Goku's Techniques (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Goku's Techniques[edit]

The following is a list of every technique Goku can use. Attack bonuses, DCs, and the maximum number of techniques he can have at a given time should be specified on his page and are not included here. Any listed DCs remain constant across versions. Headers indicate the CR version of Goku that gains a technique, with higher CR versions able to use any techniques available to lower CR versions (unless otherwise stated).

Goku, Pilaf Saga[edit]

Kamehameha (5+ Ki Points)/(Charging). After charging for 2 rounds, every creature in a 60 ft. long, 30 ft. wide line must attempt a Constitution saving throw. If they fail they take 39 (7d10) + twice his Attack bonus radiant damage, but if they succeed they take half damage. He can increase this damage by 13 (2d10) + his Attack bonus, increase its length by 30 ft., and increase its width by 15 ft for every additional ki point spent. Each additional ki point increases its charge time by 1 round.

Stand Ground (1+ Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). Goku takes half as much damage from all sources, but can not willingly move until the beginning of his next turn. Goku may use this as a bonus action for 1 additional ki point.

Sledgehammer (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique echnique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of Goku's next turn. Goku may only make one sledgehammer attack per turn.

Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Scissors! (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of Goku's next turn. Goku may only make one Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Scissors! attack per turn, the DC cannot exceed 18.

Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Paper! (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Goku may only make one Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Paper! attack per turn, the DC cannot exceed 18.

Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Rock! (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or be stunned until the end of Goku's next turn. Goku may only make one Rock Scissors 'N' Paper: Rock! attack per turn, the DC cannot exceed 18.

Power Pole Focus (2 ki points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, one melee weapon Goku is proficient with can benefit from any effect his unarmed strikes would and they can use his dexterity if they didn't already, and their damage counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances, when Goku makes an attack with this weapon he can end this effect early and add a +2 bonus to the attack and damage roll of that attack; otherwise Goku must spend 1 ki point at the beginning of each of his turns to keep this active.

Goku, 21st Tenkaichi[edit]

Afterimage Technique (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, or as a reaction to being targeted by a saving throw or attack roll, Goku moves half his movement speed and forces any creatures that can see him to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, he becomes invisible to them until the start of his next turn, or until he attacks them.

Ki Jump (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Goku jumps up to 30 feet and makes one unarmed strike.

Goku, 22nd Tenkaichi[edit]

Full Power Blow (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, when Goku makes an attack action, he combines two of the attacks he can make into one attack, adding the damage die and half of the modifier to damage from attacks beyond the first, he may add one more attack he can make per additional ki point spent.


Exchange Blows (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot) When an attack roll is made against Goku, he makes an unarmed strike against the attacker.

Goku, King Piccolo Saga[edit]

Ki Sense (0+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a free action, all creatures within his movement speed are detected. Until the end of Goku's turn, creatures that were within the area can not be invisible to him. Additionally, he learns how many ki points and hit points the creature has, as well as its AC. Goku may spend 1 additional ki, increasing its range by his movement speed each time. This can not sense creatures using a Godly Transformation.

Ki Suppression (0+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a free action, bonus action, or reaction on Goku's turn, he may select up to 1/10th of his maximum hit points, ki points, and/or AC. These are put in a "pool" where they can not be accessed by him. He may remove up to up to 1/10th of his maximum hit points, ki points, and/or AC from the pool as a free action, bonus action, or reaction on his turn. Goku may spend ki points to increase the amount added or removed from the pool by the initial amount added or removed per ki point spent.

Flurry of Blows (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action immediately after Goku takes the Attack action on his turn, he makes two unarmed strikes.

Massive Blow (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a Free Action when Goku hits a creature with an unarmed strike, they must succeed a Strength saving throw or be moved up to the damage dealt in feet rounded to the nearest 5. They can only move a maximum of 15 feet for every ki point spent. Anything in the creature's way must make a Dexterity save, or take half the damage the targeted creature took from the massive hit, stopping them from moving further, unless this drops them to 0 hit points.

