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Game Theory cf. Hexonyx, D&D

Games test various parts of economic, social (psychology), religious, and physical theories.

A perfectly-simulated game universe, implemented with the right basic forces (4+4 ability scores) would create a system of learning that could replace universities. How? Learning is a virtual exercise and does not require physicality. value-creation also might be transferable as value in our physical universe, thorugh inter


The issue of class/occupation separation is critial, for this determines the sophistication of emergent forces which arise in social behavior. Somehow the ability scores must represent every need within the game universe. These are the fundamental forces which make the dynamism for the game. Much like the four forces of physics creates the complexity of the macrorelatity.

The abilty scores can be categorized by a 4+4 (STR/CON/INT/DEX/WIS/CHR)/1+1 system (PERceptivity+ASseMblage). Base classes should be solidly anchored in one of the 8 ability scores. If more complexity is needed, then multiclassing these with each other should create the complexity to cover EVERYTHING.

Focus on each ability score and imagine a pure being that uses that abilty predominately. Loborer (STR), Leader (CON), scholar (INT), craftslan (DEX), bard (CHR), cleric (PTY),


STR+CON = Warrior STR+CHR = superhero WIS+CHR = Evangelist INT+CON = WorldBuilder STR+CON = EmpireBuilder


10+/-2 commands that do everything, by allowing going into another level of scale (items-/rooms+)


Rooms have an approximate? size parameter (what 3d box would hold it) and walls can have a transmission parameter based on material used to build it. In free air, sound can attenuate at 0.001db per meter (or some such linear relationship) and report an be made (“You hear somethign happening to the east.” “You hear a bird screen overhead” (Bird, PO ).

Room that are very long, like a trail across the mountain, need to factor in how much mana is consumed to traverse them. For purposes of sound travel, one can assume that the person is in the middle (1/2 of the length).


If your piety isn’t high enough, you may not see all of the items in a room. however, if a member of your party (who sees it thanks to their PTY) picks it up, you’ll see a message “NAME picks up (a | some) ITEM.”.

When a collections of objects numbers above 100, do not itemize them, a basic group is created and a plural is added to the word (item|pluralformitem)….?e


The system should ALWAYS strive for creating a self-contained system of value. This is to prevent imbalances in the game universe, both economically, socially (unfairness), and physico-spiritually. That is, without accounting for energy expenditure (where did the bread come from?), you will eventually have an imbalance which prevents the game from functioning. No perpetual-motion machines = no free magic.

That is, all items MANA is acquired from food, eating the kills, and is allocated each round depending on your SPEED. 5ft=100mana=1timeslot. 1ft=20mana. Bots do not automatically accumulate mana without getting novelty.

BOT idea (where characters wish to get “spelled up”): To use a bot you must tell it somethiing it hasn’t heard before. the bot gets 1 mana per character (this can be refined to novel inputs of words, or sound, if sound is implemented in the game). The info must be parsible (this wOULD means interpretable by the system, but…) IDEA: the bot takes predicates: statements that are in the form X is Y. You get to receive the spells if you are correct, but if it finds you are wrong (or gave meanngless statement), you get cursed.


Bird: probability of “speaking”/round = 0.01

Players generally are not allowed to strike any other player,d however, these are the exceptions:

  • You catch someone trying to steal from another player (while they were sleeping perhaps).
  • The arena, where players can fight each other.

When one player helps another player, it sets up a clan…

NPC/PLAYER states (possibly only two per stat (yin/yang) and then compound states built upon these):

  • PER: active: exploring, passive: resting; eating/socializing (ASM), Fighting,
  • INT: active: thinking, passive: observing; ignoring, reading/writing
  • STR: active: flexing/exercising, passive: working, stretch,
  • CHR: yin: listening/appreciating, yang: persuading/exhibition
  • DEX: active: performing/acrobatics, avoiding, yin: shopping, writing/counting
  • CON: active: Exhausted, frightened, passive: crying/despondent, angry
  • WIS/PTY: active: prayng, advisement, passive: rituals/stewardship,
  • ASM: active: intercouse, washing/bathing, passive: perceiving (PER), sleeping

Most mobs have 4 slots of resources (they can occupy at most 4 time-slots in a round) per round. They must have 2 slots free to make dialog (~100mana/sentence in D&D mana units). Some high-level players, that have become immortal but still have their body have 8 slots available.


Gods or other disemboedied players can get a notification for any trigger of their equiopment, places, or other such conections they’ve made. This notification can trigger an email alert that something has happened. After such event, they are not guaranteed security of their items after 24hrs have passed.


The system should be able to email you when other players or perhaps mobs, try to modify things you’ve built, or awaken your sleeping body in the game (“Albus tried to awaken you.”).

Imagineation, social co-operative ply, creation of new items in the game universe which coudl be tradeable and therefore have real economic value in our world. These are very interesting areas to explore and there is new data on how to implement them. I'm in discussion with Hexonyx MUD about preserving some of the investment that players and developers have done to create a large in-game world, It presently suffers (like many simulated univeres, like Second Life, WoW, etc.) from economic and social degradation. Players "game" the mechanics by killing NPCs/mobs just to get XP without thinking about social cost in-game or out-of-game. Also, rare items start getting easy to come by. The sword of King Arthur might have 50 different variants and too-easy to come by. But if you added the religion mechanics, only one player would get the sword and the role-playing, imaginative value increases dramatically. So what vale to such environments give besdies academic testing of differing policies and theories? Imagineation, social co-operative ply, creation of new items in the game universe which coudl be tradeable and therefore have real economic value in our world.

