User:Cedric/DM ranking

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How to stat your DM:

Basically, if you're the DM, your players are yoru lower-chakras and exist inside you. How you entrain your world effects your players, but how your players feel about you, affects your HP and alignment. So each informs the other, but ultimately a gestalt is formed and an image of the DM is made. You essentially exist as a type of demi-god for your players and time for you is slower than it is for them. For example, you the DM make moves rarely using your own adjustments, until you play with other DMs and build at higher levels of the unmiverse with a higher-level Game Master who also exists under the Wizards of the Coast or TSR. These highest groups change things in the universe so rarely, that aeons may be defined.

  • Alignment:
    • "good" DMs make it easy for players to win. "Evil" DMs kill their players. Neutral DMs do not favor or disfavor the players, but rely on the gods and the dice.
    • Chaotic DMs make it up as they go. Lawful DMs plan everything out beforehand.
  • SPEED:
    • +15 speed for every player at their game table times/ (0.5minutes*#_of_players); the basic idea is: the DM has more SPEED if the players play without losing time during gameplay. This speed allows them to make moves for NPCs, generally an equal amount to the number of players, but in special cases they may have more speed from higher-level GM above giving them favor.
  • XP:
    • Sum all XP owned by players that you, the DM, gaveXXXOUTOFDATE. DMs gain XP from player deaths; however, they must do everything they can to prevent that, otherwise they turn evil (if they try to kill their players for experience) or chaotic (if they bend the rules). This is YOUR total XP. Calculate LEVEL from that. DMs, in theory, (if you're multiclassing the DM, divide by # of multiclasses), should be higher level than the players; however, AL or other higher-level tables might teach DMs and help hold the game universe (besides being an alternate source of XP reward for good DMing). This includes players that may or may not be alive any more (the XP rewarded them was experience still gained by the DM) or no longer at the game table.
  • MANA:
    • Mana is calculated by summing all of the XP from living players under you.
  • HP:
    • Whatever LVL you have that is your HP, but add +2 to +5 for every WOW-TRANSITION that a player has had at your table (or is this their CONstitution and HP_REGEN?). This is where the player has learned something so novel or new that they are now a different person (however, in theory this should add XP to the DM and add level already). DMs get more HP the more hours gameplay that they've had. +1/10HP for every 2 hours of gameplay.
  • ability scores:
    • STR: relies on kills (or other STR-based XP) by thier players
    • INT: relies on puzzles or cunning from their players.
    • DEX: likes flexibility in player gameplay, doesn't railroad players along pre-planned tracks.
    • CON: tests players desire to engage danger or the unknown
    • PTY/WIS: concern for developing morals or wisdom through campaign lessons
    • CHR: gives grand performances of NPCs and setting depictions.
    • PER: Large story arcs.
    • ASM: always keeps things moving, never a dull moment
  • Class(?) NOT A STAT
    • The class of a DM is determined by how the DM protects or abuses the players. If s/he protects them with INT stat, then s/he is a scholar, or wizard class; if STR, then warrior class, etc.
  • AC
    • Each time the DM continued without complaint for a game sessions when a player didn't show up (or some other setback like pizza didn't show up), adds +1 to their AC (ability to improvise like players must). Also each 15min they prepped for games.
  • Race(?) NOT A STAT
    • Dwarf: laidback, socializing with NPCs, bardish
    • Elven: precision, high-minded morality stories
    • Human: normal, like real-life just set in another universe
    • Dragonborn: survival-based, probably STR or CON focussed.
    • Faewild: etherial storyteller, not focussed on kills but avoiding them. (luna lovegood)
    • Shou: curiosity, exploratory-based
    • Tarami: fast-moving play style; entering the darkness without fear(?).
  • Legendary actions:
    • Whatever Arcana cards the DM cards which give special bonsues abilities to the DM for possessing this knowledge.

Players can give the DM a stat sheet for these scores and DM should average them for their own stats. A 10 for any score means "neither emphasizes or ignores these traits".