5e Half Spellcasting Classes
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Half Spellcasting Classes[edit]
Classes that are half spellcasters.
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Aberration | A creature cursed by powerful entities. | half | 10 |
Abyssal Dragon Lord (Re-balanced) | Nigh-unstoppable warriors who combine the powers of dragons and demons. | half | 10 |
Anomaly | Glitched | half | 10 |
Apocalypse Knight | Dark knights that are choosen by dark powers. | half | 10 |
Apocalypto | Horsemen who signal the end-times. | half | 8 |
Arcane Archer | An archer trained to imbue arrows with spells. | half | 8 |
Arcane Assassin | They are sneaky warriors, who use magical daggers and spells to assist in their fights. | half | 8 |
Arcane Fighter | A warrior that enhances his martial prowess with arcane magic. | half | 10 |
Arcane Fist | half | 10 | |
Arcane Mechanic, Variant | As an arcane mechanic, you gain the following class features. | half | 8 |
Arcane Mechanik | As an arcane mechanic, you gain the following class features. | half | 8 |
Arcane Puppeteer | Arcane puppeteers are gifted sorcerers who channel their energy through another being. | half | 8 |
Arcane Ranger | A mixture of ranger/fighter and wizard | half | 10 |
Arcane Thrower | A user of vast skill in throwing weapons embedded with elemental power. | half | 8 |
Arcane Warrior, Variant | Arcane warriors are durable melee fighters who use their spellcasting abilities to amplify their capabilities. | half | 8 |
Armored Pilot | User of a magical armor that enhances its natural abilities. | half | 8 |
Armored Pilot, Variant | User of a magical armor that enhances its natural abilities. | half | 8 |
Astral Projectionist | Intelligent and Capable striker who specializes in astral projection control | half | 8 |
Augur | An augur is one who interprets the omens of the gods or other powerful beings to predict the future and alter reality. | half | 8 |
Awakened | Being soulbound to a legendary singer or an ancient demon may have its benefits. | half | 8 |
Awakener | A powerful manipulator of plants that obey their controller's every command with some semblance of intelligence. | half | 6 |
Barriomancer | A defense focused warrior, built to defend themselves and those they care for. | half | 10 |
Battle Medic | Battled hardened frontline fighter who also specialize in healing. | half | 10 |
Battlemage | Mages who uses arcane magic to augment their martial prowess. | half | 8 |
Battlemage, Variant | A magic-wielding combatant that uses the weave of raw arcane energy to enhance their martial capabilities | half | 10 |
Beast Tamer | A scholar who prefers the company of beast over others of their kind. | half | 8 |
Blade Soul | A support who is fragile, but can grant many unique bonuses. | half | 4 |
Bladecaster | A martial warrior who wields arcane power to augment his own prowess | half | 8 |
Blink Mage, 2nd Variant | As a Blink mage you gain the following Abilities | half | 8 |
Bloodguard | A dark knight who receives powers through sacrifice to a higher being | half | 10 |
Bloodrager | Bloodragers are a rare form of barbarian that has both a Sorceror's bloodline and a Barbarian's ancestors. In the battlefield they blend their intense anger and the burning fervor of l spells to destroy any foe who would dare apose them. | half | 10 |
Boffin | half | 8 | |
Celestial Warlock | A divine patron has granted you the ability to manipulate radiant and mundane energy to assist friends or harm foes. | half | 8 |
Chair's Inquisitor | Inquisitors are agents of gods who hunt down enemies of the faith with divine judgement and magic. | half | 8 |
Channeller | A martial spellcaster that can Infuse spells into their weapons to deal massive burst damage. | half | 10 |
Chromatic Outlander | These Individuals use the power of the Spectral Stone to battle their foes. | half | 8 |
Chrono Knight | A class Who trains in manipulating time and arcane magic to carry out this will of there council or to seek the future they see | half | 10 |
Coin Gambler | Risk takers who use their luck and magic to support their allies. | half | 8 |
Cryo Fighter | |||
Cultivation Monk | A Person that fights evil with not only weapons but magic. For cultivation monks, violence is always the last means of defense and often they find other ways to resolve a situation. | half | 1d10 |
Dance Artist | half | 8 | |
Dancer | Elegant fighters and spellcasters that defy gravity with leaps, jumps, and spins that prove that combat is a another performance like any other. | half | 8 |
Dancer, Variant | Dancers use the motion of their bodies to manipulate magic and create a variety of effects | half | 8 |
Dark Knight | A knight who obliterates enemies through the powers of darkness. So like a paladin, but so very different. | half | 10 |
