Fruit of the Tree (5e Spell)

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Fruit of the First Tree

Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

Fruit of the Tree
10th-level Necromancy
Casting time: 12 days
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (six droplets of spit or six droplets of blood of a deity, 100 cubic meters of holy water, and the corpse of a titan, all of which is consumed by the tree's groth)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casters: 6

Six casters let fall their droplets on the titan's corpse, and a titanic tree begins sprouting. It requires the holy water to grow, which continues over the course of the spell's casting.

Once finished, the tree is near one hundred feet tall and has a radius of 20 feet. The titan's corpse is eaten to fuel its growth. The Tree can speak and has a soul. If you used spit, it is a newborn soul. If you used blood, it possesses the soul of the titan.

The tree bears six fruits immediately, and six again at this time each year. the fruits have an effect when eaten depending on the domain of the dity. Below are some examples. The DM is encouraged to 'go big'.

Life. You regain 100 hit-points and restore any injuries at the start of each of your turns.

Knowledge. You know all existing knowledge relevant to an Intelligence skill of your choice.

Light. You immediately gain the faithful service of a solar (from the Monster Manual page 18).

If the tree is destroyed, whoever ate the fruit loses its benefits and is cursed with an opposite effect.

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