Player Equivalent CR (5e Variant Rule)

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Player Equivalent CR[edit]

Anyone could tell you that 5e's CR is a little broken. With this variant rule, all creatures are built from the ground up as player characters. This variant rule is intended to replace 5e's base CR, and thus is not readily applicable to every campaign.

The following tables act as a guideline of what PECR creatures should have based on the number of hostile creatures compared to friendly player characters for a medium-difficulty encounter.

0.5 ¼ as Many Creature
Creature PECR Party Level
4 1
5 2
6 2
7 3
8 3
9 4
10 4
11 4
12 5
13 5
14 6
15 6
16 7
17 7
18 8
19 8
20 9
0.5 ½ as Many Creature
Creature PECR Party Level
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 5
10 5
11 6
12 6
13 7
14 7
15 8
16 8
17 9
18 9
19 10
20 11
Equal Number of Creatures
Creature PECR Party Level
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20

PECR Offset[edit]

Boons, items, and features added outside of the standard leveling process might significantly affect how strong a certain creature is. This increase in power is represented through PECR offset, which increases the creature's PECR without affecting its proficiency bonus or hit points. Use the following guidelines to determine a creature's PECR offset (if something doesn't majorly affect the creature's ability to fight, it can probably be omitted):

  • Uncommon Magic Item: +1 PECR
  • Rare Magic Item: +2 PECR
  • Very Rare Magic Item: +3 PECR
  • Legendary Magic Item: +5 PECR
  • Additional Feature: +1-3 PECR
  • Ability Score Improvement: +1 PECR
  • Extra Attack: +2 PECR
  • Boon: +0-+6 PECR

PECR Creatures[edit]

Below is an overview of non-setting specific creatures using this variant rule.

Name CR Speed Size Type Alignment
Small Beast 1 40 ft. Small beast unaligned
Tiny Beast 1 30 ft. Tiny beast unaligned
Bandit, Variant 2 30 ft. Medium humanoid any non-lawful alignment
Medium Beast 2 30 ft. Medium beast unaligned
Soldier, Variant 3 30 ft. Medium humanoid any lawful alignment
Large Beast 3 40 ft. Large beast unaligned
Thief, Variant 3 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment

Huge Beast 5 40 ft. Huge beast unaligned

Gargantuan Beast 10 45 ft. Gargantuan beast unaligned

Assassin, Variant 12 30 ft. Medium humanoid any non-good alignment

Champion, Variant 20 30 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment
Knight of the Round Table 20 30 ft. Medium humanoid lawful good
Commoner, Variant 0 30 ft. Medium humanoid any alignment

Derivative PECR Creatures[edit]

Name CR Speed Size Type Alignment
Aroma Bat (JJBA Supplement) 2 15 ft., fly 15 ft. Tiny monstrosity unaligned
Baoh Parasite (JJBA Supplement) 2 15 ft., climb 15 ft. Tiny monstrosity unaligned
Goro Majima 13 45 ft. Medium humanoid chaotic neutral
Goro Majima, Young 11 30 ft. Medium humanoid chaotic good
Kiryu Kazuma 14 30 ft. Medium humanoid neutral good
Kiryu Kazuma, Young 12 30 ft. Medium humanoid neutral good
Martin (JJBA Supplement) 5 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Large monstrosity chaotic evil
Mr. Shakedown 14 15 ft. Large humanoid any non-good alignment
Sap Spider (JJBA Supplement) 4 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Medium monstrosity unaligned

Incomplete PECR Creatures[edit]

Name CR Speed Size Type Alignment

Additional Optional Rules[edit]

Alternate Character Creation

When creating a character, you may forgo a player may forgo choosing a race, class, and background to instead choose a PECR creature with a disclaimer not listing a background or class with a CR equal to the level the character would have been to be your character. If this character gains a level, you must multiclass.

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