Soul (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
In the sorcerer world, the soul is a unique and mysterious facet of Jujutsu. Learning the contours of the soul is a mixture of hard fought battles, training, and Awakening.
Body and Soul Hit Points[edit]
All creatures have two sets of hit points, their soul hit points and body hit points. Both body and soul hit points have the exact same amount. Whenever a creature takes damage only their body hit points are affected, unless the damage is considered Soul Harming, which then also reduces the Soul Hit Points.
If a creature has lost soul hit points, they can only regain body hit points up to the current amount of soul hit points they have. Body hit points cannot be higher than soul hit points at any time, with body hit points being lowered if soul hit points are affected.
Soul Harming[edit]
Those who can harm the soul are extremely dangerous people, being able to even invade the afterlife of someone. Whenever a creature deals damage considered Soul Harming, it also damages the soul of the target. There are 2 types of Soul Harming damage.
Damage that affects the soul of a target will reduce their soul hit points.
- Minor Soul Harming
Minor Soul Harming damage is done by creatures who have Soul Outline Awareness but not a good method of dealing soul damage. For example, a creature with Soul Outline Perception is able to strike the soul as well as the body, but not the soul in isolation, causing the damage to be considered Minor Soul Harming.
Damage done that is considered Minor Soul Harming reduces both body and soul hit points, reducing an equal amount of both. Minor Soul Harming only reduces soul hit points by the same amount as the body hit points reduced, taking into account temporary hit points, damage reductions, and other forms of damage resistance or thresholds that would apply to body hit points. Hit points lost by Minor Soul Harming damage can be regained the same way as body hit points, with any hit points regained applying to soul hit points as well as body hit points.
- Major Soul Harming
For damage to be considered Major Soul Harming it needs to drastically change or alter the shape of the target’s soul. For instance, the Idle Transfiguration technique and the Split Soul Katana.
Damage that is considered Major Soul Harming reduces a creature’s soul hit points directly, ignoring Temporary hit points, resistance or immunity, and or reductions. Hit points lost by damage that is considered Major Soul Harming are not regained when body hit points would be regained. At the end of a long rest, instead of regaining all of their soul hit points they regain an amount of soul hit points equal to their Charisma score. If a creature lost soul hit points of a limb, they are not regained in the long rest if the limb has 0 soul hit points.
Soul Knowledge[edit]
To understand the soul is a very daunting and extremely difficult task. Gaining knowledge about such a thing is something that is mostly practical, however through certain methods you may learn about it even in theory.
- Soul Learning
Whenever you take at least your Constitution score (minimum of 10) in damage from a single source that is considered Soul Harming, you can make a DC 30 Charisma saving throw with disadvantage. On a success, you gain 1 soul knowledge.
Additionally, over the course of a long rest, you may try to learn the contours of the soul. The method for doing this can be varied. You might meditate and learn the contours of the soul alone or you could learn from someone who has more soul knowledge. Regardless you must make a DC 30 Arcana check with disadvantage. On a success, you gain 1 soul knowledge. This Arcana can be made using Charisma. If you are a Cursed Vessel, you may utilize this method even if you are not in control of the body you inhabit.
You have other ways to learn about the soul, such as reading the book of souls or any other way your gm may allow.
- Learning the soul from Black Flash
Those who have used Black Flash have an opportunity to get a better understanding of their soul. If you land a Black Flash, you make the DC 30 Charisma save with disadvantage and on a success, you gain 1 soul knowledge.
All methods of soul learning do not allow you to learn more than 39 soul knowledge unless you have Soul Outline Awareness. If you are a Cursed Vessel, any DC to learn soul knowledge becomes 25.
- Soul Outline Awareness
Soul Outline Awareness is the hardest aspect of the soul to master. Only those who have incredible senses, are a vessel, or were naturally blessed are able to achieve this. If you go through this form of awakening, you are able to possess more than 39 Soul Knowledge.
