User talk:Marasmusine/Archive 4
Race Check
Can You Look at My 3.5 Race? Lost men (3.5e Race) and maybe my god? DeMon-ic I think I screwed Some thing up on him... And if you have the time Terror Wine this one is !!!SERIOUSLY SCREWED!!! Crazyabe (talk) 21:20, 16 February 2014 (MST)
- Okay. Gosh. Not sure where to begin.
- That bit at the top of Lost men (3.5e Race) is a template that provides information for the index (it's hidden on the actual page). When you have finished designing your race, you'll need to fill that in. Similarly you'll need to complete the categories at the bottom.
- I will leave further feedback in a "needs balance" message on the page itself. Marasmusine (talk) 00:41, 17 February 2014 (MST)
thanks! also feel free to edit, as i am not that good with that stuff. you have FREE REIGN TO EDIT!!!! Crazyabe (talk) 10:42, 17 February 2014 (MST)
Quick Question
What Do you think a intelligent cactus whould fall under Beast or animate if it was natural? --Crazyabe (talk) 13:16, 20 February 2014 (MST)
- You probably want Animate, like a shambling mound. It could be Humanoid like a vine horror if you've got two arms and two legs. It could be Beast if it has an animal shape, and you wanted it to be affected by a Nature skill animal handling check. Marasmusine (talk) 00:32, 21 February 2014 (MST)
junk drop
I have put a page that deserves to be removed hear --Crazyabe (talk) 15:12, 18 February 2014 (MST) If You didnt get this message I CANT FIGER OUT HOW TO REMOVE THIS PEACE OF JUNK! Kobold Solider
Ataxia II
I tried your game BUT it had one big problem, !!!computer players never fail!!! Yes thats the problem i had with your game.--Crazyabe (talk) 20:18, 20 February 2014 (MST)
- Ha :) It's more the case that they know what order to cast spells in. To cast a difficult Chaos spell, they cast several easier Chaos spells first to raise the local Chaos level. It's been 5 years since I worked on the game, perhaps I should have another look. I know that the game window doesn't fit on smaller screens, so that needs fixing :) Marasmusine (talk) 00:20, 21 February 2014 (MST)
One summoned a fire giant immediately, so ya...--Crazyabe (talk) 11:14, 21 February 2014 (MST)
- Maybe it was an illusion. Try using the Disbelieve spell! Of course sometimes they're just lucky. Marasmusine (talk) 13:41, 21 February 2014 (MST)
hmm i just saw under your 4e stuff that you have moved some of my things to be under there, are you trying to steal my things?--Crazyabe (talk) 11:30, 2 March 2014 (MST)
- For example, with Heart Burst Spider (4e Creature) I rewrote literally every part of it. I want to link to a statblock I wrote. The original concept is yours, of course. I've added a link to your userpage for those items. Marasmusine (talk) 14:37, 2 March 2014 (MST)
Hello Moderator Man
You might be interested in this: An IP was throwing up multiple ratings on a page, back to back. Talk:Viking_(3.5e_Class). Figured it might do well to report it, in case this is repeated vandalism. Jwguy (talk) 05:54, 14 March 2014 (MDT)
- Looks like good faith edits, poor guy couldn't figure out why his comments weren't visible. Marasmusine (talk) 11:29, 14 March 2014 (MDT)
i've done a bad thing
i've destroyed the page of barbarian, tome while a triying to make better the class and balancing, can you restore that, because i'm a dumb and i don't know how i can fix that T.T
- I've reverted it. If you ever need to go back to an earlier revision, click on the "History" tab, then the date of the revision you want to go back to, then "Edit" and save. Marasmusine (talk) 03:34, 18 March 2014 (MDT)
a little help
Hey man, i'm new i trying to balance barbarian, tome, but it's hard and the dungeon master here wants that balanced on D&D WIKI, to a play barbarian, tome. He respects very hard this site and the classes who's need balance he don't allow to play. can you help me to make this class better balance without withdraw many things or make the class weak ? can you say to me what (in your opinion), i can do ?
thanks for the attention o///////
(sorry for my english)
- The Tome classes are not balanced for vanilla D&D. They are part of a sourcebooks created by User:Frank and K, in this case Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook). It has various variant rules and feats work differently. Your DM should look at this to decide if he wants to allow it. I personally have never used them, so I could not say how to balance this barbarian. Anything wrong with using the Barbarian from the Player's Handbook? Marasmusine (talk) 15:33, 18 March 2014 (MDT)
I like to play barbarian but, i thing the basic barbarian isn't very strong than should be, am i wrong? or i missing something ?