Dark Knight, Variant | Individuals that harness the power of Darkness. | half | 10 |
Dark Omen | Grim knights that are fueled by dark powers. | half | 10 |
Dark Vessel | A ritual maker able to struck pacts with fiends, allowing them to inhabit its body. | half | 8 |
Death Knight | Ever wanted to play a Warcraft style Death Knight in 5E? I have amalgamated the previous versions into this more vanilla variant. | half | 10 |
Death Knight, 4th Variant | Great fighters imbued with the unholy magics of Death itself. | half | 10 |
Death Monarch | A spellcaster able to draw power from the shadowfell, using this dark energy as a weapon, a refuge and to exert control over dead creatures. | half | 8 |
Deathslinger | A mercenary for the grave to ensure that no one escapes when death comes knocking | half | 8 |
Deceiver | Deceivers are masters of deceptions, individuals that can bend through the mundane senses. Their charm can have even the most intelligent and wise adventurers second guess their intuitions. | half | 8 |
Deceiver, 4th Variant | half | 8 | |
Demon Host | Uh oh! There's a demon in me! | half | 8 |
Departed | A hardy individual wizened by several lifetimes of experience that draws power from a closeness to death | half | 12 |
Determined | A warrior who refuses to give up and die | half | 8 |
Divine Crusader | A Divine Crusader is a knight of the church that hunts those that defy their deity's will. She uses divine energy granted from his deity. | half | 10 |
Divine Hunter | A warrior focused on the destruction of unholy creatures in devotion to a deity or other powerful being. | half | 10 |
Dragon Knight, 3rd Variant | Knights utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. | half | 10 |
Economist | A charismatic provider of goods and services that functions around making deals. | half | 8 |
Elder Sage | An unparalleled loremaster whose mere presence marks impending events of grave magnitude. | half | 4 |
Eldritch Guardian | Eldritch Guardians are arcane knights in who use abjuration magic to protect their allies. | half | 10 |
Elemental Archer, Variant | An elemental archer uses their prowess with magic in combination with archery | half | 8 |
Elemental Shaman | A potent half-caster who draws power from the inner planes, summoning elemental spirits into totems and dynamically converting magical energy into various primordial powers. | half | 10 |
Elemental Warrior, Variant | half | 10 | |
Enchanter, Variant | Stunning creature with the power to seemly control others. | half | 8 |
Enchantress, Variant | Visually stunning creatures with the power to control others with their personality. | half | 8 |
Entomancer | A magic user who use bugs and insects to their advantage | half | 8 |
Ethereal Samurai | Ethereal samurais are the guardians of the material plane against the threats from the ethereal world. | half | 10 |
Fencing Magician | Fencing Magicians are wizards who have learned the art of fencing. | half | 8 |
Flame Dancer | Flame Dancers are pyromaniacs that release the flame within through dancing. | half | 10 |
Forest Guardian | Forest guardians are beings that have devoted their lives to protect and ward natural forests and their inhabitants. | half | 8 |
Frenzy Harbinger | Chaotic harbingers of the Frenzied Flame that solely act on whims, these harbingers possess spellcasting abilities and have the same spell casting table and known spells as the Paladin class. | half | 10 |
Frogsoul | An ordinary humanoid with a soul fused with a frog's. They wield deadly amphibious powers and spells. | half | 8 |
Frozen Revenant | Undead soldiers, slain on the fields of battle and returned to life by the Frozen Death, Frozen Revenants do their bidding in exchange for power. | half | 10 |
Fundamental Force Fighter | Harnessing the fundamental forces of nature to enhance your combat prowess. | half | 10 |
Gamemaster | |||
Glyphflinger (5e Subclass) | |||
Godhand | Litteraly grab divine power and sacrifice your arm to contain it | half | 8 |
Gravitation Manipulator | A class focused on using weight manipulating magic to enhance their melee fighting ability through either control or agility. | half | 10 |
Grim Reaper | Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. | half | 10 |
Guardian | Guardians are durable melee fighters who develop nature based spellcasting abilities. | half | 10 |
Gun Witch | A class inspired by weird west style gunslingers and K6BD's Gun Witches; a spellcasting warrior that combines spells and ranged weapons into a deadly combination. | half | 8 |
Gun-Mage | A Mage who uses a heavily modified magical weapon to attack at various ranges. | half | 6 |
Gunwitch | A gunwitch improves their effectiveness with firearms by using magical runes. | half | 8 |