Ki Barrier (3+ Ki Points). As a bonus action, Goku may create an up to 5-foot ki barrier. All creatures within gain a +6 damage threshold and damage reduction against effects outside the barrier until the end of his next turn. For every 2 additional ki points, he can either increase the damage threshold and reduction by 1 or expand the barrier by 5 feet. By spending 3 more ki points separately from the previous effects, he can further boost the damage reduction by his Ki Attack Modifier. He can extend the barrier's duration to the end of his next turn each turn by spending half the initial cost and his bonus action.


Ki Barrier Reaction (Part of Ki Barrier). As a reaction for 3 additional Ki Points, Goku uses Ki barrier.

Goku, 23rd Tenkaichi[edit]

Flight (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Goku gains a flying speed equal to his movement speed.

Ki Blast (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Goku's unarmed strikes have their reach increased by his movement speed. until the end of his turn. He may spend 1 additional ki point to use this as a free action.

Powering Up (Cost 2 ki point/Supplementary Transformation). As a bonus Action, Goku gains the following: Goku receives 3 points to increase any of his Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores in any way. his aura radiates bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet. he can not use Ki Suppression. He must spend 1 ki point at the end of each of his turns to maintain this form.

Solar Flare (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). Every creature that is not blinded within 45 feet facing Goku must succeed a Wisdom or Dexterity save. On a failure, they are blinded and stunned until the end of their next turn.

Perfect Dodge (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, Goku takes the dodge action.

Ki-Enhanced Movement (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot) As a bonus action, Goku takes the disengage action or dash action, and his jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Ki Infused Strike (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot) Once per turn when Goku hits with an unarmed strike, he may spend 1 ki point to roll one more of the attack's damage, adding the rolls together and dealing an equal amount of damage. If the target hasn't taken a turn since rolling for initiative, he does not need to spend ki.

Binding Strike (3 Ki Points). When Goku uses a technique that deals force damage, on an attack roll hit/saving throw failure, instead of taking damage, a target that is his size category or smaller is moved anywhere within 5 ft. of him. If the target has a greater size category than him, he may move anywhere within 5 ft. of it.

Goku, Saiyan Saga[edit]

Telepathy (1 Ki Point per creature)/(Must have Ki Sense)/(Half Technique Slot) As a free action or as part of using Ki Sense, Goku creates a telepathic connection with any creature within his Ki Sense range until the end of his next turn. He and this creature may speak telepathically as long as they share a language, he can maintain this connection by spending a ki point when it would end to extend it to the end of his next turn.

Advanced Telepathy (4 Ki Points)/(Must have Telepathy)/(Half Technique Slot) When Goku uses Telepathy, any creature of his choice that is touching him may communicate telepathically with creatures he has a telepathic connection with, alternatively, as a bonus action, Goku you may attempt to learn the surface thoughts of a creature he can speak with through telepathy, or as an action by touching the head of a creature see 10 minutes worth of their memory of events that happened no more than 72 hours prior, if the creature is unwilling they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw to resist this effect, if they have an intelligence score of 6 or lower cannot be willing and have a +10 bonus to their saving throw, and if they have an intelligence score of 3 or lower they are unaffected.

Ki Dash (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique Slot). As a Lengthy Action, Goku moves forwards at six times his movement speed, passing through creatures' spaces without additional movement speed cost, with opportunity attacks against him having disadvantage until the end of his turn.

Spirit Bomb (Charging). Goku begins charging (to a maximum of his Charisma rounds) a blue sphere of energy gathered from the life around him. When launched, all creatures within a 10 ft. radius up to 40 ft. from him must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 9 (2d8) + his Attack bonus force damage. On a success, they take half as much damage and they may deflect it to another point within its range, targeting the creatures in the new spot with the remaining damage. Evil creatures have disadvantage on this saving throw, while Good creatures have advantage.