- Well, it has more hit points and is faster than any other class, and can go into a rage that boosts his Strength and Constitution. Also, no dead levels. That's good, isn't it? Marasmusine (talk) 00:38, 19 March 2014 (MDT)
- If it helps, I use Frank and K classes and rules in my own campaign, but with some alterations to make them less cheese and ridiculous, where appropriate. It may not be quite what you're looking for, but see if this barbarian meets your needs. It is essentially the Tome Barbarian, but with some key alterations which give it a few more limitations and detriments to balance its benefits. 02:22, 19 March 2014 (MDT)
thanks, it helps me, but my dude will "nerf" in his gam, because he is basically invencible kkkkk thanks for the attention guys you're very cool :)
- If it helps, try to point out the following to your gamemaster: Fast Healing is now restricted to raging, and can only heal damage taken while raging. They are no longer immune to critical hits. They do not get the Command feat, but now only get the Leadership feat with the same restrictions. There's more, as well, as I went through and added limits to a number of properties, or re-wrote them for my own campaign. It is true that the class is meant for medium to high power campaigns, but at the same time, this alteration can hardly be called invincible, anymore. Still, best of luck! I hope it helps, some! Jwguy (talk) 17:57, 22 March 2014 (MDT)
Picture Content Question
Hey, Hey, Mr. Moderator Man. Can you point me to any and all standing policies on content for pictures that would be related to the inclusion of nudity or similar subjects? I know we reserve a template in order to warn persons if imagery is used that is questionable, as it was used on Catfolk by Green Dragon, I believe, and that came from another race that got wrapped into my campaign races.
I only have one picture that I recently secured the use of that would really apply. It's tasteful, really, by my own standards and mostly obscured, but considering it has the smallest something of a case of "nip-slip", as the cruder lingo goes, I'm trying to be cautious. Jwguy (talk) 05:50, 27 March 2014 (MDT)
- Go for it. I'm personally only concerned about putting down a template for (or just disallowing) pictures that are clearly sexual in nature. GD is the ultimate arbiter though. Marasmusine (talk) 15:40, 27 March 2014 (MDT)
I'm Back!
Hey Marasmusine! I just started up a campaign with a friend of mine and went to show him my class and remembered that there were a few changes that needed to be made since my last login. Life's been progressing further and further into complexity and I've just now found the time to get back into the swing of things and update the Warmage_(4e_Class). I've taken a look at the things you pointed out back in August (it's been too long!) and done some corrections and would love any feedback you have. I'm hoping to do some live testing with this class with my campaign group over the next month or so, so I'll update if I find out it doesn't quite work as well as I'd hoped. Anywho, thought I'd drop you a line and say thanks for all the attention and care you've given my page in my absence! --Biral (talk) 01:31, 7 April 2014 (MDT)
- Hi, welcome back, I'll meet you on the warmage talk page... Marasmusine (talk) 05:00, 7 April 2014 (MDT)
About the deletion of Dual Blade 3.5e
I don't disagree with the deletion of that article, but I am using an edited version of the class for a campaign I'm playing and I need the original class features to continue leveling it up. I was just wondering if it was possible to send me a copy of the old page?
question about previous versions of this wiki
Hi, first I would like to say sorry if this comes off as a stupid question, but I was wondering if it was somehow possible to access an older version of this wiki that would still have some of the deleted content.
A while ago one of my players were interested in playing the Death Bringer epic class which he found somewhere here. I tried to find it but it seems as though it has been deleted for some reason or another. So I was wondering if it can be found or if my player is just out of luck
- I can view or restore deleted pages, I'll see if I can locate it for you. I need the exact page title - was it a 3.5e class (base or prestige?) or a 4e epic destiny? Marasmusine (talk) 14:38, 21 May 2014 (MDT)
It was Death Bringer (3.5e) prestige class for a chaotic evil character if I recall right
- Okay, it's back at Death Bringer (3.5e Prestige Class). I will be deleting it again at the end of the week. Marasmusine (talk) 00:51, 22 May 2014 (MDT)
Thank you so much. My player will love this :)
Deity Completeness
Deities are "complete" even without too much information. If you take the base ones in the PHB as an exmaple, you will see what I mean. Stop adding delete to the deities unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. Pantheons should also not be deleted if they relate to a campaign and/or have some deities (e.g. Conni (3.5e Pantheon)) since many times the pages actually describe a lot about the pantheon on the deity pages under Clergy and Temples, Pantheon, or something. Thank you, just clarifying about the deities.
Another quick note: It has not been discussed that we can delete pages because the issue that another template addresses has not been addressed to my knowledge. The pages that I have seen you apply this "meta" too seem okay since the rules that they use are not even anything related to D&D Mana Kin (3.5e Race) but the shifter pages were taken too far and need some balance work- they do not need to be deleted (maybe abandoned). --Green Dragon (talk) 03:50, 1 June 2014 (MDT)
- Thank-you for the information, I shall reconsider. When we discussed classes (and I'm still awaiting a reply from you on the main talk page) you said we should be using updated formatting rather than the PHB formatting, so I am now looking at Deities and Demigods. I am not expecting people to come up with statblocks though.