Where there are differences in economic, social, religious or phsical policy, a p2p protocol of transfering over to different domains could be established on different computers.

vastly different domains could be held by other (single PC) servers and served via peer-2peer networking.  Then,  differing legal domains could have different economic policies to so that bad policies are contained.



  • +WIS, -CON: Elven: detect magic, DECLARE x IS color n.
  • +STR, -INT: Aryan: metal qualtity; DECLARE x > y
  • +CHR, -PER: Afriqan:
  • +INT, -ASM: Human/Faeruni: BUILD
  • +DEX, -CHR: Shou: darkvision; observes color n from declaration of elven race
  • +CON, -DEX: Dwarf: HP REGEN; +1 on demolish?
  • +PER, -PTY, Feywild: PER 20, SEARCH
  • +ASM, -STR: Faery?: 1 extra round detect bless/curse, FLY

FOUR types of Items: PEOPLE (mobs/players), PLACES (rooms), THINGS (items), EVENTS (rumbles, party, etc.). While many commands are usable by many classes, they can only use it for their predefined type. So a Warrior can name THINGS, but a Leader can name PLACES. Bards can name EVENTs (who names PEOPLE? mobs/players who rqise children, from X racial profile, towards Y class abilities).

Abilities are limted to the LVL of the target. Changes to higher LVL items require a LVL greater than the original. Then the item is updated to this new LVL.

Each command has a counter part for outside an Item vs. inside an item. So that one might inspect a building to the east and see a marking placed on the ousdie of it, though it is not listed inside the room/place.

Also, note that there are two orders of focus: upwards (towards ideas) and downwards (towards items)

What are the 10 BASIC commands for every class?

  • SET name,
  • ?GROUP/NAME (makes an item from parts, this new name replaces listing all of the subparts),
  • DIR-LIST/SEARCH/INSPECT (lists visible subparts)
  • MSG (can’t message a higher-level node, you must make them your diety for that and pray)/PRAY?: XP>1000 gossip XP>10000 talk XP> (a msg sent to an object imbues the object with whatever magic the message has)
  • RUN (can remove and just type the name you’re invoking)/invoke/cast VERBOSE/DEBUG
  • LIST /INVENTORY shows the content in a room
   * LINK/COMBINE set friend or enemy relationship (at people, place,  thing, or event levels)
  • SET/combine/decompose: engage all of the commands at a lower-level of interaction. from a room to an item.
  • WANT/PRAY a list of things you’re looking for, it forms a GROUP but in the “want”space or “soup”, where the gods get privelged access to look at (LIST WANTS).
  • >/</nsew; if enter is done to a mob, and the player has an equivalent or higher LVL (and compatible alignment?), they can enter the mob NPC and perform commands from it’s character, even make new dialog (which can be stored as NPC responses based on room/item/keyword matches….? gods can be triggered when new dialog is generated and set dialog triggers based on NPC-state, players can be rewarded by the gods for good dialog, with special, golden, quest_potion-like powers).

The gods (or high level players) can make new commands out of these by ALIASing them. This puts a GROUP around a series (a serial sequence of commands)

comands below need updated to not use level data, but merely compare to LVL of present interactant or previous character who set it. If two players are the *same* LVL, the other players will feel a pull towards the interaction or PLACE. “You feel a pull to the West.” PLayers who have a divine sense (or WIS + PER?) see through layers of reality and might get more data about it. “You feel [someone has violated you] to the West” — here the text in brackets represents the added data that replaced the generic text of “a pull”.

8 stats/classes/skills(and LVL)/XP:

  • STR: laborer-fighter: NAME items/LIFT item result (ex. LIST STONE CASTLE)/FIGHT: HP_taken^2, lbs-ft accomplished
  • INT: scholar-chemist(+DEX)-mathemetician-magic user(wizards/witch): READ/CAST(M)/HEX(F)CHARM(F)/EXAMINE (13)/STOP(75?)(stops whatever interaction is happening in the room): DECOMPOSE (metals and elements) sulfur = yellow + ?; milk = white liq-small; DECOMPOSE hilt (=tin, nickle; decompose tin (=tan-met40), nickle (=god1(orange-met50)), steel (= white-met85), titanium (=grey50-met90)/LNIK40 (describe as a graph that item 1 connects to item 2).
  • CON: leader: NAME place/ERECT LVL/REMAKE LVL (room, glade, forest, dungeon, river, sea…? REMAKE breaks down a singular ROOM and creates multiple rooms out of it, so a mountain could be REMAKEd into 15 different ROOMS)/TAX15/CEREMONY15/ZONE(M-only unless Aryan)50  :[value of territories], GOAL X (set a goal in player-file that can be read by the gods…)
  • DEX: builder-craftslan-trader: MAKE/APPLY 1 or BUILD?/DECONSTRUCT sword (=> blade hilt): 1cp=1XP of things they make.
  • CHR: bard-magistrate(+CON)-artist(+dex): CHARM3/DESCRIBE10/NAME10(F only unless Elven)/ASK-BRIBE/LAW20 (can set rule, class binaries, gold pieces requipred, etc.): votes get LVL of voter XP. (elven/aryan bards name techniques, human bards name objects?)
  • PTY/WIS: architect(DEX+WIS)/cleric/herbalist: PRAY 1/TRUST 3/HEAL 5; XP by HP healed (mobs or players); PRAY sends MANA to the gods of the MUD, this can be converted to XP, if they choose, or used to dispense goods to players.
  • PER: explorer/ranger: SEARCH/1; places explored, bonuses for exploring all areas,
  • ASM: farmer-alchemist(M) -dreamer (F)-chef/druid: PLANT1, INVOKE , COMBINE (phosphorus,surfur) [into] INTENDED-RESULT; COMBINE (milk, (COMBINE (orange, white-volume-grains) cheddar-cheese grams)) cheddar-cheese (=pastel blue or someihtn); DECOMPOSE (cooked goods, liquids), SUFFUSE40/UNBIND 40 (to capture LIGHT of the gods for magical energy in the universe), REAGENT25 (can recolor items, given equal amount of LIGHT)

