Berserker (Tensura Supplement)

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Prerequisites: None
You let out an enraged scream, as an aura erupts violently around you. Your body removes it's own limiter, your brain allowing you to go even further beyond your wildest capabilities.

As an action for 22 Soul Power, and 44 Magicules, your body bolsters your physical attributes greatly. This skill drains 44 Magicules at the end of each of your turns while it is active. You may deactivate it as a free action.

While this is active, you gain the following benefits, as well as the benefits from the sub-skills:

- Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increase by 10, as well as their maximums.

- Your Unarmed Strikes deal an additional amount of damage dice equal to your proficiency bonus.

[Diamond Body]

- You gain damage reduction to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage equal to proficiency bonus times your Constitution modifier.

Note: With DM permission, this can be expanded past the normal Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing damage types.

[Weapon Destruction]

- You gain 4x damage to objects and structures when using Unarmed Strikes.

However, due to the nature of this ability, Weapons or Shields held while using this ability below God-Grade instantly shatter, and become unusable, unable to keep up with your ferocious power.

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