- To be clear, and using your example, you consider Conni II (3.5e Deity) to be perfectly fine? Even though it only has about six sentences, belongs to a deleted campaign, and doesn't explain how it works as a pantheon? How little information is required for the page to be a stub, and how little for it to be a deletion proposal?
- With regards the other proposals, we had agreed on some criteria here that something like Mutant (3.5e Race) falls under, but you reverted that too? Marasmusine (talk) 03:04, 2 June 2014 (MDT)
- Also, I do not understand why you reverted my adding Stub and Abandoned to Stranglethorn (3.5e Race). Marasmusine (talk) 03:15, 2 June 2014 (MDT)
- Sorry, I forgot to check the Talk:Main Page discussion. I will respond there soon.
- Conni II (3.5e Deity), I agree, is the least developed deity in that pantheon. Overall, however, there is no other pantheon on D&D Wiki that 1.1) stresses women's rights and 1.2) addresses conflict in the pantheon with a deity of sexual stress/desire. For this reason I would not delete the patheon. Yes, there are some other deities which treat men as sexual objects in some way on D&D Wiki, but I feel that this pantheon brings new and interesting things to D&D Wiki. Enough to implement into a campaign at least. {{stub}} may be appropriate for it- maybe {{abandoned}} but I feel that {{delete}} is just not appropriate there since there is content on the page.
- I will add {{abandoned}} to the mutant since you have a point there. The only reason I removed it was that that page expands my mind and makes me want to implement something like this into my campaign (e.g. each attack a different mutatation- each interation a different mutation.... interesting and fun!!). Note: I pressed "rollback" when I should have just done "undo" and/or changed the edit to {{abandoned}} right away- a stupid mistake on my part.
- Sorry! I thought that you had added {{delete}} to Stranglethorn (3.5e Race). I should have checked more carefully, and I have reverted my edit. --Green Dragon (talk) 05:25, 2 June 2014 (MDT)
- Clearly I've been trigger-happy in some cases, but with the borderline cases like Conni, I'd prefer if the proposal is discussed on the talk page first. Of course, you have the ultimate veto so I can't complain if that's what you want. Marasmusine (talk) 05:49, 2 June 2014 (MDT)
- With all due respect, for what it is worth, and pardon my intrusion into what might well be a private discussion, but I take exception at the idea that we should let standards slide just because the pantheon has a deity that emphasizes women's rights and/or sex as stress relief. I'm all about women's rights and release from taboos that follow open sexuality (to some reasonable social limitations, of course), but using either of those things as a reason to allow any submission to bypass standards is giving partiality based on ideology, and I feel like that is something that is unprofessional and unfair.
- If someone was willing to improve the page(s), and bring them up to standards, give them breath and depth, then the proposal to delete the page would no longer be valid, as is the normal procedure. If it were new and had not been given it's proper chance and time, then sure, I'd agree that it would not be right to propose deletion. But in this case, everything around these pages has fallen to being abandoned and/or deleted, and with rather sparse information left enough to do anything with it. Sparing it simply because it embodies an ideology we find familiar or admirable, despite all of the former complaints, is not providing fair or just judgment, is my opinion. Jwguy (talk) 06:36, 2 June 2014 (MDT)
- I am not going against any standards. {{delete}} was too harsh for those pages. That is what I am explaining. For example see some of the deities in the PHB.
- Vecna in the PHB is 7 sentences. Four (over ½ of them) deal with the deities statblock. Otherwise it says
“ | Vecna rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret. ... He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous lieutenant, Kas. | ” |
—Player's Handbook (3.5e) |
- So a deity that deals with women's right is okay as a deity, just not as a FA or anything else. The other pages that had {{delete}} added to them were added without a valid reason, and it was not okay. --Green Dragon (talk) 03:53, 3 June 2014 (MDT)
- The deletion template does open a discussion on if we should keep an article or not. Some of the articles I tag I personally think are very poor quality, are not going to be improved, and damage the reputation of the wiki: a discussion reaching a concensus can override my opinion. However, we aren't getting to the stage of reaching a concensus if GD is going to exercise his veto. (I'm not saying you shouldn't do this, GD, just saying the talk page might've been better)
- With regards page content, newer formatting (e.g. Deities and Demigods) has 7 paragraphs rather than 7 sentences. However, ultimately I'm not that invested in this area, I'll defer to the expectations of people who still run 3.5e. Marasmusine (talk) 05:13, 3 June 2014 (MDT)
- So a deity that deals with women's right is okay as a deity, just not as a FA or anything else. The other pages that had {{delete}} added to them were added without a valid reason, and it was not okay. --Green Dragon (talk) 03:53, 3 June 2014 (MDT)
- Maybe we should start a guidelines discussion on deities with the goals of defining deity guidelines and their integration with the improving, reviewing, and removing article templates.
