User:Cedric/Class Theory
Class theory begins by imagining what a character would look if it ONLY specialized in a SINGLE ability score or trait. From t/here, there are 6 (8) BASE classes on which all others are built, through multiclassing (or combining 2 or more skills/classes from base abilities). This forms the basis of class theory for D&D and other RPGs.
The eight stats constintute the exterior points of the four-dimensaional hypersphere (two points per axis). The volume of this sphere is your XP. Gods and demi-gods are superbeings which share the XP of those within them. The four dominant stats are the “exterior” face of the hypersphere, whle the four subordinate stats are its nterior face. This interior face makes your HP. Hence, the two are somewhat interchangeable and it is notable that they relate in a square to square root configuation HP^2=XP and HP= sqrt(XP).
The point-buy system, then, must preserve the volume of this hypersphere when adjusting ability scores. Near the extremes (say 19 to 20) there is a much larger volume than near the middle (10 to 11), just like the middle of a circle.
Race chooses 3 of the 4 dominant stats (1 by the gods, 1 by the history of the race, and 1 by the current leader of the race). (2 if you become the leader for your race).
Much of this material is for working out a universal systme of (D&D, One Ring, Savage Worlds, etc.) ONE.
Perhaps character sheets should be more like the One Ring, limited to 4 ordinate abililties each with their own skillset, and four minor, subordinate scores.
In order for a switfch to occur between ordinate and subordinate state, a deep trauma or unexpected victory must occur, to either demolish one favored stat or raise an unfavored one. But without the suffering trials of the Abyss, one is limited to 4 dominant traits at any given time. Just like your hands.
Character creation. The DM rolls for 2 scores, while the player rolls for 6, as normal. If the DM gets above 15 or below 5, they must announce? The DM looks for dice that support their race choice as that must be a dominant stat. Next look for dice that support their class choice. A PC’s stats should never be below average unless they want the challenge. The gods favor the adventurers! (This replaces the “drop lowest” mechanic.)
Consider 4 stats dominant and 4 sub-dominate (subordinate). This should work for every class and every race. Some races will favor some stats as dominant, others won’t, so race-specific character sheets could be considered. Computers could use color well to make distinction of character sheets that players protect with their life (nearly). The idea is investment in their future or dream self. Things can change over time, and there must be mechanism to allow this. A deep change such as a race might need to occur behind the scenes and adjustments made to take back benefits that their errant race enjoyed.
The idea of a patron or god for players could adjust player stats 1 or 2 points, but the points that go down must be hidden from the player so that they improve the gods with their own characters. It’s a fair trade generally. The players get benefits, too, from their patrons. (This should handle all other adjustments, like +DAM, HP_regen, etc.).
Balance, moderation, and respect were better than power, convenience, and neglecting the Earth (ignoring other gods) might seem better for awhile…. but no.
Four ordinate/subordinate character traits (two inward-focussed and two outwards): (p16. roll for:) Subord Trait (I) Level (W) (p78) Achievements (H) Conditions (S) (p22) Sources of Shadow (p137) Perception (Power<->Surprise) Purity (Light) elves Holism (incl. Arcana, Gn Understandings (adds new skills) Numb/Blinded/Deaf Escapism Wits (Intelligence) Deflect/Parry (Dexterity) Wisdom Virtues Confusion Greed Heart (Charisma) Hope (Piety) Valour Rewards Weary Dread Strength Endurance (Constitution) Integrity Proficiencies Wounded Misdeeds Initiative (Purity<->Lethargy/Uncertainty) Power (Create))-used for magic Leadership Treasures/Gifts Stunned Sorcery
NOTE: Some of this material is from the One Ring RPG, but can be usable for D&D:
For every misdeed, act of greed, feelign of dread from a poor choice (lust, gluttony, …), or sorcery, lose one point of Integrity, Wisdom, Valour, or Leadership as a penalty. Perception, besides the act of perceiving, consists of acting without thinking, from personal power. Initiative is the opposite, consisting of acting after thinking.
A leadershp point can be sacrificed by a patron to increase other’s hope. Perhaps also to cure a wound, weariness, or confusion. During the fellowship phase, leadership points should be used to craft something new, imagine a new journey, otherwise to start a family and retire, lest they lose a leadership point.
ALternative levels for each of the four.
- If ASM is the core, rather than initiative/PER, then the LVL trait is Power (used for force/psionics). A Barrow Wight might have this as levels.
- Hope/PTY/wis over CHR/Heart: LVL Loyalty (yet piety seems to be the right name…?) (Staying true to your own ideals). The negative or shadow side to this is called Blind Faith. A orc, for example.
- ENcurance/CON over STR then LVL is Duty (staying true to your elders or other heroes) (via ASM for Leaders); in other words, as they fight for their heroes ideals, they gain Duty levels. The negative side to this stat would be something like Blind Fierceness. The Uruk-Kai or Sarumon.
- DEX/Parry over Wits, then LVL Poise is the LVL. The negative side to this is Viciousness perhaps (perhaps "maliciousness").
These stats can be arranged in a 1-3-1 fashion. In other words, 4 stats + 1 from {ASM, PER} depending on whether they're choosing a dominant or passive position (hard or soft option, lolz).
- RED, STR: Integrity: when sacrificed can add to endurance or str and turn it into a success (magical in case of endurance).
- WHITE/BLACK, SIGHT: Sagacity(Sage): when sacrificed can be used to change a bonus to a stat into any other stat (iow: grants more freedom when sacrified to define oneself or abilities)
- ORANGE, DEX: Flexibility, solution-maker
- PURPLE, INT: Wisdom: when sacrificed, can give energy?
- BLUE, CHR: Valour: Convincing
- YELLOW, CON: Leadership: when sacrificed (patron) can give hope points to another.
Alignment: ORANGE, 12, 0.9,
Elves: Flexibility, Wisdom, as a subordinate trait to Wisdom.
