Hivemind (5e Feat)

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You have spent so much time around organisms that share a consciousness, like myconids, that their harmony has begun to rub off on you. At the end of every long rest, choose any number of willing creatures within 60 feet of you that you can see who also have this feat. You are considered bonded with these creatures, and gain the following benefits when within 60 feet of them:

  • Immediately after you form your bond, choose one skill or tool you are proficient with. All creatures bonded with you also add their proficiency bonus to ability checks made with that skill or tool. If you have expertise in that skill or tool, creatures bonded with you do not add twice their proficiency bonus.
  • You can speak telepathically to any creature you are bonded with. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature understands you only if it knows that language.

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