User Base Classes Strong Spellcasting

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Members of this group are good choices for characters who want their progress toward higher levels of magic to be uninterrupted.

Homebrew Strong Spellcasting Base Classes
Name Type1 Description2
Aegis of Life Good Guy, Spontaneous Divine Spellcaster, Support, Minor Melee. Renown for wielding the power of divinities, these guardians of life shield their enemies from harm by providing them with increased fortitude and temporary shields that become stronger with time and advancement.
Alchemist Skilled A scientist skilled in the art of potions and transmutation.
Animal Summoner Arcane Spellcasting The Summoners of the beasts
Animist Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting, Summoner, Combat-Focused The Animist is a mage who specializes in maximizing their ability to summon creatures from other planes, crafting their own creations, and binding spirits and otherworldly beings they encounter.
Animist Variant Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting, Summoner, Combat-Focused The Animist is a mage who specializes in maximizing their ability to summon creatures from other planes, crafting their own creations, and binding spirits and otherworldly beings they encounter.
Arcanamach Dexterous combat, arcane support casting A nimble, dexterous fighter who compliments his/her combat with an ample spell and skill selection.
Arcane Pyrotechnician Strong Spellcaster A master of explosion-based arcane magic, the Arcane Pyrotechnician can create various grenades, bombs, mines and other explosives that have very powerful effects. These effects are mainly combat-oriented, though some have other strange or useful powers.
Arcane Scholar <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arcane Summoner <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Archmage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Auger Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Aztec Priest Strong Spellcasting In the savage Aztec empire, the cruel and sadistic Aztec Priests preach the will of the gods to the people who inhabit the Aztec empire.
Barrier Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Battlemage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting One who wields the awesome destructive power of battle magic.
Biomancer Strong Spellcasting, Good Guy, Bad Guy, Prepared Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Masters of the world unseen, good Biomancers heal and improve the body, and evil ones are masters of disease, decay, and suffering.
Bishop Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Bishops are the powerful holy servants of deities. Whether they be cool and calculating, lucid and wise, or feverent and passionate, is entirely dependant on the bishop in question.
Black Mage Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Once wizard pupils or apprentices that abandoned their tedious and lengthy studies to pursue a much more enticing reward than mere knowledge...
Blade Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Blood Mage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting A spellcaster who substitutes normal spell components with his own blood.
Bow Saint Good Guy,Bad Guy,Combat-Focused a rethought version of the blade saint
Brahmin Strong Spellcasting A Brahmin is an intellectual who seeks an understanding of the true essence of the divine, and their powers come primarily from this knowledge, rather than simply from propitiating a deity for spells. For them, "enlightenment" is more important than "faith".
Cantripologist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Cantripologist, Variant Strong Arcane Spellcaster, Jack of all trades A master of the 0th level spell
Card Strong Spellcasting A Class involving the use of a deck and a combination of luck and strategy.
Card (Pathfinder Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Celestial Warlock Good Guy, Divine Spellcasting A divine defender of the light
Celestial Warlock, Variant Good Guy, Divine Spellcasting A divine defender of the light
Champion Of Order Good Guy,Bad Guy,Combat-Focused,Divine Spellcasting A very large, very strong super paladin essentially.
Channeler Spontaneous Caster Aes Sedai, Ashaman, Wilders, and other channelers from the wheel of time.
Chaos Mage <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> A spellcaster that harnesses the power of the world's most unpredictable force: entropy.
Chaos Wielder Strong Divine Spellcasting, Potentially Combat-Focused or Skilled Chaos Wielders are individuals who are naturally attuned to the chaotic forces of the universe and gain the power to manipulate it. They are the natural opposite to Order Masters who take their power from the lawful forces of the universe.
Charter Mage Strong Spellcasting The charter mage uses the charter to cast spells. Charter mages hate undead, and work to destroy them.
Chi Mage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Relying upon glyphs and runes and their chi magic use magic in a different way.
Chirurgeon Strong Spellcasting Chirurgeons are healers with a few magical abilities. They are very untalented in combat, but invaluable party members nonetheless. They can heal practically anything given time and resources.
Cosmic Devourer Moderate spellcasting, skilled Cosmic Devourers are the source of an infinite energy that makes up the planes or destroys it. This comic power allows them to absorb everything in a plane, and use it as though it were a tool or a weapon. Cosmic Devourers are able to traverse the planes freely, and consume it without restriction.