Goku has disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain a Spirit Bomb if he is in a Transformation that restricts using certain Techniques.

For every round spent charging the bomb, it gains 9 (2d8) + his Attack bonus force damage, its range by 10 ft., and its radius increases by 5 ft.

Willing creatures or creatures controlled by Goku within the same plane of existence may contribute power to the bomb by spending one hitdie as an action. The bomb's damage increases by 1, its range by 5 ft., and its radius by 2.5 ft per each 5 hitdie received, a number of times up to Goku's Charisma times the rounds charged, any increases gained that are above this limit come into effect in subsequent rounds.

Kaioken (5 maximum hit points per level of kaioken). As a bonus action, Goku grants himself a number of levels of kaioken up to half his CR, gaining the following benefits:

  • His Strength and Dexterity increase by +1 per level of kaioken.
  • His movement speed is increased by 5 feet per level of Kaioken and an extra 5 feet every other level.
  • His DCs, attack, damage bonuses increase by +1 and damage threshold increases by +2 per two levels of kaioken.
  • At the end of each of his turns, he loses 10 maximum hit points per level of kaioken.
  • The number of maximum hit points Goku loses from kaioken is multiplied by 10 while he is in a transformation that restricts use of one or more techniques.
  • The number of maximum hit points Goku loses from kaioken is multiplied by 10 if he grants himself levels which exceed his constitution modifier.

Goku, Namek Saga[edit]

Kiai (1+ Ki Points)/(Must have Ki sense) each creature within 10 feet must make a Strength saving throw or take 1d8 force damage and be pushed to the edge of this technique’s range. For every 2 ki points up to Goku's Ki sense range added, 1d8 damage and 10 feet is added to the affected radius.

Kiai Blast (1+ Ki Points)/(Part of Kiai) When Goku makes an attack with Ki blast, he may cause the ki blast's range to turn into a line and force creatures within the line to make a Strength saving throw, taking Kiai's damage + his strength modifier and be pushed back half the distance Kiai would do.


Kiai Burst (5+ Ki Points)/(Part of Kiai) As a reaction to being targeted by an attack Goku may use Kiai, causing the attack it may be made in response to, to miss in addition to its normal effects, and causing Kiai to deal half as much damage as it normally would.

Goku, Super Saiyan[edit]

Super Saiyan (1 Ki Point). As an action, Goku's Strength, Dexterity, and his Constitution scores increase by +4, his AC increases by +4, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +2 and damage threshold by +4, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by 2, and his movement speed by 10 feet, his aura radiates bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet. Goku can't use Ki Suppression and must spend 1 Ki Point at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Kamehameha/Ki Burst (5 Ki Points). When Goku uses a Technique that deals damage that does not require charging, including Ki Blast, or when he begins charging a Technique that does require charging, he may instead gathers its ki quickly in a single hand. Additionally, If it did not require charging and was an action, he may use it as a bonus action or reaction. If it did require charging, he may make 1 bonus action or reaction on each of his turns without needing to make a concentration check.

Goku, Android Saga[edit]

Instant Transmission (1+ Ki Point). As a bonus action, Goku teleports to an open space within 5 ft. of a creature he can detect using Ki Sense. He can spend an additional ki point for each willing creature that he is touching to teleport them with him. If a creature is unwilling, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a success, they are not teleported. On a failure, they are teleported as normal.

Goku, Cell Games[edit]

Mastered Super Saiyan (1 Ki Point)/(Counts as 2.5 techniques, Replaces Super Saiyan). As an action, Goku's Strength and Dexterity scores increase by +6, and his Constitution score increase by +4, his AC increases by +6, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +3 and damage threshold by +6, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by 2, and his movement speed by 15 feet, his aura radiates bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet.

As a bonus action or when Goku transforms into this form, he may reduce the bonus to his Strength,Dexterity and/or Constitution by 2 and may redistribute the total points anywhere in his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution scores, the bonuses can't be reduced below 4.

