Soul (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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In the sorcerer world, the soul is a vital part of combat. Small knowledge about it gives a fighter massive advantage, to the point of even turning fights around.

Body and Soul Hit Points[edit]

All creatures have two sets of hit points, their soul hit points and body hit points. Both body and soul hit points have the exact same amount. Whenever a creature takes damage only their body hit points are affected, unless the damage is considered Soul Harming, which then also reduces the Soul Hit Points.

Unlike body hit points, soul hit points are not regained at the end of a long rest, instead of regaining all of their soul hit points they regain an amount of soul hit points equal to their Charisma score. If a creature lost soul hit points of a limb, they are not regained in the long rest.

If a creature has lost soul hit points, they can only regain body hit points up to the current amount of soul hit points they have.

Soul Harming[edit]

Those who can harm the soul are extremely dangerous people, being able to even invade the afterlife of someone. Whenever a creature deals damage considered Soul Harming, it also damages the soul of the target.

Soul Knowledge[edit]

To understand the soul is a very daunting and extremely difficult task. Gaining knowledge about such a thing is something that is mostly practical, however through certain methods you may learn about it even in theory.

Soul Learning

Whenever you take at least your Constitution score (minimum of 10) in damage from a single source that is considered Soul Harming, you can make a DC 30 Charisma saving throw with disadvantage. On a success, you gain 1 soul knowledge.

You have other ways to learn about the soul, such as reading the book of souls or any other way your gm may allow.

Soul Benefits

Whenever you reach a certain level of Soul Knowledge, you gain a benefit from the soul table. All of the benefits are shown down bellow:

Soul Table
Soul Knowledge Benefit
Unaware Soul Defense (1+ Soul Knowledge) Your soul is naturally shielded against attacks that would harm it. Any damage dealt to your Soul Hit points is reduced by your Charisma modifier.
Soul Defense (21+ Soul Knowledge) You have learned how to shield your soul consciously against soul harming attacks. Any damage dealt to temporary hit points gained by spending cursed energy do not damage your soul hit points.
Soul Outline Awareness (41+ Soul Knowledge) You finally learned how to see the outline of your own soul, learning how to heal from Soul Harming attacks. Whenever you utilize Reverse cursed technique or Regeneration on yourself, you also regain soul hit points. You cannot heal soul hit points above your maximum.
Soul Harm (61+ Soul Knowledge) After becoming experienced with your own soul, you have learned how to affect the contours that line the souls of others. All damage caused by you that spended cursed energy such as cursed strikes or using a cursed technique is considered Soul Harming.
Soul Separation (81+ Soul Knowledge) You reached the pinnacle of soul knowledge, now being able to separate two souls. Whenever you hit a Cursed Vessel with a Soul Harming attack and your attack roll is 5 or higher above its AC, you can force the trapped soul within to make a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + the Cursed Vessel’s Proficiency bonus + half of the Cursed Vessel’s Charisma modifier, rounded down). On a successful save, the soul hampers the Cursed Vessel’s capabilities by reducing all of their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 2. If a soul is being controlled by a Complete Vessel, the soul has disadvantage on the Charisma saving throw. If the Cursed Vessel is at half of its hit point maximum or lower, the soul gains advantage on this saving throw. If a trapped soul is being controlled by a Complete Vessel and they succeed on their save, the Complete Vessel reverts to an Incomplete Vessel from their soul’s connection with the body greatly weakening. If an Incomplete Vessel has been reduced to 0 hit points within 1 minute of a trapped soul making a successful save to hamper the cursed vessel, the cursed object is destroyed within the body. The body reverts to its original state and the trapped soul is treated as if it were knocked unconscious with 1 hit point remaining unless the body was damaged to a point that the body would be treated as dead as opposed to unconscious.

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