Gurdian of Nature | Guardians are durable melee fighters who develop nature based spellcasting abilities. | half | 8 |
Half Shade | A being possessed | half | 8 |
Herald | Champions of greatness who use their raw force of personality to empower their allies. | half | 10 |
Hunter of Artemis | One of many female followers of the Greek goddess Artemis, whom follows her values, or wanders whilst linked to the wilderness. | half | 10 |
Immortal | A warrior blessed, or cursed, with immortality. | half | 8 |
Imperial Warden | Imperial Blessed Warrior | half | 10 |
User:Jsplash/True Artificer (Varient) | Artificers are masters of magical invention. They are deeply interested in how magic works and demand attention on what they will be creating. | half | 8 |
Jujutsu Sorcerer, Game Breakers Variant | By harnessing the power of curses for themselves, jujutsu sorcerers are able to manifest supernatural abilities that let them exorcise these curses and defend humanity. | half | 8 |
Knife Dancer | An unassuming but dangerous person, utilizing both weaponry and magic to fell even the largest of foes. | half | 8 |
Legendary Hero | As a Legendary Hero, you gain the following features. | half | 1d8 |
Lich | A spellcasting warrior that's hard to put down but must power their phylactery. | half | 8 |
Light Dancer | Dancers that reflect light to great extent. | half | 8 |
Lightsmith (Cantalthis Suppliment) | half | 8 | |
Living Armor | An unfortunate soul, bound to a suit of armor for all eternity | half | 10 |
Machinist | half | 8 | |
Mageblade, Variant | A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. | half | 8 |
Magebow | A quick witted mage who uses a magic bow | half | 8 |
Magic Marksman | half | 8 | |
Magical A͖̚̚n͎̭͍̮̻̯ͭͬͭͯ̒̆ͪo̖̭͂̐̑̔m̘̬͖͍͎̾a͖̹̹̱̠l̲̰͈̱̫̝̖̄̈̓̈̊y̤̤̅́̌͑ͥ | Glitched Magic | half | 10 |
Magical Child | half | 8 | |
Magical Puppeteer | You can make a Puppeteer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Entertainer background. Third, choose Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand as your skills. Fourth, choose Light crossbow and quiver of 20 bolts and | half | 6 |
Magister | A spellcaster that takes full control over the power of light and darkness | half | 6 |
Manus Magister | "Manus", meaning "Hands", and "Magister", meaning "Mage" or "Master", the Manus Magister is a certain type of wizard that has mastered a peculiar and rare technique of magic, the so-called "hand mage". | half | 8 |
Marrow Knight | Individuals with special armor made of their own bones which grants them a variety of magical abilities. | half | 12 |
Martyr | This Constitution-based half-caster's powers are derived from sacrifices of hit dice. | half | 2d4 |
Masquerade | Members of a secret organization of spies and infiltrators, and wielders of magical powers, masquerades are stealthy warriors, loyal to their order designs. | half | 8 |
Master of the Arcane Sword | A warrior specialized in a way of combat that blends the use of mundane weapon techniques with arcane magic. | half | 10 |
Master Puppeteer | A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. | half | 10 |
Melodist | When music meets magic. Musical support class. Overhaul/Rework of Minstrel class. | half | 8 |
Mentalist | A half-caster without spell components. 3 subclasses. | half | 8 |
Minstral | A swift artisan that combines cunning speed and empowering magic to strengthen those around them. | half | 8 |
Mystic Knight | Mystic Knights are fighters who adapt magic to empower themselves and protect their allies. | half | 8 |
Necromancer, 8th Variant | Some call them glorified graverobbers, some fear them, and others despise them. The Necromancer raises undead minions for use on the battlefield. | half | 8 |
Night Blood | A Night Blood is a vampire cousin: fewer weaknesses at the tradeoff of being less powerful. | half | 8 |
Nightbringer | The nightbringer is freedom, darkness, and chaos incarnate | half | 10 |
Occultist | Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. | half | 10 |
Opti Shifter | An optic menace who's eyes are rarely the same | half | 6 |
Ouroban | half | 10 | |
Overlord, Variant | A tyrant, an oppressor, and a dictator. These are all words to describe some of what an overlord really is. | half | 10 |
Pact Summoner | Pact Summoner fight with creature they create a pact with. | half | 10 |
Plague Priest | Worshippers of the forgotten god of the plague, Mirad[1]. | half | 8 |
Planewalker | A person with an innate connection to the planes of existence. | half | 8 |
Plant Strider | use your connection to the world to sneak and spell cast | half | 1d8 |
Polymath | A versatile warrior that can branch out to an array of different professions. (Kinda like an Eevee) | half | 8 |
