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Hello, my name is Woahluigi (He/Him). I like to make improvements and suggestions around D&D wiki, especially through cooperation with other users. If you need help with something, let me know; I'll probably be happy to help out.

Things I've directly made:

Sinister Manipulation (5e Spell)
Delayed Beam Dissolution (5e Spell)
Toxotai (5e Creature) (Simple, but fulfilling a very specific purpose)
Adaptive Experience (5e Variant Rule) (Special thanks to ZarHakkar!)

Things I've made a contribution to:

Necromancer (5e Class) (Rebalanced this class, added in custom spell list, altered occult subclasses)
Hyrule (5e Campaign Setting) (See Completing the Hyrule Setting)
User Contributions: Woahluigi

D&D Wiki links I use regularly:

User creation log
D&D Wiki:Featured Articles
Spell Design (5e Guideline)
User preferences
Removal Process
Deletion Candidates (I like checking these. Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough).