Triforce (5e Equipment)
Wondrous item, artifact
The Triforce—also known as the Golden Power, the Light, among many other names—is a sacred relic said to be created at the moment the Golden Goddesses created the Light World, left behind in the moment when their physical forms departed the realm. Just as there are three goddesses, there are three parallel aspects to the Triforce: power, wisdom, and courage. Each of these three aspects is represented as a golden triangle, and each can act separately from the whole Triforce. In fact, throughout history, the Triforce has rarely been in its completed form. Its full power is too immense, too corrupting, for any one entity to be trusted with its entirety. Each of these three pieces can be further broken apart into physical shards or fragments, which has been done to scatter the Triforce further to keep its power from corrupted hands. To further protect these shards, sages have been known to ward them against divination magic such as locate object.
Completed Triforce[edit]
If you possess all three pieces of the Triforce, you can use it to make a wish even if you are not attuned to the individual pieces. The pieces must be in their physical form (as opposed to their spiritual form) to do this. A creature touches this physical Triforce may cast wish as an action. If the creature uses this spell to attempt something beyond the scope of duplicating another spell, it retains the 33% chance of never being able to cast wish again. However, the creature does not suffer any other stress or penalty normally associated with casting wish. The only special stipulation is that if the bearer is unworthy of one or more pieces of the Triforce and attempts to wish then the piece most befitting them will instantly attune to them while the other two scatter about the multiverse, choosing a random location or creature to inhabit that particularly upholds the qualities associated with that piece. Casting wish from this artifact negates all benefits provided by attunement until the next dawn.
While you own all the pieces, you can choose to break any or all pieces of the Triforce as an action. Any piece you break is split into 8 shards. Each shard then teleports to a random location within a radius of 1000 miles. Once this occurs, attunement to any piece (even unbroken ones) instantly ends.
While you are attuned to all three pieces of the Triforce (each of which counts as a separate artifact), you gain all their separate benefits (see below), in addition to the following:
- You are always proficient. You add your proficiency bonus to all ability checks (even if you could not otherwise be proficient in the check), all saving throws, and all attack rolls. This does not replace or increase any existing proficiency bonus you have for these rolls.
- If you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. You can do this up to three times, after which you must complete a long rest before doing so again.
Triforce Pieces[edit]
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This young woman bears the Triforce of Wisdom in its spiritual form. In the presence of another piece, the golden triangles shine through her glove. Source |
There are three distinct pieces of the Triforce: Courage, Power, and Wisdom.
Whoever obtains one of the three physical pieces of the Triforce (but not a mere shard) can transfer the piece into its "spiritual form" and absorb it into their body. In its spiritual form, a piece of the Triforce is safe from anyone other than who owns it, as it can only be forced out by the owner's will, or by the will of another nearby creature if the owner is reduced to 0 hit points. An individual who owns a piece of the Triforce in a spiritual form has a golden triangle somewhere on its body, often on the back of the right hand. Although this tell-tale sign can be easily hidden under normal means, in the presence of another piece (physical or spiritual), this golden triangle will begin to glow through any covering, make-up, or illusion. Even in its spiritual form, a piece of the Triforce radiates magical energy, and can be detected with spells such as detect magic.
If a creature dies retaining a piece in spiritual form, then within 24 hours the piece autonomously passes to that creature’s most recently conceived descendant, absorbing into the descendant in spiritual form over any distance. A knowledgeable individual can easily obtain the piece from the corpse before the piece is passed. If the retaining creature has no descendants, the piece instead breaks itself into 8 shards. Each shard then immediately teleports to a random location within a radius of 1000 miles.
If the bearer of a Triforce piece manifests its piece in a physical form, it can only willingly break the piece apart by casting dispel magic using a spell slot of 9th level. If the bearer is willing, an outside party can cast dispel magic instead. This causes the piece to break apart into 8 shards, which break apart violently enough to scatter across a range of a few feet.
