use all of your spell slots to increase the amount of dice rolled (for example if you're casting a spell with 5d8, increase it Xd8 where X is the amount of spell slots you have after casting the spell).

After using this feature, you can't use it for 5 days and you only regain half your spell slots on your next long rest.

Master of the Power Hungry[edit]

During a fight you get injured but you remember getting so angry your magic became stronger, wanting to know about this more, you start to study the more taboo magic. You gain proficiencies in Light armor, Deception, Intimidation and Arcane. You gain Eldritch Invocations, 2 now and 2 at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th levels. Your spell book also turns into the “Pact of the Tomb” from the Warlock Pact Boons.

Eldritch Weave[edit]

At 2nd level, Whenever you use an Warlock spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an Warlock spell, increase that DC by 2.

Voices from the Void[edit]

At 6th level, you hear voices of demons and eldritch gods, you listen to them and follow their guidance but know your distance so you don't get corrupted. Your Warlock spell deals an additional die and can target an additional creature if it's a multi target spell. Your Pact Tomb also absorbs the souls of everyone you kill.

Power Cheat[edit]

At 10th level, Wanting more power at a faster time, you learn to cheat the magical weave and learn to cast one spell from a higher level. You can cast any spell of yours at one level higher than your current maximum equal to your intelligence mod times each day. You also gain the Mystic Arcanum (6) feature, it increases to 7 at 14th level, 8 at 18th level and 9 at 20th level

Chaotic Caster[edit]

At 14th level, you become more chaotic both in nature and in the spells you cast. Your alignment permanently becomes Chaotic. Once per turn, whenever you cast a spell with multiple elemental types, you may choose to cast the spell again on a different target.

Eldritch Lord[edit]

At 18th level, your power with the dark arts of magic becomes so powerful, its even noticeable by non magical beings. You gain the following features:

•You gain a Blackish Purple aura unless you have a magic limiter.

•Your Warlock exclusive spells deal double damage.

•Your spells that deal damage in an area have their area of effect doubled.

•Your spells gain double the range.

•You gain the Eldritch Master feature but instead of entreating a patron, you consume souls your tomb has consumed equal to the amount of spell slots you have.

Master of Wizardry[edit]

While reading the ancient texts of magic you learn some of the first essences of magic was used by the wizards, knowing this you decide to focus your life into learning about the magical weave. You are proficient in light armor, arcane, history and insight. When you cast a copied spell, if it had charging time, you cast it instantly and it lasts double the duration.

Power from knowledge[edit]

At 2nd level, you have expanded your knowledge on the magical weave to the point where you are always thinking about magic and what to learn next. Whenever you use an Wizard spell, you gain +2 to hit, or when enemies have to beat a certain DC by an Wizard spell, increase that DC by 2. You also gain 1 additional spells in the Wizard class, you gain 2 more Wizard spells on levels 6th, 10th, 14th 18th.

Master Spell Caster[edit]

At 6th level, When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder, you can substitute that damage type with one other type from that list (you can change only one damage type per casting of a spell). You replace one energy type for another by altering the spell's formula as you cast it.

The Weaves Teachings[edit]

At 10th level, you become a teacher of the magical weave and decide to teach people about magic in your journey's . You can teach any spell caster a spell from your spell book, they are limited to what their highest spell slot level is, which takes them an hour to learn.

You can also teach a non-spell caster how to cast a cantrip but it takes them 3 hours to learn the cantrip.

These spells do not count towards their spells known total.

Spellbook of power[edit]

At 14th level, once per turn when you cast a spell copied into your spellbook you may cast another spell but it costs double the spell slots. You also gain the Boon Of Magic Resistance.

Archmage of the Magical Weave[edit]

At 18th level, your intelligence of the magical weave becomes so clear, you even see magic in the form of paths. You see paths of magic that lead to magical casters, you gain the ability to see their highest spell slot level. You also gain the Signature spell feature but can have 5 Signature Spells. You also gain 10th, 11th and 12th spell slot, and can gain one of each of those levels spells.

Each color is based on a different spell slot level, here are the colors and spell slot level.

  • 1st - Blue
  • 2nd - Green
  • 3rd - Orange
  • 4th - Light Red
  • 5th - Pink
  • 6th - Light Purple
  • 7th - Lime
  • 8th - Cyan
  • 9th - Red
  • 10th - Purple
  • 11th - Amber
  • 12th - Rainbow

Whenever you fight one of these magical casters, you gain +4 to hit and damage against them.

Wild Card[edit]

While learning magic, you understand and believe that no one should be limited to magic, or at least not you, choosing to specialize in all types of magic. You gain proficiencies in Arcane, History, Nature and Deception and light armor . Your Spell book also turns into the Pact Tomb.

