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Light is necessary for most creatures as they cannot see in the dark.

Since torches can be cumbersome, the wizards have made a scroll that can invoke a magical light for as long as a player wants. This light consumes mana from the wizard's guilds which create it, so an appropriate cost must be given or the magic will run out. Wizards manage this by simply selling different scrolls with different rates of time or intensity.

The player must invoke the scroll and it will last for as long as the buyer purchased -- five minutes, 1 hour, and 8 hour scrolls are common (haha, whatever it is...). This light hovers and follows the invoker from behind unless a wizard present in the party guides it elsewhere (level 5 and above depending on how much mana/round is given by the scroll).

Estimated cost is about 1gp per round of use. Or could cost it by hours used. 1hr = 5gp. The discrepancy between time for each round vs. game-time hours is still a matter of debate. Do your best, lest the wizards revoke the privilege.