5e Rogue Classes
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Rogue classes tend to have themes focused on being stealthy, using deceit, and being highly skilled.
Rogue Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Arcane Assassin | They are sneaky warriors, who use magical daggers and spells to assist in their fights. | half | 8 |
Blade of Darkness | Assassins capable of manipulating the darkness itself, both to conceal their presence and to slay their targets. | 8 | |
Blade Parior | others are unrivaled by your speed and power | 8 | |
Blood Assassin | An assassin who uses blood magic to control and slay its targets. | 8 | |
Brood Kin | Fey experiments cursed to be part vile insect. | 8 | |
Con Artist | A con artist is to social interactions as a barbarian is to combat. A largely non-violent class who uses their charm and panache to get through life. | 6 | |
Ethereal Assassin | Gifted by the deities, the ethereal assassin is able to use his ethereal powers to be a master assassin or marksman. | 8 | |
Fighter, Alternative Variant | fighters switched with rogues | 10 | |
Fighter, Switched Variant | fighters switched with rogues | 10 | |
Fighter, Switched Variant 1 | fighters switched with rogues | 10 | |
Glitch | A person able to see the world as code, and distort it at will. | 6 | |
Hacker Rogue | An ultra-basic stealthy rogue class | 8 | |
Infiltrator | Next to you, a shadow on the wall, inside your head. Infiltrators excel at hiding and at revealing anything which is hidden. | 8 | |
Infiltrator, Variant | 8 | ||
Masked Assassin | 8 | ||
Masked Assassin, Variant | 8 | ||
Master Thief | A criminal mastermind, devoted to the art of thievery, using cunning and agility to better their opponents. | 8 | |
Night Stalker | A Stealthy Warrior Who Moves Through The Underside Of The City. | 8 | |
Phantom | Looming in the darkness, the Phantom hunts its prey and prepares to kill. | 8 | |
Reaper of Souls, Variant | 1d4 | ||
Rogue, Alternative Variant | Rouge switch with strength focus fighter. | 8 | |
Secret Agent | A secret operative with charisma and daring. | 8 | |
Shadow Rogue | This is a variant of the rogue core class, meant to be used with the rogue subclasses. | 8 | |
Shadow Walker II | A warrior that uses their internal shadow to cast spells. | 8 | |
Spellthief | A thief who grew up using card tricks to get ahead in life. Infuses cards with magic. | 8 | |
Stalker | Hidden in the shadows, the Stalker watches, waiting for the right moment to strike. | 10 | |
Terror, Variant | The master of shados and fear. Incarnation of nightmeres. | 1d8 | |
Universe Hopping Rogue-Like | Rogue Like Universe hopper who picked up new skills on their travels. | 10 | |
Vandar | A fighter who uses both weapons and magic. | 10 |
Rogue Mashup Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Agitator | A spellcaster whose main goal is to rile up those around them. | full | 8 |
Bandit | Don't see any problem with relieving people of their gold. | 1d10 | |
Belly Dancer | An agile, stealthy fighter who prefers the shadows to confrontation. | 8 | |
Corsair | The corsair is a vicious pirate under the service of a patron, deadly and intimidating, capable of shooting or cutting an enemy's head clear off without hesitation. Not for the faint of heart. | 10 | |
Deceiver | Deceivers are masters of deceptions, individuals that can bend through the mundane senses. Their charm can have even the most intelligent and wise adventurers second guess their intuitions. | half | 8 |
Deceiver, 2nd Variant | 8 | ||
Deceiver, Variant | 8 | ||
Detective | An inquirer of mysteries and seeker of justice. | 10 | |
Divine Hunter | A warrior focused on the destruction of unholy creatures in devotion to a deity or other powerful being. | half | 10 |
Dragonhunter | A warrior specialized in slaying dragons. | third | 10 |
Elocationer | Melee glass cannon that won't stay down. | 4 | |
Frogsoul | An ordinary humanoid with a soul fused with a frog's. They wield deadly amphibious powers and spells. | half | 8 |
Furry | Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities. | 10 | |
Gentleman, 2nd Variant | Gentleman, a chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man. | 12 | |
Guard | Justice bringers with a craving for coffee and doughnuts | 8 | |
Hassan | Become the most lethal of assassins by learning from the heritage of the greatest assassins to come before you | 8 | |
Hawk's Ronin | A very good Warrior, with Rogue/Ranger aspects, but if you want a full Fighter, You also have come to the right place. | 10 | |
Hitman | Hitmen excel in precision, stealth, and combat, eliminating targets with calculated efficiency and deadly accuracy. | 8 | |
Lifedrinker | Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims. | 10 | |
Magebow | A quick witted mage who uses a magic bow | half | 8 |
Manhunter | A pursuer of criminals, using cunning and deadly precision to bring runaways to justice. | 8 | |
Manipulator | A bard-like spell caster focused more on manipulation rather than music | full | 8 |
Marked Marksman | Marked Marksman are incredible shooters. | 8 | |
Marked Marksman, Variant | Marked Marksman are incredible shooters. | 8 | |
