Note: This user is called "average" on another wiki, where a lot of homebrewed D&D stuff was placed. Ignore any maliciousness you see there. Also, all of these pages are in this personal name space because some bumblehead thought it didn't belong in the wiki. Feel free to move them into the main name space. --me.
"One Ring to rule them all, and in the darkness UNITE them..." Another interpretation of the elvish-Black Speech: to bind in matrimony. Here is my quest to unite all TTRPGs into one system, linked by portals, inter-planar spells, and whatnot, so that RPGs can be as fun to watch and play as any athletic games. We get theatre stages, they get football fields. They have their colors to wear, we have renaissance or whatever wear. They have cheerleaders, we have bards to fill in boring spots. They get marching bands and big lights, we get epic themed music and evocative candle scents. They have letter jackets, we have race and class badges for tribal identity...
D&D has a problem: people don't know what is evil anymore (or good). Are dragons really evil or are they just mad protectors of the realms? Is Strahd really evil or a confused victim of circumstance and lost love? Are the Redbrands in LMoP bad, or are they just thieves trying to get by like rogue adventures? Hmm? I bet you don't know the answer.
Attempted variants for an integrated system of GURPS + AD&D + D&D + One Ring for a future of a unified Role-Playing System. How is this possible? Because the soul has been understood from the demolition of it by the planetary shift. The mechanics of how the soul organizes abilities, energy/mana, and other things that will add AMAZING role-play and secret knowledge. All RPGs can be connected through portals and the organization of Time within the multiverse. (Note: One Ring by Free League may stay separate for awhile.)
Much of this can be integrated as canonical material for the proposed, new edition, if they want (One), except that some major reworks may be necessary in existing canon -- that's just the price one pays when the canon is "wrong". Sorry, this knowledge cannot simply be counter-manded by opinions and desires. But, no need to be iron-fisted about it. It's all explainable to the curious lay(wo)man who knows a bit of D&D.
These are user-generated, homebrew pages, in experimental phase. Feel free to use and comment/debate. If you're Wizards of the Coast (or TSR Hobbies), please contact me. Much of this material is meant for you.
What appears below is a paltry remainder of pages for new D&D material that has come in from the planetary shift. It is knowledge that is integrated from the near destruction of the human soul. If you would like to see it all back, please tell the admins of this wiki.
Admins: DMs need an informal arena for collaborating and debating MANY different topics in the genres of RPGs. They do NOT need straight-jacketing into various templating systems and Category restrictions. (However, the inclusion of such richly formatted material is VERY nice to have for the purpose of publication (like categorizing pages as SRD once they reach publication quality)). IMO, this should not be the ENTIRE purpose of a wiki, which is, specifically, homebrewed content. Much of it shouldn't be read by players and this might need mentioned to safeguard DM desires for gameplay and surpirse.
I played Cedric, a cleric in the Forgotten Realms (and Ravenloft), but out here I only tell stories.
The purpose of the following is to work out the perfected partitioning of all the knowledge in the D&D canon about simulating an entire multi-universe. That's the scope of what is possible for D&D and other RPGs, making a complete RPG multi-verse -- no-fudging: the complete workings of life and magic.
Don't know if you want to be a player or a dungeon master? Start Here. (Note: all of this is just beta and may change...)
Main books(?). How to "re-merchandize" D&D, including artwork to put on various books (rather than scary warmongerers that confuse young mothers), new player material, tribal affiliation to develop camaraderie and shared spirit/enthusiasm. It's all very cool and made for YOU. Which is to say US. Right? Because if we can imagine a better world, by defeating the foes of P3ac3, and Tru4h, and L0v3, then we should, and roleplay is a great method.
- User:Cedric/Hexonyx MUD ideas that could be transferable to D&D.
- User:Cedric/Lord of the Ring about the One Ring and LotR(?) RPG.
Other ideas (may not be useful or practical):
- User:Cedric/Game Master's Pamphlet
- User:Cedric/Beginner's Kit: G-rated kids starting kit/campaign with pre-made PCs.
- User:Cedric/The Gathering integration with D&D. D&D Adventure Cards. The only way.
- User:Cedric/DM ranking: how to stat your DM
- User:Cedric/Regional gameplay: ideas for multiple tables, and DM's as players for higher-level universe dynamics.
- User:Cedric/Light: how to manage dark places.
