Death Painting (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Death Painting[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Four Death Paintings together, [1]

While still existing as cursed objects, the Death Painting Wombs appear as small human-like fetuses that cannot act independently. When ingested by any human, a Death Painting Womb can incarnate into a full half-human half-cursed spirit capable of using jujutsu. The vessel can be anyone, even a human with zero innate talent or the potential to become a sorcerer.


At the beginning of the Meiji Era, a woman with a special genetic composition bore a half-human and half-curse child. It was a mysterious pregnancy that caused her to be ostracized by her family. With her child in hand, she fled to a temple where jujutsu sorcerers operated. However, Noritoshi Kamo, the most evil sorcerer in history, forced the woman and her child to become prisoners of his intellectual curiosity. The woman had nine pregnancies and nine abortions, but all records surrounding this and the woman would be destroyed in time.

Death Painting Names[edit]

Death Painting names are decided after they incarnate, ranging from any type of names the body could have.

Death Painting Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Due to being half curses, the lifespan of Death Paintings are infinite. Their vessels could die to age, however they would remain alive as cursed objects.
Alignment. Death Paintings are extremely loyal to their siblings, making them Lawful by nature.
Size. The size of Death Paintings varies between how they were formed. Your size is medium, however you can also be small if you picked the near curse subrace.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Body Owner. This is your body, no one can take that from you. You gain advantage against effects that would change your form. Also, you count as undead.
Inhuman Durability. Your hit point maximum increases by 2. It increases by 2 once again every time you gain a level in your class.
Toxic Blood. The blood of a Death Painting comes with special toxic properties. There are two known properties, Poisonous and Rotting.

  • If you choose Poisonous, If your blood comes into contact with a creature, it takes 1d12 poison damage at the start of its turns until 1 minute has passed. Also, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be knocked prone and have its movement speed reduced to 0 until the beginning of its next turn. Also, on a failure it also becomes poisoned. Poison damage from this feature overcomes resistances and immunities. A creature with the Reinforced Immune System feat is immune to this feature.
  • If you choose Rotting, If your blood comes into contact with a creature, it takes 2d6 necrotic damage at the start of its turns until 1 minute has passed. Necrotic damage from this feature bypasses resistances and immunities.

One can remove your blood from their body by making a Medicine check against your Toxic Blood DC as an action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Near Human[edit]

A Near Human death painting, source [2]

Near humans are a type of Death Painting that are identical to humans, perfectly adapting to their new body.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Athletic. You gain proficiency in Athletics.
Fully Human. You completely understand humans and how they behave. You gain proficiency in two Charisma based skill checks of your choice.
Peak Physique. Your body is at the pinnacle of human potential. You gain one body feat of your choice that you meet the requirement.


An Amalgamation death painting, source [3]

Amalgamations are a type of Death Painting that are almost fully human, however they still have cursed spirit parts.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Partial Spirit Body. You have small traces of a cursed spirit on your body. You gain one point which can be spent in the body functions list.
Almost Human. Your form allowed you to become closer to what humans are, but still not fully grasping it. You gain proficiency in one Charisma based skill check of your choice.
Perception of Curses. Due to your connection with both worlds, you became especially aware of curses. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks for investigating or noticing cursed spirits.

Near Curse[edit]

A Near Curse death painting, source [4]

When you were incarnated into your current vessel, your form came out distorted, turning your form much closer to a curse.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Spirit Body. Like a cursed spirit, your body is grotesque and bizarre. You gain two points which can be spent in the body functions list.
Curse Potential. You can now pick feats only available for cursed spirits, also you count as having no subrace for feat purposes. (You cannot gain Special Grade Curse or Regeneration and Advanced Regeneration through this feature)
Intimidating Appearance. Your curse appearance makes you terrifying. You gain proficiency in Intimidation. Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against humanoid creatures that are not Jujutsu Sorcerers, Heavenly Restriction users or have spellcasting abilities.

(2 votes)

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