Farmer-herbalist: PLANT, HARVEST/GATHER,

Crafter subclasses: cook (include bakers), metalsmith, woodbuilder, seamstress, bookmaker.

CHARM target CHR invest% will charm the charima stat (“you beautiful”) of the target with the given “investment” of their personal energy. Witches can commit up to 1/2 of their total mana to hex and charm. The mobs will get effected by disadvantage or advantage based on what percentage their own mana is affected. If 3 witches hex the cityguards at 33% investiment, thats 3x33%*100h=300 mana against the guard 1/2 of their total mana per round. Take the denominator and that’s the number of disadvantage dice against them: 2. They must roll 2 and take the lowest.



  • Zones with extra energy can provide extra mana_regen for magical use or luck or can sap energy, taking mana.

Distinguish between low-level commands, available to everyone (SELL, BUY, VOTE, etc) and high-level commands (aka wizard commands, typically) available to anyone above a certain LVL (like RELINQUISH tagname, LVL100) or is this handled already???

Nouns: events, equipment, people, places. Verbs: actions, thoughts?,

Iinstead of PRACTices, experienced classes create RECIPES, which if executed well enough produce PROFICIENCY in the act. There can be RECIPEs of RECIPEs if you are proficient in the RECIPE below? There can be ROOMs of ROOMs, rooms (Dracula’s Castle) consisting of rooms.

BASH, for example, is a RECIPE for kick + push.

Low-level commands:

  • VOTE
  • stash (will not show item in room without a search or some magical sensing or PER 20?), show command will reveal to other players in the room if you see it.
  • STASH hides an item that requires a search or a look to reveal. STASH book bookshelf.
  • GATHER forms a collection by putting a NAME on it? “Bunch”. GATHER white or GATHER powders
  • SHOW powders/exit; lists (A, B, C, …, G)

Meta commands (commands that work out-of-charcter):

  • -VOTEs create CON: a measure beyond XP/LVL/GP and allow the backpressure to adjust things where rules are imperfect.
  • +ADMIRE create CHR, gives a + or - “vote” on another appearance/FAB, raising (or detraction ) CHR.

CON is a derived stat that is powered by the positive VOTE of other players/mobs. 1 mana point for each vote goes to player. Once plyaer is at maximum mana, it turns (add to) into their CON value (100mana=?+1CON). CON affects HP_REGEN. HP_REGEN = ((CON/10)^2)*MAX_MANA ((SPEED/5)*100)/400 HP per round (typically 6HP).

High-Level commands:

  • SPLIT40 ? to ungroup a party, CON>party members (successful if all party members are below your CON value).
  • CALL to arms
  • REPLICATE: makes another copy of an item (wtih an id?). costs some gp/xP/rounds. A Scribe may replicate a book at 1 page per day.
  • PURIFY: INT>demigod possessing the contaminant

Events, rooms (places), people, and items can be NAMED. Events by leaders.

Wzards, scribes copy the work of trhe alchemist for arcane terms and definitions that will require quests by others to know.

MATHemeticians can label things and create arcane knowledge. Such that soem room may describe something that the player doesn’t understand and they must quest to find the knowledge, by seraching libraries. Some books should costs enormous amounts or be irreproducable.

DECOMPOSE white-volume; answer: white-points * 50. DECONSTRUCT selenawhite-volume:grains => 50. DECONSTRCTION takes the LVL of rounds of the builder who invested his/her time into it to deconstruct. Also, to BUILD something requires an investment percentage of your self. This will requires %*LVL of rounds to complete the build and will only label the item with the %age of your LVL of item levels. If you do a half-assed job (50%) and you’re a LVL40 builder, the item becomes a LVL20 item but is completed in half of the rounds.

Builders can describe what they wish to build by seeing all descriptions of their level (+1) and lower. If they are part of a builder’s guild, then the guild’s level is shown. So that no one can find how to build a elite samurai sword unless they are of the clan that built it or are equal level of such a clan. These descriptions of what has been built can be categorized by the respective class and clans.

Same perhaps with spell books. Wizards could select components of a spell and name it, adding it to a GRIMOIRE. These might be sought after by other mages are find their way into a library somewhere. Spell components dictate what elements are effected of the 6 element system (earth, wind, fire, water, metal, and wood) and how to intertwine these.

