Refined Palate table
Food Quality
Cook's Usentil DC
Consumption Effects
Squalid |
DC 5 or below |
Gourmet Hunter requires double their normal required food amount to cleanse themselves of whatever they just ate and suffers the poisoned condition for 24 hours.
Poor |
DC 9 or Below |
The consumption of this meal seems to have caused a bit more harm than good to the Gourmet Hunter. Reduce their maximum Appetite Energy by half for the next 24 hours.
Modest |
DC 13 or below |
An acceptable meal. No penalties or benefits.
Comfortable |
DC 17 or higher |
The reduce the amount of food required daily by the Gourmet Hunter by 1 stage. Ex 8x becomes only quadruple the amount of food, and 16 becomes 8x.
Wealthy |
DC 20 or higher |
Taste buds alight, the Gourmet Hunter can already feel themselves growing stronger. Reduce their required daily food amount by two stages and increase their martial arts die by 1 step for the next 24 hours.
Aristocratic |
DC 25 or higher |
Truly a feast fit for a king! The Gourmet Hunter only requires double their race's normal daily rations, and their Appetite Energy cost for all techniques is reduced by 5 and further increase their martial arts die by 1 stage for the next 48 hours.
Divine |
DC 30 |
This meal prepared should not exist within the mortal realm and can only be described as something otherworldly. The Gourmet Hunter treats this meal as their full race's normal daily rations, and their entire body becomes radiant after having their gourmet cells stimulated in this manner. They gain additional 15 temporary appetite energy that persists until they expend it or finish a long rest and add an additional d4 to all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Ability checks for the next 2d8 Hours.
Gourmet God Worthy |
DC 35 |
Godly does not describe this taste, this sensation, this is the apex of all dishes, something to make even gods envy. The Gourmet Hunter treats this meal as satisfying their normal daily ration need for the next week. Additionally, They gain an additional +2 to all of their ability scores for the next 2d8 hours after consumption and further increase their martial arts die by 1 additional stage in addition to the previous benefits.
Superhuman Strength[edit]
Your strength grows ceaselessly due to constantly eating delicious foods to fuel your gourmet Cells, enabling the exertion of force once believed to be impossible. Starting at 3rd Level, your strength score no longer has a maximum, and you increase your strength score by 2. You will now count as a large size when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Starting at 10th level, you instead count as a huge creature to determine your carry capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Superhuman Dexterity (Optional)[edit]
Your body seemingly grows more dexterous by constantly eating delicious foods to fuel your gourmet Cells, enabling the exertion of force once believed to be impossible. Starting at 3rd Level, your dexterity score no longer has a maximum, and you increase your dexterit score by 2. You also gain additional movement speed equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus and 1 additional reaction. Starting at 10th level, you instead gain additional movement speed equal to 10 times your proficiency bonus and two additional reactions instead of 1.
Superhuman Senses[edit]
At 3rd level, your gourmet cells have caused your sense of taste to evolve to extreme levels granting you proficiency in perception if you did not already have it. Whenever you taste or ingest food, you will gain advantage on Perception and Investigation checks to discern even the most minute details about its ingredients and contents. Additionally, you may choose another sense from Sight, Smell, Touch, or Hearing, which will grant additional techniques bonuses depending on your choice.
Your eyesight has honed to put even eagles to shame. You gain a +5 to your passive perception and passive investigation scores and gain 30ft of darkvision. If you already have darkvision, gain an additional 30ft of darkvision instead. Finally, you learn the Sharpen Eyesight technique, which will not count against your known techniques.
At 9th, level, the gourmet cells within you have further improved your eyes, allowing you to see even the nonvisible spectrum of light and quickening your response times. You are able to see invisible creatures as if you were constantly under the effects of the See Invisibility spell, your darkvision then improves to allow you to see even in total darkness as if it were dim light, you gain one additional reaction every round and a +5 to your initiative rolls.
At 17th level, your eyesight has evolved to be now able to perceive the electromagnetic spectrum. You gain 30ft of EM spectrum vision, which allows you to see in any sight within the spectrum, including the ability to see through walls, magical darkness, magical shapechanging, and advantage on detecting natural shapechanging within range. You gain another additional reaction per round and thrice per long rest; as a reaction, you may observe the movement of a creature to predict its next movement with flawless accuracy. When this feature is used, you may choose from one of the following effects:
- Impose Disadvantage on an attack targeting you.
- Gain advantage on any contested or opposed checks involving you and another creature.