Aryans: STR (subordinate to POWER)/CON?, CON, WIS, OLD TABLE: Initiative Strength Heart Wits First Shot/Grab (+S) Awe (I) Endear/Enhearten (S) Persuade (I) CarryOn/Rise (+H) Awareness/Process (W) Stealth (I) Break the Ice /Lift thru the brain fog(W) Athletics Pull/Push () Insight (I) Scan/Read(S) Healthy RETREAT/Cancel (W) Craft (W) Healing (S) Riddle (S) Deference/ (H) -> Enhearten Hunting/Ensnare (I) Courtesy (W) Search (I) Vision (S/P) Song/Buff (Encode) (H) Battle/Defend (I) Lore (H)
Skills (2 for each pair: inward and outward expressions) when mixed with another: Initiative/Order Strength/Body Heart/Soul Wits/Mind PerceptivityPurity First Shot/Grab (+S) AWE (I) Endear/Enhearten (S) Persuade (I) Search/Curiosity (W) CarryOn/Rise (+H) STEALTH (I) SURPRISE (I) 5*6 Break the Ice /Lift thru the brain fog(W) Acrobatic (W) Insight (P) Scan/Read(P) Explor/STALK (S) Healthy RETREAT/Cancel (W) Craft (W) Healing (S) EMPATHIZE (H) Deference/ (H) -> Enhearten Courtesy (W) Search (I) Vision/Think (S) Song/Buff (Encode) (H) Battle/Defend (I) Lore (H) BUILD TRAVEL/AdventureUnknown (W) TRACK Each of 5 stat has 4 others. Take the rating of each and multiply then to get the TN = (36+god_disfavor(other mobs are fravored))-((stat1 * stat2) + modifiers). Two direct modifiers to each skill: one from your vocation (class) and one from your patron (if any). These are added
One might imagine an even GREATER challenge that uses 3 stats together and naming that emotion/skill/event.
On a tie, the gods are consulted to see where the favor should lie.
On deference and retreat skill, once the player even thinks about it, they must roll. On failure of deference, they engage in battle — regardless of what they wanted. On failure of retreat, they must continue battle or interaction, otherwise they get out of their predicament. On failure of breaking the ice, they look foolish or lose a deference point(?).
Alternate names for first (INIT) column: SEIZE, RISE, BREAK, RETREAT, HUMILITY(?)/DEFER, ENVISION These columns represent a 3+1 configuration, like space and time. The first column “flips” depending on race/class interaction. For most adventurers this is Init, but for Ranger/Explorer Perception is better. With other columns of Holistic
SEIZE: Taking the first shot in battle, Grabbing something in contest with others, RISE: To get up despite the desire to do sleep/, To shake off brain fog, BREAK: To initiate contact with a stranger (“break the ice”), To remove oneself when the group needs to go, RETREAT: To flee from a battle one cannot win and take the loss of face (once removed, you use BREAK to free the group to get out?), HUMILITY: To show compassion where greed or a shodow flaw might drive you otherwise, to spare a life where a victory could have been won, to let others win . If a leader/patron recognizes the deed, lose a shadow point (except in cases where a reward). VISION: To concoct an idea that inspires (gives hope) others, To craft meaning where there was chaos or confusion. To hazzard a guess
For the Level column, each stat can have a differing level. Players can sacrifice a point of level to gain somethingn else, but this should only be used for survival as these are the highest-prized spirit awards.
This skills list might be reduced to 4 items, if each item has two words (outward and inward, READ/SCAN, PERSUADE/ENHANCE-detail on held item, FIRST), but then they might be increased to 8, with 2 more for skills that require more than one round to complete (TRACK, CRAFT (changes athletics to PULL (tug of war) or PUSH), TRAVEL (changes heart skill to add another) — when fails an enounter ensues—for good or ill). For such skills that require more than one round, the gain succeeds greater with the more successes that accumulate. Upon using an intitive skill and succeeding, one gains a CREATE point, which can be used to add magic, heal, or other things.
TODO: rearrange skills so the same subskills are together and the order of outward vs. inward is the same on each. Keep in mind that the D&D way maximizes universality so that the game can continue endlessly, exploring the deepest, longest issues that affect life in the realms (and in real life), like gods. Ultimatley good and evil might not be broad enough and issues of balance and symmetry might dominate. One might argue that evil is just life on it’s way to wisdom — as long as there are god and god/desses making sure that the good and wise prevail over the short-term powerists and unjust. No ONE individual/race/ideology generally knows that at any given time, but the system of life as a whole remembers the past and seeks to avoid repeating past lessons.
Endurance for any of these is related to success achieved in the process and will fall -1 for each failure in interaction
Treasures/Create/Init/Health Integrity/Strength/Hands Rewards/Valour/Heart Virtues/Wisdom/Wits/Head Crown of the Leader Knight/King Magical Cloaks Confidence (WIS) Sword of the Leader Warrior/Titan Enchanted Offense Dour-handed (STR) Treasure Chest Prince/Lord Enchanted Protection Hardiness (CON) Squire/Knight Magical Amulets Mastery (INT) Loom Enchant Artisan/Master Magical Footwear Nimbleness (DEX) House of the Leader Noble Enchanted Charisma Prowess (CHR)
DC checks. At some level (level 100) class skill checks for the specialized ability (that are not challenges from the gods = up to DC2xLVLfor example) should succeed. OR a LVL n passes all DC n checks, barring health-related states/illness. 10% health (HP/MAX_HP) = 1/10x success. Remember, this is only for the stat of the class, not ALL checks.
template: Tier Path: Underling -> Hero -> Paragon -> Legendary -> Epic -> Deific Ordinate/Subordinate abilities: DOM/SUB How this class accomplishes it’s goals (relative to dominant stat above) + DICE mechanics for each:
- Heart (how the class will help others in delivering the goals): Divination and Empathy: foretelling the future by feeling the present
- Hands (how the class will deliver its goals): Craftbringing: bringing in items imagined into their path during physical world
- Health (hwo the class keeps itself healthy): Soul Harmony: dreamer can move their soul in relation to the universe by dreaming it, providing subtle and impossible to quantify protections and luck
- Head (how it will think): Identify: can identify stats of objects (starts with only MANA/HP/alignment; gets more detail as LVLs)
Tier-based skills granted: XXXthis is now superceded by lvl<->DC. Change to tier-based feats. (Could be sub-class specific ex. college of lore vs. college of valor might have different, perhaps unpublished tier abilities) these might be wrong and should be related to proficiency. A warrior doing an arane skill check doesn’t get a DC bonus.