ZONES are given a NAME, an alignment, and a WANT/INTEND? whereby there are defined by some value that is being held in the realms. It could be magic, kids, greece, middle earth, or whatever. If anyone destroys things they get a TAG applied to them -ZONENAME which makes things atract through the Law of Attraction. The thing is they get a TAG, like THIEF, KILLER, CHILD-KILLER, DEMON-KILLER good or bad and these things probably have an alignment vector associated with them. The thing is you leave the world open so people can do what they want, but you tag behaviors that earn good/bad renown. These renown value hav eto be defined but they attach to a player as a description of their karma so that their XP can be evaluated properly.

LEADER class get a RANK based on all other leaders (including NPCs which can simply be assigned a rank if they have an above average CON score). They compete with all other potential leaders (including the NPCs/mobs). 1st ranked leader gets MAX_HP of their HP back per round. What they don’t use, falls to all of those who FOLLOW them. The formula is 1/(RANK+1) of their MAX_HP can be recovered per round. The next ranked leader gets half, a third, and so on. If they can’t use it, it gets lost or silently allocated to heal allies somewhere (within the same alignment faction), giving some incentrive for people to GROUP or CLAN together. There might be 1000 leaders (multi)classed in the game, half of them mobs. RANK can be calculated by the XP that has been earned and allocated by a ZONE demi-god. If the demi-god has awarded 10M XP for clearing the zone, maybe half of that was considered good (LEGIT_XP). Technically, the leader can only get up to their MAX_HP minus any karmic debts they have. So they may have up to 1/2 of their HP karmic debt for various reasons.

LEADERs can create CEREMONYies that if watched by many create a lot of XP for the leader. Everyone who witnesses the ceremony gets a tag? or trait “Watched X” or “participant in red quest” (if had to perform).

LEADERS get access to gold holdings of all fael members (and/or CLAN). This acts as collatoral for BUILDing.

For a fee, players can PRAY to have their “sins” removed (liike THIEF, KILLER, etc.) at the grand temple. This tells the immortals of any tags on players and the gods can decide to relinquish it to gain favor (or disfavor if it is just).

NAME gets to name colors to expand the system. Females get this ability, but also elven males can have it. If white is part of a regular color, the gods can turn it into a “spectral” variant, giving it magic or more life. Likewise, with black, which, like poo, generally is the opposite: death, giving it more death (like pestilence, and so forth).

VOTE [[up] | down] [item], TOUCH/CONNECT, The more positive votes on an item, the more GOLD value the item is worth. Each VOTE gets their LVL of points up or down (accumulation of all levels if multiclassed). Each vote they exercise, they get 10 (AVE_MATURITY) XP too.

COMBNE: NEver combine two differently named things into the same color — it destroys the value of both. The color must be slightly different (and named such). It is as significant as removing a 3-dimensional world into a 2-dimensional one — you’ve lost a whole dimension of data.

SEARCH is a global/system command. But, if players are explores they can discover 1 item that is hidden per search. This can also happen for thsoe whose PER score is 20. Below 20, this value rapidly drops and many search commands are necessary to find hidden items. But for the explorer it is half this number, as long as his/her stat is 10 or more). Discourage voting for items that you don’t feel drawn to or repelled by. Lower LVL players will vote for mundane items that help them. Higher level players can avoid voting for them.

Players who successful meet an EMPLOYment contract get rest acceleration (Mana regeneration, HP regeneration, food prices?) in proportion to the LVL (* HEALTH%) of the employer.

If players VOTE up a player, that player gets 1% of their trust, by default. If they vote down then the player gets -1% trust or distrust. Players can rank the trust and be shown their list in rank. This work can be used by demi-gods to fund explorations.

Any player (or MOB) can TAG another player with a label. Existing labels are THIEF, KILLER, but they can also invent STUPID ,WEAKLING, SMART, CHARMING and such for deciding entracne and behaviors at clans, guilds, and temples. These should be well defined and most can be directly attached to a single ability stat (+/-).

Every tag as an author/player ORIGIN, DATE applied, LVL of the applier. To get rid of a bad tag, they must get beyond the LVL of the player who applied it. A good tag amplifies the alignment?

HEALTH% = current_HP/Max_HP

Named ZONES attract or detract certain kinds of mobs, based on the gradients of the gods/demigods. A Leader might create a Farm zone, a City zone (composed of Residential, Business, etc.). An orc is more likely to randomly appear on a farm, for example, than a Residential zone. High-level LEADERS create ZONEs (and become a demi-god with an alignment tensor).


  • EMPLOYment opportunities
  • TAGs
  • MAIL
  • FOLLOW and CLAN behaviors and advnatages (like leaders who distrubute HP for regeneration to followers)

by-products: gainful employment (?increase in net social value CON), social competition (increase in striving/work STR), idea-sharing (increase in innovation INT), colors (adding CHR).


  • BUILDing
  • SELLing (loot value).
  • SCRIBEs, trade routes
  • TAXation, items not made in the domain get an import TAX. Buying from a shop (or selling grain in town?) incurs a TAX that goes to the leader (to encourage setting up shops with good equipment).

by-products: increase in realm landscape (PER?), economic value

Mininum stat value for any class is 10 (the average) in order to multiclass into it.

