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Mystically Militant Mycology[edit]

Ever want to play a character who loves mushrooms, but you don't want to be a circle of spores druid? Grab a few of these spells, feats, or even a subrace and start spreading spores!


Ashlyn's Armor of Rot (5e Spell): Sacrifice yourself to better protect your friends.

Chitin Chain (5e Spell): Build a network of defensive barriers for noncombatants.

Consume the Fallen (5e Spell): Call upon the rotting power of spores to grant you vitality.

Drop the Myc (5e Spell): Create a patch of mycelium to hinder your foes.

Spore (5e Spell): Stick a multi-purpose spore to an enemy.

Summon Fungal Warrior (5e Spell): Conjure a servant made of mushrooms to aid you in battle.


Decomposer (5e Feat): You have learned to alter your perfomances to mimic the abilities of fungi.

Gift of the Myconids (5e Feat): You have spent time living with myconids, learning some of their magic for both defense and pleasure.

Hivemind (5e Feat): You have spent so much time around organisms that share a consciousness, like myconids, that their harmony has begun to rub off on you.

Voice of Hraak Azul (5e Feat): You have spent time attuning to the great symbiotic fortress that is Hraak Azul and now serve as a mediator between people of all nations and tribes.


Fungal Dragonborn (5e Race Variant): Fungal dragonborn are more slender than their surface-dwelling cousins, adapted to slinking through twilit caverns.

Champions of Kozakura[edit]

Kozakura is being invaded by oni, and its gods and spirits are calling on all able mortals to help combat the threat. Take these holy archetypes and defend Kozakura's sacred shrines!


Way of the Fox Spirit (5e Subclass): You have formed a bond with the zenko kitsune, benevolent fox protectors of mortals throughout Kozakura in Kara-Tur.

College of the Raccoon Spirit (5e Subclass): Bards of the Raccoon Spirit hone their skills by imitating tanuki, playful, trickster raccoon-dog spirits who are hospitable to strangers.

Order of the Tapir Spirit (5e Subclass): The Order of the Tapir Spirit is a group of mystics that work alongside baku, protecting Kozakurans from the malevolent spirits that would haunt their dreams.

Claw of Konjoshu (5e Subclass): As Konjoshu's disciple, you are a bastion of nature, seeking to keep the mortal realm in balance.

New apocalyptic stuff coming... before I die. Probably. Here's some random stuff.[edit]


Azer-Forged (5e Race)

Nequam (5e Race)

Darja (5e Race)


Circle of Wild Magic (5e Subclass)