User talk:Yanied

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Wie gehts? Ahem, I mean, what's up? Thanks for dropping by.


Ancient Alien Theory[edit]

Is there stats for FALLEN angels posted or in an Official suppliment?

In terms of official content, I think Zariel of the Nine Hells is the only real "fallen angel". The fallen angel race here is homebrew.--Yanied (talk) 19:56, 17 August 2024 (MDT)

Spider Rider Class Vs. Subclass[edit]

You've left the Spider Rider subclass as a class in your listed Contributions, even after you changed it into a subclass. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by RobinTheGemini (talkcontribs) . Please sign your posts.

Moved. Thx--Yanied (talk) 20:09, 26 August 2024 (MDT)

Dark Artist[edit]

how would you define the Dark Arts? 13:52, 18 October 2024 (MDT)

Do you mean like Harry Potter dark arts? That's just a certain group of "taboo" magics. Or do you mean like a dark martial artist (ala monk way of shadow)?--Yanied (talk) 23:40, 18 October 2024 (MDT)
I sorta mean like the Harry Potter type pf Dark Arts. 12:46, 1 November 2024 (MDT)
It doesn't translate well. Forbidden magic in Harry Potter is just higher level spells in dnd. (imperious curse = dominate, avada kedavra = power word kill, eg.)--Yanied (talk) 20:29, 1 November 2024 (MDT)

5e Archetypes[edit]

Is there a Death Eater subclass anyway? 13:30, 8 November 2024 (MST)

Not that I know of. If you think about what death eaters do, they don't make much sense as a subclass. They are flavored as users of forbidden magic in the Harry Potter universe, many of which are just high level harming spells. They are more of a background at best, with connections like a criminal.--Yanied (talk) 22:32, 8 November 2024 (MST)

5e Backgrounds (Hogwarts)[edit]

Is it possible to make backgrounds based on Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin)? 19:45, 6 December 2024 (UTC)

Well, consider what special benefits that kind of background would confer. To be honest, not too much that is unique.
  1. For one, the students of each Hogwarts house have pretty much the same blanket of benefits under Hogwarts. It's not like in Strixhaven, where different students have different specialties like majors. The main thing with each Hogwarts house is that they have certain connotations of personalities and status, and their own segmented common rooms, but not much that is a concrete benefit. For example, while Slytherin has infamy, being in Slytherin does not automatically give you anything like riches or a death eater status. Same as how being a Hufflepuff wouldn't automatically mean you aren't as good at spellcasting as a Gryffindor.
  1. You could make a background based off a general Hogwarts student and then have the houses be included as options in that, like specialties.
  1. There are a few official backgrounds that might work if reflavored to be a Hogwarts student of a certain house. Like a cloistered scholar works great for Ravenclaw while something like noble could be for Slytherin.
In conclusion, a background for each of the houses with what the lore provides seems excessive.--Yanied (talk) 03:00, 8 December 2024 (UTC)

5e cleric domains[edit]

Since there is a Light Domain, could there be a Darkness Domain? 20:54, 13 December 2024 (UTC)

Sure. There is precedent in older editions, like here. Officially, there is not one for cleric, but you could probably spin trickery or death to do the trick. And there is this homebrew, too.--Yanied (talk) 05:01, 14 December 2024 (UTC)

DnD Next[edit]

Are there any rumors on a TRUE 6e DnD? 21:50, 20 December 2024 (UTC)

Not really that I know of. The new thing that just came out was fandubbed as 6e, 5.5e, and previously called OneDnD iirc... I have also admittedly been out of the loop regarding any new WoTC developments.--Yanied (talk) 02:21, 21 December 2024 (UTC)

3.5e (or 5e) magic items[edit]

Are there Elixirs of Sleep or Love Arrows in either 3.5e or 5e? 21:34, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

Sleeping potions definitely exist in 3.5e. Eros arrows I think might be in 3.5e. 5e might only have homebrew options of these.--Yanied (talk) 02:03, 4 February 2025 (UTC)

April Fools' Monster[edit]

is there a 5e (or a 3.5e) called a Venomous Duck? 15:44, 22 February 2025 (UTC)

Reskin this as a duck --Yanied (talk) 00:56, 23 February 2025 (UTC)

Modifications on 5e Necromancer[edit]

Hi, few month later the 5e Necromancer homebrew class that was locked for many year has been completely modified by Woahluigi althougth is was pretty clear before that the class is balanced and did not need any modification anymore. I am playing a necromancer for almost 3 years now and the fact that the whole class has been modified baffle me. In addition to that, most of the change or justifications seems very bad to me. Woahluigi told me that he was discussing with you and the editors of the class on the wiki discord so he can add his large modifications. I would like to verify if he is telling the truth and furthermore why did you accept to change everything in the class after years unchanged (an years of minor changes before). Salamy (talk) 09:50, 1 March 2025 (UTC)

In the D&D server, the discussion for necromancer started around 11/25/24 in the help channel, and around 11/24/24 in the 5e-edition channel. I'm not just lying about these things, feel free to check them out yourself. --Woahluigi (talk) 19:50, 1 March 2025 (UTC)
I haven't really kept up with anything on that class. It is a popular class. However, it was not balanced nor perfect by any means, especially if you use the standard of balancing it against first-party content. That is what I recall, and it was from before the edits made. Any changes regarding the balance should be hashed out on the class talk page accordingly.--Yanied (talk) 21:49, 1 March 2025 (UTC)