Players can set their PTY value 0-20, to suggest how much of their faelty they give to their gods. Even a lowly warrior probably has PTY at 1 or more.

As players SACRIFICE a corpse the mana/XP of the mob goes to the Abyss to power the “other side”. If players open gates by doing bad deeds or messing around there, different baddies (evil mobs) can be let loose in the realm.

If players kill a whole zone of a particular

PRAYING sets your piety score temporarily to 20, offering mana to your god (the mana for your round, otherwise half when not in prayer). They can then be open to divine intervention, with HP restoration, equipment repairs?,


The game needs a way for people to EARN money and the CRAFTER class (DEX) is perfect for it, through their MAKE command. Shops can buy their swords/devices/etc.. The class gets an equal amount of XP for what they can sell their wares for. This is how the class SHOULD earn XP, not kills, like a fighter.

If players use charged items (good or evil) against the same-aligned mobs or plaeyrs, the equipment can lose value: rust, tarnish, chip, marr. or DECONSTRUCT.

LEADERS can EMPLOY and say they’ll give X gp for item Y (and earn the same amount in XP). OR to build item Z out of A, B, and C. Perhaps even thigns, like EMPLOY BUILD roomname [FROM] (A, B, C,…). Note that the terms following EMPLOY are a regular sequence command issued by a craftslan, but since the leaders isn’t (or doesn’t have the materials to build it), they EMPLOY. These get posted somewhere, perhaps at a LEADER’s residence. Scribes (INT mobs) can copy items and post to another board elsewehre in the realms building cultural distinction of a given flag. That’s right, leaders have FLAGS of their colors automatically waving over their city and the employ wishes are posted at their (auto) residence that they must build(?) (or automatic at LEVEL 10).

The game administrators can track balance between XP earned in each class

In the universe, one can add components together to create a product (spell, building, potion, baked good), transform items through some named function (“bake”, “melt”, ) One must distinguish between mechanical transformations (MAKE-DECONSTRUCT) and magical transforms (DECOMPOSE-COMBINE): “bake”, and phase transformation (liquid hitting a spongable solid) “meld”

Only the Chemist (magic-user or INT) and Alchemist (ASM) class can change the codings qt the lowest levels of reality, involving the interaction of color itself and elementals. Alchemist can combine colors to make a myriad of colors, but to add the elements with color requires the dual class.

Th layers of tranform , COMBINE (not to be confused with the farm implement), MAKE, rEAGENT.

Alchemists combinations effect object stats: gold value, alignment, class booleans, stat effects (combining disparate items always dilutes stat effects), magic effects (combining magic with non-magic dilutes from the pov of mass, but not actual magic availability, magic to magic has to be delineated into different types of etherial energy, designated by color aura, towards the dark or white side of the spetrum the magic is enhanced rather than either separate).

CLAN allow adding order through grouping of players (PCs). Clans can name themselves and design a flag (using MAKE). Clans can borrow each other’s power (MANA)/equipment/gold?. Also, they can TRAIN each other so that less XP is needed to level. Every CLAN gets an alignment faction assignment in the range (-1, +1]. This ranking is set by the immrotals and highest gods and is generally unpublished. Emerald Enclave could be +0.67. Lord’s Alliance might be +0.85. If a faction ever got to +1, the universe would be finished: it would mean that there is nothign else to learn about economics, religion, physics or natural sciences, or social dynamics and that they’ve achieved parity with the GOD of the universe.

CLANS get a (NAME, LEADER, TRAITS (!THIEF, etc), faction #, colors (“There is a red and white flag flying over the city.”).

Players get to VOTE on rooms/items/clans and it can be affilicated with their COLORS (CLAN, or class).

Classes start with these color affilications:

  • RED: Fighter
  • ORANGE: Trader/Builder/Craftslan/Thief
  • YELLOW: Cleric
  • GREEN: Leader
  • BLUE: Bard
  • PURPLE: Wizard
  • WHITE: Explorer
  • BLACK: unassigned, generally reserved for paypack.


  • Leader sets titles (must be higher level than last and takes 1/2 of the XP they got) and the LVL of the room.
  • Bard: Docent can set description (must be higher level than last): 10XP per word * LVL of room?
  • Explorer? Monk? can change exits available? Can over-ride a lower-level? leader’s “room/zone” name (LVL determiend at the time of interest, not a complete history of changes?) at a cost of 98+10XP^qrt(LVL) of room, Can
  • Architect can arrange how rooms/places are connected without naming direciton.

Dual-class names/abilities:

  • leader-explorer: Spelunker?: can punch down walls/barriers to build more rooms/areas; however if their level is less than the gods protecting the kingdom, it eventually gathers attention.
  • Cleric-Ranger: Monk: MEDITATE n (can see who’s around in the vacinity; players and mobs, up n level moves away).
  • magicuser-alchemist: Shaman (if shou race, just shaman and they can control the elemental phases): the combine and decompose skills get mroe powerful and get a higher ability at a higher level of the dual class: REACT. Can make potions.

