Spell Creation (Black Clover Supplement)

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Spell Creation[edit]

A Mage is nothing without their spells, mastering spells is the difference between an average mage vs a experienced mage.

Creating Spells[edit]

There are many things to consider when creating spells, as it is a very complicated art.

Learning Spells[edit]

After creating a spell through the Spell Creation Process, you must then learn it. For no action required, you may make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against a DC of 10 or half the amount of mana (rounded down) the spell costs (whichever is higher).

On a success, you learn the spell. On a failure, you don’t learn the spell and must wait until you take a short or long rest to try to learn the same spell again.

If you learn a spell while in battle, you can cast it as part of learning it (still not requiring an action).

Life or Death Learning. When a Mage's life is at risk, spells are naturally created to aid them. Whenever you are under ⅓ of your maximum hit points while in a combat where your life is at risk, you add your proficiency bonus to the Arcana check, even if you already added it before. Once you learn a spell this way, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest.

Spell Creation Process[edit]

Mana Cost[edit]

There are lots of things that affect the cost of a spell, while normally high cost spells are superior to low cost ones, there are some skilled mages who managed to economize mana while creating powerful spells.

Design Note: All spells cost at least 1 Mana to be cast, even if you haven't spent mana in the spell's creation.


A spell’s potency is defined by its amount of dice. This only applies for healing and damaging spells, spells that add dice to your rolls are always limited to only 1 die unless its damage rolls, which then has a maximum of up to your proficiency bonus.

Natural Potency. The spells of a mage are naturally more potent depending on their skill with magic. You can make your spell have a number of damage dice equal to your spellcasting modifier without increasing its cost in mana. For every dice after it the dice count increases the mana cost as normal.
Enhanced Potency. When creating your spell, for every dice added the mana cost is increased by 2. This increase becomes 3 once it reaches 5 dice, it becomes 4 once it reaches 10 dice, and it becomes 5 once it reaches 20 dice.
You cannot go past 5 dice when creating a spell. At 5th level, this limit is increased to 10 dice. At 11th level, this limit is increased to 20 dice. At 17th level, this limit is increased to 30 dice.
Quality Potency. The quality of one's potency defines how well the spell damages or heals someone. Your spells' dice tier can only go to a D4 when you are creating them.
This is increased to a D6 at 5th level, to a D8 at 11th level and to a D10 at 17th level. If you are a Spellmaster, your die tier increases by 1 (D4->D6->D8->D10->D12).

A spell’s effect is the detriment or benefits said spell gives, ranging from mere slowed movement to high level curses. Down bellow is the list of how much

Condition. The conditions a spell may grant also make said spell cost more, depending on the condition's danger level. You can only put one condition at a time on a spell, unless your Magic Attribute allows you to do more. See the condition table below:
Conditions Table
Danger Level Condition Mana Cost
Minor Danger Burned, Deafened, Frightened, Hallucinating, Prone 2 Mana
Average Danger Berserk, Blinded, Bloodlusted, Charmed, Confused 10 Mana
Major Danger Bleeding, Chilled, Envenomed 20 Mana
Extreme Danger Exhaustion, Frozen, Paralyzed, Petrified, Stunned, Unconscious 30 Mana
Depending on the danger level of your condition, the potency of your spell may be reduced. If you create a spell that gives a average danger condition, the maximum amount of damage dice it can reach is reduced by 5. If it gives a Major Danger condition, the maximum amount of damage dice it can reach is reduced by 10. If it gives an Extreme Danger condition, the maximum amount of damage dice it can reach is reduced by 20.
Special Effect. The effects a spell could grant are endless, therefore giving them a set cost is impossible. The additional cost of an effect is determined alongside your GM. It is strongly reccomended that a GM and player should communicate between themselves and that the player is fully honest with their intentions by creating the spell.

The longer the spell can cross the more costly it is. The minimum range for a spell is touch.

Long Distance. When creating a spell, for every 10 feet you add to it the mana cost is increased by 1. Once you reach 100 feet, this cost is increased to 2. Once you reach 500 feet, this cost is increased to 3. Once you reach 1000 feet, this cost is increased to 4.
Natural Distance. The range of a spell is also determined by the mage's skill. When creating a spell, you can add 10 times your spellcasting modifier in feets to it without increasing its cost in mana. For every additional 10 feet after it the range increases the mana cost as normal.
Short Distance. Touch or 5 feet range spells cost no additional mana.

The width of spells help mages have better control of the battlefield.