Goku, Buu Saga[edit]

Super Saiyan 2 (2 Ki Points). As an action for 2 additional ki points, or as a bonus action while Super Saiyan is active, he gains this in addition to the benefits of Super Saiyan: Goku's Strength, his Dexterity, Constitution scores increase further by +4, his AC increases by +4, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +2 and damage threshold by +4, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by 2, and his movement speed by 10 feet, his aura now radiates bright light for 20 feet and dim light for another 20 feet. Goku can't use Ki Suppression and must spend 2 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Saiyan 3 (5 Ki Points). As an action while Super Saiyan is active, or as a bonus action while Super Saiyan 2 is active, he gains this in addition to the benefits of Super Saiyan 2: Goku's Strength, his Dexterity, Constitution scores increase further by +4, his AC increases by +4, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +2 and damage threshold by +4, and his movement speed by 10 feet, his aura now radiates bright light for 30 feet and dim light for another 30 feet. Goku can't use Ki Suppression, Ki Charge grants half as many Ki Points, and he must spend 5 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Goku, GT[edit]

No other versions of Goku beside Goku, End of GT have access to these techniques.

Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (5 Ki Points)/(Counts as 2.5 techniques, Replaces Super Saiyan 3). As an action while Super Saiyan is active, or as a bonus action while Super Saiyan 2 is active, he gains this in addition to the benefits of Super Saiyan 2: Goku's Strength and Dexterity increase further by +6, his AC increases by +6, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +3 and damage threshold by +6, and his movement speed by 15 feet, his aura now radiates bright light for 30 feet and dim light for another 30 feet. Goku must spend 3 Ki points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

As a bonus action or when Goku transforms into this form, he may reduce the bonus to his Strength and/or Dexterity by 2 and may redistribute the total points anywhere in his Strength or Dexterity scores, the bonuses inferred by Super Saiyan 3 can't be reduced below 4.

Super Saiyan 4 (7 Ki Points). As an action for 2 additional ki points, or as a bonus action while Super Saiyan is active, he gains this in addition to the benefits of Super Saiyan 3: Goku's Strength and Dexterity increase further by +2 and his Constitution score increases further by +6, his AC increases by +2, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +1 and damage threshold by +2, his maximum and current hit points increase by thrice his CR, his maximum ki points by 3, and his movement speed by 5 feet, his aura now radiates bright light for 40 feet and dim light for another 40 feet. Goku can't use Ki Suppression and must spend 2 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Full Power Saiyan 4 (5 Ki Points). As a bonus action while Super Saiyan 4 is active Goku gains the following:

  • He gains a pool of points, equal to his current ki points (maximum of 36). When he makes an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, he can add any amount of points from this pool before other modifiers, so long as it does not bring the result beyond 18. This pool resets at the start of Goku's turn.
  • He sheds bright light for 10 ft., and dim light for an additional 10 ft.
  • He must spend 3 ki points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Dragon Fist (3+ Ki Points). Goku moves up to his movement speed, forcing all creatures of his choosing within 5 feet of him to attempt a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. At the end of this movement, he makes one melee attack with advantage. On a hit, the target takes the attack's damage and moves 10 feet away from him. For every additional ki point spent, Goku deals 1 additional die of damage, moves 20 additional feet, and moves the target 10 additional feet.

Goku, End of GT[edit]

No other versions of Goku have access to these techniques.