- Tier 2 (level 5): new nuance or skill
- Tier 3 (level 15): alchemy aid
- Tier 4 (level 35): new nuance form tier 2 can be applied to a group
- Tier 5 (level 65): add +4 to DC check rolls; can affect the land as a whole
Primary skillset (mana used to): How mana gets directed and used. XP gained by; how the class uses it’s skillset to accumulate eXPerience. Dice Mechanics: OUT-OF-DATE. Internal dice (HEALTH) how does class get affected by different ailments, including hunger) PC-PC conflict: the way this class handles disagreements with other players in-game. Synthesis, consensus-building, or (worst-case) ignoring the other player. Not even friendships develop when there is a disagreement they can’t reconcile. Real-world class interaction: (ex. con battles, mana strikes, battle fo the bards, clreic’s prayer ….?) Group/Guild relationships: Lore: God/dess modifiers?: Multiclass names:
- +abilty1 =
- +ability2 = etc.
Q: Can all occupations for a society be accounted for by a 4x4 + multiclassed matrix?
Players can LEARN a skill from other classes and the XP slows by how many LEARNings you have. Learnings can be grouped by class ability or ability score specialty to slow down less. but you can’t fight and cast at the same time — two incompatible learnings. This pattern may be an anti-pattern: it creates mutts. No real dedication to anything. So, if you get a skill this way it is always HALF as good as if you specialized and declared a class.
There are four natural slots, plus 2 derived slots, giving 6 ability scores. ASM gets used for CON typically in the 4 slot system and in humans PER is used for INT. If one transits the Abyss, they acquire 2 more, possibly more, giving up to 8 natural slots for ability scores. An alchemist uses the ASM optional slot and must mutli-class with a craftslan. A monk uses the PER optional slot and must multiclass with a cleric.
If a player exercises a specific ability and gets 100K XP (really a milestone awareness), it bumps their soul up to the highest character that achieved it. They get an increase from 10 (average) to 11. Each additional point requires another 100K XP exercising that ONE stat. So a fighter that gets 100k XP and fights with STR can get a bonus +1 at whatever LVL (?) a ifghet accumulates 100K XP. Then to get another bonus, s/he has to accumulate 200K. However, the idea is that they should have a score of 20 by LVL 100., so interperlate on that. It may have to be exponential.
Ultimately, no one probably wants to only be one class, so you can let them multiclass, where they gain XP slower, but have more skills to gain XP.
In theory, 4 of the stats are calculated, while four are rolled. Different races have different ordinate stats and subordinate stats. CON would be rolled for Ayran and Elves, but calculated for faeruni, tarumi, dworves?. —— XP linear to LVL:
As people multiclass, XP could trranlate into higher ability scores and not grow exponentially.
To get +1 tor sacrifice -1 to an ability score., one can sacrifice XP: 1: +100,000XP 9: 10: — 18: 19: -80k XP 20: -100K XP
As PC get higher scores, their hP compacts. —— Acererak can injectthughts at (pseudo-)random, and each time it consumes ~100 mana at random times (including amidst battle).
For the DM:
Special quality or ability: magic for example with the wizard.
Special equipment: a holy symbol for a cleric, for example (adding CHR).
For the WIS/PTY stat, this can be increased by sacrificing an equal amount from other scores. This is for users who wants to gets the good goods from the demigods from the cards…?
If people do multiclasses and NAME them, then those classes should have some epic combined ability. A Monk, for example, with a PTY-STR combo, could have “healing touch” whereby, at some level (since they leveled two different classes, effectively), they can simply touch the character and heal greater than the cleric alone.
Each class gets different class-specific dice that make their class unique. Multiclassed characters can only use one set of dice at a time, unless their schizophrenic (or, in theory, more than two heads — but there are drawbacks to that scenario), in which case they can roll two or more sets, it’s just that the results will be at mininum reduced and probably confused.
Class-specific dice are most prone to hexes and other such magical effects, such that a dice may be removed from play or alterned during it.
Typecasting, if players are cast to their race they get the positive race modifiers (but not the negative).
Should each stat have a Nature vs. Civilization variant? Bard vs. Magistrate?..
Each of the eight stats is at the end of 4 different axiis within the individual. Insight comes to either side and placed on the top of their mind and is placed at the PER or the ASM side of the character. The ASM side gives intuition for dreamers. The PER side gives insight to Leaders.
- The beauty of the world
- The order of the body
- The love in life
- The future (that anybody would want).
Each class has four primary skills that define the class:
- Macroskill (relating to the person):
* offensive skill (generally the defining characteristic for the class) * defensive skill, (shield for fighter, awareness of surroundings for rogue, )
- Microskill (relating to the soul)
* inner and (frontiering for explorer, ) * outer skills.
For maximum speciaization, their main subordinate trait is ASM; i.e. there is no real other trait, since this score deals exclusively with the root of their life and body.
Point buying: you can gain 2 points, if you subtract 3.
The 1000 Years War decided on behalf of the all-that-is (, that both giants and dragons had continued value in the realms. So alignment can be seen like a spectrum, as different dualities or conflict are in a state of dynamism for (eventual) resolution. The time-line for such resolution could last days, years, centuries, or even millenia and define an Eon.