- I agree that the PHB is kinda lacking and not too useable, but if we change our standards than we need to discuss is like I just said.
- The other problem with raising the standards is that something like 75% of the deities were created (I think) based off the PHB and are mostly very broad and general. Should we start the deity guidelines discussion? --Green Dragon (talk) 06:19, 3 June 2014 (MDT)
- Deities are so difficult to quantify as to what the improving, reviewing, and removing templates' meta mean for these pages. Some deities are so interconnected to other parts of D&D Wiki that their deletion is unwarranted since their pages are not even the main campaign page– in a way.
- I am sorry, I was wrong above. We are not asking for the PHB standards here, so that is not acceptable. Your discussion on Talk:4e Race Preload#4e Race Standards has helped me reason out the problem that I am encountering here. You are right, even though a deity may touch an issue like women's rights, it is part of a stand-alone pantheon and it needs more than just this one aspect of it. We are not asking for the Vecna PHB standards here– I apologize for my misunderstanding above. We are asking for the preload standards.
- With the races, I was just confused and also have changed my edits.
- To clarify: If the deity is part of a larger world than that world many times will cover the aspects that the deity page may not cover, and this information should be taken into consideration for these page's improving, reviewing, and removing template meta.
- To clarify: We are asking for the preload standards, not the PHB/3.5e book XX standard, and these page's improving, reviewing, and removing template meta is to the preload. --Green Dragon (talk) 03:54, 24 June 2014 (MDT)
Apocalypse Incarnate
Hello. I didn't come on the wiki for a couple of months and I noticed the suppression of the Apocalypse Incarnate class. Having adopted the class, it is my duty to make sure it is playable, but it seems I didn't notice it wasn't (I knew it was overpowered, but it seemed like it could make a boss character). Since its suppression is pretty recent, though, I ask you : could you please un-delete it so I can move it to my sandbox? I will improve it from there. Idlem (talk) 11:07, 8 June 2014 (MDT)
- Hi Idlem, you'll find it at User:Idlem/Apocalypse Incarnate (3.5e Class). Marasmusine (talk) 01:37, 9 June 2014 (MDT)
Deletion of Assassin, Creed Varient (3.5e Prestige Class)
Hi, you deleted my custom class because there was a "typo in [the] title." I understand that a typo is a problem, but I am curious why the whole class needed to be deleted. Could you have not just fixed the problem? I ask for future reference.
- Because as far as I could tell the content was identical to that at Assassin, Creed Variant (3.5e Prestige Class). Marasmusine (talk) 01:29, 15 July 2014 (MDT)
- Ah. Then I have a second question. I posted the most recent one because I was unable to locate the original, which I posted last year. Why is Assassin, Creed Variant (3.5e Prestige Class) not showing up on the list of prestige classes when I search for it?
- It seems it was missing a few categories, you should see it listed now. Marasmusine (talk) 16:08, 15 July 2014 (MDT)
- Ah. Then I have a second question. I posted the most recent one because I was unable to locate the original, which I posted last year. Why is Assassin, Creed Variant (3.5e Prestige Class) not showing up on the list of prestige classes when I search for it?
3.5e Race Mind Leech
Hi, a few months ago I took interest in the Mind Leech 3.5e race by Salazar666. When I went back to get further notes on it for my co-gms' questions we discovered that it had been deleted a week or two beforehand. And sadly the version that existed at deletion was not recorded on Internet Archive.
The only thing I really need detail on was a single ability but I have no way of getting that data aside from either asking around or seeing if you could provide me a copy of the page somehow. Sorry to be a bother about it but they were gonna be a big story arc as a kind of Super Yeerk/Goauld cult.
- I restored Mind Leech (3.5e Race). --Green Dragon (talk) 06:31, 8 August 2014 (MDT)
- Thank you so much.