Triforce of Courage[edit]
The first of the three pieces, the Triforce of Courage, values bravery, confidence, determination, integrity, perseverance, and swiftness of hand. It will only attune to an individual who meets these qualities, or if a wish spell is cast specifically for this attunement. For a particularly fitting individual, the attunement may be instantaneous. While you are attuned to this piece, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 3. This can increase your ability scores above 20, but not above 30. If after this increase either ability score is less than 19, it becomes 19.
- You have advantage on all Dexterity and Charisma saving throws.
- You have proficiency with all forms of armor, shields, weapons, and musical instruments.
- You have proficiency in the following skills: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Perception, Performance, Nature, and Survival.
- You are immune to the charmed, frightened, and petrified conditions.
- You have resistance to radiant damage.
- You flawlessly maintain a basic mental map of any area you’ve been based on the terrain you’ve seen, and you can always discern which direction is north. You can remember any path you've traveled in the last 100 days.
- You can understand and speak any spoken language but gain no insight into written languages.
Triforce of Power[edit]
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Innumerable legends surround the Triforce. Source |
The second of the three pieces, the Triforce of Power, values ambition, confidence, endurance, passion, perseverance, and strength of arm. It will only attune to an individual who meets these qualities, or if a wish spell is cast specifically for this attunement. For a particularly fitting individual, the attunement may be instantaneous. While you are attuned to this piece, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 3. This can increase your ability scores above 20, but not above 30. If after this increase either ability score is less than 19, it becomes 19.
- You have advantage on all Strength and Constitution saving throws.
- You have proficiency in the following skills: Athletics, Deception, and Intimidation.
- At your option, your unarmed strike deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier. Your unarmed strikes are magical attacks.
- At any time, you may transform into Bestial Ganon, or, if in a campiagin that heavily involves the Twili, Dark Beast Ganon, as if affected by the true polymorph spell. Doing so is not an action—you can do this even if you are unable to take actions—but doing so renders you incapacitated until the end of your turn. This transformation absolves you of all conditions, poisons, and diseases other than death and petrification. Unlike the normal version of true polymorph, this transformation lasts until you are dropped to 0 hit points, or you use your action to end it. It cannot be dispelled. Once the transformation ends, you cannot again transform in this way until you finish a long rest.
- You do not physically age beyond middle age for your race, and cannot die of disease nor can you die of exhaustion.
- You are immune to poison damage and cannot be poisoned.
- You have resistance to necrotic damage.
- Any creature capable of learning and speaking a language can understand your spoken words, but you gain no insight into understanding their words.
Triforce of Wisdom[edit]
The last of the three pieces, the Triforce of Wisdom, values confidence, curiosity, knowledge, perseverance, sound judgment, and sharpness of mind. It will only attune to an individual who meets these qualities, or if a wish spell is cast specifically for this attunement. For a particularly fitting individual, the attunement may be instantaneous. While you are attuned to this piece, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 3. This can increase your ability scores above 20, but not above 30. If after this increase either ability score is less than 19, it becomes 19.
- You have advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws, as well as all Wisdom (Insight) checks.
- You have proficiency in the following skills: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
- You know all researcher and sage cantrips (including the cantrips of their subclasses), and can cast any of them at will.
- You can cast any spell of 5th level or lower, even one you don't know, without expending magic points or spell slots. You must complete a short rest before you can again cast a spell with this feature.
- You can read and write any written language but gain no insight into spoken languages.
Triforce Shards[edit]
Each of the Triforce Shards appears as a small golden-colored fragment of metal that can fit in the palm of a child. It is always clean and incapable of erosion, as dirt and grime seem to slip off it. If there is another Triforce Shard or Triforce Piece within 30 feet, the shard will begin to faintly glow and hum, and be gently drawn towards it. If two shards of the same piece are allowed to touch, they will magically fuse together.
At most 24 Triforce Shards can exist: 8 for each piece.
The Triforce can only be truly destroyed through the combined and willful effort of the three Golden Goddesses, though they can do so at any time, and regardless of what form or forms the Triforce is in. These goddesses are often believed in Hyrule to be the most powerful of deities. It is theorized by many that the Triforce itself holds the fabric of the world together, and its destruction could obliterate all of Hyrule, if not the entire Light World.
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