Mysterious Change (10 Ki Points)/(Counts as 3 Techniques). As an action while Goku is not in any Super Saiyan form, Goku's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores increase by +24 his AC increases by +24, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +12 and damage threshold by +24, his maximum and current hit points increase by twelve times his CR, his maximum ki points by 12, and his movement speed by 60 feet. Goku knows the Ki Points, hit points, AC, and location of every creature within an amount of feet equal to his movement speed multiplied by his ki point maximum as if by Ki Sense, and must spend 10 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Goku, God[edit]

Super Saiyan God (10 Ki Points). As an action, Goku chooses whether his Strength or Dexterity increases by +24 while the other increases by +8 and his Constitution increases by +24, his AC increases by +16, his maximum and current hit points increase by twelve times his CR, and his maximum ki points by 12, if Dexterity was chosen, his attack, damage bonuses and DCs increase by +12, his movement speed by 60 feet and his Damage Threshold by +8, while if Strength was chosen, his movement speed increases by 20 feet and his Damage Threshold by +24 instead, he is immune to Ki Sense by creatures without a Godly or higher transformation, and he regains hit points equal to half his Constitution modifier at the end of each of his turns. Goku must spend 8 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

As an action, Goku may switch which stat between Strength and Dexterity benefits from the +24 and the other a +8.

God Bind (4 Ki Points). As an action, Goku focuses his divine powers on one creature within 45 ft., forcing them to succeed a Strength saving throw or become paralyzed until the end of their next turn. Goku may only use this while he's in Super Saiyan God or any other form obtained after this version of Goku.

Goku, Blue[edit]

This version of Goku and any versions after consider Mastered Super Saiyan as 3 Techniques rather than 2.5.

Ki Transfer (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot, Must have Ki Sense) As an action, Goku can transfer any amount of ki points that he currently has to a creature within his Ki Sense range. The ki points or other resources transferred cannot push that creature over their maximum amount for that resource.

Super Saiyan Blue (1 Ki Point)/(Counts as Super Saiyan God and Mastered Super Saiyan). As an action while Goku is in Super Saiyan God, he gains this in addition to the effects of Super Saiyan God: Goku's Strength and Dexterity increase further by +6 while his Constitution score increases further by +4, his AC increases by +6, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +3 and damage threshold by +6, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by 2, and his movement speed by 15 feet and his aura radiates bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet.

As an action, Goku may switch which stat between Strength and Dexterity benefits from the +24 and the other a +8.

As a bonus action or when Goku transforms into this form, he may reduce the bonus to his Strength,Dexterity and/or Constitution by 2 and may redistribute the total points anywhere in his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution scores, the bonuses inferred by Super Saiyan can't be reduced below 4.

Goku Black[edit]

No other versions of Goku have access to the following techniques:

God Base (10 Ki Points)/(Replaces Super Saiyan God/Counts as 3 techniques). As an action, Goku black gains the following: Goku Black's Strength and Dexterity increase by +20 while his Constitution score increases further by +18, his AC increases by +20, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +10 and damage threshold by +20, his maximum and current hit points increase by nine times his CR, his maximum ki points by 9, and his movement speed by 50 feet, he is immune to Ki Sense by creatures without a Godly Transformation, and he gains the Regeneration technique even if he does not have it prepared, when he uses the Regeneration technique it costs half as much and he may increase one ability score increased by this transformation by +2 a number of times equal to his wisdom modifier (minimum of 1, maximum of 5) for the duration of this transformation. Goku Black must spend 4 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect.

Super Saiyan Rosé (1 Ki Point)/(Replaces Super Saiyan Blue/Counts as God Base and Mastered Super Saiyan). As an action while Goku Black is in God Base, he gains this in addition to the effects of God Base: Goku Black's Strength and Dexterity increase further by +6 while his Constitution score increases further by +4, his AC increases by +6, his DCs, attack, damage bonuses by +3 and damage threshold by +6, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by 2, and his movement speed by 15 feet and his aura radiates bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet.

As a bonus action or when Goku Black transforms into this form, he may reduce the bonus to his Strength,Dexterity and/or Constitution by 2 and may redistribute the total points anywhere in his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution scores, the bonuses inferred by Super Saiyan can't be reduced below 4.

Regeneration (5 Ki Points). As a reaction when Goku Black is reduced to 0 hit points, he may make an unarmed strike against himself. This attack deals no damage and he regains hit points equal to the damage he would have taken.

