Tools (Grisaire Supplement)

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It is highly recommended that you use the alternative rules for tools from XGtE so things don't seem so bland. Tools listed here are unique to this campaign or are homebrew, in addition to the official Tools list.

Artisan's Tools[edit]

These tools are commonly associated with a certain craft and can be used often to generate income through legitimate jobs.

Tool Kits[edit]

Tool kits are specialized to perform certain tasks in a miscellaneous category that don't fit the others.

Gaming Set[edit]

Gaming sets are used to play games. Rather than the sets being the focus, below you will find games to instead have players compete in if they have the tool. There are generally three popular gaming sets that can be used for a variety of games:

  • Dice
  • Playing cards
  • Draughts


Behold My Brain

Musical Instrument[edit]

More noisemaking never hurt anyone, except whoever has to carry the piano around.


Things that aren't mounts but might be drawn by them.

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There is no better world than where we are now, where we can live along with space and what is not.
Engim, Void Society

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