All issues can be put on the spectrum modified with a dark or light value. The resolution should eventually create more light for the male side (the gods holding the dynamic) or deeper darkness for the female side (where the goddesses or demi-goddesses are holding a dynamic in play). Some present, sugguested dynamics for the female side and feywild are children vs. adults, Feywild vs. Faerun.
Ability scores
One can increase an ability score if they write an elaborate backstory about how it came about. 3 poitns requires at least a page worths of prose; 1 point, perhaps a paragraph. Teh DM may decide that they must balance this with a descrease elsewhere. The more they make a backstory, the more they can customize their ability scores. To get above average, the player may need to make a donation to the DM or the game table (pizza, etc).
One can also increase a stat a piont buying them. Te current rate is 75K per point and there must be a guildmaster of sufficient level to help you. The increase from 19 to 20 requires a guildmaster of level200-250(?) or higher. From 17 to 18, level 100. If you stat is below 10, you have a FLAW, and you must correct the flaw before it can be increased. No guildmaster is reuqired. From 10 to 11, only a guildmaster of a higher level than yourself.
If the ability increase puts them above the world-average, they need to have a flaw or a routine that, if interrupted, they have a coniption fit. (This forms the basis for a flaw.) This should be true for each elevated ability score (from this prose method) that is above the world-average.
Players can choose to imagine what their highest ability score is, given the game-play they believe they can justify. Then imagine their lowest ability score, perhaps in relation to their focus elsewhere. Then fill in the blanks given that the average is 10. Follow the direciton above for the abilities above average.
If a player gives themselves above average remaining scores, they’ll have to fill it in, mostly likely with a priveleged life. This is penalized in game play, over time, with karma. Or a DM might imagine that there is a spell on the PC that will wear off over time.
>>>> There are ordinate and subordinate traits, depending on how much you’re specializing. Athletics vs. creatives, the difference is that the medulla has focussed a whole range of neurons and codes around using the bodies STR vs its INT as a creative and immune-system force.
Tiers are like the Fibonacci sequence, you double the first number and then add subsequent two number, starting at 5: 5, 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 65, 105, 170, 275, 445 etc.
- Underling 1-5 (+5 levels)
- Hero: 6-15 (+10 levels)
- Paragon: 16-30 (+15 levels)
- Legendary: 31-55 (+25 levels)
- Epic: 56-95 (+40 levels)
- Demi-god (beyond personal gains): 96-160 (+65)
- God/dess (beyond the body): 161-499; 161-265 (+105)
- Arch-God/Dess (beyond personal ego): 500-900; 266-435 (+170)
- All-That-Is (beyond gender): 1000. ; 436-715 (+275)
In order to make some of the male-centric class builds more accessible and fun for women players, each class in the old system has a yin or feminine component to it with its own name (and class mechanics?):
- PER: Explorer/Dreamer
- ASM: Alchemist/Herbalist
- INT: Wizard/Witch
- STR: Fighter/Neo-warrior (XP by avoiding not conflict, but deaths)
‘ XXXCR or challenge ratings should simply be the total number of LEVELs added together. So that a party of 5 LVL20 players is a CR of 100 (or more like 50, because their matruity is. For Tiamat, consider a fake endgame with a CR of 150 (5headx30). The real endgame should have Tiamat at CR500. Same with the giants, their combined CR, for a final, world-wide end-game whould be CR1000. XXX A quad-class LVL 20 in each class might claim it as a LVL80 character, but better the sum total of XP in each class and the level this implies.
SECOND ATTACK 2*(STR/10)^(1+god_trst) vs (str/10)^4
So, there's solid theory on how classes should be structured now, with Ultimate. Start with 8 base classes, corresponding to each ability score, and then specialize from there. This means that you start with the MOST generic type of class for each stat there is and then allow the PC to gain more sophisticated titles (like "prestige" titles) as they gain experience that warrants it. For example, for STR, the most generic(?) class based on strength would be something like "laborer".
Movies for players to watch…
- PER: scout, Arctic, Indiana Jones, Mrs. Perigrines School for Unusual Children, Vanilla Skye
- PTY/WIS: acolyte, Superman, The Last Temptation of Christ, Kung Fu, The Last Samurai
- INT: student, Lord of the Rings, Hackers, Sneakers
- CHR: squire, Die Hard, those "feel good" movies.
- STR: laborer, Fight Club, Highlander, Gladiator
- DEX: rogue, Kung Fu, Karate Kid, Bruce Lee movies, The Incredibles and many Pixar movies,
- CON: instigator, Troy, Ben Hur, Wall Street(name?),
- ASM: dreamer, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Disney animation and other movies.
One graduates out of these after completing their first level.
There is supposed to be one and only one most specialized class for any given stat. Anything beyond that should be some kind of quasi, multi-clsas. An elite fighter for example would need some DEX, INT, and STR. But a grunt laborer needs only STR, no INT, nothing. That's how to tell if you've found the true class for each stat.
Each of the 2x4 dimensional universal vectors is affiliated with one of these eight ability scores. The exact stat varies from character to character. Wisdom, for exmaple, could show up on the chaotic variable or the good vs. evil vector, or magical if one were bringing more magic into the realm for a higher purpose. This “assigment” could, theoretically, switch during a so-called life-altering event. Like destorying the dragon that killed your family, etc.
There is a 50 mana penalty for multiclassing, which means you lose 1 time-slot every 2 rounds, but you can ignore this if you stay consistent between rests with a single class focus. The penalty is from switching around class abilities.
For ASM stat, it might be better to combine the female and male classes into one class, called “sorcerer”), yet the herbalist deals with nature while the alchemist deals with the elements, so that’s a pretty clear and divine separation.
