Cursed Vessel (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Cursed Vessel[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Multiple types of vessels together, [1]

Cursed Vessels have the appearance of the original race who has consumed the cursed object, but generally having markings around their face and arms, or having other unnatural features.


Cursed Vessels are born from incarnation, which happens when the remains of a sorcerer have become a cursed object and are ingested by someone. It is best described as the fusion between a cursed object and human flesh. In most cases, the host's body is completely taken over and their consciousness is completely suppressed. The incarnated individual receives memories, knowledge and common sense from their vessel's brains.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Cursed Vessels almost always have some form of objective, making sure that when they revive they will chase this goal even if it means killing everything in their sight.

Cursed Vessel Names[edit]

Cursed Vessels don't have a specific set of names, just using their original name that they had when alive.

Cursed Vessel Traits[edit]

Sorcerers who became cursed objects, and are now in a new body
Ability Score Increase. Your ability score increases are the same of the race you have possessed.
Age. Your lifespan is the remaining of the body you have possessed.
Alignment. Cursed vessels are almost always chaotic people, not caring about what happens to others around them and wanting to cause destruction.
Size. Your size is the same as the race you have possessed
Speed. Your base walking speed is the same as the race you have possessed.
New Body Functions. You gain all features(or Traits) from the race you have possessed.
Body Properties. Your creature type is defined by the creature you have possessed.
This Body Is Mine. You gain advantage against effects that would alter your form.
Soul Outline Awareness. Due to inhabiting a body with more than one soul, you have become able to perceive the outline of your own soul. You will gain Soul Outline Awareness.
Soul Learning. You are constantly gaining soul knowledge from the sharing of your body. Whenever you make a saving throw or check to gain soul knowledge, you do not have disadvantage. Additionally, you gain twice as much soul knowledge from any source. Finally, you will gain 1 soul knowledge once each week. You cannot gain more than 40 soul knowledge from this feature.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. Additionally, you gain the same understanding of any languages known by the body's owner.
Subrace. There are multiple forms of vessels, however they are all based on consuming cursed objects.

Living Vessel[edit]

A wounded living vessel, source [2]

The living vessels are a rarity, as resisting cursed objects is an extremely hard task. However, once a creature resists a cursed object, they become vessels for them. It usually leads to a life of suffering due to sharing a body with someone who wants to overtake it.

Unauthorized Takeover. Whenever you roll for initiative or is knocked unconscious, you must make a Wisdom saving throw against the cursed object dc. On a failure, the cursed object gets in control of your body for a number of minutes equal to their level or cr (whichever is higher) + their Charisma modifier. At the beginning of the cursed object’s turn, you may remake the Wisdom saving throw, taking control of your body again on a success. In case the Cursed Object possesses you while you’re at 0 hit points, it regains 1 hit point.
Innate Talk. You wishing or not, the cursed object inside of you can force you to talk with them. At any point in time, the cursed object may bring you inside its Innate Domain, its soul. There you can talk with them until they release you, bring you back to the real world. No matter how long the talk actually lasted, it's only a second in the real world.
Incarnated Body. Despite your resistance to the object you have consumed, your body still takes on traits of it, as a result of the incarnation process. You will gain new features to your body that resemble the object in its first life depending on its strength, such as small slits under your eyes where two new pairs of eyes may open, or faint lightning marks on your face. You will gain one body feat of the DM’s choice that the Cursed Object Possesses. This can also be a non-body feat that directly pertains to the body, such as The Energy to Blood feat.


A Reincarnated sorcerer, source [3]

Reincarnated are those who were fully reincarnated into their vessel’s body, becoming the new owner of the body.

Life Experience. This isn't your first shot at life, and last time you learned a few things. You will gain proficiency in two skills or one skill and one tool of your choice.
Cling on to Life. You have died once, and will make sure that it won't happen again. Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you may choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. You can only do this once per long rest.
Full Suppression. The other soul within the body you inhabit is so crushed and dominated that it’s as if it was never there, you never shared this body. You do not gain Soul Outline Awareness or the Soul Learning trait due to being a Cursed Vessel.

Symbiotic Vessel[edit]

A Symbiotic vessel and the current vessel of angel, source [4]

For some reason or another, the cursed object inside symbiotic vessels does not take over said person. They instead form a type of symbiotic relationship with the vessel.

Always Awake. Your cursed object is always watching out for danger around you. Attacks do not gain advantage due to them not being seen by you.
Experience of Two. The cursed object inside of you tells you things about its past life, helping you out on some things. Whenever you make a skill check, you may make it with advantage as long as your cursed object knows about the subject. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after taking a long rest.

Design Note: The incomplete and complete vessel subraces can only be used by someone who became a Cursed Object using the Cursed Object Creation feat.

Incomplete Vessel[edit]

Owner's Will. When you possessed your body, the host wasn't willing to give the body to you so it would try to stop you by limiting your power. Whenever you use any features from your original body (such as your cursed technique) to cause harm to creatures or things that the body owner had affection for, you'll have a massive decrease in power. Your damage is reduced to 1/10 of its total whenever you deal damage (rounded up), and your range is reduced to 1/10 of its maximum (rounded to the nearest 5) unless its touch range.
Destruction of Will. There is a way to remove the host's will to live completely, by utilizing this method you can submerge the body into darkness. The first thing you must do is submerge yourself in a pool full of blood during an entire short rest. The second thing is to kill a loved one of said creature using only its features, or destroying the thing it was most affectionate towards in life. After doing both things, their soul will sink in the darkness and they shall lose their will to life. You then become a Complete Vessel.

Complete Vessel[edit]

Soul Damage. You have learned how to utilize the soul trapped inside of you to negate damage. You have a pool of hit points equal to the maximum hit points of the creature you're possessing used to have. Whenever you receive damage, you can spend cursed energy up to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus to remove 10 hit points from the pool per cursed energy spent. The damage is reduced to the amount spent. You regain all the hit points in the pool after taking a long rest.
Perfect Reincarnation. You have learned how to do what's considered impossible by all, a method to reincarnate in your body. After passing at least 1 day being a complete vessel, you can as an action or reaction to taking damage, you can transform your body into your original form, gaining all the benefits you used to gain from your body while losing the ability scores, size, speed, New Body Functions, Body Properties and This Body is Mine features gained from being a cursed vessel. However, the soul remains inside of you.

(10 votes)

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