Water Blade (Tensura Supplement)
Water Blade
Prerequisites: [Hydraulic Propulsion], [Water Current Motion]
Through experimentation and practice using [Hydraulic Propulsion] and [Water Current Motion], you are now able to compress water enough to create and fire a crescent of water with incredible cutting power. As an action for 5 Soul Power and 10 Magicules, as well as 1 gallon of water, you make a ranged attack roll and deal 3d8 slashing damage on a hit. It deals double damage to structures and constructs.
For an amount of times up to your proficiency bonus, you may expend 2 additional Magicules and 1 additional gallon of water, in doing so you may overcharge the blade, dealing an additional 3d8 slashing equal to the amount spent.
If you possess [Water Manipulation] (not yet made!), the inital cost decreases to 2 Soul Power and 5 Magicules, and the amount of water needed to 1/2 gallon. This extends to the overcharging ability as well, reducing it's cost to 1 additional Magicule and an additional 1/2 gallon of water per overcharge.
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