Higher-level leaders can define ZONES of how they’d like to see the territories (like land zoning in a town). Lower level leaders can then make a list of names for the zone. These then act as demi-gods and get an alignment vector to influence the domain. Architects can set the names in relationship to each other to define an AREA.

power = (ability_stat/10)^(1+GOD_trust). Average power = (ability1/10)^

In rolling for stats. Let player move one score, and then the game moves one stat to balance all realm. For example, if there are two many fighters (high values in STR), then the game moves the next dice off of STR if above average or a low die to STR slot. XXX FIND ALGORITHM.


Food can be combined by makers and cooked by chefs, offe3ring different flavors that provide different powers to feed the soul. Mana score could change into at least 4 different hunger categories [fat, protein-balance, quick-mana(sugar), water volume].

Eating temporarily increased your HP, which will appear as hunger as it goes back to yoru resting HP.

  • HP (fat, 1oz ~= 3HP) get slow cycle-burned/turns into calories which get cohsumed as movement.
  • Calories; ounzes protein, Protein gets used when quick-action is necessary or used.
  • MANA - Sagar is consumed with high-mana acts: spell-gathering, cogitation/perception.
  • Water-volume is consumed with calorie burning.

1/2oz protein categorization gets collapsed and transformed into 100mana. if this is not used (like as a battle action or a movement of 30ft) it is stored


Each player death, they get knocked to the main menu, where a JESTER appears and bargains for their life. If they give up their last level’s XP and give it to the jester, he’ll put them back in the game. The jester accumulates this XP for his own life force (unique from other mobs?), so has a vested interest in player deaths. Players with higher XP can “capture” the jester (but they should start with the highest amount, as there have been thousands of deaths in the game and the XP was taken nearly in this manner) and get taken to his realm, where they can select one item from his hoarde. (Jesters can roam the realms, given enough XP, and gather equipment — apart from donation room? — that has been dropped or neglected and add it to their hoarde. Much like the street sweeper, but anywhere, including the abyss.)

Only good-aligned players get to bargain with the jester? Evil-aligned may lose (good-aligned) equipment, and enough or their XP until they regress to the point where their poor choices were made. The good-aligned equipment may show up at their corpse, but it lootable. To prevent hoarding, bags filled with equipment are put outsdie the corpse as well if they contain any items of opposite-alignment. The jester could bargain for this XP away from the gods if they don’t want to lose so much experience. The jester has to ask them if they’ve learned form their evil ways and record their answer.


  • four dimensions to the vector
  • good vs evil, chaotic vs lawful, individualistic vs collectivist, magic vs mechanism.
  • the god/dess of the realm gets 2 of these, one for the masculine and one for the feminine.
  • the allthatis has 20 varaibles to determine reactions, …

Maintenence mobs:

  • beastly dogs clean up corpses (want: corpse, FOOD).
  • janitor complains about rooms that don’t have their want lists in order (At city hall: “Where is the Mayor?!? ”, basically shouting Where is X where X is the item in the room’s want list that is missing.)
  • cityguard mobs keep penalize the evil-aligned players, throwing them in an annoying jail situation. (“the cityguard puts his hand on his sword…” for lower-level evils…)
  • mayor? does what?


  • data structures: containers, mobs.

ability scores fix class system, XP rewards, skillsets,

  • bard:
  • ranger:
  • cleric:
  • crafter: loot or crafts they’ve built. 1gp of value built = 100XP
  • etc.

Item: keyword (for commands), simple title, description, (plus data like gold value, LVL that made it, %of investment from the player who made it (HP), etc.). Keyword must be in simple title or made with first letter of each word. A LVL 30 fighter might be able to demolish a LVL 15 building (and even earn XP for the labor used), but has to expend some amount. If a Builders investment is 100% in something, that means 100% of their own HP is on the line if someone is attacking or demolishing it, but no attack is necessary if an equally high-level builder DECONSTRUCTs it.

Mana_REGEN is lowered for each item on your investment list for things you BUILD (adding HP to the item). If you invest 100% of yourself into an object (or several ovjects), each time they are attacked, it takes your mana to protect it.

A TAG can be DETACHed by the player once they reach the level of the tagger OR a higher level tagger DETACHes the tag for them. If this happens, the detacher must sacrifice 1HP of their MAX_HP that is held by the tagger, in case there is an unresolved fued. This player can request on the comm channels for the karmic removal if the player consents.

If a player looks at an item, they may see it’s composition if not in another container (lists contents).

Aryan races get to rank items by DECLAREing x > y, where x and y are two differing items in the realm. When a conflict arises, then they must naem the ranking and establish another ranking, so that another dimension is added to create a consistent ordering.

DREAMER class can WANT an event, an item, or a person. The demigods can claim XP from players by fulfilling such dreqms.