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WikiCookie |
I give you this WikiCookie for your complete reworking of Multitasker (3.5e Feat), making it more usable and much more adaptable for individual campaigns. You took a basic concept and made it into something so much more! Thanks! Hooper talk contribs email 22:44, 30 August 2014 (MDT) |
- Ha ha, you're welcome. I'm not quite convinced that my own examples are sound, though :) Marasmusine (talk) 01:07, 31 August 2014 (MDT)
- I have added this reward to your userpage. --Green Dragon (talk) 01:19, 31 August 2014 (MDT)
MSRD Cybernetics 4E Update
This is the list I plan on using:
- Prosthetic Arm
- Prosthetic Leg
- Body Repair Weave
- Fortified Skeleton
- Internal Weapon Mount
- Rage Implant
- Prosthetic Enhancer
- Data Archive
- Psi Implant
- Invisiwear
- Identity Chip
ReavanKnight (talk) 11:23, 9 September 2014 (MDT)
- Okay, I'll take a look. Are these to be used in a fantasy D&D campaign, or a futuristic campaign that uses the 4e rules? Marasmusine (talk) 00:43, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
Fantasy 08:26, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
Fantasy ReavanKnight (talk) 08:28, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
- Looks like the best way to handle it would be to do what warforged components did, and use the magic items framework. That's the basic cash-for-benefit system. Probably also a ritual for installing the parts. I'll try writing something up. Marasmusine (talk) 01:08, 11 September 2014 (MDT)
just wondering if you would
Hey I was wondering if you get time to take a look through and let me know what you think. I have been editing it for a few days now just wanted some feed back if you can please. thanks for your time. --Vladmere.Labefactum (talk) 08:07, 10 October 2015 (MDT)
Hey, thanks for fixing up that location error with the Genasi. Cheers.--Vladmere.Labefactum (talk) 23:17, 7 October 2015 (MDT)
I don't know any other way to ask.
Could you check out and give any advice you have? I'm relatively new to making classes but I think I did pretty well fixing this one up. --Capt Hooks (talk) 23:17, 14 August 2015 (MDT)
Made some huge changes since your last stop, if you or anyone else could give me a run down on your thoughts it would be great. --Capt Hooks (talk) 22:30, 21 August 2015 (MDT)
MSRD Cybernetics 4E Update
This is the list I plan on using:
- Prosthetic Arm
- Prosthetic Leg
- Body Repair Weave
- Fortified Skeleton
- Internal Weapon Mount
- Rage Implant
- Prosthetic Enhancer
- Data Archive
- Psi Implant
- Invisiwear
- Identity Chip
ReavanKnight (talk) 11:23, 9 September 2014 (MDT)
- Okay, I'll take a look. Are these to be used in a fantasy D&D campaign, or a futuristic campaign that uses the 4e rules? Marasmusine (talk) 00:43, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
Fantasy 08:26, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
Fantasy ReavanKnight (talk) 08:28, 10 September 2014 (MDT)
- Looks like the best way to handle it would be to do what warforged components did, and use the magic items framework. That's the basic cash-for-benefit system. Probably also a ritual for installing the parts. I'll try writing something up. Marasmusine (talk) 01:08, 11 September 2014 (MDT)
- quick prototype - Prosthetic Arm (4e Equipment) Marasmusine (talk) 01:56, 11 September 2014 (MDT)
This is perfect. Thanks --ReavanKnight (talk) 08:41, 11 September 2014 (MDT)
- I'll work on the others, and the ritual, as soon as I can. Marasmusine (talk) 14:41, 11 September 2014 (MDT)
How are you doing on the Cybernetics? ReavanKnight (talk) 08:18, 19 September 2014 (MDT)
- Hi, right now it's just Implant Cybernetic (4e Ritual), Prosthetic Arm (4e Equipment), Prosthetic Leg (4e Equipment). I will do some more this weekend. I need to put some notes down somewhere on creating cybernetics - another ritual probably - they can't be disenchanted like magic items, or taken off the PC. Sorry for the delay, time is tight. Marasmusine (talk) 13:20, 20 September 2014 (MDT)
I've been getting on mostly at school, so I won't always see updates the same day. ReavanKnight (talk) 10:05, 24 September 2014 (MDT)
Dragon Bow
- Changed to Draconic instead of Dragon
- Confused by your confusion.
Text on page:"Arcane Burst: Any time the Dragon Bow's target is denied it's dexterity bonus to armor, your arrow explodes in Arcane energy dealing 1d8 Force damage in a 10 foot radius"
Stub note: "Arcane Burst, arrow explodes when you are denied dexterity bonus to AC. Does this mean that the PCs arrows are constantly exploding while they are asleep?"