- User:Cedric/Weather
- User:Cedric/Player Death: Options and requirements.
- User:Cedric/Ability Scores The fine grit on what ability scores are in the soul and language-enabled beings.
- User:Cedric/Role-playing
- User:Cedric/Deities and Demigods and User:Cedric/Good vs. Evil -- the true dynamic of the whole game universe, for eternity.
- Monumental Classes for Female Players
- User:Cedric/Alignment Tensors -- the 4 dimensional, magical-physics of how the gods interact with the mortal world.
- User:Cedric/Classes -- how you can unify everything about the diversity of occupations with a few stats, used in combination.
- User:Cedric/Conditions
- User:Cedric/Dicems -- mechanics of dice outside the standard polyhedrons. Advanced. Not for players.
- User:Cedric/Biology of D&D -- for those who need to understand the precise way that mana, HP, XP, and actions interact.
- User:Cedric/Soul Mechanics
- User:Cedric/Difficulty Checks Used for encounters/challenges that are semi-random, without proficiency
- User:Cedric/Power Equation -- advanced play where you want to include all of the forces at play in each round of battle.
- User:Cedric/Fey
- How to role-play madness: tips for the DM for an otherwise difficult subject -- unless you yourself have gone mad, of course.
- User:Cedric/Jedi for a future FR Fifth Age?
- User:Cedric/Perception new stat for rangers, fixes this class and makes an epic set of new possibilities more sensible, including User:Cedric/monk.
- User:Cedric/Candles for immersive gaming experiences. The human nose can perceive putrid matter at the rate of ~1 per billion. Use this special trick for your candles.
Other miscellania
- User:Cedric/Hexonyx MUD ideas that could be transferable to D&D.
There are four new classes to balance the classically male classes from regular D&D. Remarkably, the classic classes from the 1st edition are now enhanced -- a near impossible feat for content that has been play-tested for decades.
- STR: M: User:Cedric/Warrior / F: User:Cedric/Neo-Warrior
- M: User:Cedric/Wizard / F: User:Cedric/Witch
- M: User:Cedric/Cleric / F: User:Cedric/Lightworker? User:Cedric/Herbalist?
- M: Craftslan (Thief/Rogue)
- User:Cedric/Bard F: User:Cedric/Vixen?
- User:Cedric/Alchemist/ F:
- PER: Ranger: M: User:Cedric/Explorer / F: User:Cedric/StalkerVixen?
- User:Cedric/Leader
- ASM User:Cedric/monk (M) / F: User:Cedric/Stargazer
DMs only. Players BEGONE!
- User:Cedric/The Abandoned Castle
- User:Cedric/Rise of Tiamat
- User:cedric/Ravenloft
- User:Cedric/Storm King's Thunder
- User:Cedric/Out of the Abyss
- User:Cedric/Tomb of Annihilation
- User:Cedric/Tomb of Horrors the green devil-mouth.
- User:Cedric/Whispering of the Elementals: A pantheistic, feywild view of the Forgotten Realms.
For players that are getting out of hand, rather than heated arguments, put them in a penalty box of sorts. Make them grab a dice out of the "Jar of Slime" or something and look up the number they call out in a Table of Punishment.
- User:Cedric/Faery a subrace of feywild
- User:Cedric/Feywild
- User:Cedric/Hags
- User:Cedric/Unicorn
- User:cedric/dragons
- Acererack the arch-lich (move page)
Merchandise ideas:
- DMG, Tier 1: Intro to the game universe. The diversity of the realms (races, demi-gods ruling the various domains), Basic equipment setups for different races.
- User:Cedric/Campaign Development (DMG, Tier 2): making campaigns, rolling your own dungeons, campaign design, stat blocks.
- User:Cedric/DMG, Tier 1: move campaigns to above book, insert User:Cedric/Deities and Demigods into DMG. Equipment and monsters have their own book.
- Free --User:Cedric/Basic Player's Guide: Basics of making your character (ability scores), race info, basic classes one can play. One sheet of paper should do for a quick build.
- User:Cedric/Class Handbooks: Detailed info on 1 of 8 base classes, dice mechanics, lore, level development
- User:Cedric/Starter Kit: Contains 6 BPGs, BDM Guide, a starting campaign, pre-made
- User:Cedric/Basic DM's Guide: Basic data on how to be a DM, combat and DC mechanics, helping players, role, etc.