Cryomancer <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Cultist Bad Guy, Divine Spellcaster, Moderate Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcaster A worshipper of dark powers who begins to reflect his idol.
Dark Necromancer Strong Spellcasting A Necromancer is a man that has the ability to raise and summon undead. They are not unlike wizards, but they are more adept in necromancy spells and abilities.
Darkbringer Combat-Focused, Spellcaster Darkbringers are just that, bringers of dark and volatile magics and abilities. As such, they are often condemned and treated as pariahs. But, power comes to those with motivation, and this class is no different.
Dedicated Mage Spell caster, party buffer, debuffer, blaster, wizard/sorcerer alternative. The dedicated mage is an individual who is born with some innate magical ability, like a sorcerer, but refuses to wait for their innate magic to come to them and get more powerful! The dedicated mage has innate magic like a sorcerer, but studies magic like a wizard to be a mixture of the two classes with both prepared spells and known spells.
Deific Conjurer Divine Spellcaster A Deific Conjurer is a person who had the talent to become a a cleric or a druid, but he choose to use this power for something different.
Demon Lord Strong Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Demon Lords learn to dominate both evil outsiders and the creatures of the Material Plane. Their power enables them to enslave demons for their own ends, leaving dust and ash in their wake.
Deviant Strong Spellcasting, Skilled A knower and deviner of the many secrets of the world
Devoted Enchanter Stong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Bad Guy The Devoted Enchanter is through and through an enchantment specialist. All of her abilities focus on this one spell school. She is the epitome of enchantment, at the cost of most everything else.
Divine Soul Good Guy, Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Favored Souls are blessed by their gods for their power to fight in their lord's name, but not all of them choose to take up the sword, others draw closer by advancing their spiritual powers.
Duality Mage Not done Please do not touch
Eisenmeister <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Electromancer <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Electromaster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Electromaster, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Enlightened Warlock Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting A change of pace compared to the usual Warlock Class
Epurator Good Guy,Bad Guy The epurator is a melee class that relies on his powerful charms and his faithful staff to destroy his enemies and spread the word of his divinity
Evil Necromancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Faithful Sword <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Farseer Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting A master visionary and a specialist in divination magic
Favored Soul In The Dungeon Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting This is a remade version of the favored soul base class from Complete Divine. It's part of the In The Dungeon series.

The favored soul now better incarnates the holy warrior archetype, differing from a divine magician such as the cleric and from the champion of the oppressed, the paladin. Relying on a more direct kind of spellcasting, the favored soul gains the signature feature channel divinity to take the edge in combat, combining it with its high defenses and fly speed. It has three variants for the favored of dragons, fiends and nature.

Fireball Priest Fire Mage, the artillery in the backfield The Fireball Priests descend from the legendary red dragon, Dragoich. Their main focus is on casting fire, chaotic, or lightning spells. They focus on casting their main weapon, the Fireball.
Forest Dweller <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Gamer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Grey Warden <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Gusto Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A hunter/druid with a bird companion that uses some lightning spells. Can choose between 2 main ways of playstyle.
Healer Good guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting. The Ultimate Healer, whom is better than the Cleric and Palidin combined. No combat skills at all.
Hellborn Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Fire User A Hellborn is a person who has been cursed to carry a demonic presence with them.
Hemomancer Bad Guy, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Trained with a seemingly unholy skill of consuming blood for power, the Hemomancer, or Blood Magi, brings a creepy and gory twist to the beloved sorcerer.
High Priest Strong Spellcasting A variant type cleric more specialized to his deity's portfolio and with great mastery over his Domains.
Holy Defeater (3.5e Prestige Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Incarnator - A graft-based casting class.
Innate Mage Strong Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting An Innate Mage is a powerful mage who specializes in one school of magic, forsaking all others completely. This singleminded dedication to one school of magic grants access to a wonderous power that allows them to push the conventional boundaries of what can be done with one school of magic.
Ioun Stone Ranger Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused A Ranger that can power their daily life with different effects via gems.
Jack of Hearts Strong Spellcasting, Healing A powerful, friendly healer.
Knight of Knossis Strong Spellcasting, Defensive fighter One who wields the awesome destructive power of battle magic.