Why would you be your own target? and how could you target anyone when you're asleep? Though I do have to add 'on impact' for the sake of argument
- Fort DC changed to 20 from 25, though at level 20 I don't believe that a DC of 25 is unthinkable
- My brain omitted the word "target". The wording still needs to be improved. Perhaps "Once per round when you make an attack with a bow and hit a target that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, the arrow explodes dealing 1d8 force damage to creatures in a 10' radius." Marasmusine (talk) 07:18, 4 October 2014 (MDT)
- I am assuming that you're saying that if the target does not dodge the arrow it creates and explosion dealing force damage. so perhaps it could be worded "If you miss the target with an attack made with this and the target does not apply dexterity bonus to AC, then the arrow explodes dealing 1D8 force damage to creatures within a 10 foot radius." although I would assume it would also explode if you did hit the target so it would have to be slightly different. --Aitharious (talk) 10:18, 4 October 2014 (MDT)
- Regardless of if it triggers on a hit or a miss, at-will 10' radius blasts of force damage that hurts enemies without an attack roll or saving throw seems somewhat unbalanced. Marasmusine (talk) 11:36, 4 October 2014 (MDT)
- Using your wording for the description, I agree the wording was a little off. Added "Creatures surrounding the target get a DC 15 reflex save for half damage."
- Regardless of if it triggers on a hit or a miss, at-will 10' radius blasts of force damage that hurts enemies without an attack roll or saving throw seems somewhat unbalanced. Marasmusine (talk) 11:36, 4 October 2014 (MDT)
- I am assuming that you're saying that if the target does not dodge the arrow it creates and explosion dealing force damage. so perhaps it could be worded "If you miss the target with an attack made with this and the target does not apply dexterity bonus to AC, then the arrow explodes dealing 1D8 force damage to creatures within a 10 foot radius." although I would assume it would also explode if you did hit the target so it would have to be slightly different. --Aitharious (talk) 10:18, 4 October 2014 (MDT)
Paramýth Campaign Setting
Hey Marasmusine. I was wondering if you could please take a look at my campaign setting, or what there is of it so far? I'm trying to get some opinions on it and maybe suggestions for what needs fleshing out. Thank you in advance! --Salasay Δ 19:32, 5 October 2014 (MDT)
- Hi, one thing I look for in a campaign setting are story hooks, so I can straight away see when and where the campaign might take place, what the players might be doing, and how they might be working as a group. To me, that's more important than reams of history :) By extension, the next important thing to me are creatures, treasures and specific locations. Marasmusine (talk) 00:43, 6 October 2014 (MDT)
- Maybe make a dedicated list of quest ideas or story hooks? Are there any parts of the setting that seem to you to be a good place to have a quest (ie parts and places in the reams of history you would find exploration of interesting)? --Salasay Δ 20:16, 15 April 2015 (MDT)
- My feeling is that you could have a dedicated page (called "getting started" or "story hooks" or whatevs), and list one or two hooks for each theme of campaign a party might want to do, e.g. "Military", "Espionage", "Exploration", "Mystery", ...
- Dipping into your History at random, there's a cohort hiding out in an abandoned supply depot / mine. They spend a long time creating a signal device. So there's opportunity there to work within military ranks, with cave exploration, brief patrols outside, and constructing a thing. After a year, they're told they can't be rescued, and there's all the stuff that follows. Marasmusine (talk) 01:52, 16 April 2015 (MDT)
- Maybe make a dedicated list of quest ideas or story hooks? Are there any parts of the setting that seem to you to be a good place to have a quest (ie parts and places in the reams of history you would find exploration of interesting)? --Salasay Δ 20:16, 15 April 2015 (MDT)
Fallen lands stuff
- Hello again Marasmusine, I just finished a first draft of the Rakshia for 5th edition and was hoping you could take a quick look at for balance and such when it's convenient for you. Thanks again --Aitharious (talk) 21:14, 11 August 2015 (MDT)
- Hey Marasmusine, thanks again for helping me out with all of my stuff. I was just hoping you could just take a quick look at the suggested characteristics for the 5e Rakshia and give your opinion on it as well as any suggestions for the race. Thanks again for all the help, --Aitharious (talk) 12:45, 14 September 2015 (MDT)
- I'll swing by when I get chance! Marasmusine (talk) 14:18, 14 September 2015 (MDT)
- Sounds good and thanks for all the help--Aitharious (talk) 11:25, 15 September 2015 (MDT)
- I'll swing by when I get chance! Marasmusine (talk) 14:18, 14 September 2015 (MDT)
- Hey Marasmusine, I was looking through the 4e weapons to prepare for a class I'm planning on making and noticed that there are a few things that didn't make sense based on my understanding of the 4e guidelines of weapons. The Flintlock Pistol (4e Equipment) is an example that I think has damage that's to high since it has the off-hand trait. I'm not sure if ranged One-Handed weapons treat off hand differently but if it does reduce the damage then it should only be a 1d6 damage rather than 1d8. I might be totally wrong or there may be some incorrect wording with the guideline. But if I am correct I was hoping to just go through the weapons there and fixing things us as well as bad flavor stuff (like a weapon being called by several different names when each name is actually a different weapon).
