Fanmade Resurrección Types (Soul Society Supplement)

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Fanmade Resurrección Types[edit]

This is where all the non-official Resurreccións will be listed, so you may put any kind of Resurreccións here. Most of these are not made by the original creator of the class, so don't expect for them to be constantly monitored or changed.

Resurrección Creation Guide[edit]

This guide will aid you in creating a Resurrección that's fit for the supplement.


When creating your Resurrección, think about what is it based on. Is it based on a animal? Perhaps a concept? A monstrosity? Whatever it is based on, that concept will be where the form you take and your powers come from.

It is of great importance you know what is your concept from the start, since it makes the rest of the Resurrección's creation easier.

However, always remember your Resurrección is supposed to represent you going back to your hollow form. So it is recommended you create something based on what kind of hollow you were before becoming an arrancar.

Zanpakuto Release

When creating the first feature of your Resurrección, remember that it's name will always be it's release word. For example, if your release word is "explode", the name of the 10th level feature would be explode.

The fluff must describe what kind of changes your Resurrección does on your body (add an image if possible). You must also describe what happens to your zanpakuto. You must say if it merges with you, if it gets stronger, if it changes form, or if it remains the same.

Resurrección Features

Your Resurrección gains two features at 10th level. These features can be a variety of things, to a new technique, a boost to speed, increase in size, etc.

One of the features describe how the Resurrección changes your body, describing any detriments or benefits that you gain. These benefits are nothing major, just things like enhanced speed, advantage on saving throws and ability checks, etc.

The other feature generally involves describing what happens with your Zanpakuto and what properties it gains. However, it can also be used to describe a new technique you may only use while in Resurrección.

It is recommended to follow the following rules for a balanced Resurrección:

  • Never give a melee or ranged damage buff that's stronger than your Resurrección techniques.
  • Never give more than one Unique Mutation.
  • Never give a score boost in your Resurrección.
  • Never give more than one spiritual feat to your Resurrección.
  • Never give a background feat in your Resurrección.
  • Never give them attacks that deal more than 100d12 damage.
Resurrección Improvement

The 15th level feature of a Resurrección grants the Resurrección up to two additional features, granting them up to two. They follow the same rules as before, being stronger than the other features.

You may choose to simply grant your Resurrección a passive at 15th level, granting benefits to the previous features.

Beyond Resurrección

Beyond Resurrección is the 20th level feature of your Resurrección. This is the easiest part of making a Resurrección, as you only need to copy the 10th and 15th level features and increase their power. For example, a feature that increased your speed by 10 times your Wisdom modifier would now increase it by 15 times your Wisdom modifier.

Original Resurrección Types[edit]

Support Resurrección[edit]


When you release your Zanpakuto, you gain white armored gauntlets around both your arms, tapering up to your hands where they end off with scythes jutting over both middle fingers. Your eyes widen and turn a shining yellow, no longer needing to blink. You also gain a bushy, prehensile all white tail that is nearly as long as your entire body.


At level 10, your power comes from the cursed knocking of the Aye-Aye, gaining the following abilities:

Toque de Muerte Your Zanpakuto merges with your forearm, ending in scythe like blades on your middle fingers. You can attack with them, dealing your Zanpakuto's damage die in piercing damage on hit. As part of the attack action, you can force the target to make a Constitution Saving throw and becoming Cursed by the user on a failure or no effect on a successful save. A Cursed target gains the following effects:

You deal an additional die of Necrotic Damage to the target The target gains disadvantage in one ability stat of your choice. You add your Wisdom modifier an additional time when making checks to track the target

These effects last for up to a minute and you can only have one person Cursed at a time. This is also a concentration like effect

Cancion The rhythmic tapping of your elongated finger/scythes are potent enough to find anything. You gain the Pequisa mutation if you did not have it before, extending the sensory range by 1.5x in addition to gaining blindsight to 120ft as long as you can use your claws to tap on a surface. You also become resistant to Thunder Damage.

Death Calls For You

At Level 15, cursing those who hear your knocking becomes second nature.

Hechizo de Muerte Your ability to curse others has gotten deeper into their psyche. A creature cursed by Torque de Muerte gain the following effects:

Your critical hit range is reduced by one (20-19 or 20 etc) on that creature If the creature dies while Cursed, you regain Hit Points equal to your Arrancar Level + Wisdom modifer. You deal another die of Necrotic Damage to the target.

You also now can have 2 targets cursed at a single time and the curse's time is extended to 1 hour.

Vibración Your knocking has now grown strong enough to cause damaging shockwaves. For 10 Reiatsu, you can tap a surface or creature. Each target in a 30ft foot circle around you makes a Consitution saving throw. On a failure, they take xd6 +5 times your Wisdom modifier Thunder damage(with x being your Wisdom modifier) and are Frightened for up to a minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not Frightened. The can repeat the save at the end of their turn, ending the Frightened Condition on a success.