Lancer, Beast Master Animal Companion, Versatile Based of an Dragon Knight and Survivalist WoW Hunter, this class is about controlling your animal companion, being versatile about how can it be or tank or damage or support, alternating the pet whit the path chosen and the alignment chosen
Mad Alchemist Bad Guy, Item Creation They said I was crazy! Some say I might even be...mad! Madness I say? Nigh, it is but GENIUS! I'll show them! I'll show them ALL!
Magic Medic Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting This class focuses primarily on healing and secondarily on buffing. That's it. It's for support, moral, physical, or otherwise.
Magus The magus differs from other arcanists in that he is actually a creature of magic, not a creature that practices magic. No one studies to become a magus, magi are born with their gift—for better or worse.
Misteltein Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mundus Skilled The world is governed by change and therefore too it is governed by the four elements that change it. The mundus was designed to keep the world in check, to watch the elements of the world and make sure they stay in line.
Mystic Warden, Variant Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting a brutal boss slaying/support class with the capability of immense damage but this comes at the cost of a slow movement speed and a lacking offensive capacity for magic capabilities with a strict code of conduct (much more balanced than it's previous counterpart)
Mystic, Variant <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> A mystic made to be exactly like the sorcerer version of a cleric.
Naruto Ninja, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Necromancer (Graatel) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Necromancer, Agiyaen Variant Strong Spellcaster, Bad Guy Necromancers of Agiyanu are often surgeons or undertakers whose love for the dead has inspired them to take their obsession to a magical level.
Okami Amaterasu <The Sun God Amaterasu in the form of an Okami, wielding the powers of Amaterasu herself.>
Old Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Old Hunter, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Onmyōji Arcane Spellcaster, Summoner, Moderate Combat Study the spirit world, practice slow but flexible spellcasting, and summon elemental spirits to fight by your side.
Ordained Champion Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcaster This class combines the melee power of a fighter with the spellcasting power of a cleric.
Ordained Sorcerer Strong Spellcasting An divine caster devoted to the ideals of a deity and charged with it's power.
Order Master Strong Arcane Spellcasting, Potentially Combat-Focused or Skilled Order Masters are individuals who are naturally attuned to the lawful forces of the universe and gain the power to manipulate it. They are the natural opposite to Chaos Wielders who take their power from the chaotic forces of the universe.
Paleblessed Divine Spellcasting The Paleblessed are people have been blessed by the Pale Tree. Recipients of this blessing gain the ability to control plants and light exceptionally well. A common feature of the Paleblessed is a large white flower growing right behind the blessed one's right or left shoulder.
Peacebringer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Perfect Performer Strong Spellcasting This is a great tribute to the best performers of every era. With aspects of various classes, it contains a wealth of options and special abilities that will aid the wily performer. A paragon of his craft if you will.
Phantom Strong Spellcasting Shadows exist between the very fabric of everything. They are the underlying force that magic is built upon, even where there is light, there is also shadow, creeping in and distinguishing everything that is in the world. The Phantom studies, and employs these mysterious laws that govern the very fabric of the planes. To become one with the shadow would be the ultimate expression of power, and to no longer be limited by the natural world and it's limitations. This is what the Phantom seeks. Only those who desire to understand and harness the true power of magics would even bother studying the ways of Shadow.
Primal Ascendant Spellcaster, Elemental A primal fighter harnessing their deep attunement to the elements to fight and cast various spells in unique and amazing ways, eventually becoming powerful and like an elemental themselves.
Protector Divine Warrior Strong defender, damage output, and divine spellcasting. A leader for those who feel able to balance three cores of a singular class.
Red Gunner Combat Focused, Support, DPS Strong ranged magic support, with GUNS! Strike true Scorching Ray!
Red Mage, 3rd Variant Strong Spellcasting Everyone wants to do something; some want to heal & help others, become great warriors, become better magicians, or just become more skillful. But, there are, but a rare few, who wish to do everything at once. These skilled individuals are known as Red Mages. They are jacks of all trades, but masters of none.
Rune Champion Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting An Eldritch Cannoneer utilizes a large, rotating armature constructed around a lattice of crystals marked by incredibly powerful magic. While the Cannoneer—in and of themselves—has little or no magical talent, they can use this armature to create a variety of spell-like anomalies called Exigents. However, the power this technique grants comes with its fair share of risks—a Cannoneer must wear a suit of heavy armor to protect themselves from the wild energies released.