Polymath, Variant | A versatile warrior that can branch out to an array of different professions. (Kinda like an Eevee) | half | 8 |
Pop Star | An singing sensation who uses looks and voice to destroy foes or to buff friends. | half | 8 |
Power Armor, Variant | half | 8 | |
Primordial Shaman | A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. | half | 8 |
Probabilitus | A verstile warrior that relies on the power(or lack thereof) of chance. | half | 8 |
Puppet Creator | Bard with great love for puppets | half | 6 |
Puppeteer | You can make a Puppeteer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Most people see puppeteers as menacing, or even villainous, due to the close association with death. Not all of them are evil, but the forces they manipulate are considered taboo by many societies. | half | 8 |
Puppeteer, 2nd Variant | half | 8 | |
Puppeteer, 3rd Variant | You can make a Puppeteer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Most people see puppeteers as menacing, or even villainous, due to the close association with death. Not all of them are evil, but the forces they manipulate are considered taboo by many societies. | half | 6 |
Puppeteer, 4th Variant | half | 8 | |
Puppeteer, Variant | A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. | half | 10 |
Ranger, 2nd Variant | Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies. | half | 10 |
Runeseeker | Runeseekers are researchers of ancient runes, they carve them on their weapon to use it as a spellbook and arcane focus. | half | 10 |
Savant | half | 8 | |
Scourge Warlock | Half Demon of the race you choose | half | 10 |
Scythe Master | Scythe Masters who uses arcane magic to augment their martial prowess. | half | 10 |
Servant of Azrael | A faithless lost soul who has become a flesh rending servant of the archangel of death himself. | half | 8 |
Shadow Lord | Death's representative, given authority to reap souls at will. | half | 8 |
Shadow Monarch, 2nd Variant | People capable of controlling darkness and summoning the shadows of the dead. | half | 8 |
Shadow Slave | A Shadow Slave is the assassin of the Slave Guild. Only slaves that have accomplished great feats may join this guild. Doing this makes a Shadow Slave nearly indispensable and extremely valuable. They must not only gain profit for their Owners but prove their steadfastness in combat and prove their loyalty. | half | 8 |
Shaman (spirit walker) | A creature that goes in and out of the vale | half | 10 |
Shared Body | half | 8 | |
Skald | An adaptation of the pathfinder hybrid class (Bard and Barbarian) | half | 10 |
Skald, Variant | An adaptation of the pathfinder hybrid class (Bard and Barbarian) | half | 8 |
Sorcerer-Sorcerer | An event in your past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with arcane magic. As a Sorcerer-Sorcerer the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. | half | 6 |
Soul Warden | Your power is seen as an abomination by many and those it's not aren't exactly friendly types of people. You can't wear metal armor as it interferes with the chains that bind the spirits within you; they are slaves, not companions. You also gain distinctive chain markings on your arms, and your eyes show your inner realm. | half | 8 |
Soulsmith | half | 8 | |
Spell Fencer | A mysterious figure who utilize weapons imbued with magic to deal devastating strikes on foes.. | half | 8 |
Spellblade | A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. | half | 8 |
Spellblade, 2nd Variant | A magical warrior who focuses arcane energy into combat. | half | 10 |
Spellblade, 3rd Variant | A highly-customizable arcane half-caster. | half | 8 |
Spellsword | half | 8 | |
Spirit Guardian | Guardians of the spirits. | half | 10 |
Spirit Medium, Variant | half | 1d8 | |
Spirit Walker, Variant | half | 10 | |
Star Caster | Did someone say Fireball? I can do better! | half | 1d10 |
Storage Magician | A magician that summons her powers to quickly store away and retrieve items from her own plane of existence known as the Spectral Plane. | half | 10 |
Storm Archer | half | 6 | |
Strega | A versatile magic user who has nonmagic tricks up their sleeve | half | 8 |
Studied Summoner | half | 6 | |
Sword Mage | A mage that uses their telekinetic powers to animate their weapons in combat. | half | 8 |
Taoist Warrior | Spiritual warriors who find a balance between serenity and chaos in both war and magic. | half | 10 |
Telekinetic Sword Mage | A mage that utilities telekinetic properties to fight with floating weapons and cast spells | half | 8 |
Templar of the Five Winds | Those who receive the powers of the gods, unlike the Paladins, they have a directly affinity with his gods. | half | 10 |
The Abyssal Dragon God | Nigh-unstoppable warriors who combine the powers of dragons and demons. | half | 2d6 |
The Crooked Man | half | 1d8 | |