—— Room fields: Title, description, a list of obejcts/NPCs and their attraction to the room. 1.0 = always there, 0.0 = no attraction, META: for all rooms -0. anniltes positive objects (release of energy), + . Present state of room: present inventory/persons, [color] tension (attrctions —— So actual “gods” and “imortals” in the hexonyx/circleMUD univser actually have to start RISING up throught the levels beyond 100, (after they’ve decided to relinquish their mortal self) . THE GOAL: is to actually see what policies actually produce the GREATEST GAME VALUE. That means prized inventory items, royal kdomains of adventure and tool-making, great social dynamics that are actually in-game and apropos to the environment of the demi-goddesses who hold the arena., etc. ——

  • Everything is a container, composition/collection — a collection is a compoistion that must be named, fuel (releasing light when DECOM?), or an atomic unit. A collection is a group of same? objects, while a composition if made of different objects. Since everything can be decomposed into a simple essence, it may be said that compositions are simply an ordered collection (of other containers, for example). Collections are labeled in a room as a “collection of white dust” or “bunch of metal ingots’. Forces are treated separately. Gravity doesn’t make a container object — the object has to close. A container is often a composition except at some root level (membrane). This level makes oil. Oil itself is a composition of yin and yang or black and white elements in amalgam. COMBINE (black?, white) “vegetable oil”. Grass is a container full of cells (yet that container is really a collection BOUND by the gods’ LIGHT force). Cells are a container full of organelles and a nucleus. Organelles are a composition of alleles or proteins. Proteins are ordered collections of containers…?
  • A homogenously defined container filled with units which only differ in color can have a flavor applied.
  • There are 5 primary forces: QCD (color) reactions, DIFFUSE temperature, mechnical, light/dark, SUFFUSE collection [WITH] substance (water, e.g.). Q: does water suffuse a flour mixture or is it simply too fine mechanically to tell? SUFFUSE will turn color to show quality of success. Suffusion can remove value and . When this effect happens in the mouth, it is called DIFFUSION and is handled seperately?.
  • Complementary to the four forces are names, down to the individual unit sound, generally denoted by a symbol/letter. These can be arcane or mundane. Letters that are the same but applied to two disparate substances can transform through intent, forming a de facto collection/container, dictated by the associations of the letter?
  • Every container can be NAMEd to form a new pseudo-atomic unit and start again at another layer of scale.
  • Tensions between mechanical and QCD forcers allow finely-ground grains to stay stable. The influx of water as a catalyst makes it one (paste), but in theory through the applicsation of another force (heat) could FUSE into one solid particle.
  • light forces tends to add energy, dark forces sap or soak energy. Higher energy here pertains to the yang side of the universe and may not apply to the yin side (or abyss). This is why these two domains must remain separate — to maintain separation of the universe for life to occur in the middle.
  • 1 gp in this universe is about the size of a copper cent.
  • A tool can apply a command string: DIFFUSE heat object. HEAT or COLD has compoents of TEMP (-100 to +800 celcuis) (melts a mixture of metals).
  • A RECIPE can be created composed of a sequence of commands, separated by the semi-colon(?). Variables can be specified with $a to $z. and assigned on the recipe by stating $A = steel, RECIPE “samurai medallion” (title which must be unique in the system)
  • A LIST command can show TRUST, RECIPE, VOTEs?, VARIABLES.
  • LISTing or looking at items may not show all detqails, depending on class, skill level, and/or ability stat score
  • An AGENT is an “object” than can apply FORCE.
  • A CLAN is a set of AGENTS.
  • A GUILD is a CLAN that has a physical building (CONTAINER) somewhere that can be entered whose OWNER is the CLAN(?).
  • A CLAN is an AGENT at another level of order.
  • DISSOLVE is just SUFFUSE from the other direction.
  • All nouns should have a unique “32-bit” identifier. At least four of those bits should be reserved for specifying CONTAINER (!CONTAINER), BOUND (!BIND), OWNED, INVISIBLE.
  • A mob/player becomes a CONTAINER if dead.
  • A MACHINE is a OBJECT “container” for RECIPEs. APPLY machine TO x could produce (“Error: missing ingredient b”).
  • RECIPEs can ultimatley broken down into statements of 1st order predicate logic used in digital circuits, with named functions building higher-order logic predicates akin to PROLOG.
  • An ordered SET is a SEQUENCE.
  • GROUPS/SETS; RECIPE is a SEQUENCE (ordered set) of COMMANDS. A CLAN is an semi-ordered SET of PEOPLE. An OBJECT is a semi-ordered SET of THINGS. THINGS are the base unit of matter and consist of BLACK or WHITE., Ultimately PEOPLE could be consideered a type of OBJECT. A COMMAND is a sentence in FOPL consisting of DECLARATIONS and OPERATIONS between DECLARATIONS (“B” is an assertion, “OR” is an operation, A OR B is a FOPL sentence that can be used as a COMMAND) .
  • An DECLARATION (“A”) is the simplest sentence that essentially says “A exists”. An OPERATOR is an EDGE between two DECLARATIONS that creates an output like any function creating a CLAUSE.
  • A CLAUSE is a of DECLARATION + OPERATION + DECLARATION (A OR ~A). CLAUSES are BOUND together with OPERATORS (binding strength, if useful, is generally the same as it’s declarations). CLAUSEs can be grouped with parenthesis () becoming a DECLARATION again at a higher level. A well-formed string of such becomes a new DECLARATION. (A OR ~A) AND B is another sentence.
  • A NEGATION is an ASSERTION with a NOT operation. Both are DECLARATIONS of existence, and therefore declarations of Truth.
  • A CATALOG is a LIST of options (this languages separates the yin-yang logos from the male-female orders of language).

——- Elvenar?:

A NAMED set is a CONTAINER otherwise it is just a COLLECTION. An ordered set is a SEQUENCE.