- Additionally since I don't think there are any admins that actively work on the 4e pages, I was hoping to check with you if it's alright that I go around and fix abandoned pages (over 6 months with no edits and in need of significant changes) I'll only be making changes to the statistics for the most part and only adding flavor where it is significantly lacking and do my best to keep it as similar to the original authors intentions as possible. Sorry for the rant and thanks again for all the help. --Aitharious (talk) 12:57, 25 September 2015 (MDT)
- I had spent some time balancing the 4e firearms earlier last year, I need a moment to figure this, brb. Marasmusine (talk) 13:13, 25 September 2015 (MDT)
- If I use my guideline at Weapon Design (4e Guideline), I think you're right. Starting with simple +2 one-handed melee 1d8 -> martial 1d10 -> ranged 1d8 -> off-hand 1d6 (with load two minor and powder crit cancelling out).
- However, it's possible I increased the damage because the range (5/10) is much less than one would expect from a military weapon. My memory is hazy on this. I'll let you decide.
- I hereby delegate all 4e maintenance tasks to you! Marasmusine (talk) 13:26, 25 September 2015 (MDT)
- Hello again Maramusine I've been thinking about the "Tool" property that is on several 4e weapons and I've reached a stalemate as to what to do with them but I've come up with a few options. --Aitharious (talk) 14:49, 2 October 2015 (MDT)
- 1. Treat it like most weapon benefits and reduce the damage by 1 size.
- 2. Treat it similar to a minor benefit and add minor penalties as appropriate.
- 3. Restrict the caliber of weapons they can be applied to (EI only simple, or anything except superior).
- 4. Ignore it as it has no effect on combat.
- 5. Increase the weapons cost to be that of both a weapon and a tool.
- My opinion is #5 if the tool aspect has no bearing on combat ability. I would also ensure that the tool is not as effective as the equivalent standalone tool (there needs to be some tradeoff) Marasmusine (talk) 15:19, 2 October 2015 (MDT)
- Ok I've made the changes to the weapons as appropriate, I think one thing for the Simple Tool weapons they just remain as an equally effective tool since it's more like a tool that can be used as a weapon rather than a weapon that can be used as tool, as is the weapon tools seem to be for a very specific scenario and as such give a +2 to that specific scenario for a tool that gives a bonus to a broad task i'm thinking it should be a +1. for example the Bagh Nakh gives a +2 to climbing when you have no ropes or other climbing assists, if there was a weapon that gave a bonus to all climbing it would only be a +1.
- From here I'm going to be cleaning up the code of the weapons and grabbing or creating images for the weapons, once that's done I'll probably move on to the lists of feats and just doing what I can to fix them up. --Aitharious (talk) 12:49, 5 October 2015 (MDT)
- My opinion is #5 if the tool aspect has no bearing on combat ability. I would also ensure that the tool is not as effective as the equivalent standalone tool (there needs to be some tradeoff) Marasmusine (talk) 15:19, 2 October 2015 (MDT)
- Hi again Maramusine I've just finished up with the links and categories of all the weapons and I was wondering how you go about adding images both from ones computer and from the internet, I would like to just use images from wiki as most of the weapons have actually existed but there are a few that I will have to draw up myself (luckily I've gotten quite good at drawing weapons and armor). Anyways your help would be greatly appreciated. --Aitharious (talk) 20:09, 6 October 2015 (MDT)
Dragon Class- Thanks
Thanks. It's a name i've been using on the internet for a long time. I've been reading a lot of the cool stuff on D&D wiki for a looong time and never edited anything until the Dragon because i'm actually using it in a persistent chat-based game and it badly needed to be cleaned up and clarified, and just revised to match standard dragons while still being a viable and reasonably-balanced PC class. I think i accomplished that without altering the creators original intent.
5e class features template
Could you make it so that empty features default to an em dash? It normally wouldn't be a big deal except that you practically have to memorize which levels grant an ability score increase, because those should be left blank in the template while the other lines should have a manual em dash.
