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A new dual-class possibility. Not a fighter, but a cross between a ranger and a cleric

  • Tier Path: Protege -> Devote -> Monk -> Master -> Sage
  • Mana goes to: Dice rolls, so that they can gleam more information about the forces at work to guide them. An Explorer might get half of this value where this class gets the full value. How? The game itself manuevers around true devotes and their actions. Beyond that shouldn't be told and remains in the realm of the game masters.
  • XP gained by: Travel to new locales. Exploration. Capturing food for the party. 5XP per 30ft of travel, unless gaining elevation or going down underground, where you get ~2 XP or 1XP per ft elevation down (underground) or up (above ground). If player starts at an elevation, they can inherit the XP equal to the elevation in ft.
  • Dice Use: Special dice get collected for each region and domain explored. These dice represent the weave and can be rolled to determine direction of the party. If they stay pacifist (purely-aligned) then the hints from godrolls are twice the magnitude as other players — regardless of LVL. The sides of their dice should be related to the number of LVLs they’ve gotten in the locale. Total dice can be used to answer DC checks, but must be rolled before round requiring it begins (creating a tension: do you roll each round to avoid the advantage of the dice not being available?)


  • Inner: Footfall: gives protection against falls wherever the explorer has traveled before, whether in darkenss or light. The width of protection is equal to the width of body and forms a linear path along where you walked previously. (Does not protect against traps that were missed in previous expeditions.)
  • Outer: Weather prediction: reads the wind in the trees and grasses, clouds, animal behavior, even their bones and hair
  • Defense: Traveling: trail/route finding, orienteering, survival… (resting?)
  • Offense: Hunting (including tracking/animal handling/trapping)
  • Xp from: exploring, dedicqtion to the Divine. This would be a challenging class for the DM to handle and connection to higher-lee3ls of game play, like AL, and WotC would be a msut. Because rather than XP rewarded for simple healing (like a cleric), it would come by making subtle improvements to the Divine above -- most likely the n(ammon), all that is. Kind of like being in tune with the Force. This means that the player is tryin to tune into the spirits and what they want. Like: did that commoner on the street want to talk?

DM Notes:

  • This class is interesting for especially this respect: all of the adventures are extremely subtle. They take the form of subtle and vague hints from commoners or some crazy vector that no one expects. Where most people would find them completely inconequential, this class might try to follow them and if you, the DM, plays it well, you keep it subtle for this main reason: the dynamics that this class should follow involve the span of aeons]. Consider the timespan for their adventure being dedicated to 10-20yrs of actual play, without knowing where it's heading most of the time. This is a major commitment, yet the reward is that they may find themselves at the final circle of some grand finale of the game in some national game table somehow. They have to learn how to pick up on the subtle cues you can hide (like a random wizard's advice) in the game.
  • It is the reception of new XP gained by talking to those connected to the highest of gods (i.e. allthatis) that is the monk's signal that they are heading the right direction. So you may simply communicate that they receive 5000XP for talking to the wizard without regard to what component of the interaction made the new XP. They simple have to put all the pieces together over time...
  • You should receive dice updates for the explorer part of this class from AL and above. These dice represent dynamics at play that can be added or modify the player's dice.

AL Notes:

  • You should have special dice that represent all of the major gods in the pantheon. Powerful gods will probably have larger numbered dice or more of them.

WotC only:

  • The allthatis, should probably have a dice of 1d120 (or 1d360 if you can find one) setting a semi-arbitrary focus of attention in the realm. Each number can be "read" by the modulus of various factors that the die has. Combined with the intuition of the Game Mastser of the WotC, this is combined to create a vector of where the game universe should head. The dice are not questioned. Rather, the mind of the WotC moves with dice to understand what the dice mean -- if it was rolled "properly" of course, in order to interact maximally with the universe. This "proper" roll requires the dice to rolled during certain phases of the moon, solar calendar and time of day. Probably also, setting (where it's rolled), and how the astrological calendar might determine the direction in which the dice should roll within the qu. These all go into making the proper roll. Although quite involved, it only needs to be done perhaps once every 5 years, unless your players are really testing the universe (both the real world and the game planes).
  • When the "proper roll" is needed -- made when a question cannot be answered by the highest wizards of the game --

then the dice must be consulted. But one must incorporate prior dice rolls. If the roll is higher, then that vector should predominate, however all prior rolls must be incorporated. Again, these are only made when consensus cannot be achieved with in the highest wardens of the game. Perhaps there is a disagreement on the direction the game should take, or the about the precise ethics of User:Cedric/good and evil. Rather than try to force everyone, the dice, nicely, allow a decision to be fulfilled without bias.