The power (effectiveness? personal power?) equation affects EVERY waking THING that you do, it’s just that battles tend to be the m ost intense encounters where the extra mechanics ar emost important. The only thing that changes are the dice and which ability score that is most pertinent. Hence, the importance of refining and perfecting this equation.
Power multiplier is the amount of power your dice are amplified relative to your dice. If you ability score is average you get no extra multiplier except the standard level. In normal cases, half of yoru ability score will exponentially increase your effectiveness and half (below average of 10.5) will exponentially decrease your effectiveness — this is the cost of being a specialist. You’ll see in the equation that ability score above the average have a base greater than 1, while those less than average have a base less than 1. As this is a multiplier it reduces your score.
There are eight stats. Four for them are dominant, while the other are subordinate. This is the case for most every player and each side can define the player — whether good or bad. The only exception are those who have survived the Abyss and transcended the 12 madnesses. Only one individual is known: Drzz’t Dourden. Whatever the case, the dominant stat get fed with your food or whtever other(?) mana intake, while the remaining stats detract. This is, in effect, the collective unconscious, where the soul re-routes energy where it is used the best. Hence the significance of significant encouters, like battles whether over wits or strength and power.
Power equation effecting all(?) use of stats.
Four corners decide events in the realm: alignment (continued fraction?), god_exponent, (goddess_multiplication_percentage OR proficiency%), and addition of demigod_modifier.
LVL_modifier= LVL/num_combatants or LVL/4 (assuming, at any given moment there is always a batter of power between good and evil and lawful vs chaotic, it splits the whole universe and power distrubtution). For wizards ths is how many rounds they’ve committed for the spell in advance. This level “modifier” is handled automatically if goddess percentage interacts. The goddess will have to allocate half to one or half to the other, etc. This ultimatley gets added Deattentuation = [goddess_trust(LVL)_modifier*goddess_detractments(%age_trust)] (equavalent to AC modifier to opponent but this makes everything to intense: [player_LVL/2] x trust_card%[goddess] ) ; [-1?,1]; [50, 25, 25, 0] * [1, -1, 0.5, 0.5] = [50, -25, 12.5, 0] = n; r(n)=[0.5, -0.25,
- CC Wizard of the Coast: SELF = (0.1*LVL) (ability_score_main/10)*(ability_score2/10)*(ability_score3/10)* … (up to #_of_multiclasses, max 8, LVL must be the same in all, otherwise adjust) - 10/subordinate_score1
Attentuation = (ability_score_main/10)(?1+?)[god]trust% ; [-1,1] Assist = god_modifier (0-10) - goddess_modifier (0-10) (reverse for female) Dice = (spell/weapon/etc dice)+proficiency dice (d6s): Each d6 is an tiered proficiency so that to get to 6d6s added you must be the best in all of history.
The detractor vs modifier mechanics works with relation to opposite gender. Detractror mechanics are used with opposites
How the power equation affects different classes:
- PER: Perception check bonuses
- INT: Spell power
- DEX:
- STR: Damage power
- CON: Fael members damage distribution.
- CHR: Buff AC bonuses
- PTY/WIS: Total HP healable per round
Deattenuation shoudl be a factor of ASM, while attenation a factor of PER
ASM and PER interact such that if the god/dess modifier is 50% it affects the bonus of the other by the same percentage.
XXXconsider the goddess modier only a detractor that lowers, not raises. Proficiency can add to dice roll by having an exponential proficiency that adds more dice as you go to your roll. This equation forms a symmetry in the relation between factor and exponent with an inversion between god and goddess sides of reletionship between mortals and the immortals, such that the god exponent is present when the patron is part of the god pantheon, otherwise it is a goddess exponent. Normally males are under gods and females under goddesses, but a feywild male may choose to be under the goddess, while witch(?) may choose to be under a god, exploring the development of power as it is known individually (rather than collectively or by group).
XXXPOWER = (ability_score/10)(1+raw_god_trust)
Roll = deattenuation * ( dice * SELF ) * attenuation + Assist (yin + yang, male + female)
Roll = deattenuation * (dice * (ability_score/10)(1+raw_god_trust) + Assist
Debate: ability_score-based summand that the players knows and an exponentially one that the DM knows.
Debate: Assist should cover all demigod/goddess adjustments outside the all-that-is. No: these should be
factors of trust_score(lvl).
Debate: When player is female, the exponent is the goddess_trust and the deattenuation is the god trust
Debate: multi-class character must add all (2 3, or 4) their stats and divide by 20,30, or 40, depending on if they’re dual, tri, or quad-classed.
To understand these two exponents, you must understand the scale-free physics of the soul (and universe).
reduces to stat modifiers ((stat+2 from the god)/10) with no exponent? This gives up to 2x (or 1/10th detractment) enhancement from stats. Beyond this are speed/mana bonuses (through crits and such). PER can give you SPEED adjustments, such that at PER=20 your speed can be 2x more than an average opponent. A level 100 warrior class should have a percetion of 20. A warrior underneath that follows in those footsteps might be up to level 19, but probably more like 15 as they retain their independence. Complete faelty could create an equivalent (or near equivalent) of something like 19.5.
The SELF variable can be modified by the activities during a given day, just as a muscle will get temporarily stronger if you use it. However, this woudl probably be too cumbersome, so what could happen is to track approximate use during the day and calculate the variables for the next day. STR_mod(STR/10)*INT_mod(INT/10)… etc. Modifiers would be fractions in between the interval (0, 2]. So that a potion of STR would probably make a modifier of 2 to your SELF equation’s STR expression. This is the actual soul dynamics.
The demi-god_modifier is now(or NOT) handled through the “god modier” field. (mostly male, but valkyries can also add here)? or perhaps it is the same roughly on all classes, except some add to the dice and some re-do the dice. MUST FIGURE THIS OUT. Try this, we shall. Take the LVL of the demi-god (or the Leader themself for the leader class) and divide by 20. A demi-god LVL 50 patron of a adventurer with 100% trust to them, confers +2.5 DAM.
