Card Master (5e Class)

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Card Master[edit]

Masters of Cards are individuals who have discovered a deep bond with an arcane deck of cards, whether through an ancient artifact, a connection to cosmic forces, or a mysterious pact. Each card represents a fragment of power, allowing the Master to channel spells, influence fate, and manipulate the luck of allies and foes alike.

With a deck always in hand, they excel in versatility, adapting their tactics to the "game" unfolding in each adventure. Their powers stem from an almost divine connection to the energies represented by the cards, and their ability to interpret and improvise makes them formidable allies and unpredictable enemies.

Cards tell me[edit]

Listen to the cards. They have always been speaking to you—the whispers in your mind, the subtle warnings before disaster strikes. The cards were always by your side, patiently waiting for you to understand. Now, at last, you’ve learned to hear them, to embrace the eerie voice within your thoughts.

The Card Dealer

Creating a Card Dealer[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Card Master quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Inteligence.

Class Features

As a Card Dealer you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Card Dealer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Card Dealer level after 1st


Armor: All light armor, No shields
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: Tarot Cards
Saving Throws: Charisma and Inteligence
Skills: Choose two of the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Performance, Persuasion and Religion,


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Leather Armor
  • (a) 2 Daggers or (b) Any simple melee weapon
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Entertainer's Pack
  • Tarot Deck

Table: The Card Dealer

Level Proficiency
Choice Points Features —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 1 Pick a Card, Spellcasting, Choice Points. 2
2nd +2 2 Trust the Destiny, Chiromancy. 3
3rd +2 3 Share Destiny. 4 2
4th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement, The Fool, Choose your Path. 4 3
5th +3 5 Secure the Vision. 4 3 2
6th +3 6 Emergency Reserve. 4 3 3
7th +3 7 Mystic Shuffle. 4 3 3 1
8th +3 8 Ability Score Improvement, Chiromancy – Lines of Fate. 4 3 3 2
9th +4 9 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 10 The Balance – Lines of Fate, The World. 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 10 Secure the Vision - Improvement. 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 11 Ability Score Improvement, Eternal Cards. 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 12 Good Vision. 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 13 Fast Dealer, Guided Pull. 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 13 Ask the Cards. 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 14 Ability Score Improvement, Minor Arcana. 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 14 The Balance. 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 15 Minor Arcana. 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 15 Ability Score Improvement, Transcend the Charisma. 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 16 The cards will not Abandon Me. 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1


Opening your soul to the cards has granted you the ability to wield this energy as spells. You can learn any spell that appears on the sorcerer spell list.

Spell Slots

The personifier table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you cast the first level spell detect magic and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast detect magic using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You can prepare a list of personifier spells for you to cast. To do this choose a number of spells from the sorcerer spell list that equals your charisma modifier+your personifier level. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown in the table.

You can choose new spells during a long rest by taking one hour to meditate with your tarot cards.

Spellcasting Ability Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your personifier spells. Your spells are direct outbursts from your soul channeled through your cards. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a personifier spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

•Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier.

•Spell attack modifier = your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier.

•Spell Focus. You use your tarot deck as your arcane focus.

Choice Points[edit]

The power of the cards are random but, this unique points can control the destiny of the cards, when you use pick a card you can spend 1 choice point to pick an specific card.

Cards can have the following durations: Instantaneous, Medium (1d4 + Charisma Modifier), Long (2d4 + Charisma) or Scene (Until the scene end).

Pick a Card[edit]

The master of the cards has an unique tarot deck, as an bonus action you can use pick a card, you will receive powerfull habilities, but is completely random (d20).

  • Cards with effects requiring a saving throw use the DC of your spellcasting ability. Additionally, cards that deal damage allow you to apply buffs as if casting a spell.
  • You cannot have more than 2 cards of the same duration activated at the same time or you will receive 1 level of exaustion for each card above the limit.

The card numbers reflect their power, with cards numbered above 10 granting significantly stronger effects.

1. The Magician
The magician represents intelligence and magic prowess.

  • When you pick this card you instantly regain spells slots equivalent to your level, so if you already spend 2 spells slots of 5th level you can regain them if you are level 10.


2. The High Priestess
The high priestess represents peace and passiveness.

  • When you pick this card, an powerfull aura is unleashead, the aura has 30ft and the center is you, when an creature that inst an ally invade this aura, the creature must suceed in an Charisma save or the creature will forget that have to attack you and your allies until the end of the aura.