God Split Cut (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique Slot). As a free action, Goku Black may create any melee weapon which he is proficient with for an amount of ki equal to half its average damage, he may change its damage type to force, may use his unarmed damage die, and cannot be disarmed of it, this weapon dissipates after 1 minute.

Fierce God Slicer (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique Slot). As part of an unarmed strike or an attack with God Split Cut, Goku Black can spend 1 ki point to increase the attack’s reach by an additional 10 feet. And can add another 5 feet to the reach for every ki point over the first that he spends.

Sickle of Sorrow (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique Slot). As a bonus action, one melee weapon Goku Black is proficient with and is wielding can benefit from any effect his unarmed strikes would, and their damage counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks. In addition, he can end this effect early by granting one attack and damage roll he makes with that melee weapon to gain a +2 bonus. Goku Black must spend 1 ki point at the beginning of each of his turns to keep this effect active.

Ki-Infused Slash (1+ Ki Points)/(Must have Sickle of Sorrow) As a free action, or reaction, when Goku Black hits with a weapon benefitting from Sickle of Sorrow, he can spend up to 4 ki points to increase his damage roll by twice the amount spent.

Divine Lasso (5+ Ki Points)/(Charging). After charging for 1.5 rounds, Goku Black moves up to twice his movement speed before taking the Attack action. These attacks have advantage, and their critical threshold increases by +2 (20 > 18-20 > 16-20, etc.), and he adds damage to each of these attacks equal to his Ki Attack Modifier divided by the number of attacks.

Goku, Blue Kaioken[edit]

Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken (5 maximum hit points per level of Kaioken)/(Counts as 2 Techniques) As a bonus action while Super Saiyan Blue is active, Goku grants himself any number of levels of kaioken up to half his CR, gaining the following benefits in addition to the effects of Super Saiyan Blue:

  • Goku's Strength and Dexterity increase by +1 per level of kaioken.
  • His movement speed is increased by 5 feet per level of Kaioken and an extra 5 feet every other level.
  • His DCs, attack, damage bonuses increase by +1 and damage threshold increases by +2 per two levels of kaioken.
  • At the end of each of his turns, he loses 10 maximum hit points per level of kaioken.
  • The number of maximum hit points Goku loses from kaioken is multiplied by 10 if he grants himself levels which exceed his constitution modifier.

Goku, Ultra Instinct[edit]

Ultra Instinct Sign (10 Ki Points)/(Mastered Super Saiyan included with Ultimate Power). As an action, Goku's Strength increases by +6, his Dexterity increases by +36 and his Constitution by +4, his AC increases by 21, his DCs, attack and damage bonuses increase by +18, his maximum and current hit points increase by twice his CR, his maximum ki points by +2 and damage threshold by +4, and his movement speed by 90 feet, once per turn at will, and as a reaction for 1 ki, he can add half his Dexterity modifier again to any d20 roll using his Dexterity modifier (except attack clashes) or to his AC against one attack and his aura radiates dim light for 10 feet and bright light for another 10 feet. Goku must spend 8 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect. As a bonus action or when Goku transforms into this form, he may reduce the bonus to his Strength,Dexterity and/or Constitution by 2 and redistribute the total points anywhere in his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution scores, the bonuses can't be reduced below 4, or by more than two.

Ultra Instinct (10 Ki Points)/(Concentration). As an action while Ultra Instinct Sign is active, Goku gains this in addition to the benefits of Ultra Instinct Sign: Goku's Dexterity increases further by +32 and his Constitution score increases by +26, his AC, DCs, attack and damage bonuses increase by +16 and his maximum and current hit points increase by thirteen times his CR, his maximum ki points by 13, and his movement speed by 80 feet, Goku may use afterimage without using any action once on each turn (not round) even if he doesn't currently have it in his list. Goku must spend 8 Ki Points at the end of each of his turns to maintain this effect, and if he loses concentration he takes 250 necrotic damage and all active Transformations are deactivated..

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