Magic of All[edit]

At 2nd level you gain 1 additional spell in each base class, 9 in total. Whenever you gain a new spell slot level, you gain an additional spell slot of that level.

You also gain the following features:

The Infuse Item feature, as well as 2 current and maximum infusions.

The Eldritch Invocations Feature, you gain 2 invocation.

Magical Variety[edit]

At 6th level, your time studying the many forms of magic makes you feel empowered. Every time you cast a spell of a different class from the last, you gain +2 to hit on your next spell, this doesn't stack but lasts until you cast a spell from the same class.

This means every spell you have, you must list what specific class you are getting from. for example fireball can be from either wizard or sorcerer, so you would have to specify to your DM which one when you pick the spell, and this can not change.

You also gain the following features:

You gain one cleric Channel Divinity.

You gain the Aura of Protection and the Aura of Courage feature.

The Wild Stack[edit]

At 10th level, while learning about the magical weave, you learn how to be more creative. Whenever you cast a spell of a different class from the last and you hit an enemy you gain a “Wild Stack”. When you use a “Once per day” Wild Stack ability, you can not use other “Once per day” Wild Stack abilities. You can not gain a Wild Stack from healing spells, unless it heals from dealing damage.

You may consume Wild Stacks to cast any of the following effects:

You heal hit points equal to the amount of Wild Stacks consumed. Once per combat, as an action.

You regain spell slots equal to the amount of Wild Stacks consumed going from lowest to highest. Once per combat, as an action.

Once per combat, you may consume Wild Stacks to increase the damage of your damaging spells by +2 per 10 Wild Stacks consumed for the rest of combat, capping at 10 Wild Stacks. This can only be used 4 times per day, does not conflict with once per day Wild Stack abilities.

Once per day, you may spend 30 Wild Stacks to gain 2 Cantrips.

Once per day, you may consume 50 Wild Stacks to gain 1 of the following of your choice:

2 current and maximum infusions.

2 Sorcery points.

2 meta magic options.

2 eldritch invocations.

1 Cleric Channel divinity.

You also gain the following features:

The Jack of All Trades feature.

You gain 4 sorcery points. You also gain two meta magic options. Choose your meta magic spells from the sorcerer meta magic list.

Manipulation of the Weave[edit]

At 14th level, you can feel the magic within you, one day you accidentally turn into a sheep, then realize you can shapeshift, your magic has grown so powerful you can manipulate the spells you cast as you please. You may cast two cantrips per turn using one action, and all spells you can use as an action or bonus action, but can not cast two spells at once.

Your gain 2 Wild Stacks Per spell cast and gain 1 Wild Stack for every cantrip cast. You also gain more Wild Stack abilities:

You may spend a 1000 Wild Stacks to change all your slot levels to the highest possible number, changing every spell to your highest possible level, but you can still cast it at any level below that (for example after you use this affect at level 10, all your spells and spell slots become level 5, and whenever you gain 6th level spell slots or higher, your spells and spell slots become that number).

You may consume 10 Wild Stacks to know the any one of these possible options of any creature you see, including players: ability score, resistances, immunities, absorptions, vulnerabilities, HP, movement, AC or CR. If any were to change, you automatically know what the change is.

You also gain the following features:

The Wild shape feature.

The Feral Senses Feature.

Universal Weave[edit]

At 18th level, your understanding about the arcane weave becomes so grand, you feel as though the arcane weave wants to learn about you, no one has ever tried learning everything about magic. You gain access to 10th, 11th and 12th spells.

You also gain the Signature Spell feature but you only start with one Signature Spell.

Once per day. You may consume 250 Wild Stacks to increase the level of one of your signature spells by one.

Once per day. You may consume 500 Wild Stacks to increase the amount of Signature Spells you have by one.

Once per Week. You may spend 5000 Wild Stacks in order gain any 1 Feat.

Once per Month. You may spend 10000 Wild Stacks in order to gain any 1 boon.



To qualify for multiclassing into the Grand Caster class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 14


When you multiclass into the Grand Caster class, you gain the following proficiencies: choose 2 from intelligence skills

Optional Rule[edit]

Whenever you are playing with the Past Level 20 Variant rule, apply the class increases based on your subclass.

If you chose wild card: You gain the Artificer's Infusion and Infused Item Improvement. You gain the Bard's Magical Secrets. You gain the Cleric's Extra Divinity Points. You gain the Druid's Wild Shape Improvement. You gain the Paladin's Aura of Protection Improvement. You gain the Ranger's Feral Senses Increase. You gain the Sorcerer's Sorcery Point Improvement. You gain the Warlock's Eldritch Invocation Increase. You gain the Wizard's Signature Spell Improvement. Your wild stack per different spell and cantrip increase by 1 per 2 levels above 20.

When you gain an additional subclass, you may only choose official subclasses.

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