3. The Empress
The empress represents calmness and understanding.

  • When you pick this card, you can finally understand the emotions and real feelings of an creature that is close to you, for the rest of the scene you can read an creature mind and you have advantage against attacks from this creature.


4. The Emperor
The emperor represents power and control.

  • When you pick this card, an massive energy enhance your body, you gain your level + proficiency as temporary hit points, and you gain immunity to a type of damage of your choice.


5. The Hierophant
The hierophant represents good godly standing and authority.

  • When you pick this card, you can choose an number of allies equivalent to your Charisma Modifier to heal the equivalent damage of your nexts attacks.


6. The Lovers
The lovers arcana represents reasoning and romanticism.

  • When you pick this card, choose an ally, this ally will be your lover until the end of the combat. That means, when you meele attack an creature, your lover can attack as an reaction if is in range. And if your lover attack someones with an meele attack you can make an attack with your reaction.


7. The Chariot
The chariot represents self-assuredness and conquest.

  • When you pick this card, you gain 60 feet of movement, and you have advantage in realease yourself of magics that reduces your movement.


8. Justice
The justice arcana represents valor and rationalism.

  • When you pick this card, you gain the hability of judge the habilities of your enemy, you can sacrifice an effect of a card to temporarily disable any skill, class feature, racial trait, feat effect or one action that you see your opponent did, when the combat ends the creature regain the skill.


9. The Hermit
The hermit is associated with solitude and philosophy.

  • When you pick this card, you can teleport as an bonus action to any point that your vision reaches.


10. Wheel of Fortune
The wheel of fortune arcana represents luck and fate.

  • When you pick this card you gain 2 random card of the deck, and this card cant be chosen by the choice points.


11. Strength
The strength arcana represents fortitude and resilience.

  • When you pick this card, you can choose you or an ally to pass automaticaly in the nexts Savings Throws, and gain immunity to phisical damage.


12. The Hanged Man
The hanged man arcana represents self-sacrifice and paradoxes.

  • When you pick this card, you lose 10% of your current hit points (not reducing you below 1 HP, these hit points cannot be restored until the effect ends.). In return, your eyes shine with mystical light, and you gain the following effects for the duration:
  • You can see through illusions, invisibility, and magical darkness within 60 feet.
  • During the effect, you can use your Reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll or saving throw made by a creature you can see.


13. Death
The death arcana represents rebirth and decay.

  • When you pick this card, you can spend all your hit points to enter the diying state, if you are stabilized you regain all your spell slots and hit points, but if your not you not die but you lose all the spells slots that you have.


14. Temperance
The temperance arcana represents harmony and synthesis.

  • When you pick this card, the harmony of sounds radiates the battle, you can choose a number of allies equivalent to your charisma modifier, they will receive 1d10 + proficiency + charisma modifier in any roll they do.


15. The Devil
The devil represents impulsiveness and commitment.

  • When you draw this card, you must make at least one attack on your turn. If you fail to do so, you take fire damage equal to 1d12 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. Additionally, for the duration of the effect, you gain the following benefits:
  • Whenever you successfully cast a spell, you may either make a melee attack against the same target or gain 18 feet of movement.
  • Your spell damage dice are increased based on your Intelligence modifier. For example, if a spell normally deals 1d6 damage and you have an Intelligence modifier of +5, the spell's damage becomes 6d6.


16. The Tower
The tower arcana symbolizes doom and disaster.

  • When you pick this card, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion for the next 2 rounds. If you survive these 2 rounds, you may transfer your exhaustion to a creature within your line of sight. The targeted creature will receive 5 levels of exhaustion instead of 3.


17. The Star
The star arcana represents joy and hope.

  • When you pick this card, all conditions of blindness, paralysis, and fear are removed from allies within the area of 60 feet. Additionally, you can choose one enemy creature within the radius to take 6d6 radiant damage, symbolizing the purification of the light.


18. The Moon
The Moon arcana represents dreams, intuition, and subtle guidance.

  • When you pick this card, allies within a 30-foot radius of you gain temporary insight. Until the end of their next turn, they can reroll one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, choosing the higher result.
  • Ethereal Veil: A 60-foot radius centered on you is enveloped in an ethereal glow, creating the following effects:
  • Clarity of Mind: Allies within the radius gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  • Hidden Grace: Allies within the area can make Stealth checks with advantage, even in brightly lit terrain.
  • Guided Dreams: At the start of each ally’s turn, they can choose to move an additional 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Lunar Radiance: You can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll made against an ally within the veil.