- Impose disadvantage on any saving throw you cause that creature to make.
- Impose a -5 penalty to a creature's initiative check.
- Gain advantage on any singular attack roll you make against a creature.
- Gain a +5 to any Insight check against the creature.
Your sense of smell has evolved to allow you to track and hunt like a true predator. You gain 30ft of blindsight, but your attacks will still be at disadvantage if you cannot see the target, gain advantage on perception checks involving scent, and expertise in the survival skill. You can choose to learn either the Scent Recall or Blood Hound technique which will not count against your known techniques.
At 9th level, your sense of smell has further evolved to be able to detect unique fluids inside of creatures, allowing even the detection of pheromones released by creatures. Your blindsight improves to 60ft, and you no longer attack at disadvantage even if you cannot see a creature. Additionally, you may now use your sense of smell to gain a bonus to Medicine, Nature, Insight, and Animal Handling skill checks equal to half of your Gourmet Hunter level (rounded down) using your nose to grant better insight, catching details others could easily miss. You may use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
At 17th level, your sense of smell has reached its apex, allowing you to track multiple creatures that have passed through a location regardless of how faint the smell is or how much time has passed. As a bonus action, you may make a smell-biased perception check on a creature to learn any three of its characteristics, including Total class levels, Height, Weight, Challenge Rating, Ability Scores, Resistances, Immunities, Vulnerabilities, AC, or any features they may possess (Each feature detected will count toward a single characteristic), etc. This feature can also detect more obscure details about a creature, including its diet, info about its general habitat, blood type, areas they've traveled (including how long ago or recent), and anything else within reason that your GM will allow this feature to detect.
Your body has grown in sensitivity, allowing you to detect even the most subtle bodily stimuli. You gain advantage on perception checks involving touch, allowing you to discern subtle increases and decreases in temperatures, pressure, painful stimuli, and all other forms of touch data so long as you have contact. Your hair evolves to become almost lifelike with a vibrant sheen. It gains the ability to grow, shrink, retract, and move as even the smallest follicle can now animate itself. The follicles or feelers can extend up to 100ft from you initially and act as an extension of your sense of touch, allowing you to get constant feedback on everything around you. These feelers also grant you tremorsense within the range of your feelers. You learn the Hair Feeler's technique, and you learn one additional hair technique of your choice. These do not count against your known techniques.
When extended, a single hair follicle is so small it requires a DC 20 perception or passive perception to be noticed by a creature. These passive long-range feelers will have 1 Hit Point and allow you to be conscious of the stimuli of your surroundings within their range even while asleep. These passive feelers will also have a vulnerability to slashing, fire, acid, or necrotic damage and, when reduced to 0 Hit Points, will cause the Gourmet Hunter to make a Constitution saving throw against 10 or the damage dealt, whichever is higher. On a failure, the Gourmet Hunter is stunned for 1 round due to the overwhelming pain stimuli and retracts their feelers.
At 9th level, Your hair feelers have finally manifested their golden strands, allowing you to utilize all of your techniques to their maximum potential. The range of your hair feeler technique has its maximum range increased to 1 mile at 11th level and 5 miles at 17th level. Your passive feelers now have hit points equal to your Gourmet Hunter level in addition to their detection DC being increased to a DC 25. You also learn the Dining Room technique, which will not count against your known techniques. You will always be considered under the effects of the dining room technique, and the radius centered on you will now increase to 100 feet. All of your hair techniques will have their range increased by the same amount.
At 17th level, your gold hair follicles have strengthened themselves to now allow you to consume other creatures that have been reduced to 0 Hit Points depending on their size and the type of feelers deployed. Firstly, your passive feeler range further extends to 1000ft, and they no longer have a vulnerability to slashing, fire, acid, or necrotic damage. However, they still incur the same constitution saving throw. Your passive feelers can consume or capture Tiny or smaller creatures automatically. Small size creatures with 15 or less hit points will also be automatically consumed or captured by your passive feelers. For small creatures with more than 15 Hit Points and medium creatures, so long as they have 25 or more hit points they may make a Dexterity saving throw against your Gourmet Hunter DC to determine if they are captured or consumed. Small and medium creatures with at least 40 hit points are cannot be captured nor consumed by your active feelers. Your active feelers can consume any creature up to huge size so long as that creature is reduced to 0 hit points within the range of the active feelers. You may do this as either an action, bonus action, or as a reaction. Medium and smaller creatures will automatically be consumed upon usage by your active feelers and award Appetite Energy in return based on the consumption table below (GMs can award more than what is listed depending on the creature consumed). Creatures that are large size will require 1 round to consume and are fully digested at the end of the following round this feature is used. Creatures of huge size will require two rounds instead of one and follow the same rules as stated previously. During digestion, if your active feelers are reduced to 0 Hit Points, they will stop consumption and drop the creature adjacent to the Gourmet Hunter.
