Mist Shinobi (Shinobi World Supplement)

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The Hidden Mist Village, located within the Land of Water, is known for its incredibly talented assassins and architectural advancements, even before the technological explosion after the Fourth Shinobi World War. Prior to the Fifth Mizukage's era, it was also known as the Blood Mist Village due to the requirement of all Mist academy students to kill a number of their classmates to graduate.

Mist Village Genin[edit]

Name CR
Hassaku 10
Hebiichigo 9
Ichirota 10
Kamariki 5
Kyoho 11
Makinami 4
Ranmaru 3
Sazanami 3
Takanami 5
Tsurushi 4

Mist Village Chunin[edit]

Name CR
Buntan 14
Demon Brothers 10
Juzo Biwa 15
Kagura 16
Kajika 9
Shizuma 17
Suigetsu 15

Mist Village Jonin[edit]

Name CR
Ameyuri Ringo 20
Ao 16
Ao, Boruto 16
Chojuro 17
En Oyashiro 17
Gengo 13
Haku 17
Jinin Akebino 19
Jinpachi Munashi 16
Kahyo 15
Karyu 13
Kushimaru Kuriarare 16
Mangetsu 20
Nowaki 14
Rahyo 13
Raiga Kurosuki 18
Utakata 16
Zabuza Momochi 17

Mist Village Kage[edit]

Name CR
Byakuren 18
Chino 20
Chojuro, Boruto 23
Fuguki Suikazan 22
Gengetsu 18
Kisame Hoshigaki 22
Mei 20
Third Mizukage 18
Yagura 19

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