Light that Burns the Sky (5e Spell)

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Light That Burns The Sky
4th-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 120ft per turn while charging, to a max of 720ft
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 turns maximum.

Prerequisite: Must be able to cast and know Catastrophic Devastation.

Using all sources of light itself with this spell, you create a 40ft sphere that only grows in time, with each turn that passes while creating this sphere, it gains double the radius in size (to a max of 320ft).

Damage starts at 4d4, than for each turn charging, in increases as such 5d4, 5d6, 6d6, 6d8, 7d8, 8d8.

At any point while the spell is active, you can dispel it on your turn, one action necessary, storing it for later, though this can not be dispelled by another spell. As soon the sphere reaches either it's max distance or its specified distance, it explodes, erupting in an explosion. If hit by the sphere itself and not the explosion, you take half the total damage after damage calculation.

All creatures within the sphere's explosion must make a Dexterity saving throw. You can only charge the sphere to a bigger size if you have spell slots to do so, every size above 10ft costs one spell slot higher than 4th, to a max of 9th.

The type of damage is determined based on your class, Artificer=Thunder Bard=Psychic Cleric=Radiant, Druid=Lightning, Paladin=Slashing, Ranger=Piercing Sorcerer=Fire, Warlock=Necrotic, Wizard=Force. For Slashing, the explosion is shooting extremely sharp and fast slices of air. For Piercing, the explosion causes Piercing needles of air to stab into targets.

Alternatively instead of charging you could instantly use the spell at a higher level but you cant' cast spells of the same level excluding 4th level spells.

  • Example: instant casting at 6th level, you now can not use any 6th level spells on your next turn.
    • Example two: Instant casting at 4th level, acts like an normal 4th level spell.

After the spell is casted, the light in the area is absorbed.

You may use all of your spell slots in order to multiply the max damage by however many spell classes you have sub classed into or that you can naturally learn from your class up to a max of 9 for every 9 spell slot used (levels dont increase the multiplier just the base damage), however doing this causes you to be dropped to 1 hp, unconscious and gain 3 levels of exhaustion.

When casted at 7th level or higher, this spell is immune to all counter spells unless the counter spell is casted at a higher level than this spell, or its casted by a divine being. Starting at 4th level, it Max damage deals 8d8, increasing to 8d10 at 5h level, 8d10 at 6th level, 9d10 at 7th level, 10d12 at 8th level, 12d12 at 9th level.

Starting at 4th level, the size is 10ft in radius, increasing to 20ft at 5th level, 40ft at 6th level, 80ft at 7th level, 160ft at 8th level, 320ft at 9th level

Starting at 4th level, the range is 120ft in range, increasing to 240ft at 5th level, 360ft at 6th level, 480ft at 7th level, 600ft at 8th level, 720ft at 9th level

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