Nue (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Large monstrosity (Shikigami), unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +5
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5
Proficiency Bonus +2
Damage Resistances lightning
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Understands the languages of its summoner, but cannot speak it.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Invisible Force. Nue is entirely made out of cursed energy, meaning it cannot be seen by normal people. Creatures without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class or who cannot see into the ethereal plane cannot see it. Although, if these creatures were in a life and death situation(less than half their maximum hit points), they gain the ability to see it.

Cursed Energy. Nue has 15 cursed energy it can use to fuel it's abilities. All of it's cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Nue's Cursed Energy can instead be replaced with double its summoner's level, + its charisma modifier, if that results in a greater pool. If its summoner has the Immense Cursed Energy feat, this pool can instead be calculated as its summoner's level, + its charisma modifier times 2, + its summoner's proficiency bonus, if that results in a greater pool.

Cursed Energy Recovery. Nue regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of it's turns in combat.

Flyby. The Nue doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

Keen Hearing and Sight. The Nue has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.

Cursed Weapons. Nue's weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The Nue makes two attacks: one with its Wings and one with its Talon.

Wings. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage + 3 (1d6) lightning damage. Nue can spend 5 Cursed Energy to add 27 (5d10) lightning damage to the roll, and also force the target to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a failure, they are knocked prone, and until the end of their next turn their movement becomes 0 and they have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. On a success they take half as much damage and do not receive any additional effects.

Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Lightning Charge (3 Cursed Energy). Nue fires a bolt of lightning at a single target within 60ft. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 15 (3d10) lightning damage, are knocked prone, and until the end of their next turn their movement becomes 0 and they have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. On a success they take half as much damage and do not receive any additional effects.


Nue is a winged shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique passed down through the Zenin Family. Nue is a bird-like creature with orange feathers and a white mask-like face. It has large wings, two sets of talons and human-like teeth.
The shadowgraphy required to summon Nue is formed when the user claps their hands together to imitate the shape of wings.

Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

(one vote)

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