19. The Sun
The sun arcana represents optimism and accomplishment.

  • When you pick this card, you create a burst of radiant light in a 60-foot radius centered on you.
  • All enemy creatures within the area must make a Constitution saving throw against your DC.
  • Failure: They take 10d8 radiant damage and are blinded until the end of the Card.
  • Success: They take half damage and are not blinded.
  • The light automatically dispels any magical darkness within the area.


20. Judgment
The judgment arcana represents acceptance and absolution.

  • When you draw this card, you may place one enemy under the Judge's Scale for the duration of its effect.
  • Judge's Scale:
  • The chosen enemy has disadvantage on all attack rolls targeting you and your allies.
  • Select one of the enemy’s abilities to be judged. Roll 1d2 to determine the verdict:
  1. Innocent: No effect.
  2. Guilty: The ability is deemed guilty. Whenever the enemy uses this ability, they take 10d12 + Charisma^X damage, (where X equals your proficiency bonus) of Radiant Damage.


Trust the Destiny[edit]

As long you keep trusting in your cards they will guide you to the best result, at level 2 you have advantage and proficiency in Religion and Arcana.
If you already have proficiency with the both skills, you can consider expertise.


The cards always reveal the future with precision, but the lines on your hand also hold valuable secrets about destiny.
At level 2, you gain the ability to read hands. As a bonus action, you can interpret the lines on your own hand or the hand of an ally within touch range. Performing this reading grants advantage on the next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw for you or your ally.

Share Destiny[edit]

The creatures that accompany you share the same destiny.
At level 3, once per long rest, you can deal a card to an ally. The ally must use the "Pick a Card" ability. The taken card is not activated immediately; instead, it is stored until the ally decides to use it. A person cannot hold more than one stored card at a time.

The Fool[edit]

At level 4, you can give up an activated card to turn it into a "Fool Stack."

  • Fool Stacks: When you sacrifice a card, you gain a Fool Stack. These stacks empower the "Fool Spell." For each Fool Stack you have, the Fool Spell deals an additional number of dice equal to your Charisma modifier.
  • Fool Spell: Chaotic magic engulfs an area within a 60-foot radius. All enemies in this area take 4d12 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus in necrotic damage, the area last as an Long effect of a card.

For example, if you turn 3 cards in the Fool and you have 4 of Charisma, you deal 16d12 instead of 4d12.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Choose your Path[edit]

At 4th level, you chose a Card Master subclass, choose between Destiny Caster or Support Cards the both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 4th level and again at 8, 12, 16 levels.

Secure the Vision[edit]

You envision a future where your spells always inflict their conditions, and your enemies fall before your power. At level 5, you gain the ability to ensure that a spell either automatically hits or automatically imposes its condition.

To use this ability, you must spend 1 Choice Point.

Emergency Reserve[edit]

At level 6, you gain the ability to bind defensive and mobility spells to cards, creating an arsenal of strategic options.

Binding a Spell: During a short or long rest, you can imbue a number of cards equal to your proficiency bonus with spells that you know. These spells must be defensive (e.g., Shield, Absorb Elements) or focused on mobility (e.g., Misty Step, Feather Fall).

Casting from a Card: As a reaction , you can activate one of your imbued cards, casting the spell without expending a spell slot. Once a card is used, it loses its magic and becomes inert until recharged during another rest with the same or another spell.

Enhanced Effects: At level 10, spells cast from these cards gain additional effects:

Defensive spells provide the effect of the Temperance Card without counting to the limit of cards actived. Mobility spells provide the effect of the Chariot Card without counting to the limit of cards actived.

Mystic Shuffle[edit]

Your connection to the arcane deck deepens, granting you the ability to manipulate the flow of magic and destiny itself, at level 7th you gain the following hability:

  • As a bonus action, you can perform a Mystic Shuffle, reshuffling the energy of your active cards and spells. When you use this ability, choose one of the following effects:
  • Redistribute Cards: You can deactivate one of your active cards and immediately activate a new card from your deck without rolling. You must spend 1 Choice Point to select a specific card or roll a d20 to activate a random card without spending a point.
  • Recharge an Imbued Card: Restore the magic of one defensive or mobility card you previously imbued using Emergency Reserve, allowing it to be used again.
  • Destiny Realignment: Choose one ally within 30 feet. That ally can reroll one failed saving throw or ability check they made within the last minute. You must decide whether to use this effect before the end of your turn.