Demi-goddess modifiers work similiarly. Your LVL in the deattenuation equation is brought downward or upward if there are demi-goddesses h urting/helping you. The number of such is counted as an approximation. The DM can adjust this as wisdom dictate depending on their strength and LVL. 5 demi-goddess might add +5 LVLs to the equation if she all has evaluated you positively, or downward 5 LEVELs if not.
consider adding ability scores or adding only the dominant ones and subtracting the subdominant ones before applying the
LEaders [god] exponent amplify the dice for overriding another’s will.
In general, max_DAM = LVL * #muticlasses.
Difficlty checks are similar LVL of trap/terrain/
CON/10)^2 pepole
(yang/male side), the latter of which ranges from [0, 1] (100%).
- tier, up to paragon: #_multiclasses+ ASM>average:1:0; XXX log2(LVL1*(ability/10) + LVL2*(ability2/10) + .. + ability4/10 + …8)/LVL_in_use); this would require nums for all scores which are part of your multiclass
- legendary and above: level average = (sum of all levels/#_of_classes) unless primary ability score
Consider what this equation means: if the male side of the 8-vector give you 0 support, you have no HP and are powerless, bed-ridden. IF the female side gives you 0 support you have no MANA, you’re unconscious. If both are 0, you’re dead, because you cannot make any behaviors that will up your evaluation.
Since the LVL of the allthatis is 1000, a score of even 0.01 is still a factor of 10x added to your relationship to the world.
XXX The exponent in the equation is #_of_multiclasses + harmony_with_the_gods (yang/male side), the latter of which ranges from 0 to 1 (100%). This percentage is based on the player’s moral relationship with the ALL-THAT-IS; i.e. are they in perfect alighment with its definition of GOOD. … An`d it increments even with below average stats, but this is re-compensated when the main ability is put in the equation. The addition of a addand at the end is for demi-gods which may add a slight value regardless of how the all-that-is evaluates you. The female part of the 8-variable allthatis goes to DEvaule the LVL score. So if you only have 50% attunement to the Eorth, you get half of your levl. Since the women side are considered 1-womb. the demi-goddesses and the all-that-is are added together to create the final percentage.
If you declare your multiclass (and corresponding abilities) you get the exponent, otherwise you don’t. In other words, to get the exponential gain, you must track your XP.
Three digits of precision is enough for your exponent.
The power that exponent provides will tend to make people add XP to their classes in an equal fashion. In this way they don’t need to keep track of how their XP is allocated or what classes are gaining levels.
For men:
average_score_of_population = here is where the wizards can enhance the values of various classes in the lands. basic_power_factor = relevant_level * (ability_score/average_score_of_population)^exponent expanded_power_factor = relevant_level_vector x relevant_ability_scores_vec Power tensor = alignnment_vector* power_factor
For women:
goddess factor * (stat/10)^exp + man
goddess power factor is a factor of LVL*(goddess_alignement_vector)s 2
For women, the god modifier can be affected by the male relationship, karmically, towards women. Since these interactions affect all woman and men, they tend to cancel each other out and can be omitted. Instead, use the second(?) digit of the alignment vector to state whether there’s a karmic tie.
XXREDO: (HEALTH%*LVL)*dice*ability_powerfactor + god_modifier.
- dice: the roll of your class`s dice (weapon dice, spell dice, speed dice, etc)
- ability_powerfactor: the calculated power modifier based on ability score/10, plus exponential
- god_modifier: an addition edge from the gods, based on your level and the gods` relationship to you.
consdier the equation when there is one class far above all others.
The equation is exponential so that having a 20 is 4x more powerful than having an average 10 score or 32 (or 16)x more powerful if you have 4 classes at the same level. This is the extreme case and caused by the fact that you have 4x more eXPerience. Average_score_of_population is generally 10, but the GM could conceivably set this to slightly more (for example) to incentivize classes associated with the score. If the average score for STR, for example was 9 in the population, then your 11 is worth a lot more than if was 10.
So this leaves 2 methods to exert subtle, macro-level influence in the realms: tweaking the trust value of the All-THAT-IS or the values of the average_score_of_population.
Since levels are starting at 1, the power modifier should have one equation up to level 10 and another one past 10, so that power isn’t twice just for gaining one level at level 1.
Each class has some skill. The power of these skills is modified linearly by LVL and exponentially by the ability stat score and geometrically modified by th, thus:
- complementary_alignment_oversoul is a factor, while the same_alignment_oversoul is a summand. The trust card is multiplied to each 4-vector to allocate power to the player as the gods trust the player.
- Personal Power = [Player_Alignment] * (trust_card%[complementary_alignment_oversoul OR diety] * dice * (XXXrelavent_LVL*XXX((dominant_ability+subordinate_ability/20 Ability_stat/10)exponent ) + trust_card%[same_alignment_oversoul OR complementary_aligned_diety]). This is in MANA(?), which means you have to divide this by 100 to get HP of damage. Also, if you wan t the perfect equation you have to subtract 0.5 from the ability score. This means that at LVL 100, your power is 50x the power of LVL 2 and that if you have an average the ability score, you get no real multiplier. If you have the best score possible, you have up to 32x the power, the lowest score, as low. as 1/10000x the power. XXX(from note above:) You get the extra exponent (beyond 2) if you have a proper name for your multi class (which must combine as many stats). This multiclass modifier also requires your other classes to be at least half of your relevant level (related to the challenge). If you don’t want to deal with this multiplier for everything, set the exponent to 2 and forget about the refined formula (which you can wait for epic play). Number of miulticlasses (exponent) is a factor of how many class ability scores are up to the stat of your primary ability class for the task in quesiton OR if as an alternative, you can find the perfect name for the comination that you are using. The divide-by-2 in the exponent is a shortbut to average out player’s attentiveness. If they were perfectly intune there would be no divisor, whereas if theyir gameplay is full of frivolity this multiplier would be 0. Epic-level play should re-calculate this each time. XXXintegrate: cleric: Alignment_modifier(for the realm)*dice*(PTY/10))(1+multiclasses) HP per round , There are 4 variables to alignment corresponding to 4 axiis.