- Soul Benefits
Whenever you reach a certain level of Soul Knowledge, you gain a benefit from the soul table. All of the benefits are shown down below:
Soul Knowledge | Benefit |
Soul Intuition (10+ Soul Knowledge) | You have become knowledgeable about the working of the soul, whether you can perceive it or not, you are able to deduce if an ability or feature relating to the soul has been used after seeing it. You can deduce whether a feature, once it has been successfully used, was related to the soul, such as the Resonance feature of the Straw Doll Technique or the Mastery of General feat when used on the trapped soul of a vessel. |
Teachings of the Soul (30+ Soul Knowledge) | You have learned enough about the soul now to be able to teach others the basics. Over the course of a long rest you may create a book or other learning device which functions as the book of souls does. You cannot benefit from your own book. |
Soul Outline Perception (40+ Soul Knowledge) | You finally learned how to see the outline of your own soul, learning how to heal from Soul Harming attacks. Whenever you are dealt damage that is considered Major Soul Harming, temporary hit points from Cursed Armor will now apply to damage dealt. In addition whenever you heal yourself or another creature, using the Reverse Cursed Technique you can heal damage that was considered Major Soul Harming.
Additionally, after becoming experienced with your own soul, you have learned how to affect the contours that line the souls of others. All damage caused by you that spent cursed energy such as cursed strikes or using a cursed technique is considered Minor Soul Harming. |
Soul Separation (80+ Soul Knowledge) | You reached the pinnacle of soul knowledge, now being able to separate two souls. Whenever you hit a Cursed Vessel with a Soul Harming attack and your attack roll is 5 or higher above its AC, you can force the trapped soul within to make a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + the Cursed Vessel’s Proficiency bonus + half of the Cursed Vessel’s Charisma modifier, rounded down). On a successful save, the soul hampers the Cursed Vessel’s capabilities by reducing all of their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 2. If a soul is being controlled by a Complete Vessel, the soul has disadvantage on the Charisma saving throw. If the Cursed Vessel is at half of its hit point maximum or lower, the soul gains advantage on this saving throw. Alternatively, instead reducing the ability scores of a Complete Vessel, you may instead attempt to reduce their cursed energy output as a result of their connection to the body weakening. On a successful save of the trapped soul, the amount of Cursed Energy the vessel can spend on their Cursed Techniques is reduced by 1. If the trapped soul succeeds on this variation of the saving throw 3 times, the amount the Vessel is able to spend on cursed energy enhancements is reduced by 1. All effects of a trapped soul succeeding Soul Separation are reverted after a number of completed long rests equal to half the trapped soul’s level(rounded down).
If an Complete Vessel or Incomplete Vessel has been reduced to 0 hit points within 1 minute of a trapped soul making a successful save to hamper the cursed vessel, the cursed object is destroyed within the body. The body reverts to its original state and the trapped soul is treated as if it were knocked unconscious with 1 hit point remaining unless the body was damaged to a point that the body would be treated as dead as opposed to unconscious. |
Resonance of the Soul (100+ Soul Knowledge) | You have ascended on your understanding of the soul, now being able to resonate with a soul from someone you have defeated. Whenever you defeat someone in a one on one or the main contributor of a group fight, then at the end of the fight, you connect to that person one last time at the border between life and death. Here you are able to talk with them for a minute (or less if you want to end it sooner) and using this time you can try your best to learn any information you may be lacking, refer to them with respect or spite or answer their questions. Once the time is up, you lose that connection but no time passes in the real world. |
Object Soul Awareness[edit]
- Object Awareness Learning
Learning to perceive the souls of objects is a rare and unique ability, and one not exclusive to the world of Jujutsu
Over the course of a long rest, you may try to learn to see the souls of objects. The method for doing this can be varied. However, you have to observe something in the environment around you. You need to be able to smell the light and see the sound. You must make a DC 30 Perception check with disadvantage. On a success, you gain 1 Object Awareness.
Additionally, you may be taught by a teacher who is aware of the souls of objects. Over the course of a short rest this teacher may help you to learn. You must make a DC 30 Insight check. On a success, you gain 1 Object Awareness.
- Object Benefits
Whenever you reach a certain level of Object Awareness, you gain a benefit from the table. All of the benefits are shown down below:
Object Awareness | Benefit |
Object Perception (10+ Object Awareness) | Your senses of the world around are heightened to an unreasonable degree, due to your unique outlook. You will gain a blindsight range of your proficiency bonus times 5. If you already possess a blindsight range, this will instead add to the blindsight range you already possess. This Blindsight also enables you to see things you otherwise couldn’t by ‘Seeing everything except it’ therefore being able to perceive it. You can perceive invisible or intangible things such as a Cursed Spirits Invisible Force. |
Object Outline Awareness (20+ Object Awareness) | Your understanding of the world around you has increased to an unnatural degree. You now are capable of using properties of weapons or objects such as Split Soul Katana, that possess special functions requiring it, relating to the souls of objects. Additionally, you can teach others how to see the souls of objects. |
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