Chiromancy – Lines of Fate[edit]

At Level 8, your mastery over reading the lines of destiny in hands becomes more profound, allowing you to uncover hidden truths and foresee imminent outcomes.

Foresight Touch: As a bonus action, when you read the hand of an ally or yourself, you grant the target the ability to see a glimpse of the future. The target gains the following benefits for 1 minute:

Advantage on Initiative rolls. Advantage on Perception and Insight checks. Destiny’s Warning: If you perform a hand reading during combat, the target gains the ability to predict danger. Until the start of your next turn, the target can impose disadvantage on one attack roll made against them as a reaction.

Expanded Usage: You can now use Chiromancy on enemies as an action. Reading an enemy's hand reveals a weakness or vulnerability:

You learn one of the creature's resistances, immunities, or weaknesses. If the target is resistant to a type of damage, you can nullify that resistance for 1 minute.

The Balance[edit]

At level 10 you become stronger, but, your body not become any stronger from now on, passing the level 10 means that you will not receive Hit Points per level, and you cannot increase your constituition hability modifier.

The World[edit]

The Conclusion of the Fool's Path – The 21st Card of the Deck, the Most Powerful, at level 10 you can use The World.

  • You can pick The World Card by spending 3 choice points with an bonus action.
  • When you pick The World card, you surpass the active card limit for the duration of this ability.
  • While active, Pick a Card no longer requires Choice Points to select cards.
  • The damage of The Fool ability is doubled.
  • Whenever you sacrifice cards to generate stacks of The Fool, the stacks created are doubled.

The World possesses a unique power to extend time itself. All ongoing durations in the scene are made permanent until the end of the encounter. This includes durations from spells, cards, or abilities—both yours and your opponents'. Instantaneous effects are not affected by this ability.

While The World is active, you and your allies are under the effects of a universal connection:

  • All healing or damage bonuses applied to one ally also affect all others.

You can ultilize this card only once time per day, the durantion of this card is Scene.

Secure the Vision - Improvement[edit]

The visions have to suceed, and for that you cannot die, in level 11 your "Secure the Vision" hability now affect enemies, you can use this hability in various forms:

  • Dodge: You can make an enemy miss an attack against you or against a creature within 30 feet.
  • Target: You can reduces the CA of an enemy for a equivalent of an Medium Duration Card, the reduction is Charisma + Proficiency.
  • Secure multiple Destinys: Now you can ultilize the base Secure Vision for attacks and spells of allies.

The cost of the imrpoved form of Secure the Vision is 3 Choice Points.

Eternal Cards[edit]

Sometimes the cards don't have the sufficient duration, but now in level 12 you can extend an card duration, you can spend 1 choice point to add 2 rounds to the duration of an card.

Good Vision[edit]

Is a little bit dangerous approaching to an enemy in the mid of a combat to use the Chiromancy hability, but now, you don't have to, starting in level 13 you gain 30 feet to use Chiromancy, and you gain more 30 feet in the following levels: 15, 17, 19.

Fast Dealer[edit]

Years of training made you an excelent and faster Dealer, in level 14 when you use pick a card instead of one you pick 2 Card, 3 at level 20.

Guided Pull[edit]

At level 14th your growing connection to the deck grants you better control over your cards.

  • A number of times equivalent to your Charisma, when you use "Pick a Card," you can roll twice and choose which result to keep.

Ask the Cards[edit]

Starting at 15th level, your unshakable devotion to the tarot is met with equal loyalty from the cards. A number of times equivalent to your charisma per long rest, you can perform a personal card spread as an action, casting the Commune spell without expending a spell slot. This ability allows you to seek guidance directly through the cards, when you use Commune this way, the chance of no respost in nulified.

Minor Arcana[edit]

At level 16th you unleash an new set of cards, the minor arcana, doing specific actions will give you one type of card of the following:

  • Suit of Cups: When an enemy passes an saving throw against you, the Cups roll is, roll 1d10 if the number is between 2 and 9 you increase your DC by this number, if is 1 you can cast again the spell without losing a spell slot, if its 10 you add 10+Charisma modifier in your DC.

(Duration: Medium)

  • Suit of Swords: When you attack an enemy with is not spells, if you miss the Swords roll is actived, roll 1d10 if the number is between 2 and 9 you gain the number of bonus in your next attack, if is 1 you gain an Extra Attack in the next roundo, if its 10 you add 10+Charisma modifier in your attack bonus.

