Skills (Tensura Supplement)

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Magicule Abilities[edit]

Magicule Abilities, otherwise known as Skills, are a type of ability that, on rare occasions, can be acquired in recognition of some form of personal growth. They automatically perform inscribed supernatural effects known as powers. The nature of the power varies from skill to skill, some belonging to magic, some manipulating the world through purely natural means, while the most powerful among them are capable of bending the laws of the world to suit the user's will. [1]

Common Skills[edit]

These are the most basic level of skills. They're typically limited to only a single effect without much flexibility, making them easy to master in exchange for a lack of versatility. [3]

Skill Description Prerequisites
Body Armor (Tensura Supplement) Creates tough scaled armor to defend yourself from attack! None
Coercion (Tensura Supplement) Use your voice to inflict fear upon your enemies! None
Corrosion (Tensura Supplement) Decompose organic matter and erode inorganic materials through touch! None
Farsight (Tensura Supplement) Use your enhanced vision to see incredible distances with extreme ease! None
Gravity Flight (Tensura Supplement) Use natural gravity to fly without spending Magicules! None
Hydraulic Propulsion (Tensura Supplement) Create powerful jets of water to propel yourself forward! None
Paralyzing Breath (Tensura Supplement) Spray a cloud of paralyzing gas! None
Scale Armor (Tensura Supplement) Cover yourself in scales as the Lizardmen do! None
Self Regeneration (Tensura Supplement) Heal yourself using Magicules! None
Sticky Thread (Tensura Supplement) Grants the ability to create and manipulate adhesive silk-like threads! None
Strength (Tensura Supplement) Boost the strength of your muscles to hit harder! None
Strengthen (Tensura Supplement) Bolster your muscles to protect from an attack! None
Telepathy (Tensura Supplement) Speak to other creatures through your thoughts by spending Magicules! None
Voice Cannon (Tensura Supplement) Unleash powerful blasts of concentrated sound waves through vocalization! None
Water Current Motion (Tensura Supplement) Create and manipulate currents of water around you to swim better! None

Extra Skills[edit]

These are the highest level of skills that can be obtained through effort and come in a wide variety of different powers. [4]

Skill Description Prerequisites
All-Seeing Eye (Tensura Supplement) Enhance your vision range and reaction speed using Magicules! None

Unique Skills[edit]

These are skills that are born as the expression of the mind, emotions, and desires of their user. They offer their user access to a completely unique power different to that of ordinary magic or skills. They're the manifestation of the mind brought about only when a strong individual is filled with strong desires and emotions, usually after overcoming a trial or experiencing some sort of growth. [5]

Skill Description Prerequisites

Ultimate Skills[edit]

These are the successors to unique skills and the final evolutionary stage of skills in general. They grant their wielder the ultimate power to control the very laws of nature. The only ways to counter an ultimate skill are with another ultimate skill, Administrative Authority, ultimate-level magic, God-grade equipment, or divinity, although it all boils down to willpower. [6]

Skill Description Prerequisites

Resist Skills[edit]

A special category of skills that give the user advantages when exposed to attacks of various different types of phenomena. [7]

Skill Description Prerequisites

Intrinsic Skills[edit]

These skills are typically skills that someone would have naturally if they were born with them due to their race, circumstances, or evolution. Many races within Tensura have these, and they're generally Common or Extra skills with some exceptions. [8]

Skill Description Prerequisites
Body Armor (Tensura Supplement) Creates tough scaled armor to defend yourself from attack! None
Coercion (Tensura Supplement) Use your voice to inflict fear upon your enemies! None
Flame Breath (Tensura Supplement) Unleash a cone of flame from your mouth! None
Paralyzing Breath (Tensura Supplement) Spray a cloud of paralyzing gas! None
Scale Armor (Tensura Supplement) Cover yourself in scales as the Lizardmen do! None
Self Regeneration (Tensura Supplement) Heal yourself using Magicules! None
Sticky Thread (Tensura Supplement) Grants the ability to create and manipulate adhesive silk-like threads! None
Strength (Tensura Supplement) Boost the strength of your muscles to hit harder! None
Strengthen (Tensura Supplement) Bolster your muscles to protect from an attack! None
Voice Cannon (Tensura Supplement) Unleash powerful blasts of concentrated sound waves through vocalization! None

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