Beyond Resurrección

You have completely mastered Agonía. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your Resurrección:

Mensajero de la Muerte Your curse has now been perfected, gaining the following effects: Your Curse is no longer concentration* You automatically know where the cursed target is as long as you both are on the same plane. You deal an additional damage die of Necrotic damage to a Cursed target Critical Hit range is reduced by another step

Vibración de Muerte You intensify the vibrations inside of a living creature in order to cause immense internal damage. For 10 Reiatsu, you can force a target that is Cursed by you to make an a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failure, they take 10d10+Wisdom modifier Necrotic damage and only restore half Hit Points from all sources for an hour. On a success they only take half damage and no additional effects.

Offence Resurrección[edit]

Inspiration Based Resurrección Types[edit]

Support Resurrección[edit]

Offence Resurrección[edit]

Resurrección Types Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Support Resurreccións[edit]

Offence Resurreccións[edit]


When you release your ressureción, you gain energy like wings shaped like the wings of a phoenix on your back.


At 10th level, your ressureción draws power from a vampiric phoenix, granting you immense powers.

Alas de Fénix. Your ressureción improves your body and grants you phoenix-like abilities. Your walking speed increases by 10 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Additionally, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed thanks to your energy formed-wings.

Alma Sin Fronteras. Your resurrección has granted you limitless potential. You gain the Spirit Siphon mutation while in and outside your resurrección. Additionally, while your resurrección is active, you instead gain ½ their reiryoku maximum and you add it to yours and when you gain Vampiric Exploits, you gain ¼ of their hit point maximum while your resurrección is active.

Luz Cortante. Once per turn for 5 Reiryoku, you can create a saber of energy, or up to two at 15th level (no action required), which you are then wielding. These Sabers work exactly like normal Sabers, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength, for their attack and damage rolls and they deal your zanpakuto damage dice in magical slashing damage on a hit if it is swung around or magical piercing on a hit if it is stabbed into a person. These Sabers have a reach of 10ft and you may spend reiryoku up to your proficiency bonus to increase the reach by 10ft for every reiryoku spent.

Ascenso Ígneo

At 15th level, the power of a phoenix remains unmatched by an individual across the lands.

Estrella Cruzada. Once per turn for 10 Reiryoku, you can create a lance of energy, (no action required). You cannot create this lance while you have at least one Saber from Luz Cortante, nor can you hold a saber from Luz Cortante while you have this lance. This spear works exactly like a normal lance without the disadvantage, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of strength, for its attack and damage rolls, and it deals twice your zanpakuto damage dice in magical force damage on a hit. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack from this weapon, it is killed outright, as its wound disintegrates part of its body fatally.

As an action for 10 Reiryoku while holding the lance, you can throw the lance at a creature within 600 feet of you, causing it and every creature within a 120 foot radius sphere centered on it to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take xd10+150 force damage (with the first x being your Wisdom modifier added twice).

This attack deals maximum damage against objects and structures.

Renacer Ígneo. You gain the Supreme Regeneration mutation while in your Resurrección however it heals 30 hit points instead of 20. If you already have this mutation, it heals 40 hit points instead of 30.

Beyond Ressurreción

You have completely mastered Fénix. You now gain the following benefits once you enter your ressureción state:

Alas de Fénix. Your ressureción improves your body and grants you phoenix-like abilities. Your walking speed increases by 20 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Additionally, you gain flying speed equal to your walking speed thanks to your energy formed-wings.

Alma Sin Fronteras. Your resurrección has granted you limitless potential. You gain the Spirit Siphon mutation while in and outside your resurrección. Additionally, while your resurrección is active, you instead gain ½ their reiryoku maximum and you add it to yours and when you gain Vampiric Exploits, you gain ½ of their hit point maximum while your resurrección is active.

Luz Cortante. Once per turn for 5 Reiryoku, you can create a saber of energy, or up to two at 15th level (no action required), which you are then wielding. These Sabers work exactly like normal Sabers, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength, for their attack and damage rolls and they deal your zanpakuto damage dice added twice in magical slashing damage on a hit if it is swung around or magical piercing on a hit if it is stabbed into a person. These Sabers have a reach of 10ft and you may spend reiryoku up to your proficiency bonus to increase the reach by 10ft for every reiryoku spent.

Renacer Ígneo. You gain the Supreme Regeneration mutation while in your Resurrección however it heals 40 hit points instead of 30. If you already have this mutation, it heals 50 hit points instead of 40.

Estrella Cruzada. Once per turn for 10 Reiryoku, you can create a lance of energy, (no action required). You cannot create this lance while you have at least one Saber from Luz Cortante, nor can you hold a saber from Luz Cortante while you have this lance. This spear works exactly like a normal lance without the disadvantage, however you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of strength, for its attack and damage rolls, and it deals thrice your zanpakuto damage dice in magical force damage on a hit. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack from this weapon, it is killed outright, as its wound disintegrates part of its body fatally.

As an action for 10 Reiryoku while holding the lance, you can throw the lance at a creature within 600 feet of you, causing it and every creature within a 120 foot radius sphere centered on it to make an Evasive Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, they take xd10+200 force damage (with the first x being your Wisdom modifier added twice).

This attack deals maximum damage against objects and structure.

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