The Greatest Showman | The Showman class is a class of fantastical illusions that uses magic tricks to fight. | half | 8 |
The Rotten | An evil paladin devoted to bringing rot and decay to the world. | half | 10 |
Tonberry Knight | A brave knight who cleaves a path for their allies | half | 10 |
True Artificer | Artificers are masters of magical invention. They are deeply interested in how magic works and demand attention on what they will be creating. | half | 8 |
Undead Summoner | A dedicated summoner of undead. | half | 6 |
Valkrym | A Chosen One imbued with darkness by the Gods to deliver their Judgement. | half | 10 |
Valkyrie, Variant | The beautiful battlemaidens descend from Asgard to collect the souls of fallen soldiers. | half | 10 |
Vampire, 2nd Variant | You were once alive, but now this blessed curse rules your life. | half | 8 |
Vampyre Knight | You are one of the last descendants of old these Vampyre's use their blood to empower them selves and show true fear. | half | 10 |
Vitalist | half | 1d8 | |
Volumancer | A magic user who uses Scrolls to cast | half | 6 |
War Priest, Variant | A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. | half | 10 |
Warcaster | Spellcasters that augment their power with weapons | half | 8 |
Warcraft Death Knight | Great fighters imbued with the unholy magics of Death itself. | half | 10 |
Warlock Engineer | A more combat focused Artificer. | half | 8 |
Warlord | Leaders, commanders, and masters of their own destiny. Warlords live not for war, but for leadership. | half | 10 |
Warpriest | A divine warrior that manipulates radiant energy to assist friends or harm foes. | half | 10 |
Wild Blade | Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. | half | 10 |
Wild Blade, 1st Variant | Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. | half | 10 |
Witch | A practitioner of the old magics, and senses the spiritual bonds between all things. | half | 6 |
Witch, 3rd Variant | A practitioner of the old magics, senses the spiritual bonds between all things, and light potion crafting and curse creation. | half | 6 |
User:ZarHakkar/Angel | A heavenly protector of the upper planes | half | 10 |
Half Spellcasting Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Alchemist | One who places spell effects into elixirs and creates volatile explosives. | half | 8 |
Aubade | |||
Biskmatar | half | 10 | |
Blaster | A warrior who uses a magical weapon called a Pile Bunker, a weapon which deals massive explosions and can shred through any obstacles. | half | 10 |
Bloodborne Hunter Variant | |||
Dark Ranger | Ruthless hunters of the living, Dark Rangers are murderous trackers, that employ necromantic magic to deliver death to their victims. The Dark Ranger is a Variant of the Ranger class. | half | 10 |
Destiny Hunter | half | 1d10 | |
Dominant | half | 10 | |
Dovahkiin | half | 10 | |
Full Moon Cat | A warlock inspired by Warrior Cats | half | 8 |
Hand of the Kraken | A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. | half | 12 |
Horn Hunter | Horn hunters are unique musical playing class that can support from the back lines or be a front-line attacker. | half | 10 |
Keyblade Guardian | half | 10 | |
Keyblade Wielder, Variant | half | 8 | |
Lancer | As a Lancer you gain the following class features: | half | 1d10 |
Lieh Samurai | Noble warriors that protect Lieh, serving loyally their masters while strictly adhering to the code of Bushido. | half | 10 |
Mechromancer 2K | A tinker spellcaster that can summon a powerful robotic companion to fight for them. | half | 8 |
Mystic, 2nd Variant Psionic Disciplines (5e Other) | |||
Psychonaut | |||
Revenant | Revenants channel the spiritual energy of powerful souls in the spirit realm. | half | 10 |
Sailor Scout | Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight! You are the one called sailor who? | half | 8 |
Seeker of Truth | |||
Sovereign | A being that has been genetically altered to handle the collective will of a planet. | half | 10 |
The Defect | The Defect practices ancient forms of combat, allowing the manipulation of raw magical energy in the form of Orbs. | half | 8 |
Half Spellcasting April Fools Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Mary Sue | half | 8 | |
Muscle Wizard | A martial mage who has taken the monk's study of the fist and enhanced it with arcane energy. Think Saitama or Major Armstrong. | half | 12 |
Protagonist | What's more to say than "main character"? | half | 12 |
Shitposter | Such a heavy joke maker. | half | 10 |
Tentacle Summoner | Summon tentacles from beyond the planes! | half | 8 |
Umbrella Warrior | A half-brawler, half-spellcaster with some support features and an increasingly beat-up umbrella. | half | 10 |
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