Devour table
Creature Size
Appetite Energy gained
Tiny |
5 Appetite Energy
Small |
10 Appetite Energy
Medium |
25 Appetite Energy
Large |
50 Appetite Energy
Huge |
100 Appetite Energy
Your hearing has evolved, allowing you to discern even the sound of a pin dropping in a busy street. You gain 30ft of blindsight and can no longer be surprised at the start of combat. Additionally, you gain advantage on hearing perception checks, advantage against effects that would cause deafness, and advantage on insight checks whenever you are trying to discern if a creature is lying to you. Finally, you learn one technique of your choice between Voice Press, Sound Bullet, or Machine Gun Voice, which will not count against your known techniques.
At 9th level, your evolved hearing has further evolved, granting you Hell Ears, allowing your Gourmet Cells to affect vibrations around you and even perfectly imitate the sound of death. Your blindsight increases to 60ft, and you now gain resistance to Thunder damage, immunity to the deafened condition, and attacks against you now cannot gain advantage. Finally, you learn the Death Sound Technique and one other technique from the superhuman hearing technique list which will no longer count against your known techniques. If you already have the Death Sound technique, you may choose another technique from the superhuman hearing technique list.
At 17th level, your hearing has now reached its apex, allowing you to hear accurately hear even when a creature is about to die. You are now immune to Thunder damage, and so long as a creature is within range of your blindsight, you can now accurately tell their current and maximum hit points, and they cannot benefit from being hidden from you by any means. Finally, your Deth Sound Technique now has its execution threshold increased by 20 Hit Points, and you may learn two other superhuman hearing techniques of your choice.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Superhuman Physique[edit]
Due to your adventurous diet, your gourmet cells have made you remarkably robust. Starting at 5th level, You become immune to poison and disease from ingested sources and double your jump distances and height. Additionally, all damage you take is reduced by 1; this damage reduction is increased by 1 at 7th, 11, 15th, and 19th levels, respectively. At 11th level, your immunity to disease from ingested sources will become immunity from all sources, and you gain advantage against the poisoned condition.
Apex Predator[edit]
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes and simple weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Beginning at 10th level, at the start of your turn, if a gourmet hunter has no Appetite Energy, has 10 or less Appetite Energy, or is reduced to 1/4 or lower of their maximum hitpoints, you may undergo Autophagy. During Autophagy, your Appetite Demon begins to cannibalize your own body in exchange for power, beckoning you to force an evolution of your Gourmet Cells or die trying. Once Autophagy is activated, for the next minute, you will gain a special resource called stamina which will be equal to your maximum hitpoints, and you will ignore the effects of exhaustion. Every time you use a technique that costs appetite energy, it will cost half (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5, and it cannot be lower than 5) its usual appetite energy, you will subtract the cost from your stamina resource. Whenever you take damage, you also subtract it from your stamina resource. At the start of each of your turns, you will lose 10 stamina as your body slowly loses its own vitality from self-cannibalization. If by the end of this minute, when Autophagy ceases or when you run out of stamina, if the Gourmet Hunter has consumed enough food to grant them enough Appetite Energy to equal half of their maximum Appetite Energy, they will survive the ordeal and gain three levels of exhaustion, if not, they will immediately die, ignoring any effects which would prevent death. If the Gourmet Hunter dies in this manner and is revived, they will lose all levels in this class, as their Gourmet Cells have fully cannibalized themselves and their host. Autophagy can only be used once per long rest; however, a singular stack of exhaustion gained from this feature can only be removed by taking a long rest to reflect the body recovering from the state.
At the GM's discretion, Autophagy can be used at any point before the Gourmet Hunter reaches 10th level as a last resort, however in doing so the Gourmet Hunter will incur additional penalties for using this feature at the GM's own discretion.