The combination of a graph and a container is an extremely powerful abstraction for building a living universe. Add labled to edges and nodes, and you can build or “stub out” complexity. One can consider, for example, containers of containers and within such a collection a graph of the containers therein. Edges in a graph are generally held by some binding energy, held by the creator of the graph. RECIPEs are causal graphs (bound by time expended?), while complex objects are BINDing graphs. The former uses time and the latter uses space to connect things. The graph of a recipe is like a string of digital logic (A -> B -> C) ( A*(B+C) -> D*(E + F) ). Nodes in a RECIPE can be decomposed further into XOR(A,B) = . IF(A,B) = (A+B)*B = A*B + B. NEGATION(B) = B*(~B) (IF B isn’t in the collection, then it cannot be negated, if the negation is significant. Application, a contaminated substance A wishes to remove B. A*NEGATION(B)). PURIFICATION(A, B) = A*NEGATION(B), REMOVE(A,B) = A + NEGATION(B) (lessor purification). PURIFY50 (Level 50 command). ALL(A,B,…) = A*B*… . PICKONE(A,B,C,D)= A+B+C +D * ~((A*B)+B*C+C*D+AD+ABC+ABD+…) = ENUMERATE(A,B,C,D). Need MACRCOS: Something like AND-ORCOMBO(A,B,C)=> enumerates all AND combinations of A, B, or C. OR-ANDCOMBO(A,B,C)=>enumerates all OR combinations A . ALLBUT(A,B) = A + ~B. NOTHINGBUT(A,B) = A * ~B. OP

Command sentences (differentiate between actions and languistic commands):

  • CATALOG(…) = ~(~( ))
  • XOR(A,B) = OR(A+B) * ~ AND(A, B)
  • NEITHER(A,B,…) = ~(A + B + …)
  • NEGATION(A) = A * ~A (Because a contraiction is disallowed in the universe, this removes it out of it)
  • OPTION(SA,B,C…) = A+B+C…
  • non predicate, but listed for example: PURIFY(A,B) = A * NEGATION(B)


  • A > (B * C)

A + ~B OR A * ~B A\B 0 1 A\B 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 A simple graph of a sword might include the node “hilt” and the node “blade”, connected by the edge “weld”. The binding force between these two, in this case, might be 1000XP that was used, effectively, to build it.

Containers can have access requirements (like OPEN door), nodes have binding energy, and objects must be either COMPOSEd of lower objects or defined by their owner.

A collection that is adjacent (touching) has a binding energy in relation to color. Such touching connection is call van der waals force.

Containers may have inputs and specify outputs. For example, a guild may take in x units of wood, y units of craftslan labor, and output 0.8x wooden tables.

bindings of yin-yang (black-white) or male-female (color) are possible.

Orthogonal to these graph/container interactions are agents which can apply forces on these (like DECOMPOSE, MAKE, SUFFUSE, UNBIND).

Hmmm…Completing some zones may earn particular titles or tiers. Like Master Craftslan, Doctor, Scientist, Mage.

Inside a container is generally a collection. This collection need not be homogenous and could be connected in a graph. In the context of the mud, this graph might specify the “ZONE” in the room these objects are located (n, e, s, w, u, d walls). These nodes may be other (smaller) containers or (presently) atomic elements that have no further description.

If someone DECOMPOSEs an object, a DECOMP list is looked for in the case that someone has decomposed it before and then is presented. Otherwise, the item has be put on the queue of the creator of the object to define what should happen when their object is DECOMPed. Objects that are made by MAKE (craftslan) automatically have a DECOMP list because they were built from lower components. This continues until one gets to some necessary lower-bound: white or black units of color (QCD).

the concept of collection to distingui

—— A NODE is a point in a GRAPH. A CONTAINER is a NODE inside a ROOM, typically, but could also by a ROOM connected to other ROOMs by a GRAPH.

NODE: 1. 32-bit identifier, 2. Node CREATOR 3. ZONE location (n, s, e, w, etc. in a ROOM) or OWNER (in case of an object) 4. Short Title (must be unique?)

EDGE: 1. Node 1, node 2, binding force (for rooms this is the mininum XP or power required to inject a new room between rooms for other objects, the approximate MANA needed to keep it together (like a bond of a hilt to a blade, or a chemical bond, etc)) .

EDGEs don’t have identifiers. If anyone adds an edge pair that already exists (node 1 and node 2 OR node 2 connect to node1 already), an ERROR should be emitted.

EDGES must belong to a GRAPH.

room room2 (unspecified will resort to DEFAULT = 1MANA) White grey50 500 (mana units to bind the white to gray50)

OBJECT 1. GRAPH or Description.


  1. 32-identifier (GRAPH boolean ON, bit1), Short Title (name of the graph “Black Square Key”, unique to other graphs)
  2. SET of EDGES (NODEs will be derived from EDGEs)

CONTAINER: 1. NODE 2. Long Description (if they look or in a room) 3. 32-bit booleans


??ROOM IS-A CONTAINER, adds: (IS THIS NEEDED ANYMORE with auto-generated exit lists?) 1. exits with ‘Short Titles’ to adjacent rooms

  • internal zone map? giving micro-zones of affect? could be general


  1. SET of node1 to node2 pairs, with an optional LABEL describing the edge (causal, binding force,

GRAPH: 1. SET of NODEs 2. A SET of EDGEs 3.