- Alignment vectors shoudl have their LVL scalar already separated (trust metric allocated to each variable, totalling 100%) and multiplied, such that if a LVL 100 diety want to divide all of their power equally, they can multiply 25 * their alignment vector variables to get their tensor. Or, they can focus on their morality and allocate 50LVLs there, and then divide the rest equally (50*g, 16.7*h, 16.7i, 16.7j).
- Now how does this advanced alignment tensor interact with the players? Trust cards still should be used so that the deities and demi-god can evolve (credit to the gods/King Hekaton for this idea). Trust card%*[complementery_aligned_tensor] * [player_tensor] = power_modifier
- update: there’s no level modifier now with class dice as the dice mechanics encode level modifiers.
- UPDATE: the above exponent should be based on four fractions, with the primary ability normalized to 1/1 to be a quarter of the equation and the rest of the classes to be something less than this. This puts a quadclass player with only a small LVL on one of their classes to have an exponent of perhaps 3.0. The idea is that having more experience in a broader range gives subtle alignement with the rest of the universe, granting special DAM (or other gains). Single classes level faster, so the LVL factor in the equation has more gain. Where the balance is between singleclass gains and multiclass gains is left as an exercise to the reader.
- Difficulty Challenges. (DC): these are a matter of the gods crossed with the user’s ability. Something 1-100. A user’s proficiency must be greater than the DC value — which means they’ve had at least that many successes in the skill.
- A rough guide to the level of any NPC, given its XP, is to take the fourth root of the XP. OR vice versa, fi you’re making a class.
Short cut?:
Books, scrolls, and other writings can have a level associated with them. That means if you're not at that level or above, you won't understand them easily.
Characters of the same level can read the writings with an accuracy rate equal to their (INT/20)%. Since the mind can interpolate words of which it doesn't have complete understanding, wizards (and only wizards -- for their specialty is the mind) of the same level but only INT 18 can still understand the writings well-enough to use without error (as long as the writing isn't intentionally obfuscated). That is, at 90% accuracy, their mind can "fill in the gaps" and comprehend the meaning of what was intended.
If they are above the level and their INT is 20, they understand any writings in their own language perfectly (minus any words they may not be familiar with, like gear names for a complex machine when a cleric reads it). Accuracy rates for those above or below the level of the writing: just take the difference in levels and add or subtract it to/from their INT, keeping in range(0,20). So, for example, a level 10 wizard (INT 18) reading a level 20 spellbook, then subtract 10 points from their INT score to get their accuracy (INT 18- 10). Conclusion: they are understanding (8/20)% or 40% -- probably not well enough to be safe. Wizards can add up to 10%, perhaps up to 50% if they are familiar with the subject matter, through extrapolation.
- /end
RANK = if giant or dragon: LVL, HEALTH = HP/100%_HP (unless you have a crit, then = 1. (i.e. ignore health) ideally this is ignore until the first crit fail. POWER = Mana Ability_modulator = (ability/10)^(multiclasses_at_same_LVL + 1)
Okay, I've finally found the perfect equation for all things related to the power of a class`s ability. Power = dice * LVL/(2*HI_LVL) * (ability/10)^#_of_classes). This gives exponential power as your ability is higher and properly penalizes you when you're below average. It also automatically assumes proficiency as you get more experience (LVL/2*HI_LVL).
Players get a DAM modifier equal to the number of classes they have minus one as reward for the extra work of tracking different XP for each class. If they aren’t doing this, then no DAM modifier.
Since power goes up with more abilities given by their class defs (fighters get second attack? or spells get higher level?), the exponent may need downgraded or divide the whole by 2. However, these extra abilities should be their own personal accomplishment. For example, a figher might put a spearhead on the end of their shield to get their second attack.
CON. The higher the CON the more people respect you, so figure that you got much respect as you lived. BUt do you derive the CON from trust_card and esteem values or do you propagate the esteem from the CON?
—— Killing other PCs:
PCs can be killed in certain circumstances:
- A player has stolen the crown of a Leader
- A Magistrate has determined a player guilty and a majority vote by the players has agreed (a leader battle may have to make a deciding vote if several parties are involved). They are put in confinment indefinitely., where they may have to survive a savng throw each day of not dying.
- A Warrior who’s documented their creed or code of honor (OneRing: INTEGRITY) has witnessed another break that creed and the warrior has tagged the player
- A Rogue or DEX based class sets a trap for a PC and they “fall” for it.
- A dreamer imagines bad luck for another PC can affect other players
- An alchemist sells a potion to another PC with a hidden message encoded in the ingredients that when decoded reveal what has happeend: they are now dead.
- A Wizard’s goes to war with another spellcaster (hand
- Cleric refuses to heal another PC.
—— ASM and PER are special bases for nearly every class but Elves and Aryans. In fact, these should probalby be considered secret arcana. Their traits are used on all classes, but have special meaning for Elves and Aryans. Special, here, means that you can not specialize on these abilities alone, you must have a second ability which complement it. So Multiclassing:
- INT+ DEX = Magewright, Editor
- asm + Dex = Acrobat, Alchemist
- PER + PTY = Buddhist
- INT + PER = Mathmatician; low battle ability but can calculate best odds at finding good leveling probabilities.
——- When characters choose to use killing attacks on potential useful human characters (even if deemed a cultist or other non-desireable), the vector of the gods changes towards the individual. —— What's new in v”6” classes (pardon the misplaced authority here, I am Cedric on, holding the ONE true path):
- There are now eight abilities. Four of these could be hidden or derived. These come out of some epic understandings of human development. two are yin two are yang, two are “male” the ordinate traits, two are female “subordinate”.