Cellular Evolution (Optional)[edit]
Beginning at 10th level, after being pushed to the brink several times, rather than your body undergoing Autophagy, allowing your Appetite Demon to consume you in exchange for power, you instead undergo a drastic evolutionary period, completely altering you as a Gourmet Hunter to become more like your inner demon. Your cellular evolution will allow you to access one of the Cellular Evolution Passive techniques permanently. This choice cannot be changed later.
Beginning at 11th level, you may now use your Itadakimasu feature to create snacks during a short rest. Additionally, you now add your Gourmet Hunter level to the temporary HP given to allies. When consuming a snack using your Itadakimasu feature, you may now consume an additional number of snacks at once up to your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1).
Food Appreciation[edit]
Beginning at 13th level, your gratitude and careful etiquette for food and ingredients have allowed you to gain more from their consumption than ever before. You choose two of the following benefits; however, you cannot gain the same benefit twice unless otherwise specified.
- Learn two secret techniques; these techniques will not count against your number of techniques known. You may choose this twice
- Choose a technique, reduce its Appetite Energy cost by 20 (cannot be lowered below 5), and add two additional die of damage or healing to it. Alternatively, you may also choose to extend the duration of the technique by one stage if it does not deal damage or provide healing. Ex. 1-minute duration->1 Hour duration-> 24-hour duration, etc.
- Increase your maximum Appetite Energy by 25. You may choose this twice.
- Gain the benefits of a single Gourmet Feat of your choice that you meet the requirements for.
- Learn five techniques of your choice that you meet the requirements for.
- Increase your Dexterity, Strength, or Constitution scores by 2. You may instead choose to allocate the 6 total ability score increase to any of the three ability scores stated prior, including wisdom in any fashion of your choosing. However, they still cannot exceed the normal ability score maximum unless otherwise specified.
Food Meditation[edit]
At 14th level, you have achieved a level of serine grace, which allows you to wield your techniques with a new, unmatched fervor and efficiency. If you were to miss any of your techniques that require an attack roll or have a technique otherwise fail when used, you will regain half of the Appetite Energy used for the technique (rounded up).
Food Honor[edit]
Beginning at 15th level, you have undergone specific training in order to master the art of Food Honor, you have learned Food Meditation and the proper posture (bowing) to do so. You gain the following benefits.
- Autophage now gives you one exhaustion every round active instead of two.
- You have advantage on checks to maintain concentration on your techniques and may now concentrate on two at once.
- Gain an additional 20 movement speed and gain an additional reaction.
- When you are using a technique, you may reduce its Appetite Energy cost by 20 but it cannot be reduced lower than 5. You may only use this once per long rest.
- Gain expertise in perception. If you already had expertise, you instead add an additional d4 to all checks involving the skill.
Food Immersion[edit]
Beginning at 18th level, you have learned the secret technique of Food Honor achieved only when a Gourmet Hunter respects and appreciates the food they have eaten even after it enters their body and becomes part of their flesh and blood. Your body now performs at peak performance and at the cost of 10 Appetite Energy per day, you may stave off the effects of hunger or thrust for the whole day. At the cost of 100 Appetite Energy, you may utilize the Food Immersion technique, growing your hair exponentially outward, almost reaching the ground, and allowing it to glow with exuberance as it irradiates an aura. While transformed you gain the following effects:
- Your body weight is multiplied by 7.
- Your movement speed doubles.
- You may move across any surface as if water walk had been cast on you.
- Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increase by +4.
- All techniques that deal damage have two additional die of damage.
- All techniques that heal now have two additional die of healing.
- The cost of all techniques is halved but cannot be lower than 5 Appetite Energy.
- At the beginning of your turn, regain 5 Appetite Energy and 5HP.
- You do not feel the effects of exhaustion.
You may only use this transformation once per seven days. This transformation lasts for 5 minutes, or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. The transformation ends automatically if you are knocked unconscious.
Heavenly Monarch[edit]
Beginning at 20th level, Choose two ability scores between Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom and increase them by +2. If the chosen score(s) was not Strength or Dexterity, also increase the ability score maximum to 22.
Gourmet Techniques[edit]
Basic Techniques
Knocking Techniques
Sight Techniques
Smell Techniques
Touch Techniques
Hearing Techniques
Passive Techniques
Special Techniques
Class Supplements[edit]
Gourmet Feats
Beyond Level 20[edit]
If you wish to further increase your power as a Gourmet Hunter to experience the most the world has to offer, consider the Gourmet God class(placeholder).
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Gourmet Hunter class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength of 13 and Constitution of 13.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Gourmet Hunter class, you gain the following proficiencies: Survival.
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