Masked Hunter | Hunters wielding a knife and a bow, sacrificing lives for eldritch creatures. | 8 | |
Master Puppeteer | A person who uses a puppet as a tool to amplify their abilites. | half | 10 |
Mime | The mime is able to mimic other creatures and objects. | 8 | |
Mime, 3rd Variant | 8 | ||
Mime, Variant | A skilled manipulator who specializes in copying others' abilities, spells, appearance, and voice among other things. | 8 | |
Ninja | A highly trained professional warrior of espionage and guerrilla tactics. | 8 | |
Nomad | Travelers whose skills and tricks far surpass their abilities in combat. | 8 | |
Occultist | Warlocks who have decided to abandonded their deals and try to use what is left of their deal. | half | 10 |
Plant Strider | use your connection to the world to sneak and spell cast | half | 1d8 |
Predator | Deadly,Strong,and stealthy | 12 | |
Scout | Highly mobile, adaptable, and independent, scouts strive to ensure that their party never has to face a challenge unprepared. | 10 | |
Shadow | A being between worlds that controls enemies or buffs allies. | 4 | |
Shadow Assassin | A assassin which can use dark magic from the shadowfell. | 8 | |
Showman | Showman pull the strings of the show without needed to be behind the curtain. They hold their fate in a set of loaded dice and manipulate their foes and allies to great effect on the battlefield | 8 | |
Sniper | Snipers are incredible shooters, able to eliminate their targets from great distances and with incredible precision. | 8 | |
Spy, Variant | A stealthy class with high versatility. | 8 | |
Technical Brawler | Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary! | 8 | |
Timeskip | 8 | ||
Umbra | Masters of ancient power - the Shroud | 8 | |
Valorant Agent | As an Agent you gain the following features | 1d8 | |
Vampire Hunter, Variant | Vampire hunters are natural born hunters, accursed- or blessed- with abilities that give them the power to hunt down the foul undeath of the night. | 8 | |
Void Traveler | A Rogue-esque type that has acquired the power to travel the inner planes and is fond of more... questionable arcane magic. | third | 8 |
Warrior Poet | 10 | ||
Zoner | 12 |
Rogue Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Agent | 10 | ||
Allomancer | An allomancer consumes and burns a specific kind of metal in order to fuel various magical abilities. | 8 | |
Blood Quirk | A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way. | 10 | |
Blood Quirk, Variant | A quirk that incorporated blood in a major way. | 10 | |
Caped Crusader | A warrior on a path they designated. These warriors combine martial arts, stealth, and versatile equipment to take out their foes. | 8 | |
Dark Hunter | A warrior who uses precise cuts from sword and whip to impose harmful conditions upon their prey. | 8 | |
Heroic Adventurer | Heroic Adventurer | 10 | |
Heroic Adventurer, Variant | Heroic Adventurer | 10 | |
Hyrule: Opportunist | With finesse and tact, you exploit the vulnerabilities of your foes with uncanny skill. There's no opportunity you can't seize. | 8 | |
Maverick Hunter | A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids. | 8 | |
Mobian Devil | You want to hit hard and boost your allies. | 8 | |
Mobian Explorer | 8 | ||
Mobian Genius | 8 | ||
Mobian Speedster | 8 | ||
Mystic Puppeteer | A mystic who has crafted and enchanted small puppets, using them for anything and everything from the mundane to fighting in their stead. | 8 | |
Mystic Puppeteer, Variant | A mystic who has crafted and enchanted small puppets, using them for anything and everything from the mundane to fighting in their stead. | 10 | |
Phantom Thief of Hearts | 8 | ||
Rebel Corps Soldier | A soldier who uses their will to aid the rebellion in any way they can. | 8 | |
Shaco | A trickster adept at creating chaos on the battlefield and getting behind enemies to stab their back. Based on League of Legends' Shaco. | 8 | |
The Scout | Scout from Tf2 | 10 | |
The Silent | A deadly group of hunters and huntresses from the foglands. | 8 | |
UltraKiller | You are a machine built for one singular purpose HIGH OCTANE DEATH your lows will be the deepest pits of despair, but your highs will be so tall not even the heavens can reach. | 4 | |
Vampire, Stone Mask Variant | A normal creature, twisted by an artifact of great power. | 10 |
Rogue April Fools Classes[edit]
Name | Summary | Spellcasting | Hit Die |
Fist of the North Pole | Santa's coming! | 12 | |
Gentleman, 3rd Variant | Tip top, my fair lady! | 10 |
Incomplete Rogue Classes[edit]
Rogue classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
- Agent of Shadow
- Arcane Rogue
- Assassin
- Assassin, Variant
- Balance Breaker
- Bloodharbor Ripper
- Clan Eshin Acolyte
- Death's Consort
- Doublemaker
- Fabric Blade
- Fate Manipulator
- Hacker
- Kage
- Magician
- Masked Man
- Mutant
- New World Swordsman (Grand Line Supplement)
- Power Broker
- Psionic: Scarlet Nexus
- Reaper of Souls
- Revenant, Variant
- Rogue, Pathfinder Edition
- Shadow Garden
- Skirmisher
- Spy
- The Hollow Hunter
- The Inscribed, Epithet Variant
- User:ZarHakkar/Battlefield Trickster
- User:ZarHakkar/Not Enough Stabs
- User:ZarHakkar/Rogue, "Old School" Variant
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