- Tiers are more comprehensive and changed to scale more realistically and start at underling. Further, class names change with level of tier. If you reach level 100, for example, you can be a diety.
- There are now eight base classes -- one centered around and for each ability and the faery type which combines all of them without being able to be master of any. Instead, it masters love.
- Multi-classing is well-defined. Characters generally start back at zero XP and lose their skills/spells until they regain to the same level, but they can also stack classes and keep track of the XP/LEVEL requirements for each class.
- Players can be generalists or specialists, rolling multiple d6s or 1d20s in each case to build their character.
Each class is centered around a predominant ability. Each also has a tier path which shows their developmental stages: Ability Underling Strider Paragon Legendary Epic STR Youngling/Pixie Fighter Warrior/Neo-Warrior Prince/Princess Titan CON Instigator Negotiator Leader Ambassador Sage INT Apprentice Witch/Magician Witchelder/Wizard Mage/CovenKeeper AEthernaum DEX Rogue Trader Craftslan Master Artisan PTY/WIS Acolyte Healer Cleric Medicant or Lightworker Angel CHR Bard/Page Knight Noble/Duchess King/Queen Emperor/Empress PER Scout Adventurer Ranger Explorer Geographer ASM Sprite/Mixer Treefriend/Zymurgist Herbalist/Alchemist Elder/Druid Gaia/Tywn Barbarian is simply the name of the fighter class during the First Age. Just as Druid was the First Age name of an Alchemist. Thief/Rogue, etc. STUB Draft under revision...
- STR (F): :. XP taken can be by CON Battles
- STR (M): levels by kills (XP = (HP taken)2 + |(mana remaining)-600)/10)|; +1DAM on next fight if last kill was oppositely aligned (-200 mana if they lose)
- DEX: ; levels by selling EQ at higher prices; can get XP thru mana strikes
- PTY/WIS: Acolyte -> Cleric -> Healer -> Lightworker -> Angel; levels by HP healed (XP = (HP healed) * 100); gets access to mana storage at temples
- INT: ; levels by Effective Mana Used (1:1::Mana:XP); sees magical items
- CHR:; levels by population under their reign; can confer titles to others
- CON: ; levels by the value of territory they claim; +CHR when wearing signet ring
- PER: ; levels by territory explored (/items discovered); "footfall skill"? & half-damage on territory previously traversed
- ASM (F): (Elf M -- pronounced "twin"); levels by mana used to create life. (1:1::Mana:XP); ability to imbue saving-throws into jewelry
- ASM (M):; levels by mana used that others accept (1:1::Mana:XP); gets potion magic
- *** (all of the above): Faeries are a race and a class?; levels by preventing parties from killing. For this it has to learn how to master conflict and master them.
These base classes can be combined to create richer classes if you like, but these form a perfectly solid base. For example, a Cleric x Ranger = Monk. Now, with a solid set of base classes the possibilities are endless. The idea is to perfect the specialization in each ability, not make things more ambiguous and vague. That means real experience is gained differently for each class, because different kinds of experience will enhance different skills. INT + CON = Commodore, pCiT7lcKFZyK7WhM
Ability Condition STR Frightened CON Stunned INT Confused DEX Constrained? PTY/WIS Surprised? CHR Wounded PER Blinded/Deaf/Numbed ASM Fainted/Unconscious
rolling abilities
Specialist can roll d20s, while generalists can roll 5d4s. If one want to be super generalist, and go for a greater-than-4 multiclass, they can roll 10d2s??? — a true challenge. However 1, 2, 19, 20s are too rare to let the d20 land on.
Creationg your charcter addendum ——- DM notes:
- Each class can elevate their primary ability score if they use their class dice in the proper manner. This means colors and materials tuned to their function, sides properly tuned, and rolls of the dice done with regularity. So that an explorer which honors and interprets the rolls with sophistication gets up to +2 PER bonus, while a thief, who’s only taken dice gifted by their preferred (marriage-type) partner and rolled and tabulated can get up to +2 DEX bonus. This reward is called “honoring the master within”. What this means needs to be fleshed out more and divined, but it should be usable.
- Secretly, buried within these arcana for gaining ability scores, is hidden a path to becoming enlightened and reaching the godhead of the world. It is a path so arcane, that it is reached by honoring only the sublest of forces, akin to the one’s the gods themselves have. A stargazer class (F) or bard explorer class (M) might be the way to find it.
- Primary and secondary skillsets are known by the player. It is up to the DM (with the gods above — AL, WotC if they be providing guidance) to discover/create the hidden third skillset, a rare individual may find a fourth, beyond this are the Eldrith classes that have so often been misused that they have become twisted, misguided individuals, bordering on insane. You must try to stay away from these who have attempted to activate too much power before their WISdom was ready.
- Classes can start generic, with no automatic feats or skills and gain them as the DM designs something true to the player. Otherwise, players can choose a subclass with pre-built feats and skillsets, but might feel stilted later on as it really was too specialized for the player. Just like in real life, people develop uniquely. A mage might specialize in a special subset of all spells that they could learn, while a fighter might create a relationship with their sword which never wavers. These typse of “personality traits” which make each player unique should be rewarded when done with care and precision with DAMage or HIT bonuses and/or whatever else seems appropriate when one contemplates their place in the universe. This special place must tie to some god or demi-god somewhere — they need not be high-level to be profound for the player and fun for the game. This is just how the mechanics of the universe work. The gods favor the mortals in some way or another, and their mechanics shift based on their devotion.
—— AL Notes:
- The later skillsets, by the way mentioned in the DM notes are activated properly only after the trials of the Abyss. Not for the faint of heart or the weak DM. To propertly traverse this challenge, one must master the rules and knowledge of madness itself.