Also, I think it would be reasonable to merge the hp
and hd
parameters, since hp at first level will never be a different number than the hit die. —Proton[talk] 12:47, 5 December 2014 (MST)
- Okay, I think it's sorted, thank-you for the suggestions. Marasmusine (talk) 15:02, 6 December 2014 (MST)
- Thanks! I also just realized that the
parameter is redundant, because it’s always the average hit die roll, rounded up (d6/d8/d10/d12 always correspond to 4/5/6/7). In the template, you could replace{{{sethp}}}
with{{#expr: {{{hd}}}/2+1}}
, which would perform the correct calculation. - I'm also trying to think of an elegant solution for having more columns in the class table. The warlock, for instance, has five extra columns, and I think the template should accommodate at least that. I also think spell slots would be best served with a single parameter that indicates what progression is used, and the template would fill it in automatically from there. I suspect something like
would work, but actually implementing it as wikicode would be really gross. I’ll see if I can whip up something that looks half-decent. —Proton[talk] 17:35, 6 December 2014 (MST)- User:Proton/Sandbox currently implements the
replacement and the spells per day table (currently demonstrated in the Sandbox). I’m now trying to figure out how to do the custom extra columns. In particular it’s really gross because the Player’s Handbook doesn’t consistently put the extra columns on the left or right of the Features column, which means we should make both options available. Although gross code, I know how it could be done, but the difficult part then becomes how to name parameters. I’d have to resort to things likeextra1_20_left
as the parameter for the first extra column on the left side at 20th level. I’ll think more on it. —Proton[talk] 18:20, 6 December 2014 (MST)- Such wizardry! I've changed the protection level on Template:5e Class Features so you can work on it directly if you wish. Marasmusine (talk) 01:06, 7 December 2014 (MST)
- Appreciated :). I've implemented the extra columns now. I've arranged it so there's extra1, extra2, extra3, extra4, and extra5, each of which has a _name parameter and then _1, _2, _3, …, _20 parameters for each level. These appear on the right side by default, but the
parameter can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, putting that many columns on the left instead. It seemed like a good compromise that wouldn't make the code too abysmal. I edited the class preload page to include these changes. You can see a fresh example of the new template features on Witch (5e Class). —Proton[talk] 16:50, 7 December 2014 (MST)
- Appreciated :). I've implemented the extra columns now. I've arranged it so there's extra1, extra2, extra3, extra4, and extra5, each of which has a _name parameter and then _1, _2, _3, …, _20 parameters for each level. These appear on the right side by default, but the
- Such wizardry! I've changed the protection level on Template:5e Class Features so you can work on it directly if you wish. Marasmusine (talk) 01:06, 7 December 2014 (MST)
- User:Proton/Sandbox currently implements the
- Thanks! I also just realized that the
Hi Marasmusine, will you help with my race showing up on the 5e listings? I am having trouble with it showing up. The race is called Mind Leech (5e Version). -ColinGriswald
I just wanted to clarify that some pages do not need to have lots of information to not receive {{delete}}. Pages that are in effect "options" of DMs and player characters need not be deleted with little or no information (equipment, feats, skills, deities, etc). I have noticed that you deleted some Endhaven deities beforehand, and now are continuing with more CS-specific deity pages. Please do not delete these pages, since Endhaven is still around for example and these deities are necessary if one is to run an Endhaven campaign. In the case of LotR, many of the content pages are great pages (creatures, classes, etc), but the deities may not be necessary here. In any case the content pages should not be deleted (obviously). Let me know if you have any questions please! --Green Dragon (talk) 11:42, 1 January 2015 (MST)
- Hi GD, Happy New Year. I'm deleting the LotR campaign pages that have no value, either because they are unchanged (or barely unchanged) from SRD (e.g. Halflings, LotR (3.5e Race)), or because they just contain information about the setting that is freely available anyway.
- Which great pages (creatures, classes, etc) do you think should be kept? Marasmusine (talk) 01:10, 2 January 2015 (MST)
- I did not double check if they were similar to SRD pages. Since that is the case then I am wrong, and please continue doing what you are doing. I do appreciate the deleted deities that have no serious reason behind their deific sphere's (e.g. "God of War" × 20 pages), but I do not know if campaigns should also get these deities deleted... I do appreciate your hard work and dedication in looking at pages' worth– it just makes me a little worried now and then. --Green Dragon (talk) 17:22, 2 January 2015 (MST)
Hey there, Marasmusine! I was hoping you could check out my Buff Master (renamed Enhancer) class again, I said more on the discussion page for it. Enhancer ( Talk) Rixel96 ( talk)
!!Crazyabe!!YES I AM BACK
Hay M can you take a look at my new race Lost Men (5e Race) and ask what happened to my campaign setting? --Crazyabe (talk) 18:45, 11 January 2015 (MST)
- Hi Crazyabe. The Burnt Earth campaign was deleted last May. If I remember correctly (and judging by the entries I deleted) you were making these 4e pages without having read the 4e rulebooks. It's great that you're interested in making 5e pages, but have you read the Player's Handbook at least? Marasmusine (talk) 00:59, 12 January 2015 (MST)
New race for you to See --Crazyabe (talk) 16:23, 29 April 2015 (MDT)
5e Deities
Hey Marasmusine! I was wondering if you or someone else could remake the 5e Deities page so I can make one using the presets - after all, Jaenseth and her pantheon don't like to be kept waiting! Thanks! --OwenLeaf (talk) 18:40, 28 January 2015 (MST)
- Done! Marasmusine (talk) 02:21, 29 January 2015 (MST)