Long Range. To determine the range of a spell, first you must determine what type of area of effect it is. Choose between the following:
Range Table
Range Mana Cost
Cone It works just like the long distance calcalution, however you spend twice as much as you normally would.
Cube You spend 2 Mana per 5 foot square you add. Once you reach 20 foot radius, this becomes 4 Mana. Once you reach 40 foot radius, this becomes 6 Mana. Once you reach 60 foot radius, this becomes 8 Mana. Once you reach 100 foot radius and ownwards, this becomes 10 Mana.
Cylinder. You spend 2 Mana per 5 foot you add to your circle, with 10 feet being added to its height per 5 feet. Once you reach 20 foot radius, this becomes 4 Mana. Once you reach 40 foot radius, this becomes 6 Mana. Once you reach 60 foot radius, this becomes 8 Mana. Once you reach 100 foot radius and ownwards, this becomes 10 Mana.
Line. You must spend 1 mana per 10 feet you add to your line, with this cost increasing the same way it does in the Distance section. Your line starts at 5 feet wide, with you being able to spend 2 mana per 5 feet wider the are becomes. Once it becomes 20 foot wide, this becomes 4 Mana. Once it becomes 40 foot wide, this becomes 6 Mana. Once it becomes 60 foot wide, this becomes 8 Mana. Once it becomes 100 foot wide and ownwards, this becomes 10 Mana.

The duration of the spell directly affects its cost. For every 1 minute the spell has, you must spend 1 additional mana cost. Once you reach 10 minutes, you must spend 2 additional mana per minute. Once you reach 1 hour, you must spend 4 additional mana per minute.

Magic Type[edit]

All spells can be classified by their Magic Type. There are 15 different types of spells, each of them possessing a different function.

When creating a spell, you can use one of these Magic Types as a basis for it, making it a X magic spell.

Barrier Magic

This form of magic is focused on creating magical barriers.

Communication Magic

This form of magic is focused on transmitting and projecting auditory and visual information. For communications over long distances, the user must have previously marked the place or person with their magic.

Compound Magic

This form of magic is focused on combining three or more different spells from three or more mages to create a single, more powerful spell. A mage with access to multiple mana attributes may perform this by themselves.

It may also be used with two spells from two different mages, however in said case it is called Union Magic.

Creation Magic

This form of magic is focused on shaping various entities with Mana, from creatures to objects. The types or shapes that can be created are limitless, thus making it very versatile.

Creation Magic is also affected by one’s Elemental Affinity, with the creations reflecting the users’ affinity.

Curse Magic

This form of magic is focused on including additional lasting effects to spells. The effects can vary from dulled senses to debilitating sickness and even death.

Curses placed on a creature do not affect any other creatures that may be inhabiting their body.

Forbidden Magic

(Work on progress)

Healing Magic

This form of magic is focused on channeling mana into one’s own or others’ regenerative process. The higher the spell, the higher is the healing potency.

Regenerating limbs is beyond the power of normal healing magic, but connecting severed limbs is possible for skilled mages.

Healing Magic can be enhanced by one’s element attribute, granting it special properties.

Reincarnation Magic

(Work in Progress)

Reinforcement Magic

This form of magic is focused on increasing others or the user’s physical abilities like strength and speed. Most high ranking mages know at least one of these types of spells due to Mana Skin.

Restraining Magic

This form of magic is focused on binding and restricting an opponent’s movements. Those caught in a Restraining Spell cannot use their grimoire spells.

The form a Restraining Spell takes varies from user to user, also depending on their Elemental Affinity.

Seal Magic

This form of magic is focused on placing magic seals in their targets. These seals have lots of purposes, including containing magical power and crystallizing Mana.

Spirit Magic

(Work in progress)

Transformation Magic

This form of magic is focused on changing the appearance of the self, of other creatures or of objects. The magic can alter the user into another creature of any age, body type, and gender of their choosing. It may also turn themselves into objects.

Trap Magic

This form of magic is focused on creating and setting magical traps. For the magic to work, the user must draw a magical circle and pour mana into it. The more complicated a trap is, the more time it takes to draw. They are often placed on surfaces such as floors and walls, but they can also be placed mid air or in another creatures.

When the magic circles are drawn and placed, they are invisible to everyone but the user. Magic sensors can locate them, and traps’ locations can be magically shared with allies.

Traps can have a variety of effects, reacting to direct contact or proximity. Three basic types would be Binding, Pitfall and Landmine.

There are also Counter Traps, which absorb incoming spells, copies them, and sends the spells back with twice the power and speed. The copy even duplicates the attribute and special properties of said spell.

A spell of significant power could overwhelm and break a Counter Trap.

Weakening Magic

This form of magic is focused on weakening your opponents by debilitating their physical abilities. Spells that would reduce physical scores or grant conditions that affect the body of a creature, are considered Weakening Magic.

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