Rune Forger A Rune Forger has given up on trying to use the limited Arcane arts and instead learns how to use the Runic Alphabet in new combinations to get new runes and powers.
Sage of the Six Paths (Fix) Combat-Focused A Sage of the Six Paths uses the power bestowed by the Rinnegan. Despite the name, there is actually in total seven of these paths that grant the user powerful and near god-like abilities.
Sage of the Six Paths, Variant Combat-Focused A Sage of the Six Paths uses the power bestowed by the Rinnegan. Despite the name, there is actually in total seven of these paths that grant the user powerful and near god-like abilities.
Sauromancer Strong Spellcasting Necromancer lizardfolk who are bound to protect their race's survival.
Scarred Knight Combat-Focused A melee combatant split by the duality of protecting others and succumbing to the madness that is constant war.
Seer-Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Servant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shaman Strong Spellcasting A mystic that has a strange communion with nature, spirits and oneiros, gaining divine spells through hardship by unraveling its secrets.
Shaman, Natural ”Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting” The Shaman is a close cousin to the Druid, and the two usually work in concert with each other. While the Druid has the ability to shapeshift, the Shaman communes with the spirits of her ancestors and nature. Her power is derived from her communion with these spirits, and in exchange the spirits reward her with enhanced abilities or manifest to take a more active role by assisting her directly.
Shaper Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Wielders of the force of nature
Showstopper Skilled Showstoppers are a unique form of arcane spellcaster, drawing upon a near-divine source of inner childhood. Though rather a stereotype, their magical abilities draw upon an identity of fun, novelty and innocence to spread such qualities to others around them.
Sith Sorcerer Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Spellcasting The Sith Sorcerer is a potent user of the Force, capable of harnessing the Force's immense supernatural power to accomplish incredible feats. They are so adept at manipulating the Force that they can mimic the effects of spells.
Sorcerer, 4th Variant spellcaster, striker or controller <-Paragraph description of the class->
Sorcerer, 5th Variant Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting. A variant of the sorcerer class, meant to be able to rival the wizard.
Sorcerous Scholar Strong Caster These highly gifted sorcerers were found to have talent with magic at a young age and were apprenticed under wizards. While most sorcerers dislike the rules and study of the wizard schools a few had the patience to learn the arcane arts properly. Sorcerous Scholars are considered savants by their teachers showing great skill in a specialized school of magic while struggling to grasp the basic concepts of others.
Spellharvest Necromancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Spellweaver Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting A spellweaver is a spell point-based mage focused on buffing and metamagic, or as they prefer to see it, the reweaving of spells.
Supernatural Sage Strong Spellcasting, Strong Manifesting A character who mixes Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Incarnum Meldshaping, and Martial Maneuvers
Tarot Mage Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Tarot mages have unlocked the potential and powers hiding beneath the surface of the cards, and use their Tarot to fuel unique and powerful magic.
Totem Shaman Strong Spellcasting A mystic that has a strange communion with nature, gaining divine spells through hardship by unraveling its secrets.
True Magus Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting The Magus is a spell point-using arcanist who blends the spellcasting abilities of a wizard and sorcerer into a unique whole.
Ultimate Cleric <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Unlimited Mage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Knowledgeable and intelligent, these arcane spellcasters search the world to improve their spellcasting ability beyond any ever seen and learn the truth of creation itself.
Wand Mage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Warlock In The Dungeon Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting This a remade version of the warlock base class. It's part of the In The Dungeon series.

It gains more invocations, more damaging eldritch blast and better and new defenses.

White Mage Strong Spellcasting White mages draw their power from the pure source of arcane energies. They use a pure form of magic, and fiercely oppose dark arts like necromancy and mental domination. While they use spells like wizards, their spells shape the fabric of reality directly, without using the power of elements. Also, they don't need to prepare their spells. Once learned, they continuously have access to their spells.
Wild Sorcerer Arcane Spellcaster The Wild Sorcerer is a Mage born and grown up in the nature. While having the usual power of a Sorcerer he also has the power of nature.
Witch Doctor Strong spellcasting, skilled, bad guy, divine spellcasting, spontaneous spellcasting A wild spellcaster that uses voodoo curses and magic to debilitate their foes.
  1. A general category the class fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the class—should advertise the class.