(Duration: Medium)

If you now tarot, you know it is missing Suit of Wands and Suit of Pentacles, they both will be unlocked in 18th level.

The Balance[edit]

You reached far didn't you? Your mind almost fully understand the cards, but your body is not prepared for so much information. You lose your modifier of Charisma of hit points for levels higher than 17th.

Minor Arcana[edit]

At level 18th you unleash an new set of cards, the minor arcana, doing specific actions will give you one type of card of the following:

  • Suit of Pentacles: When you heal an ally or buff an ally, the Pentacles roll is actived, roll 1d10 if the number is between 2 and 9 the allies gain the number in bonus in your next test, if its 1 the ally gain 1 Extra Attack and advantage in the next attack, if its 10 the ally gain 2 Extra attacks, and your charisma modifier and advantage in the next attacks.

(Duration: Instantaneous)

  • Suit of Wand: When you cast a spell, roll 1d10 if the number is between 2 and 9 you gain the following buff:
  • If is an odd number: You deal 3d12 + Charisma extra damage.
  • If is an even number: you deal 6d12 + Charisma extra damage.
  • if is an 1 you deal maximum damage multiplied by half of your proficiency, if is an 10 you deal maximum damage multiplied by your charisma modifier.

(Duration: Instantaneous)

The minor arcana card don´t count for the limit of actived cards.

Transcend the Charisma[edit]

At level 19 you gain 6 points in charisma attribute, this 6 points can ultrapass 20, and now you can use any skill test with Charisma.

The cards will not Abandon Me[edit]

You reached the max of an card master, congrats, now all the long durantion cards are Scene duration, and the medium cards are long, your limit for cards of the same duration increases by 2 so now you can have 4 long cards and 4 Scene Cards, your The Fool card is upgraded, when you turn a card in a The Fool Stack, you can immediatily use pick a card, and the extra dies of The fool stacks are doubled.

The Paths of the Card Master[edit]

Destiny Caster[edit]

An more ofensive path, your spells will do lots of damage, but you will lost an support potencial that is support cards.

Spell Cards 4th
  • When you cast an spell, you can opt to spend 10 feet of an movement action to put the spell inside of an damage booster special card to obtain the following effects:
  • The spell DC is incresead by your proficiency.
  • The spell dies damage are increased by 6.
  • If you have to roll an attack for the spell you do not have to, all your spells cards only need an saving throw of Charisma to take half of the damage.
  • Your spells area gain your Charisma multiplied by your arcana hability of area of effect.
More Powerfull Card 8th
  • The Devil extra dies are increased by your charisma and your inteligence now.
  • You can pick the devil card without having to spend 1 choice point as a free action one time per long rest.
The powerfool 12th
  • When you sacrifice an card to make an The Fool Stack, you can cast an spell without spending an spell slot.
  • Fool Spell now deal maximum damage.
Sharp Cards 16th
  • When you use Spell Cards you deal maximum damage.
  • If the enemy fails by more than 5 in your spell DC the damage will be tripled.

Support Cards[edit]

An more support path, your spells will powerfull buffs, but you will lost an damage potencial that is Destiny Caster.

More Cards 4th
  • You can use pick a card twice in one bonus action.
  • You can have 2 cards that buff allies stacking.
  • Your maximum cards of the same duration is 3
Powerfull Support 8th
  • The Cards The Star, The moon and The temperance now heals a number of d12 equivalent to your Charisma + Intelligence, and gives allys an damage boost of the same amount.
  • You have extra choice points equivalent to your charisma modifier.
Give Card 12th
  • You can use pick a card and with the permition of a person you can transfer the card to this person.
  • Your heal and buff dies are allways maxed.
  • The fool damage now heals your allies.
Armored Allies 16th
  • When you uses the Moon, the Star or the Hermit, you increase the CA of your allies by your charisma modifier + intelligence.
  • All your allies have 12d12 of damage reduction if they are buffed by you.
  • The heal of the Fool is doubled.
  • When you buff an ally the ally gain 1 extra attack.
  • Your maximum cards of the same duration is 5

Card Master Spell List[edit]

You know all of the spells on the basic Wizard and Sorcerer spell list.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Card Master class, you must meet these prerequisites: Have at least 16 Charisma and 14 Inteligence.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Card Master class, you gain the following proficiencies: Arcana, Religion and Performance.

(one vote)

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